On the official infectes argon forum, Oscar a moderator has announced a very big and exclusive feature will be added to the argon at the end of march, what this feature is, is still a secret. But is a feature that no competitor has...
So what could it be? Homebrew support? Blueray support? Hd support? Time will tell!
EDIT: little typo in the titel...
EDIT 2: I double posted this thread :S Not on purpose!! Sorry
QUOTE said:Hi Guys,
1- simple because we will be sure that in the next days ALL problems will be fixed, because we have in the hands the UPDATE FEATURE that COMPETITOR HAVEN'T (anyone saw a software or a JTAG programmer for D2PRO?)... D2PRO taken 3 months to release their modchip, simple because without an UPDATE feature they cannot do anything wrong... I CAN ONLY PROMISE THAT "BEFORE" D2PRO "OFFICIAL SELL" REACH THE MARKET "ARGON" WILL HAVE SAME FEATURES ... GC fix will be out before this weekend... step by step we will reach perfection... Smiley If I haven't true of course I accept "INSULTS" but I see the great work of developing here and we are near of perfection... max 10 days final update will be out...
2- A nice shock news will arrive in the market before end of march... who belive in INFECTUS / ARGON will enjoy it and will make a lot of $$$ in trading our products... competitors will have only the problem to sell D2PRO, because it will be "out of market" with our NEW feature... but of course all can risk and try, invest money on a D2PRO modchip, world is FREE... But after don't tell me "oscar you haven't informed us"... hehhe...
Also interesting:
YES and NOQUOTE said:QUOTEOscar do we have to solder more wires for these new features???![]()
So what could it be? Homebrew support? Blueray support? Hd support? Time will tell!
EDIT: little typo in the titel...

EDIT 2: I double posted this thread :S Not on purpose!! Sorry