PS1/2 Best method to mod my Fat PS2


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2009
United States
Okay I'm a little confused. I have a 39001 original model PS2, and I can't quite find which is the best method to mod this thing. I read *this*
Kayot said:
Then there was Swap Magic that sort of worked. Again before my scene entrance.

Then Softmoding, which changed the game entirely as anyone can do it so long as your ps2 was made before 2009. In 2009 Sony removed the exploit from the PS2. I can't confirm this, but remember reading it somewhere. The best system to exploit is the Fat for the internal drive bay, but this requires a network adapter which can be bought a GameStop for 12$ or eBay for ~45$. HDLoader/OPS2L 0.7 turns a perfect system into a Master Piece. USBLoader, not so much due to the USB 1.1 port's low transfer rate. OPS2L 0.7 supports loading games over a network so people with slim models can still have high speed load, not on par with a HD, but much better than USB.

Now there is homebrew for a ps1 loader on the ps2 that will allow playing ps1 games off the hard drive. HDloader isn't developed anymore but has the highest compatibility. Open PS2 Loader 0.7 is being actively developed, but must be compiled weekly to keep up to date. uLanunchelf is rarely updated, but it is a good idea to update as it's always adding new functions.

It's possible to buy a Fat PS2, Network Adapter, and Memcard for about 70$, then yank a EIDE form an old computer and have access to every PS2 and PS1 game ever made. Kind of gives you a warm toasty feeling doesn't it?
So if I get the network adapter, which my gamestop has, where do I go from there? The part at the bottom about an EIDE form interests me, I've never heard that mentioned before. Will I need to use an internal HDD for this method or can I still burn games? I would normally do the Softmod with memcard and Action replay, but getting both is going to cost me ~$45.
tl;dr How do I do 'It's possible to buy a Fat PS2, Network Adapter, and Memcard for about 70$, then yank a EIDE form an old computer and have access to every PS2 and PS1 game ever made.'?


A motherfucking birdplane
Sep 12, 2009
if you get a network adapter for your phat ps2, any old IDE drive will fit in it.
not too sure about ps1 games, but when i checked last (many moons ago) it didnt work like that... if it does now, totally get back to me on this.
All thats required after that is a memory card with the hacked files (as you mentioned), and you can do that yourself with an action replay (as you said), or get someone else to do the hack on a stock official/unofficial memory card.
If memory serves correctly, there is an option, or downloadable .elf, that you can patch games then burn them and they will run via this setup.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
Gambia, The
I recommend getting/creating a Free McBoot memory card, which should be possible with Action Replay. It does allow to copy saves to usb storage, right? Or even better directly allow to run .elf files?

With Free McBoot you have the following options:
- Play games from discs, you need to patch the discs with the ESR disc patcher before burning and then run the loader ESR on your ps2. (which you can add to your ps2 main browser with Free McBoot) You may need to bitset DVD+Rs to DVD-R on some old ps2 models. Also the burn quality is very important, you may need to tweak your laser in order to get it to read DVD-Rs and your laser will die eventually. If your patched discs appear as video dvds in the ps2 browser, your laser might not need tweaking, you can test that even without Free McBoot installed.
- Play games from usb HDD with Open PS2 Loader. I do not recommend that, it's slow as hell(usb1.1 -> 1MB/s). The games need to be in the usb advance format for this. (yeah you could also use usb advance...) [Open PS2 Loader 0.8 will allow to play .iso files from FAT for games < 4GB, but it's not released yet]

If you get Free McBoot + network adapter:
- Play games via network share. This is faster than usb loading and slower than disc loading, but fast enough for most games, including SingStar...
- Play games via internal HDD with Open PS2 Loader and/or HDLoader. No more disc swapping. Faster loading. Better compatibltiy than usb or network loading.

You may want to look at some compatiblity lists, some games only work on some methods, some don't work at all. I think ESR and Open PS2 Loader internal HDD loading have the best compatiblity.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2009
United States
WiiPower said:
I recommend getting/creating a Free McBoot memory card, which should be possible with Action Replay. It does allow to copy saves to usb storage, right? Or even better directly allow to run .elf files?

With Free McBoot you have the following options:
- Play games from discs, you need to patch the discs with the ESR disc patcher before burning and then run the loader ESR on your ps2. (which you can add to your ps2 main browser with Free McBoot) You may need to bitset DVD+Rs to DVD-R on some old ps2 models. Also the burn quality is very important, you may need to tweak your laser in order to get it to read DVD-Rs and your laser will die eventually. If your patched discs appear as video dvds in the ps2 browser, your laser might not need tweaking, you can test that even without Free McBoot installed.
- Play games from usb HDD with Open PS2 Loader. I do not recommend that, it's slow as hell(usb1.1 -> 1MB/s). The games need to be in the usb advance format for this. (yeah you could also use usb advance...) [Open PS2 Loader 0.8 will allow to play .iso files from FAT for games < 4GB, but it's not released yet]

If you get Free McBoot + network adapter:
- Play games via network share. This is faster than usb loading and slower than disc loading, but fast enough for most games, including SingStar...
- Play games via internal HDD with Open PS2 Loader and/or HDLoader. No more disc swapping. Faster loading. Better compatibltiy than usb or network loading.

You may want to look at some compatiblity lists, some games only work on some methods, some don't work at all. I think ESR and Open PS2 Loader internal HDD loading have the best compatiblity.
It seems the memory card and Action Replay purchase is inevitable. I don't know anyone with an AR disc and I was really hoping there was a more cost effective way. I'll probably do the network share mode. Can anyone point me in the right direction on *which* Action replay disk to buy? They're like ~$25-$75 on amazon so I'd rather get the correct type. Also are the unoffical ~64 MB memory cards compatible with Free McBoot? I've heard they are, but I just want to be sure.

EDIT: Assures that 3rd part memory cards up to 128MB will work.
So now I just need the correct AR.

One more semi-related question. PsOne(smaller version). I have a Codebreaker, which believe it or not allows it to play cd-rs. All I have to do is make it think it's closed, load up codebreaker, start game, replace codebreaker with cd-r. HOWEVER, finding something to trick the console is difficult, I have gotten it to work but I've since thrown out the paper i used to block it, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2009
United States
Joe88 said:
all fat ps2's should work with the slide card
Yes well, it will still require a cheat disk or compatible game (e.g. 007), none of which I have.

EDIT: Going to try This v
QUOTESo here's what I did:
1. Ripped that game with IMGBurn
2. Used Apache to switch "SLY2.ELF" for the "BOOT.ELF" [that I renamed to SLY2.ELF] using Apache (Sorry, if you don't know how to do that, you probably shouldn't be modding your PS2). Exited Apache.
3. Burned that modified iso to DVD-R
4. Put my "INSTALL" folder + "FREE_MCBOOT.ELF" file on the root of my USB
5. Booted up my PS2 with the USB and Original Game already in it, then waited for the main menu to load, didn't press any buttons
6. Then I swapped the Original Game with the Modified DVD-R game (at the main menu still) and launched the SLY2 Demo (Press R1+R2+R3+L1+L2+L3)

Here's my Hardware specs:
-Phat NTSC PS2, SCPH-30001
-"Imation" brand DVD-R, burned at 4X
-"Kingston" brand 1GB USB
-Homemade Swap Key

That's how I got Ratchet & Clank : Up Your Arsenal to work flawlessly for me 2nd try (on the 1st try I didn't have enough space on my Memory Card - "nooby" mistake i guess). Anyways, thanks for the great website, I'll be sure to come back to get more useful stuff and to post any other discoveries I make. Hope this helps

-Kent Eastwood

A game I *actually* own. Still need a memory card though.

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