Exactly how insane is your PC that you believe it can run on par with a Wii?
Anyways, to play a Wii on a Monitor that does not support YPbPr Component or RCA Composite, you really only have two choices.
#1 Buy a monitor that can. Could cost you $250 or more. This is the answer no sane person would want.
#2 Buy a Converter or Converter+Switcher.
Preferably Converter+Switcher, and specifically YPbPr Component to a format your monitor accepts. Because there is no High-Def output options for the Wii, the highest quality video you can get is 480i through a component cable. So in the very least you need to start with:
Browse Amazon for "Wii component" to find a cheaper cord, but I shop Amazon based on customer reviews, so I picked that one.
Next you'll need to Google "
Component to HDMI converter" You're looking for a box-like device in the $30-$50 range. Skip on the "Component to DVI-D converters as even the cheap ones are worth more than your Wii. Most converter boxes that I know of require an AC Power source. A converter is the bare minimum you need for Wii to PC Monitor hookup, but a Converter+Switcher allows you to switch from "Wii" mode to "PC" mode by a button touch. However since you have multiple inputs on your monitor, you're probably also allowed to switch video mode from DVI-D to HDMI, taking out the switching necessity apart of it.
If you happen to come across any cheaper converting "cables" don't be tempted to buy and try them unless you can confirm yourself via Youtube video or another user's post on Google somewhere saying it works. Why? Because it is my understanding that your Wii's output and Monitor's input are of two different signals that do not get along. That the cables lack the know-how to convert a signal to another signal. This is why PS2 RCA and YPrBr cables do not work on a VGA monitor, even though technically the cables are connected. Thats why the $30-$50 converting boxes are the only way.
And a heads up, if the conversion box succeeds in sending a video signal by HDMI cable to your monitor, but you're not getting any sound, you can use one of these:
along with a series of RCA extension cords. The sound part of component cables are still in the widely accepted, and outdated stereo/analog format. No conversion processes necessary for the sound. This part can go into the 3.5mm input jack.
I recently had to buy a YPrBr to VGA converter to play my new PS2 on my monitor with zero lag.
About $30, and technically you can also use this with an appropriate DVI-D to VGA adapter. I don't get great quality video from my VGA monitor, but Component helps ALOT over composite. Mygica isn't the best, but for PS2 to Monitor hookup, its certianly the cheapest way to do it.