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Apple revoking all firmwares for some older devices


It appears that Apple has stopped signing every firmware version for a lot of older devices that used A5 chips. All devices whose latest firmware update was either iOS 9.3.5 or iOS 5.1.1 has lost its ability to update or restore. That means if an issue occurs, such as a brick, iTunes will be unable to restore the iDevice. Oddly enough, devices who's latest firmware was iOS 6.1.6 are not affected by this. This comes recently after the controversy over Apple slowing down the performance of its older devices. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

EDIT: It appears 9.3.5 for all versions of the first iPad mini and the iPod Touch 5 is being signed again.

EDIT 2: It appears apple has noticed and is resigning more devices. The iPad 2, iPad 3, and iPhone 4 iOS 9.3.5 was resigned and iPod Touch 3 and iPad 1 iOS 5.1.1 was also resigned.

:arrow: Source: r/Jailbreak thread
Last edited by Dionicio3,

Deleted User

So, on top of throttling down performance on its phones, Apple's getting rid of firmware updates/restores.

Essentially, the message they're trying to send to consumers is "buy our new shit."

EDIT: Ah, they're signing devices again? That's good, I suppose, but the sentiment remains. Apple seems to be doing a lot of stuff lately that's absolutely killing consumer confidence. I don't entirely trust them, in all honesty.
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Deleted User

Strange how it effects some firmwares but not others. Maybe a mistake?
They've had a lot of negative press lately so doing this purposely would be crazy.
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