I bought game star network adapter to use sata hdd with my fat ps2. The problem is that my hard drive is not detected by ps2. I use hdd manager in elf launcher but its not detected by ps2. Two times was able to detect the hdd but unable to format it. I heard that its a common thing with game star adapter to not recognized unformatted hard drive so I tried formatting it in pc using winhiip and hdl patch installer and it was formatted but again not detected when used in fat ps2. I know the hard drive is working because it was working flawlessly using pc and also the game star adapter and the hard drive port in ps2 have no problems because I hear the hard disk sound spinning in the ps2 still not detecting the hard drive . I'm using the latest free mcboot software for that matter. Any idea of another method of formatting it by pc or ps2 in order for it to be detected ?