Does Wiflow Actually Support Wiiware?


Dec 30, 2022
Hello, this is discussing the state of launching Wiiware titles from within Wiiflow (not Wiiflow Lite).

After redesigning some 100+ low quality cover arts for Wiiware titles on Photoshop so their box art looks as clean as a legitimate title, I was met with the question: Does Wiiflow actually support opening and closing Wiiware games from within Wiiflow?

As I don't own a Gamecube controller, I'm using the custom edited Wiiflow boot.dol from Abz Masterpiece Pack as the only way to play Gamecube games while using a Classic Controller launching through Wiiflw.

Firstly, if you want to setup a category for Wiiware in Wiiflow, call it whatever you want, like "Channels" or "Wiiware" set whatever picture you want for it, and even hide System Apps like "Photos", you can do that. You can have a great menu for launching whatever Wiiware and Channels are on your System Menu straight from Wiiflow with perfect compatibility, entering and exiting all in Wiiflow and perfect compatibility across all Channels and Apps.

Trouble is, this menu in Wiiflow only supports Wiiware and Channels stored on the NAND, which is only 512mb and seems to run out for me after just a measly 5-10 titles, since I must have other things or saves using that space.

The solution then, it seems, is to use the Wii's official System Menu to move the Channels and Apps to an SD Card. This is no worries for me, as I run all my homebrew through USB, and my entire Wiiware collection of just over 100 titles does not exceed 3.5 GB. For this reason, using the System Menu to move the Channels and Apps to an SD Card is ideal as you can easily hol can entire collection.

The Wii's official System Menu also supports launching and playing those Apps straight from the SD card, thereby increasing your storage for System Menu Channels without losing that perfect compatibility.

The problem is that, Wiiflow doesn't support its fantastic Channels menu for SD card Channels, ONLY Channels installed on the NAND can be displayed in Wiiflow, not any Channels on the System Menu that have been moved to SD.

So you either move it back to your NAND and settle for 5-10 apps, or settle to press Home -> Exit To -> System Menu every time and launch your apps from the official System Menu potentially giving up on displaying those Apps straight in Wiiflow alongside potentially every other system in a beautiful and perfect 3D boxart menu to launch games from, with every system compatible EXCEPT Wiiware games.

There is seemingly a solution within Wiiflow, while it doesn't support displaying SD Channels, it supports either NAND Channels or Emunand Channels (Emunand is a 'replica' of the 512mb internal storage of the Wii that runs off USB).

So, with an Emunand you can increase the storage for what Wiiflow will allow you to display, as your Emunand is now stored somewhere larger than 512mb.

However, when I used Wiiflow's official function "Extract NAND" in the Settings to copy my NAND to USB, I found that compatibility for Wiiware titles was suddenly about 50/50.

The solution to that it seems is to use a custom edited Emunand called a neek2o Emunand. This can be set up very simply and easily using the "Noob Friendly neek2o Wiiflow Guide" and that gets the compatibility up from 50/50, however you must have your storage set to 32kb cluster size to achieve that.

Now, finally, I am displaying a large number of Wiiware titles within Wiiflow and the compatibility is not 50/50. There is even support in Wiiflow to use real NAND Miis, not your Emunand Miis, so you dont have to copy your "shared2" folder every time you edit or create a Mii (achievable via wiiflow.ini)

However, while compatibility is no longer 50/50, it's still only up to 90%, there's still select titles (Majora's Mask, Let's Create Pottery) that simply black screen at launch, however, they didn't do this when installed to SD on System Menu.

The solution for these select titles is to activate a Settings in Wiiflow (Use Neek2o Mode) found under the individual game's Settings in Wiiflow.

This fixes these select titles compatibility and they no longer black screen at startup, however, on activating this modeon 10% of titles, when you are in the game and select Home Button -> Return to System Menu, instead of returning you to Wiiflow (like potentially all games from all systems can just use and return to this one app) it now instead of taking you back to Wiiflow, appears to take you back to Wiiflow, but is actually taking you to a Wiiflow app installed on Emunand. The result is that, for the next title you launch AFTER returning to Wiiflow.

The solution it seemed was to delete the Wiiflow app from the neek2o Emunand using ShowMiiWads, so at least its when you exit that you get a black screen, making the "issue" clearer. Then, you just need to go to your Wii and hold Power Off.

However, another solution was to put the problematic titles on the 512mb real NAND, and have two seperate menus in Wiiflow for Channels (which was messy splitting them up) however this didn't work as even the problematic titles exceeded the 512mb NAND storage.

The other solution was to set the "Return To" option in Wiiflow to an App on the neek2o Emunand called "Back 2 Nand" and this fixed returning to Wiiflow after launching a problematic title, however, it broke Return To for regular WBFS Wii disc games, as Wiiflow doesn't support a different setting for Return To in Emunand and Return To for regular Wii games (despite displaying different choices for each option).

TL;DR Wiiflow, as far as I can tell, doesn't support launching and exiting Wiiware Channels.
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Dec 30, 2022
is this a wiiu?
Nope, a (real hardware) Wii.
Post automatically merged:

As an alternative question, does anyone actually launch Wiiware from Wiiflow? If so, what are your workarounds? Do you sacrifice neek2o titles or install them to NAND and put up with having few? How do you do it?
Last edited by PossibleFan7963,
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2021
United States
I don't know if it's the ONLY way to do this, but I use Priiloader to automatically boot Wiiflow (+ source menu) on launch of the Wii. After exiting a Wiiware WAD installed to the emunand, which was launched using the neek2o setting in Wiiflow, I end up back on the Wiiflow source menu.


Dec 30, 2022
I don't know if it's the ONLY way to do this, but I use Priiloader to automatically boot Wiiflow (+ source menu) on launch of the Wii. After exiting a Wiiware WAD installed to the emunand, which was launched using the neek2o setting in Wiiflow, I end up back on the Wiiflow source menu.
Thanks, can you confirm this isn't actually the Wiiflow channel found within the neek2o emunand and that you're not actually running Wiiflow still within the emunand?

Is it stable? When you go to ShowMiiWads, does it still return to even after deleting the Wiiflow channel found within the neek2o emunand?

If it still returns to Wiiflow, you would be on real NAND Wiiflow. I assume you have your Return To setting in Wiiflow set to "Disabled"? That's why Priiloader is able to retrigger each time and bring you back to Wiiflow.

This would be great for me, but I'm using CrazyIntro in Priiloader to play a video animation at boot. Wiiflow is then launched After CrazyIntro finishes playing it's video.

My options are:

A) Remove my opening video from the Wii, (which although I've considered that, it is the ENTIRE point of this Wii and isn't really an option to still have this Wii make sense)

B) Have Priiloader bring me back and settle to replay my opening video from the Wii startup and have it replay every single time I exit a game on Wiiflow (not just Wiiware games)

C) Have the neek2o games not return to Wiiflow and hard reset every time by holding the power button after exiting those Wiiware games
Last edited by PossibleFan7963,


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2021
United States
Thanks, can you confirm this isn't actually the Wiiflow channel found within the neek2o emunand and that you're not actually running Wiiflow still within the emunand?

Is it stable? When you go to ShowMiiWads, does it still return to even after deleting the Wiiflow channel found within the neek2o emunand?

The most direct answer I have for your first question is: when a neek2o-required WAD is exited in my configuration, I see the nSwitch code display (switching to ) before Wiiflow comes back up. So I'm pretty sure I leave emunand and return to realnand. It is stable, I can do this any number of times, entering any number of titles, everything saves, no hard reboots needed.

However, I want to mention I recall discussion about the "secret" emunand channel, encountered while digging into neek arcana in order to set this damn thing up. There's something to hook in the emunand for "return to" functionality. I don't know what it is or how it works. neek is unfortunately poorly documented.

If it still returns to Wiiflow, you would be on real NAND Wiiflow. I assume you have your Return To setting in Wiiflow set to "Disabled"? That's why Priiloader is able to retrigger each time and bring you back to Wiiflow.


I recall this was a pain to set up so I went hands off as soon as I had it working. Sorry for gaps in my explanation:

My Wii boots to realnand. Wiiflow is the "installed" file in Priiloader, which is set to

Autoboot Installed File
Return to Autoboot

As for the emunand itself, I built it using ModMii, and preinstalled the WADs (total vanilla tiles - 1, I didn't want to deal with fixing the too many tiles overflow issue). In order to get it ready for deployment on a Wii, I just need to extract a few items from the realnand backup (controller identification and such) and add it to the intended USB hard drive. I do-not-touch this emunand config after that. The most configuration I do is boot into the emunand system menu once with nSwitch or the wad equivalent in order to set video settings. That's it, seamless after that. I'd be afraid to try deleting something in it with ShowMiiWads.

Wiiflow EmuNAND settings include (unknown which are obligatory, but these work):

NAND Emulation Full
Select Saves NAND default
Saves NAND Emulation Off
Saves NAND Partiion SD
Use Real NAND Config Off
Use Real NAND Miis Off

As to your startup video issue, I'm afraid I don't see a solution beyond your proposals. Priiloader is indispensable in my setup. I remember being a bit miffed about that, it feels like we should have an internally-coherent software solution for this problem by now, not frankensteining together things. But I found no such solution.

EDIT: I just noticed in your OP you said Wiiflow (not Wiiflow Lite). Wiiflow Lite took over as the main branch, and just gave up on continuing to distinguish itself as the Lite fork. If you're using a remotely recent version, the Lite/not Lite distinction shouldn't matter.
Last edited by Exidous,
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
United States
I might not be helpful, but I have been using Neek2o and I have a wad I installed called: "Back 2 Nand for Uneek2o - NK2O v4.2 Wii.wad", when not using wiiflow it is what exits out of the of the Neek20 NAND back to the real one. My WiiFlow... which is WiiFlow lite does exit out of the emulated wiiware titles just fine. I am using priiloader with the intalled tilte. Which basically means exiting out of the wiiware might be going to the sytem menu and then being forwarded back into wiiflow.

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