I've been looking at some threads and the Cheat Engine site to help me use cheats with Fire Emblem: Awakening. I've already downloaded Sharkive, and it opened once the first time (didn't show any cheats for any game,) and now, when it opens, it only does so for a moment before going back to the home menu. So, because of that, I've been trying to put cheats on manually, and I'm not sure what I've done wrong. I've moved the files like this:
the cheats.txt is a file document containing all of the cheat codes, and yet when I open Rosalina and hit cheats, it says there's none to be found.
I'm very good at missing small details, so any help would be very much appreciated!
I don't know what luma version you are using but did you try renaming your cheats.txt to 00040000000A0500.txt and put it to;
SD : cheats/00040000000A0500.txt
BTW I'm using Luma v9.0 plugin loader so this method works for me.
I don't know what luma version you are using but did you try renaming your cheats.txt to 00040000000A0500.txt and put it to;
SD : cheats/00040000000A0500.txt
BTW I'm using Luma v9.0 plugin loader so this method works for me.
I don't know what luma version you are using but did you try renaming your cheats.txt to 00040000000A0500.txt and put it to;
SD : cheats/00040000000A0500.txt
BTW I'm using Luma v9.0 plugin loader so this method works for me.
Ok one thing that I can think of is that your cheats.txt content is jumbled and looks like this;
[Max Gold]D3000000 14000000009997D0 000F423F [Max Renown]D3000000 14000000009997D4 000F423F [Second Seal]D3000000 14000000009B8B6E 000000FF [Master Seal]009B8B6C 000000FFD3000000 14000000 [Master Key]D3000000 14000000009B8B54 000000FF [Silver Card]D3000000 14000000009B8B8E 00000001 [Arms Scroll]D3000000 14000000009B8B6A 000000FF [Dread Scroll]D3000000 14000000009B8B90 000000FF [Iote's Shield]D3000000 14000000009B8B8A 000000FF [Wedding Bouquet]D3000000 14000000009B8B92 000000FF [HP Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E80 00000063 [Strength Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E82 00000063 [Magic Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E84 00000063 [Skill Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E86 00000063 [Speed Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E88 00000063 [Luck Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E8A 00000063 [Defense Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E8C 00000063 [Resistance Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E8E 00000063 [Master Seal x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EAC 00000063 [Second Seal x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EAE 00000063 [Naga's Tear x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA6 00000063 [Boots x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA8 00000063 [Arms Scroll x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EAA 00000063 [Master Key x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E94 00000063 [Seraph Robe x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E96 00000063 [Energy Drop x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E98 00000063 [Spirit Dist x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E9A 00000063 [Secret Book x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E9C 00000063 [Speedwing x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E9E 00000063 [Goddess Icon x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA0 00000063 [Dracoshield x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA2 00000063 [Talisman x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA4 00000063 [SELECT+DOWN Stats Items x99]DD000000 00000084D3000000 00000000604D0C7C 00000000B04D0C7C 00000000C0000000 0000000D1000014C 00000063DC000000 00000002D2000000 00000000 [SELECT+UP All Convoy Items x99]DD000000 00000044D3000000 00000000604D0C7C 00000000B04D0C7C 00000000C0000000 000000C910000002 00000063DC000000 00000002D2000000 00000000 [100 EXP Per Action]00277A5C E3510001 [Infinite Movement (Control Again)]00177CB4 E1A00000 [Able to trade with enemy]003F98A4 E1500000 [Able to use convoy anyone]001DB058 E3A00001 [All Enemy Items Drop]00199848 E1D11AB20019984C E3510000 [Control Enemy]00177CA4 E1500000 [More than 1% of growth rates, Don't fail to stat increases]D3000000 00000000002CF024 E3A00000 [Possible to Forging weapon more than level 5]D3000000 00000000003DFE58 E35400FF003DFE60 E3A000FF003E0740 E35400FF003E0748 E3A000FF003E1124 E35400FF003E112C E3A000FF [Possible to forging Weapon total level 99]D3000000 00000000003DFACC E2604063003DFBA4 E3A00063003E0EF4 E3500063 [Possible to forging Weapon level down]D3000000 00000000003E0F08 E3740001003E0F0C 03A04000003E0F14 EA000004 [EXP x2]D3000000 0000000000277A5C E1A0408100277A60 E3540064
Good txt file should look like this;
[Max Gold]
D3000000 14000000
009997D0 000F423F
[Max Renown]
D3000000 14000000
009997D4 000F423F
[Second Seal]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B6E 000000FF
[Master Seal]
009B8B6C 000000FF
D3000000 14000000
[Master Key]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B54 000000FF
[Silver Card]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B8E 00000001
[Arms Scroll]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B6A 000000FF
[Dread Scroll]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B90 000000FF
[Iote's Shield]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B8A 000000FF
[Wedding Bouquet]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B92 000000FF
[HP Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E80 00000063
[Strength Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E82 00000063
[Magic Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E84 00000063
[Skill Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E86 00000063
[Speed Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E88 00000063
[Luck Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E8A 00000063
[Defense Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E8C 00000063
[Resistance Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E8E 00000063
[Master Seal x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EAC 00000063
[Second Seal x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EAE 00000063
[Naga's Tear x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA6 00000063
[Boots x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA8 00000063
[Arms Scroll x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EAA 00000063
[Master Key x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E94 00000063
[Seraph Robe x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E96 00000063
[Energy Drop x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E98 00000063
[Spirit Dist x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E9A 00000063
[Secret Book x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E9C 00000063
[Speedwing x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E9E 00000063
[Goddess Icon x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA0 00000063
[Dracoshield x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA2 00000063
[Talisman x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA4 00000063
[SELECT+DOWN Stats Items x99]
DD000000 00000084
D3000000 00000000
604D0C7C 00000000
B04D0C7C 00000000
C0000000 0000000D
1000014C 00000063
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
[SELECT+UP All Convoy Items x99]
DD000000 00000044
D3000000 00000000
604D0C7C 00000000
B04D0C7C 00000000
C0000000 000000C9
10000002 00000063
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
[100 EXP Per Action]
00277A5C E3510001
[Infinite Movement (Control Again)]
00177CB4 E1A00000
[Able to trade with enemy]
003F98A4 E1500000
[Able to use convoy anyone]
001DB058 E3A00001
[All Enemy Items Drop]
00199848 E1D11AB2
0019984C E3510000
[Control Enemy]
00177CA4 E1500000
[More than 1% of growth rates, Don't fail to stat increases]
D3000000 00000000
002CF024 E3A00000
[Possible to Forging weapon more than level 5]
D3000000 00000000
003DFE58 E35400FF
003DFE60 E3A000FF
003E0740 E35400FF
003E0748 E3A000FF
003E1124 E35400FF
003E112C E3A000FF
[Possible to forging Weapon total level 99]
D3000000 00000000
003DFACC E2604063
003DFBA4 E3A00063
003E0EF4 E3500063
[Possible to forging Weapon level down]
D3000000 00000000
003E0F08 E3740001
003E0F0C 03A04000
003E0F14 EA000004
[EXP x2]
D3000000 00000000
00277A5C E1A04081
00277A60 E3540064
I attached the good txt file that I grabbed from here using my alternate browser on my Potato Phone.
And try using this directory again;
If it still doesn't work, then I'm afraid I can't help you because I'm stuck on luma v9.0 plugin loader.
Ok one thing that I can think of is that your cheats.txt content is jumbled and looks like this;
[Max Gold]D3000000 14000000009997D0 000F423F [Max Renown]D3000000 14000000009997D4 000F423F [Second Seal]D3000000 14000000009B8B6E 000000FF [Master Seal]009B8B6C 000000FFD3000000 14000000 [Master Key]D3000000 14000000009B8B54 000000FF [Silver Card]D3000000 14000000009B8B8E 00000001 [Arms Scroll]D3000000 14000000009B8B6A 000000FF [Dread Scroll]D3000000 14000000009B8B90 000000FF [Iote's Shield]D3000000 14000000009B8B8A 000000FF [Wedding Bouquet]D3000000 14000000009B8B92 000000FF [HP Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E80 00000063 [Strength Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E82 00000063 [Magic Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E84 00000063 [Skill Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E86 00000063 [Speed Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E88 00000063 [Luck Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E8A 00000063 [Defense Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E8C 00000063 [Resistance Tonic x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E8E 00000063 [Master Seal x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EAC 00000063 [Second Seal x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EAE 00000063 [Naga's Tear x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA6 00000063 [Boots x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA8 00000063 [Arms Scroll x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EAA 00000063 [Master Key x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E94 00000063 [Seraph Robe x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E96 00000063 [Energy Drop x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E98 00000063 [Spirit Dist x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E9A 00000063 [Secret Book x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E9C 00000063 [Speedwing x 99]D3000000 1500000000287E9E 00000063 [Goddess Icon x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA0 00000063 [Dracoshield x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA2 00000063 [Talisman x 99]D3000000 1500000000287EA4 00000063 [SELECT+DOWN Stats Items x99]DD000000 00000084D3000000 00000000604D0C7C 00000000B04D0C7C 00000000C0000000 0000000D1000014C 00000063DC000000 00000002D2000000 00000000 [SELECT+UP All Convoy Items x99]DD000000 00000044D3000000 00000000604D0C7C 00000000B04D0C7C 00000000C0000000 000000C910000002 00000063DC000000 00000002D2000000 00000000 [100 EXP Per Action]00277A5C E3510001 [Infinite Movement (Control Again)]00177CB4 E1A00000 [Able to trade with enemy]003F98A4 E1500000 [Able to use convoy anyone]001DB058 E3A00001 [All Enemy Items Drop]00199848 E1D11AB20019984C E3510000 [Control Enemy]00177CA4 E1500000 [More than 1% of growth rates, Don't fail to stat increases]D3000000 00000000002CF024 E3A00000 [Possible to Forging weapon more than level 5]D3000000 00000000003DFE58 E35400FF003DFE60 E3A000FF003E0740 E35400FF003E0748 E3A000FF003E1124 E35400FF003E112C E3A000FF [Possible to forging Weapon total level 99]D3000000 00000000003DFACC E2604063003DFBA4 E3A00063003E0EF4 E3500063 [Possible to forging Weapon level down]D3000000 00000000003E0F08 E3740001003E0F0C 03A04000003E0F14 EA000004 [EXP x2]D3000000 0000000000277A5C E1A0408100277A60 E3540064
Good txt file should look like this;
[Max Gold]
D3000000 14000000
009997D0 000F423F
[Max Renown]
D3000000 14000000
009997D4 000F423F
[Second Seal]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B6E 000000FF
[Master Seal]
009B8B6C 000000FF
D3000000 14000000
[Master Key]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B54 000000FF
[Silver Card]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B8E 00000001
[Arms Scroll]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B6A 000000FF
[Dread Scroll]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B90 000000FF
[Iote's Shield]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B8A 000000FF
[Wedding Bouquet]
D3000000 14000000
009B8B92 000000FF
[HP Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E80 00000063
[Strength Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E82 00000063
[Magic Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E84 00000063
[Skill Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E86 00000063
[Speed Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E88 00000063
[Luck Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E8A 00000063
[Defense Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E8C 00000063
[Resistance Tonic x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E8E 00000063
[Master Seal x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EAC 00000063
[Second Seal x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EAE 00000063
[Naga's Tear x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA6 00000063
[Boots x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA8 00000063
[Arms Scroll x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EAA 00000063
[Master Key x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E94 00000063
[Seraph Robe x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E96 00000063
[Energy Drop x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E98 00000063
[Spirit Dist x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E9A 00000063
[Secret Book x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E9C 00000063
[Speedwing x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287E9E 00000063
[Goddess Icon x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA0 00000063
[Dracoshield x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA2 00000063
[Talisman x 99]
D3000000 15000000
00287EA4 00000063
[SELECT+DOWN Stats Items x99]
DD000000 00000084
D3000000 00000000
604D0C7C 00000000
B04D0C7C 00000000
C0000000 0000000D
1000014C 00000063
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
[SELECT+UP All Convoy Items x99]
DD000000 00000044
D3000000 00000000
604D0C7C 00000000
B04D0C7C 00000000
C0000000 000000C9
10000002 00000063
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
[100 EXP Per Action]
00277A5C E3510001
[Infinite Movement (Control Again)]
00177CB4 E1A00000
[Able to trade with enemy]
003F98A4 E1500000
[Able to use convoy anyone]
001DB058 E3A00001
[All Enemy Items Drop]
00199848 E1D11AB2
0019984C E3510000
[Control Enemy]
00177CA4 E1500000
[More than 1% of growth rates, Don't fail to stat increases]
D3000000 00000000
002CF024 E3A00000
[Possible to Forging weapon more than level 5]
D3000000 00000000
003DFE58 E35400FF
003DFE60 E3A000FF
003E0740 E35400FF
003E0748 E3A000FF
003E1124 E35400FF
003E112C E3A000FF
[Possible to forging Weapon total level 99]
D3000000 00000000
003DFACC E2604063
003DFBA4 E3A00063
003E0EF4 E3500063
[Possible to forging Weapon level down]
D3000000 00000000
003E0F08 E3740001
003E0F0C 03A04000
003E0F14 EA000004
[EXP x2]
D3000000 00000000
00277A5C E1A04081
00277A60 E3540064
I attached the good txt file that I grabbed from here using my alternate browser on my Potato Phone.
And try using this directory again;
If it still doesn't work, then I'm afraid I can't help you because I'm stuck on luma v9.0 plugin loader.
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It’s been a good while but we’re back with GBAtemp’s Project Spotlight, a series where we try to shine a light on the incredible projects and creations of our larger...
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Crush 40 is known for their involvement in composing iconic and beloved vocal soundtracks for the Sonic franchise--especially so for Sonic Adventure 2. However...
I read the save file is linked to your NNID so won't work on other Switches but not sure if that true, or if somebody figured out how to patch that out. Maybe why after all these years, no save has appeared for it.