Even if you are not wishing to spring for some hosting (do yourself a favour and get a domain at least) then looking at it I think would even take ISP hosting (although I guess you could always cname it if you get a domain or if you have a nice registrar a sort of frame based redirect) over webs. I have to ask though is there a reason you have not gone in for a blog of some form (many video channel people maintain one and with google starting to harmonise the services it has it is even better than ever)?
Equally there is such a thing as html doctypes (including XHTML 1.0 Transitional) and should have nothing happening on the sever end* (the extensions that you might be restricted to are not really an issue). We are very much leaving my web development comfort zone though.
*if their ad injection stuff does not work take it as yet another sign webs are not a good option.