Inspired by today's XKCD:
Let's play. Name a universally panned movie that you genuinely enjoy. No "so bad it's good" movies, something you genuinely enjoy that everyone else seems to hate. Say a few words if you want.
Not sure about the cutoff year; 2000 seems fine to me, but I'm aware that's older than the majority of this site's userbase. 2010? That still leaves with almost a decade of movies. Suggestions welcome.
So here goes:
Pre-2000: Super Mario Bros.
Post-2000: I was going to say John Carter of Mars but it's above 50% on RT (52%, but rules is rules). So, off the top of my head, The Spirit. The film was a mess. Made by fans who were well aware there wasn't going to be a sequel so they crammed every single character, storyline and motivation from the comics into the film (mashing several characters into one just to make everyone fit), and just like letting kids make a dish out of their favourite foods, sometimes you end up with a gummy bear and anchovy smoothie. But I genuinely enjoy the movie. I've watched it a dozen times (or more).
Honorable mention: Doom.
Now you.
Let's play. Name a universally panned movie that you genuinely enjoy. No "so bad it's good" movies, something you genuinely enjoy that everyone else seems to hate. Say a few words if you want.
Not sure about the cutoff year; 2000 seems fine to me, but I'm aware that's older than the majority of this site's userbase. 2010? That still leaves with almost a decade of movies. Suggestions welcome.
So here goes:
Pre-2000: Super Mario Bros.
Post-2000: I was going to say John Carter of Mars but it's above 50% on RT (52%, but rules is rules). So, off the top of my head, The Spirit. The film was a mess. Made by fans who were well aware there wasn't going to be a sequel so they crammed every single character, storyline and motivation from the comics into the film (mashing several characters into one just to make everyone fit), and just like letting kids make a dish out of their favourite foods, sometimes you end up with a gummy bear and anchovy smoothie. But I genuinely enjoy the movie. I've watched it a dozen times (or more).
Honorable mention: Doom.
Now you.