i am trying to get a cia of pokemon x eur but i have this error
[NCCH ERROR] Not enough memory
* Exinjection ...
Param: ExInjector -rom Game.cci -exheader exheader.bin -sd -fwspoof
* appdata.cxi ...
Param: rom_tool --extract= Game.cci
[!] Failed to open 'Game.cci'
* CIA ...
Param: makerom -f cia -o "D:\copia nintenda\AUTO_CIA\Pokemonx.cia" -content appdata.cxi:0:0 -content manual.cfa:1:1
[SETTING ERROR] 'appdata.cxi' could not be opened
copy "D:\copia nintenda\AUTO_CIA\Pokemonx.cia" G: /Y
* CIA NOT Done :
what it means? how i can solve it?
[NCCH ERROR] Not enough memory
* Exinjection ...
Param: ExInjector -rom Game.cci -exheader exheader.bin -sd -fwspoof
* appdata.cxi ...
Param: rom_tool --extract= Game.cci
[!] Failed to open 'Game.cci'
* CIA ...
Param: makerom -f cia -o "D:\copia nintenda\AUTO_CIA\Pokemonx.cia" -content appdata.cxi:0:0 -content manual.cfa:1:1
[SETTING ERROR] 'appdata.cxi' could not be opened
copy "D:\copia nintenda\AUTO_CIA\Pokemonx.cia" G: /Y
* CIA NOT Done :
what it means? how i can solve it?