Need a bit of help as I'm stumped here...
I recently upgraded the HD in my laptop (80 to 320). I reinstalled Windows XP on this new HD, and proceded to install all my programs. This is where I run into problems.
When ever the computer is accessing the DVD drive (read or write) it slows to a grind... mouse stutters across the screen, audio/video skip and jump, even typing is slowed down.
I have burnt 2 Wii games so far on this install, and I can only burn at 0.8x. Yes, ZERO POINT EIGHT. Before I was able to speed along at 8x max.
Reading from the drive, DVD or CD gives me the same results...
What are my options here? Should I just reinstall Windows? Could it be the new HD that's affecting my DVD drive?
Any help would be much appreciated!
I recently upgraded the HD in my laptop (80 to 320). I reinstalled Windows XP on this new HD, and proceded to install all my programs. This is where I run into problems.
When ever the computer is accessing the DVD drive (read or write) it slows to a grind... mouse stutters across the screen, audio/video skip and jump, even typing is slowed down.
I have burnt 2 Wii games so far on this install, and I can only burn at 0.8x. Yes, ZERO POINT EIGHT. Before I was able to speed along at 8x max.
Reading from the drive, DVD or CD gives me the same results...
What are my options here? Should I just reinstall Windows? Could it be the new HD that's affecting my DVD drive?
Any help would be much appreciated!