Like for example, could someone maybe RE Killzone for the modified KZ3 engine they used for Mercenaries?
also is modding games any easier now? Discounting that modded VPKs can be shared (taking out the manual bits in undubbing certain games) is the actual modding itself any easier?
TL;DR I guess my only real question, is if Vitamin leaves the games unencrypted (but still playable) or if it only leaves us with a VPK that's had it's DRM ripped. Making modding easier to do if the former, or only enabling Piracy if the latter
also is modding games any easier now? Discounting that modded VPKs can be shared (taking out the manual bits in undubbing certain games) is the actual modding itself any easier?
TL;DR I guess my only real question, is if Vitamin leaves the games unencrypted (but still playable) or if it only leaves us with a VPK that's had it's DRM ripped. Making modding easier to do if the former, or only enabling Piracy if the latter