You know, for a "Computer Hardware" subforum you'd think that you'd see more of these. Let's remedy that, shall we?
Hello, everybody! Since I'm doing a... well... interesting computer build over the next few weeks, I've decided to document the process here so that you can kind of watch along while I do this. If it works, feel free to use some ideas I had. If it doesn't, feel free to make fun of me, I guess XD
I'd like to apologize in advance for the poor camera quality, my cell phone camera is pure shite and I'll be using what filters I can to make this look acceptable
Background: My (13 y/o) sister has been wanting a decent computer for a while now. Me being the hardware nerd that I am has kept trying to convince her to just buy parts and let me assemble them, since it will be cheaper in the long run. Interestingly enough, we took a trip into St. Louis this past weekend and happened to bump into the Micro Center located there. After a bit of banter, I managed to convince my parents to stop by and managed to get some GREAT deals on some computer hardware for her. So... here we are now?
Closeup of all the parts. From left to right:

This is the shot all the parts together with the desk they're going to be going to. In addition to all the computer parts on the desk, I also have a cactus that's pretty to look at and a Kleenex box to sop up my tears when everything in this build goes to shit (I'm only kind of kidding).
The reason I anticipate this build being tricky is because I plan to make a custom drawer that fits into the two slots on the left, which means I have to remove the middle partition of a VERY solidly built desk and build a drawer that at least partially resembles the source material

Aaaaand I have to somehow get this in there... oh boy...
Hello, everybody! Since I'm doing a... well... interesting computer build over the next few weeks, I've decided to document the process here so that you can kind of watch along while I do this. If it works, feel free to use some ideas I had. If it doesn't, feel free to make fun of me, I guess XD
I'd like to apologize in advance for the poor camera quality, my cell phone camera is pure shite and I'll be using what filters I can to make this look acceptable
Background: My (13 y/o) sister has been wanting a decent computer for a while now. Me being the hardware nerd that I am has kept trying to convince her to just buy parts and let me assemble them, since it will be cheaper in the long run. Interestingly enough, we took a trip into St. Louis this past weekend and happened to bump into the Micro Center located there. After a bit of banter, I managed to convince my parents to stop by and managed to get some GREAT deals on some computer hardware for her. So... here we are now?
Parts + idea
Closeup of all the parts. From left to right:
- Intel Core i5 6500: $179.99
- Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4-2400 (1 x 8GB): $39.99
- Gigabyte GA-H170-GAMING 3: $59.99 (this was originally going to be a GA-H170-D3HP for Type C connectivity, but once I saw how much of a steal this board was I snatched the last one off the shelf >:3)
- EVGA Supernova 550 GS: $74.99 (originally was going to be $129.99 but I price matched it against Newegg. I LOVE Micro Center for all the deals they gave me)
- In the back you can see a motherboard tray that I ripped from a scrap Cooler Master Stacker 830. I got it for $15 because someone took a dremel to it or something and thought they knew what they were doing. I'm not complaining because the alternative was going to be buying something like this for nearly $80

This is the shot all the parts together with the desk they're going to be going to. In addition to all the computer parts on the desk, I also have a cactus that's pretty to look at and a Kleenex box to sop up my tears when everything in this build goes to shit (I'm only kind of kidding).
The reason I anticipate this build being tricky is because I plan to make a custom drawer that fits into the two slots on the left, which means I have to remove the middle partition of a VERY solidly built desk and build a drawer that at least partially resembles the source material

Aaaaand I have to somehow get this in there... oh boy...
Last edited by TotalInsanity4,