For those who are still in 4.1.0 (or 5.0.0), i've start the porting of loadiine for this firmware
For now, it's just the v3 because there has been many change of address on v4 i don't understand for now.
Also, it's a BETA (I need some help to understand those points) :
1 - I use the same memory area arrays of the 532 firmware (same GenerateMemoryAreasTable() in menu.c), and i don't know how to have access to those area on my 410 (0xB8000000 and 0xC0000000)
2 - On file "common.h", don't know how to find "DATA_ADDR", "MEM_BASE", "RPX_RPL_ARRAY" and "MEM_AREA_ARRAY". Perhaps they did not need to be changed
3 - For now, i must launch "pyGecko" before "loadiine" to work. The problem is on the curl function, curl_easy_perform(curl) always return me error 7 (CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT) if i try to launch loadiine directly, and work if i use "pyGecko" before "loadiine" 
No more need to launch TCPgecko before loadiine (Thanks NeKit)
I've just test with one game "Super Mario 3D World" on my 4.1.0, because it fit to my 2GB SDCard and it WORK, but loadiine may work like loadiine v3 for 5.3.2
GitHub of the project :
4.1.0 --> it's here
5.0.0 --> here
All this project is for educational, i try to learn how all of this work
Also, i'm French so be indulgent
UPDATE 410 version to FINAL because they should work now like loadiine (v3) for 5.3.2
UPDATE 500 version to FINAL1 (changed FSFlushQuotaAsync() address to the right one, Thanks again NeKit
For those who are still in 4.1.0 (or 5.0.0), i've start the porting of loadiine for this firmware
For now, it's just the v3 because there has been many change of address on v4 i don't understand for now.
Also, it's a BETA (I need some help to understand those points) :
1 - I use the same memory area arrays of the 532 firmware (same GenerateMemoryAreasTable() in menu.c), and i don't know how to have access to those area on my 410 (0xB8000000 and 0xC0000000)
2 - On file "common.h", don't know how to find "DATA_ADDR", "MEM_BASE", "RPX_RPL_ARRAY" and "MEM_AREA_ARRAY". Perhaps they did not need to be changed

No more need to launch TCPgecko before loadiine (Thanks NeKit)
I've just test with one game "Super Mario 3D World" on my 4.1.0, because it fit to my 2GB SDCard and it WORK, but loadiine may work like loadiine v3 for 5.3.2
GitHub of the project :
4.1.0 --> it's here
5.0.0 --> here
All this project is for educational, i try to learn how all of this work

Also, i'm French so be indulgent
UPDATE 410 version to FINAL because they should work now like loadiine (v3) for 5.3.2
UPDATE 500 version to FINAL1 (changed FSFlushQuotaAsync() address to the right one, Thanks again NeKit
Last edited by ptitleray,