Think of it from our point of view.
Somebody has to go through and check every single post, whether they're playing along or not, for potentially infringing material. It's sort of like why we only allow English to be used here so that we don't have to go through and translate every single post....only the translations would actually be 1:1 for once. It's a pain in the ass for us to come in every few minutes, pull up at least one converter if not more, paste the text over into the converters and wait for the translations, just to make sure you guys are saying lol instead of posting tubgirl and lemonparty. I've taken up to half an hour to convert a single ten word post because some asshole converted text to hexadecimal, hex to binary, then binary back to text in the form of one one one zero zero one one zero one zero zero et cetera.
Man it would take an incredible dickhead to do something like that.