Hacking DIOS MIOS (not DML) is back?

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Certified Crash Test Dummy
Apr 2, 2011
The Twilight Zone
United States
- An old beta version (which is very unstable) was leaked, but few downloaded it
- Crediar got upset and threatened to cancel the project
- The d/l link was removed and what little damage was done was reversed
- g0dLike apologized and explained how it got leaked due to his friend

This means, minimal damage was done and Crediar has no reason to cancel the project. To discontinue it would be a detriment to the Wii homebrew scene.
The leaked project had nothing to do with DIOS-MIOS. Crediar just wanted everyone to hate G0dlike.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2005
United States
The apparent majority of you in this thread just need to stop posting. You have absolutely no right to tell us how we should feel, or judge our reaction to this betrayal. So this all happened... and now you're mad at crediar. G0dliKe, who continues to lie, is somehow the victim here.. That's a collective pathology I will never understand. It's most likely fueled by greed and lack of empathy, and quite honestly scares me about the youth of this world and the future in general.
...yea? well we would have been beta testing all of our USB drives right about now if it wasn't for this)
Also I'm sorry, but I have to ignore the other stuff here. ("wasn't his IP." LOL) To everyone else, settle in. Grab a snack and a beer. If anyone has ever lied to you and you couldn't prove it, you'll be sure to enjoy this.

I'm not implying he did this alone. That's one of the very few things I can't prove. I don't think it'd ever be the case where he'd want everyone to know he was fucking crediar over. (Which by the way, the suggestion doesn't even make any sense. Why would g0dliKe want to get caught?) I think in his mindset, this was fair, and that he'd get away with it. What I have been trying to clue you people into is that he really wanted this made public. I'm implying intent.

And "speak of the devil..." I'm not even going to bother pointing out the holes in those excuses about the PM's. I think you make it sound fishy enough. You're waaay too active on DU to not know what happened. Wouldn't an innocent person respond to the first PM with something like "I'm not sure what you mean?" Again the fact that you said nothing says more than anything else.

Say, what ever happened to this? I remember you posted a video out of nowhere from another 'friend,' and made sure to note that (all the sudden) other people were working on this very same thing, and it just so happened to be that they had only those 2 GP's working too. "Looks like some jpn guys found a way to emulate Triforce too." They told YOU this news. Just you. That's possible I guess. Hmm.

The video was titled something like GP on "REAL NAND," like it made a point of mentioning that.. maybe implying that the triforce video crediar had up on youtube up until then launching from SNEEK was to it's detriment. The version crediar had sent you was compiled to be executed from REAL NAND though wasn't it? Hmm.

I remember we were left to assume that maybe that was meant to convey that the guys who made this had the game image running from internal NAND right? Is that why it was obviously much faster than ours? That's quite the feat! Anyone who knows anything about the size of the Wii's NANDFlash is now in fact, wrong. Hmm.

What instantly struck me about this high speed miracle though, is that it behaved exactly like what we were doing at the time, but faster. All the little blips, quirks, lags and screens. The game had the 9/1 credits loaded.. which is obviously odd, and it'd be a HUGE coincidence. It was exactly the same, but without the obvious black screen patch times.. like they've been edited out. Now why would anyone do that? Hmmmm.

That video also made sure to show off some pretty fancy custom channels for launching it. The leaked release that contains the same damn binary crediar sent you also comes with separate custom system menu channel .wads too doesn't it? Wow, v5. Come to think of it, those banners look pretty familiar.. those GP cover caps.. the triforce logo.. now, where have we seen those before? They couldn't be the SAME banners from the video could they? HMMM.

So this reminded me of one of your pop-ins in the chat room, dated April 12th.
g0dlike has joined #DML.
Seru-kun: hi g0dlike
Seru-kun: I don't get your last post on GBAtemp
Seru-kun: Did you mean the ROMs?
g0dlike: hey peeps
Seru-kun: Or is it what I'm thinking?
g0dlike: it is
Seru-kun: ok
FIX94: hey g0dlike
FIX94: hi luigi
FIX94: ;)
Seru-kun: I wasn't sure, we were talking about when the ROMs were released
Seru-kun: While I'm pretty sure they are not released in Feb.
Seru-kun: Since 5 months ago, I got them, and more, I've released the OSTs a month later.
crediar: g0dlike you seem to know something I don't :P
crediar: http://gbatemp.net/t...ost__p__4181567
Seru-kun: lol
Seru-kun: I also wasn't sure if it was a joke.
g0dlike: crediar: just heard from a guy who knows the ppl which made channel of mkgp 1
Seru-kun: lol
crediar: g0dlike you mean that video
g0dlike: i posted it once but got this is fake and whatnot comments and removed it
g0dlike: dunno how they made the channel
g0dlike: and i know it hasnt been shared
crediar: it seems a bit odd that someone else seems to have created a version being so close to mine
Seru-kun: Maybe the videos aren't fake
g0dlike: well tbh i dunno and i dont care
Seru-kun: So close and even more, new footage.
g0dlike: if it will come out in April, we´ll see that
g0dlike: and i dunno who will release its version first
g0dlike: just wait and see
Seru-kun: As laggy as crediar's MKGP2 about MKGP2 channel...
crediar: uhm I'm not trying to win some race here
crediar: I already won :P
Seru-kun: lol
g0dlike: i didnt say that
g0dlike: i just said we´ll see
crediar: I wanted to be able to play the games and achieved that
g0dlike: true enough
g0dlike has left #DML.
g0dlike: i posted it once but got this is fake and whatnot comments and removed it
Oh, so people thought this was fake? That's funny. Those "jpn guys" have quite the sense of humor. I wonder why they only played this joke on, again, just you. I also wonder, why fake (EDIT) something like this? As you can see from the chatlog there, it sure got crediar's attention, that's for sure. It didn't seem to phase him though.. HMMM!
g0dlike: dunno how they made the channel
Yes, this is curious. Although now that we have that leak release that again, contains the same banner from the video, it should be able to give us a better idea. I asked my good buddy FIX94 about it just the other day. It turned into a pretty interesting conversation to say the least.
FIX94: just checked the logs again
FIX94: and I just know because I wrote this dml booter for him that he can inject it into chans for himself
And he continues..
FIX94: this channel inside, MarioKart Arcade GP v5.wad, I heard its actually my dol in it
FIX94: I made it for g0dlike a few months ago
FIX94: mastershoes told me that, because he made the channel banner
FIX94: still cant believe it though heh
Wow, so FIX94 took the time to create a channel loader application for these GP titles for you? That was awfully nice of him! It's a damn shame it ended up in such a traitorous leak release. How did it get there? HMMMMM!!
So just to clarify, you were referring to this project from the video that you posted, that launched a brand new custom made application that played a perceptibly faster version of our project through channels that contain the same banners as the leak release. These "jpn guys," who were they? Why have we not seen a release? Why did you post their video and not them? Hypothetically this oft referred to asshole "Friend" of yours edited the video. You still posted it though, and you made sure crediar found out about it.

when I wanted to say f*ck you and I wanted to release this I would´ve done it with my name and account, I wouldnt hide.
Whoops. Don't you mean "*if* I wanted to.." Freudian slip maybe?
Now, I'm going to take a much less facetious tone here, so hang on. You know I have much more than the above.. ready to go. You know this because I've been bending backwards trying to help you to admit that you had more to do with this than you're letting on. You want to keep going? The hole is just going to get deeper. This has literally been homework for me, and we've been having fun doing it. =)

Like I said, those crocodile tears and half truths are not going to cut it. It's certainly gained you sympathy from these knuckle draggin' morons, (I mean seriously, who the fuck knows why. In your hypothetical story a leak to a friend is still a leak) but believe me, there are those who know better. This whole thing surprised all of us. Well, surprised ME much earlier than everyone else.. I just didn't think it'd come to this.. but then again a wolf in sheep's clothing is always surprising.

Damnit, It. Was. Not. Finished.

I imagine you've been feeling a pain in your stomach these last few days? That's me. So how do you get rid of it? How do we move past this? I have no idea. That's more up to crediar than anyone else.. well actually, that's probably more up to you at this point, so I imagine a proper apology would be a great start. So I'll ask it again. Why? This time it's not a rhetorical question.


Certified Crash Test Dummy
Apr 2, 2011
The Twilight Zone
United States
What a long post, lol. You do bring up some good points, although I disagree with some others.

Whether or not g0dlike (and personally I'm a little suspicious on whether this "friend" exists) posted the beta of an unrelated project, that wasn't a reason to cancel DIOS-MIOS. Despite crediar's twitter post, it is NOT G0dlike's fault that DM is cancelled, it is 100% crediar's fault. Crediar has ever right to cancel it, it's his project. If he doesn't want to continue it, that would be fine. However, I don't think he should cancel it just because he is mad at G0dlike. Cancelling a project just to spite someone seems a little immature to me.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the issue.


Not Quite There Yet
Nov 17, 2009
What a long post, lol. You do bring up some good points, although I disagree with some others.

Whether or not g0dlike (and personally I'm a little suspicious on whether this "friend" exists) posted the beta of an unrelated project, that wasn't a reason to cancel DIOS-MIOS. Despite crediar's twitter post, it is NOT G0dlike's fault that DM is cancelled, it is 100% crediar's fault. Crediar has ever right to cancel it, it's his project. If he doesn't want to continue it, that would be fine. However, I don't think he should cancel it just because he is mad at G0dlike. Cancelling a project just to spite someone seems a little immature to me.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the issue.

I sort of disagree with that. while it is his project, he asked and got donations for it so it wouldn't be fair of him to keep it unreleased (to donators anyway).
theres my two cents anyway. I think crediar should release it (when its finished) :P


Certified Crash Test Dummy
Apr 2, 2011
The Twilight Zone
United States
What a long post, lol. You do bring up some good points, although I disagree with some others.

Whether or not g0dlike (and personally I'm a little suspicious on whether this "friend" exists) posted the beta of an unrelated project, that wasn't a reason to cancel DIOS-MIOS. Despite crediar's twitter post, it is NOT G0dlike's fault that DM is cancelled, it is 100% crediar's fault. Crediar has ever right to cancel it, it's his project. If he doesn't want to continue it, that would be fine. However, I don't think he should cancel it just because he is mad at G0dlike. Cancelling a project just to spite someone seems a little immature to me.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the issue.

I sort of disagree with that. while it is his project, he asked and got donations for it so it wouldn't be fair of him to keep it unreleased (to donators anyway).
theres my two cents anyway. I think crediar should release it (when its finished) :P
I'm a little confused. It sounds like you are backing up my point.


Not Quite There Yet
Nov 17, 2009
What a long post, lol. You do bring up some good points, although I disagree with some others.

Whether or not g0dlike (and personally I'm a little suspicious on whether this "friend" exists) posted the beta of an unrelated project, that wasn't a reason to cancel DIOS-MIOS. Despite crediar's twitter post, it is NOT G0dlike's fault that DM is cancelled, it is 100% crediar's fault. Crediar has ever right to cancel it, it's his project. If he doesn't want to continue it, that would be fine. However, I don't think he should cancel it just because he is mad at G0dlike. Cancelling a project just to spite someone seems a little immature to me.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the issue.

I sort of disagree with that. while it is his project, he asked and got donations for it so it wouldn't be fair of him to keep it unreleased (to donators anyway).
theres my two cents anyway. I think crediar should release it (when its finished) :P
I'm a little confused. It sounds like you are backing up my point.
I'm half-backing up your point here. while I agree it's his project and he can cancel it if he wants to, he should still release it to people who donated. or just release it to everyone :3


Not a pirate
Apr 4, 2009
Visit site
I sort of disagree with that. while it is his project, he asked and got donations for it so it wouldn't be fair of him to keep it unreleased (to donators anyway).
theres my two cents anyway. I think crediar should release it (when its finished) :P
No, he didn't. He announced that anyone who had already donated would get access to an early beta. I don't believe he ever requested donations for DM, and if he did, he certainly never requested donations in return for an actual release. (Asking for donations for the development of a tool doesn't mean he has to release it - some people may feel he should [I will not offer my opinion on that matter], but he does not have to). If, for example, he had said "If I get $500 of donations, I will release DM next Tuesday", and he got the donations, he would be obligated to release. Otherwise, nope.

The more sk0ld posts, the more holes become gapingly apparent in g0dlike's story. Some random Japanese group happens to create a tool which works EXACTLY the same as crediar's, post a video of it using a channel, using a DOL made by FIX94 and a banner made by mastershoes specifically for g0dlike, then disappear again, only for a leak of crediar's tool to get out, with that same channel? All sounds a bit fishy.

To me, it seems fairly obvious at this point that g0dlike's plan was to try and entice crediar into releasing his tool (giving him "competition" in the form of the Japanese group), and when he didn't succeed, he got crediar's tool out into the wild himself. It's a shame, I sort of believed him when he posted his story here in the first post. I generally take people at their word, so I just accepted what he said. But the evidence makes it hard for me to do that now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
I thought donations where free gifts, given because of satisfaction of an existing piece of software.
Now it sounds like people payed Crediar in advance to create Dios Mios.
Crediar only announced after people donated he might give them a beta. So, it's not like they donated for the beta.
I agree it's not very mature to promise a beta and withdraw that promise afterwards.

The long post from skOld is great, but it only proves that Godlike likely lied about the Japanese video and it's origin.
We already knew that the leaked stuff originated from him.
You say yourself you don't have a motive why he would leak it on purpose, obvious knowing that someone would trace the leak back to him.

As far as I am concerned, the video could have been just a dirty idea to motivate Crediar in releasing the Triforce code.
Or maybe someone was joking around with him, using his own stuff he was gathering together for a proper release of the Triiforce mod.

If Crediar, Godlike and his (ex)friend got the wad's, likely others had them as well?


News Police
Sep 19, 2009
- An old beta version (which is very unstable) was leaked, but few downloaded it
- Crediar got upset and threatened to cancel the project
- The d/l link was removed and what little damage was done was reversed
- g0dLike apologized and explained how it got leaked due to his friend

This means, minimal damage was done and Crediar has no reason to cancel the project. To discontinue it would be a detriment to the Wii homebrew scene.
The leaked project had nothing to do with DIOS-MIOS. Crediar just wanted everyone to hate G0dlike.
It's not the first time crediar's beta testers leaked his stuff. If people that I thought I can trust keep leaking my stuff I would lose trust in them and therefore cancel any of my betas. But this recent leak reached a new level of disrespect, because some scene group picked it up and released it. Seriously, you do that with companies that have loads of money but not with a homebrew scene fella.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
The apparent majority of you in this thread just need to stop posting. You have absolutely no right to tell us how we should feel, or judge our reaction to this betrayal. So this all happened... and now you're mad at crediar. G0dliKe, who continues to lie, is somehow the victim here.. That's a collective pathology I will never understand. It's most likely fueled by greed and lack of empathy, and quite honestly scares me about the youth of this world and the future in general.

@sk0ld I understand you and crediar are angry because of the betrayal and not the leak itself, it's the concept that counts, but wither g0dlike was responsible for the leak or his friend doesn't really change anything, crediar's behavior is still rather childish, all he could have done is say that g0dlike leaked one of his early beta builds and that he betrayed him, he didn't have to punish the donators who put faith in him by canceling the project, his attitude is worse than g0dlike, I don't care if he or you get mad at me for speaking the truth, wither g0dlike did the leak or not doesn't change anything, yes he did something bad, yes he's to blame for the leak, despite the story of his friend is true or not, and no you don't have to trust him anymore as he proved to not be trustworthy, still crediar is not better than him with his childish attitude :(

( :cry: WAAAH. My hard work's been leaked, I shall have everyone suffer like I am!

Sheesh people grow up, this is the internet, get used to it, leaks happen, people make mistakes, people apologize, actions were taking care of, case closed, move on!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
The apparent majority of you in this thread just need to stop posting. You have absolutely no right to tell us how we should feel, or judge our reaction to this betrayal. So this all happened... and now you're mad at crediar. G0dliKe, who continues to lie, is somehow the victim here.. That's a collective pathology I will never understand. It's most likely fueled by greed and lack of empathy, and quite honestly scares me about the youth of this world and the future in general.

@sk0ld I understand you and crediar are angry because of the betrayal and not the leak itself, it's the concept that counts, but wither g0dlike was responsible for the leak or his friend doesn't really change anything, crediar's behavior is still rather childish, all he could have done is say that g0dlike leaked one of his early beta builds and that he betrayed him, he didn't have to punish the donators who put faith in him by canceling the project, his attitude is worse than g0dlike, I don't care if he or you get mad at me for speaking the truth, wither g0dlike did the leak or not doesn't change anything, yes he did something bad, yes he's to blame for the leak, despite the story of his friend is true or not, and no you don't have to trust him anymore as he proved to not be trustworthy, still crediar is not better than him with his childish attitude :(

( :cry: WAAAH. My hard work's been leaked, I shall have everyone suffer like I am!

Sheesh people grow up, this is the internet, get used to it, leaks happen, people make mistakes, people apologize, actions were taking care of, case closed, move on!
That might be so, but sk0ld was replying to the people who were defending G0dliKe and acting like he's victim and Crediar is conspiring to make people mad at him. Like you said, both G0dliKe and Crediar are at fault. The former for betraying him (and us), and the latter for reacting by punishing the whole community.


May 17, 2011
I rather use my SD for more Wiiware and VC if I can play my GC backups right from the HDD, plus like catastrophic said a lot of people, me included, don't want/have enough space to store their GC collection on PC, having them on one SD card is impossible and copying and from the hard drive every time wastes a lot of time, sometimes my siblings and I play different games each, we couldn't do that until we got a 32GB SD, still I would love to be able to run them right from the HDD!

How many GC games do you actually play with your kids each week ? How many GC backup do you have (from original discs) and how many wii backups ?

As for me, I own 56 wii games (and that's a lot) + 83 GC games (thank you ebay). I can always play them from the disc if it's not compatible. But me and the kids fi nd it som MUCH more classy/convenient/optimal to choose the games from the loader.
Unfortunately, it is not possible as manby GC games are simply not 100% compatible.

My point is that DM has only limited interest (no interest at all in fact) when it comes to compatibility. I reckon it is a wonderful thing to achieve for a coder from a technical point of view, and yes, users do want it, but I, for one, don't need it more than improved compatibility.

I, of course, speak on my behalf and I do not imply it should be how people and devs should do.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
Well I have bought over 25-30 GC games at the time, I loved my GC back then and I'm one of those who were deisappointed with the Wii being less efficient than the GC!

Now thanks to DML I can play those games again and beat the ones I didn't get the chance before like Megaman X Collection and Megaman X Command's Mission, and for the record, only Mario games are small in size, which is why many people assume GC games are small, the third party games are around 1GB+ each!

But like you said, even if DM/DML isn't continued it's still great what we have accomplished so far, DM may not be as a big step compared to DML but it's definitely something most Wii owners wanted for so many years!


Apr 29, 2010
United States
ehh...sd is a pain in the ass. Why would I not want USB loading? I already use a usb for everything else and to load a couple wii games, why would i not use it to load gc games? I dont even keep an sd card in the wii.
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May 17, 2011
For the question as to if playing on USB would do anything more than playing from SD... I kinda think and hope that somehow playing from USB would make disc switches, audio streaming, and self-checking games to work... Though, this is just the thoughts and hopes of one hopeful person who honestly knows not one thing about coding.

Precisely. The point is that playing GC games on GC mode from an external USB drive would be a great achievment from a technical point of view. Yet, it won't make games more compatible or solve the streaming audio issues.

My first focus is on games and compatibility. Remember that we're very far from having 100% compatibility in SD mode: some games simply won't work and most games have audio streaming issues.

Then, once all issues have been addressed, it could be interesting (if not challenging) to improve it technically and offer more options (like USB or Network storage).

But then again, I'm just a nobody here and already happily enjoy the work that has been done by the wii scene devs. Just keep up the good work. I just meant to stick back to the subject and share my views on how the project should be carried on.


News Police
Sep 19, 2009
I have only read sk0ld's long post now and I have to ask a question to you, @[member='sk0ld']:

Assumed you are right about everything you said, what the hell do you want to happen? What else can we do than to move on? What happened happened, yes?

btw, who are YOU actually? I have never actually heard from you besides here on gbatemp mostly in discussions related to crediar.


Not a pirate
Apr 4, 2009
Visit site
If Crediar, Godlike and his (ex)friend got the wad's, likely others had them as well?
Crediar got the stuff because he made it. g0dlike got it because crediar gave it to him. A few other trusted people (e.g. sk0ld) presumably also had copies of the Triforce enabler or whatever the name is. Not really sure what your point here is.

I have only read sk0ld's long post now and I have to ask a question to you, @[member='sk0ld']:

Assumed you are right about everything you said, what the hell do you want to happen? What else can we do than to move on? What happened happened, yes?

btw, who are YOU actually? I have never actually heard from you besides here on gbatemp mostly in discussions related to crediar.

So how do you get rid of it? How do we move past this? I have no idea. That's more up to crediar than anyone else.. well actually, that's probably more up to you at this point, so I imagine a proper apology would be a great start. So I'll ask it again. Why? This time it's not a rhetorical question.

I think this should answer your question. As to who he is, I dunno, but he seems to be trusted by crediar from what I've seen. That's good enough for me ;)


May 17, 2011
Well I have bought over 25-30 GC games at the time, I loved my GC back then and I'm one of those who were deisappointed with the Wii being less efficient than the GC!

Now thanks to DML I can play those games again and beat the ones I didn't get the chance before like Megaman X Collection and Megaman X Command's Mission, and for the record, only Mario games are small in size, which is why many people assume GC games are small, the third party games are around 1GB+ each!

But like you said, even if DM/DML isn't continued it's still great what we have accomplished so far, DM may not be as a big step compared to DML but it's definitely something most Wii owners wanted for so many years!

You're spot on ! I'm glad you got my point. As for us (the kids and I) we still have our good old gamecube and we never sold the games as when we chose to buy a wii it was ainly because it was backward compatible).

Just like you, I was happy to find out DML could allow me to play games I never had a chance to play before like Baiten Kaitos 2 which was only released in the US and Japan or Battle Stadium D.O.N.

I actually own a 32Go SD card (26 euros) which contains GC games only (the rest being on the external USB drive). I have about 25 games on it and I think it is more than enough. My point is that if one can afford to buy so many games, they can afford to buy a 32Go Sd card which allow them to be happy enough with the SD solution, hence my wish that the project put more focus on compatibility.
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