Homebrew Audio problem with gbarunner2 in R4


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2019
Hi there guys like the title say i´m using the gbarunner2 emulator in my R4iSDHC using the TTS menu to load this program and the performance is great in the compatible games but i noticed that the audio of the games after a few minutes of play gets desynchronize for almost 1 second from video, i´m aware that the R4 is less potent that the acekard and i´m using a DSiXL so if that are the problem is ok, now i see in the loader menu a gear symbol to settings but i dont know how to access to them i dont know if those settings allow somekind of sync to solve the problem with the audio, if someone can help me I will appreciate it.
Last edited by Draxikor,

Deleted User

Hi there guys like the title say i´m using the gbarunner2 emulator in my R4iSDHC using the TTS menu to load this program and the performance is great in the compatible games but i noticed that the audio of the games after a few minutes of play gets desynchronize for almost 1 second from video, i´m aware that the R4 is less potent that the acekard and i´m using a DSiXL so if that are the problem is ok, now i see in the loader menu a gear symbol to settings but i dont know how to access to them i dont know if those settings allow somekind of sync to solve the problem with the audio, if someone can help me I will appreciate it.
The gear symbol is a placeholder for now. You will have to wait for Gericom to continue work on the menu system.
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