Feedback Suggestion Disable message security for my profile, and disable chat completely


cripple piss
Oct 16, 2015
I've noticed that new members message via chat instead of private messages.
I don't use the chat, as the small box in the corner of my screen is really annoying, and the send button doesn't even work for me (it does absolutely nothing).

Is there a way to make it so new members with zero messages can message me anyway? I accept the risks involved with scammers and spammers trying to message me, but as a homebrew developer being able to help new users is more important than wasting few seconds of my time to report/delete spam messages.

Also I want to fully disable the chat, preferably in a way so that if someone wants to message me there, they'd get a popup saying that chat is disabled for me, and they should start a new conversation (private message) instead of a new chat window. Is this somehow possible? All of my messages seem to be new members asking for help (probably because they don't have access to private messages yet?), and it's a nightmare to keep track of help messages in the chat system.


GBAtemp's Backup Reminder + Fearless Testing Sina
Mar 28, 2018
Fully agree. Would be nice if that is technically possible.
I've got a few messages this way myself without being a developer and the chat system is just annoying (I've turned it off normally). Limited, any press on [⏎] sends the message – ready or not.
Hard to read, less options… I could go on.

There is a setting for preventing "real" PMs (which I don't want to do), but nothing to remove that private conversation via chat.

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Dec 26, 2015
United States
I've noticed that new members message via chat instead of private messages.
I don't use the chat, as the small box in the corner of my screen is really annoying, and the send button doesn't even work for me (it does absolutely nothing).

Is there a way to make it so new members with zero messages can message me anyway? I accept the risks involved with scammers and spammers trying to message me, but as a homebrew developer being able to help new users is more important than wasting few seconds of my time to report/delete spam messages.

Also I want to fully disable the chat, preferably in a way so that if someone wants to message me there, they'd get a popup saying that chat is disabled for me, and they should start a new conversation (private message) instead of a new chat window. Is this somehow possible? All of my messages seem to be new members asking for help (probably because they don't have access to private messages yet?), and it's a nightmare to keep track of help messages in the chat system.

You can try what @KleinesSinchen said by setting it to members only, if that doesn't work well for you can either set it to people you follow or nobody if you find it annoying for people to start conversation with you, and you can just reply to thread if they tagged you.


cripple piss
Oct 16, 2015
You can try what @KleinesSinchen said by setting it to members only, if that doesn't work well for you can either set it to people you follow or nobody if you find it annoying for people to start conversation with you, and you can just reply to thread if they tagged you.

I want the opposite: I want to disable CHAT and enable MESSAGES. It's already at "members only", and there isn't a higher setting :(

There is also no apparent setting to set chat to "nobody".

Edit: ah, there is a terminology confusion. Chat is instant messaging (you have to scroll the menubar to the right, it's the last option). Private messages / conversations are the "slower" "regular" messages we want, with the inbox and all that.

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