I was wondering if i can launch gamecube games stored on my USB Drive to launch directly from usb loader GX menu without asking to copy to SD card? Can any loader do that?
I was wondering if i can launch gamecube games stored on my USB Drive to launch directly from usb loader GX menu without asking to copy to SD card? Can any loader do that?
thanks that worked i can kinda launch GC games now, but now im back to my other issueYes. Download the latest loader from Cyan's signature.
now on the nintendont loading screen the usb turns off while its loading making the wii Vwii crash!
Nintendon't does not support having more than one usb device connected at a time. If you have both a Wiiu drive and a Vwii drive it will not boot GC games.
The only workaround is to put GC games on your SD card.
If games are not showing in usbloadergx one of the buttons on top will let you choose what shows such as wii games, GC games, NAND Channels, etc. Make sure there is a check mark for GameCube games.
There is only one drive connected and the GC box is checked. Still nothing
I tried deleting one of the config files. I'm not sure which ones to remove.
There are so many.
Did you enable Gamecube games in the 4th icon's top menu?There are a bunch of Wii games, but none of the GC games will show.
Any ideas?
I have 2 hdds plugged in and they launch fine from nintendont