Bought a PSP1001 today, updated it to 6.60 and loaded PRO 6.60.
Every emulator (snes, gba, gbc, retroarch) I have tried to run freezes at some point. Sometimes I can get the game to launch but if I try to access any menus within the emulator or hit the home button the psp will freeze.
Retroarch doesn't even get past the initial screen, and one version of gpSP I tried to use wouldn't even initialize.
Any ideas? I went through a huge hassle to get this thing because I used to have tons of success emulating everything on psp.
Every emulator (snes, gba, gbc, retroarch) I have tried to run freezes at some point. Sometimes I can get the game to launch but if I try to access any menus within the emulator or hit the home button the psp will freeze.
Retroarch doesn't even get past the initial screen, and one version of gpSP I tried to use wouldn't even initialize.
Any ideas? I went through a huge hassle to get this thing because I used to have tons of success emulating everything on psp.