Not likely.
If you've been following this team from the beginning (Aug 2013) they always:
1. update their blog erratically - communicate poorly
2. impress the scene with new features that were not expected
3. release card updates in unpredictable time increments (months or days apart)
4. just generally are unpredictable, except for always coming through in the end when people say they're done
This is easy on me since I have an old and new 3ds that are hackable but I do understand the frustration of newer customers that are unaccustomed to this non-professional business practice (this is an unregulated black market industry you have to understand). But don't give up at least until summer, they'll come through.
"No we still believe blindly in GW team"
way to rig the poll results with fanboy garbage. please try to encourage thoughtful discussion in the future. I tried to give you my level-headed thoughts on the matter. If it turns out gateway is done for good and A good CFW alternative is released, I wouldn't mind in the least. Whatever works best for the scene at large -- I'm not married to a piece of plastic.