Hey GBATemp. I've been reading the forums for a long time but I've finally made an account to ask for your help with this issue.
I've had a softmodded 2008 Wii that's been on 3.2U for the longest time. No issues. Yesterday I followed the guide at http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=171901 to update to 4.2U and use bannerbomb, etc. I've got the HBC installed and seems to be working.
However, I can't get SoftChip, NeoGamma OR cIOSCORP/DARKCORP to load any of my backups. They all can boot the software but the screen goes black for ~10 seconds and then every game I've tried gives a Game Could Not Be Read error. I know these backups are burned correctly as I used to use them with cIOSCORP on 3.2 no problem. I can boot originals fine too so the drive is obviously OK.
I've tried lots of different things to no avail. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I have a BootMii NAND dump of just 4.2 and HBC so if you want to start from the very beginning I can easily just restore back to that.
So basically I've trucha'd, I've installed the latest hermes/waninkoko cIOSes, I've installed darkcorps 1.1, etc and literally nothing seems to let me be able to really start up any of the backups.
I'm stumped!
I've had a softmodded 2008 Wii that's been on 3.2U for the longest time. No issues. Yesterday I followed the guide at http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=171901 to update to 4.2U and use bannerbomb, etc. I've got the HBC installed and seems to be working.
However, I can't get SoftChip, NeoGamma OR cIOSCORP/DARKCORP to load any of my backups. They all can boot the software but the screen goes black for ~10 seconds and then every game I've tried gives a Game Could Not Be Read error. I know these backups are burned correctly as I used to use them with cIOSCORP on 3.2 no problem. I can boot originals fine too so the drive is obviously OK.
I've tried lots of different things to no avail. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I have a BootMii NAND dump of just 4.2 and HBC so if you want to start from the very beginning I can easily just restore back to that.
So basically I've trucha'd, I've installed the latest hermes/waninkoko cIOSes, I've installed darkcorps 1.1, etc and literally nothing seems to let me be able to really start up any of the backups.
I'm stumped!