Hey there people from GBATemp, doing great?
You see, I have an original Switch here never before hacked or anything, but, with the crescent releases on the emulation scene for the console, I get the interest of knowing more for even possibly doing something on my console in the future just for playing some games
But, to see if it worths it a shot, would like to ask you guys directly the current status of some specific games I would like to play on the console, can you guys help me out? These are the ones:
1 - Perfect Dark (n64) - would like to know if it´s possible to run multiplayer on a good and playable framerate, with multiple GC controllers via adapter
2 - Shenmue (DC) - would like to know if it´s already playable for the entire campaign
3 - Marvel vs Capcom 2 (DC) - again, would like to know if it´s already playable and able to do versus with two GC controllers
Sorry for taking your time, it´s just that I´m not that wise on the switch emulation scene and would like to know things better before risking a step into that direction, since these are the only few games I miss in my library (my DC burned out with time and my 64 have energy issues)
Thanks again for the attention! ^^
You see, I have an original Switch here never before hacked or anything, but, with the crescent releases on the emulation scene for the console, I get the interest of knowing more for even possibly doing something on my console in the future just for playing some games
But, to see if it worths it a shot, would like to ask you guys directly the current status of some specific games I would like to play on the console, can you guys help me out? These are the ones:
1 - Perfect Dark (n64) - would like to know if it´s possible to run multiplayer on a good and playable framerate, with multiple GC controllers via adapter
2 - Shenmue (DC) - would like to know if it´s already playable for the entire campaign
3 - Marvel vs Capcom 2 (DC) - again, would like to know if it´s already playable and able to do versus with two GC controllers
Sorry for taking your time, it´s just that I´m not that wise on the switch emulation scene and would like to know things better before risking a step into that direction, since these are the only few games I miss in my library (my DC burned out with time and my 64 have energy issues)
Thanks again for the attention! ^^