...except the Ukrainians (and Eastern Europeans) themselves!
yes yes, this is the 49348th thread on Ukraine, but it's not that related to war progress itself but to a rather funny phenomenon.
I can't go a day without seeing a bunch of theories and news about "What if Ukraine wins/loses/ties/explodes/bricks itself/insert any other thing", and then read that it's another utterly deranged word salad by a westerner.
Seriously, unless you're Zelenskyy, you as an East European don't get a say on this matter. Why is it that everyone treats us as pawns on the board making up what-if fanfiction without any regard to our lives, opinions, feelings whatever?
I think this connects to a wider phenomenon where Americunts tend to treat everything and everyone else as their pawns, impose the Americunt discourse on others (both the left and right is guilty of this, before you start barking in the comments) and generally act like only Amerikkka is the only one right on this table.
Seriously, you guys do a really great /s PR for your shithole, No wonder you have entire nations piggybacking off the anti-americunt sentiment for their own gain. You grow these tumors in form of CCP, whatever the Russian 'government' is and the likes.
I know the title mostly suggest Ukraine, but:
- if you're an american (derogatory): why do you feel the fucking need to speak for everyone, even if you aren't asked for an opinion?
- if you're not one: do you feel you can speak for your/your country's matters or rather that the Shithole-In-Charge is trying to make you shut up and be your spokesperson?
yes yes, this is the 49348th thread on Ukraine, but it's not that related to war progress itself but to a rather funny phenomenon.
I can't go a day without seeing a bunch of theories and news about "What if Ukraine wins/loses/ties/explodes/bricks itself/insert any other thing", and then read that it's another utterly deranged word salad by a westerner.
Seriously, unless you're Zelenskyy, you as an East European don't get a say on this matter. Why is it that everyone treats us as pawns on the board making up what-if fanfiction without any regard to our lives, opinions, feelings whatever?
I think this connects to a wider phenomenon where Americunts tend to treat everything and everyone else as their pawns, impose the Americunt discourse on others (both the left and right is guilty of this, before you start barking in the comments) and generally act like only Amerikkka is the only one right on this table.
Seriously, you guys do a really great /s PR for your shithole, No wonder you have entire nations piggybacking off the anti-americunt sentiment for their own gain. You grow these tumors in form of CCP, whatever the Russian 'government' is and the likes.
I know the title mostly suggest Ukraine, but:
- if you're an american (derogatory): why do you feel the fucking need to speak for everyone, even if you aren't asked for an opinion?
- if you're not one: do you feel you can speak for your/your country's matters or rather that the Shithole-In-Charge is trying to make you shut up and be your spokesperson?