Gaming any opinions on KOF 14?

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I don't have the game but what i SEEN is very graphically disappointing compared to other existing fighting games but very refreshing to finally see it look okay. Seriously DOA5 looks better than that and is a 4 year old game. I seriously would been okay if they did like how guilty gear xrd or blazblue did but is just my opinion. But hey, we finally have Mai's boobs in HD and 3D rendered models :P

Now The game can use more modes, I'm very pleased with the initial roster size, way more than other current fighting games without any DLC is a good thing :)

Some characters do seem new but not really well developed, seem like nock offs. But again, new game i expect as much.

The fighting system seem to be improved for new comers and player veteran so i am okay with that balance. Combo assist is a good thing as well as some tutorial to teach basics, combos and other useful things. :D

The thing is maybe i don't feel is a 60$ game maybe 30$-40$ To be honest. It looks like a wii u game on ps4 and lack content like survival mode. Arcade or story mode. (Guess that depends on the preson. I like to think arcade and story should be seperate not cramed together unless your playing in the arcade, not console) Bonus stuff like maybe mini games, or something along the lines of what street fighter alpha 3 max offers. So i mean is good buy but not for the price they set to me. I am only speaking from observation as i don't have the game and watched people play it So is hard to actually give a different perspective for the game. Sorry if this isn't what you are looking for.

All honesty, this game is a very well done for competitive tournement fighter players but not casual players. I wish they start focusing on casual play style players when making fighting games now and days, not enough single player content to do. Everything is always multiplayer and online this and that. Smash bros wii u / 3DS has enough content for one player while still having multiplayer. Brawl has the most single player content, more than the recent one.

  • Gameplay, 7.0 For new comer friendly. nice tutorial modes and traning modes and new features overall
  • Graphisc 6.0 Plus for not sticking to 2D graphics, negative for not being well presented compared to current games
  • Polish 8.0 For having a high initial roster compared to other fighting games is a good thing, but some characters lack actual developement and seem repeats of some other kind of existing form. Also could have more to do that isn't about multiplayer. Story mode is just arcade mode style, combo challenge helps teach new comers but not much else to do.
  • Overall 5.0 (not average) I think it is a nice addition to the fighting game collection to pull out when friends are around and want something new to play or try for the casual gamer. For hardcore tournement player is a different story. Personally most tournements now and days are boring with repeative characters being used mostly due to being "HIGH TIER" and easy to win with but it gets old really fast. There is over 40 characters in this game and hope not to see more than 50 players (either at tournement and or online) using the same and making mirror matches. The 3 on 3 quickly adds to this problem and that is why most Marvel vs capcom or Skull girls (espeically with extremly small roster) has repeative matches even among different players.
I hope more updates and content that isn't DLC or required to pay will be added.


Keyblade Wielder
Apr 21, 2016
Costa Rica
I don't have the game but what i SEEN is very graphically disappointing compared to other existing fighting games but very refreshing to finally see it look okay. Seriously DOA5 looks better than that and is a 4 year old game. I seriously would been okay if they did like how guilty gear xrd or blazblue did but is just my opinion. But hey, we finally have Mai's boobs in HD and 3D rendered models :P

Now The game can use more modes, I'm very pleased with the initial roster size, way more than other current fighting games without any DLC is a good thing :)

Some characters do seem new but not really well developed, seem like nock offs. But again, new game i expect as much.

The fighting system seem to be improved for new comers and player veteran so i am okay with that balance. Combo assist is a good thing as well as some tutorial to teach basics, combos and other useful things. :D

The thing is maybe i don't feel is a 60$ game maybe 30$-40$ To be honest. It looks like a wii u game on ps4 and lack content like survival mode. Arcade or story mode. (Guess that depends on the preson. I like to think arcade and story should be seperate not cramed together unless your playing in the arcade, not console) Bonus stuff like maybe mini games, or something along the lines of what street fighter alpha 3 max offers. So i mean is good buy but not for the price they set to me. I am only speaking from observation as i don't have the game and watched people play it So is hard to actually give a different perspective for the game. Sorry if this isn't what you are looking for.

All honesty, this game is a very well done for competitive tournement fighter players but not casual players. I wish they start focusing on casual play style players when making fighting games now and days, not enough single player content to do. Everything is always multiplayer and online this and that. Smash bros wii u / 3DS has enough content for one player while still having multiplayer. Brawl has the most single player content, more than the recent one.

  • Gameplay, 7.0 For new comer friendly. nice tutorial modes and traning modes and new features overall
  • Graphisc 6.0 Plus for not sticking to 2D graphics, negative for not being well presented compared to current games
  • Polish 8.0 For having a high initial roster compared to other fighting games is a good thing, but some characters lack actual developement and seem repeats of some other kind of existing form. Also could have more to do that isn't about multiplayer. Story mode is just arcade mode style, combo challenge helps teach new comers but not much else to do.
  • Overall 5.0 (not average) I think it is a nice addition to the fighting game collection to pull out when friends are around and want something new to play or try for the casual gamer. For hardcore tournement player is a different story. Personally most tournements now and days are boring with repeative characters being used mostly due to being "HIGH TIER" and easy to win with but it gets old really fast. There is over 40 characters in this game and hope not to see more than 50 players (either at tournement and or online) using the same and making mirror matches. The 3 on 3 quickly adds to this problem and that is why most Marvel vs capcom or Skull girls (espeically with extremly small roster) has repeative matches even among different players.
I hope more updates and content that isn't DLC or required to pay will be added.

I agree with most of it (and damn that's a pretty nice overview from someone who havent played the game). I feel bad about story mode because it lack the plots in between the mode that made if fell.... well like an story mode (like in KOF 13). The same cutscenes are not enough but it compensates with the boost of that if you finish it with a "canon" team you get a pretty neat ending for each team that really tells the plot better and adds some pretty large replaybility on that mode.
I hope to see some characters coming back like Eiwa (my brother just loved him) and more modes would be great.
Also, on the multiplayer side i very well done because its much more stable than most online games seen lately, and the ability to fight different players that are on the same room it's just neat

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I agree with most of it (and damn that's a pretty nice overview from someone who havent played the game). I feel bad about story mode because it lack the plots in between the mode that made if fell.... well like an story mode (like in KOF 13). The same cutscenes are not enough but it compensates with the boost of that if you finish it with a "canon" team you get a pretty neat ending for each team that really tells the plot better and adds some pretty large replaybility on that mode.
I hope to see some characters coming back like Eiwa (my brother just loved him) and more modes would be great.
Also, on the multiplayer side i very well done because its much more stable than most online games seen lately, and the ability to fight different players that are on the same room it's just neat
In addition to your comments of the online mode. I think the problem is the game being a 3 team based game where hardly anyone picks the Specified group of fighters in the game would want to replay story mode again.

For example if Team Fatal fury has specific ending and team Queen of fighters, Korea team, Japan team etc. has specific endings, most will likely not get them due to the freedom of picking a team of any fighters like One fatal fury, one Japan and one Korea. A team of Terry, andy and Joe would make a ending but Terry, Geese, and Kyo would not cause there not on the same specified team, and i doubt people actually pick the group like intended. If the game was like the original 1994 game where you Pick whole teams and not individual characters it be different. But that is how is like now and it won't change. You're gonna be seeing miss macthed teams all the time.

That way would make story mode more interesting if that was the case, or least one on one story modes. Then again, there over 40 characters and I doubt anyone has intention of being good with all of them just to see other endings. Is a well known fact that fighting games hardly have importance of a story epic like Mortal kombat or guilty gear or Blaz blue. Usually any fighting game has the boring common plot of a "TOURNEMENT FIGHTER" as the main reason for it being a fighting game and not emphasized at all. So i guess is to be expected. With the idea of games originating from a arcade to home port, storyies in a arcade game is very insignificant due to being a arcade setting. Basic point of arcade is playing a game at conveience simply to occupy time for waiting on something. Usually why you find game machienes in places like pizza shops, laundrymats, maybe fast food restarunts or party places.

To be honest, I wish they didn't call it story mode, cause arcaded mode is appropriate. Story mode implies there is reason to play this to learn of a plot. Arcade mode is always the same plot and it is tournement fighting. Besides that discussion of arcade/story mode, the game lacks single player modes and would benefit greatly for stuff liike how Street fighter alpha 3 max has many modes or mortal kombat XL also has many modes or super smash bros.

The game makes attempts to appeal to casual games but did not do well with lack of single player modes. Is obvious it was geared to Hardcore tournement fighter fans like the ones at Evo, which is bad unless those people are enough to support this or any other game. Smash bros has appealed to casual and maintain tournement fame which is better for them compared to other games. (Even though is not your common traditional fighting game) :)
Last edited by Sonic Angel Knight,


Keyblade Wielder
Apr 21, 2016
Costa Rica
In addition to your comments of the online mode. I think the problem is the game being a 3 team based game where hardly anyone picks the Specified group of fighters in the game would want to replay story mode again.

For example if Team Fatal fury has specific ending and team Queen of fighters, Korea team, Japan team etc. has specific endings, most will likely not get them due to the freedom of picking a team of any fighters like One fatal fury, one Japan and one Korea. A team of Terry, andy and Joe would make a ending but Terry, Geese, and Kyo would not cause there not on the same specified team, and i doubt people actually pick the group like intended. If the game was like the original 1994 game where you Pick whole teams and not individual characters it be different. But that is how is like now and it won't change. You're gonna be seeing miss macthed teams all the time.

That way would make story mode more interesting if that was the case, or least one on one story modes. Then again, there over 40 characters and I doubt anyone has intention of being good with all of them just to see other endings. Is a well known fact that fighting games hardly have importance of a story epic like Mortal kombat or guilty gear or Blaz blue. Usually any fighting game has the boring common plot of a "TOURNEMENT FIGHTER" as the main reason for it being a fighting game and not emphasized at all. So i guess is to be expected. With the idea of games originating from a arcade to home port, storyies in a arcade game is very insignificant due to being a arcade setting. Basic point of arcade is playing a game at conveience simply to occupy time for waiting on something. Usually why you find game machienes in places like pizza shops, laundrymats, maybe fast food restarunts or party places.

To be honest, I wish they didn't call it story mode, cause arcaded mode is appropriate. Story mode implies there is reason to play this to learn of a plot. Arcade mode is always the same plot and it is tournement fighting. Besides that discussion of arcade/story mode, the game lacks single player modes and would benefit greatly for stuff liike how Street fighter alpha 3 max has many modes or mortal kombat XL also has many modes or super smash bros.

I get your point (i dont know if you played KOF 13) but you could play with a free team once you finished one true team, you just didnt get the final scene as it was team based, either way like you, i dont like the just "mashed" arcade and story.
Also about the difficulty its a bittersweet talk for me, on one side you got a mildly (not too much) arcade mode which helps you on getting all the endings without being specially good on any character, but on the dark side there's no more than 1 difficulty level so once once you get the hang of most characters it starts getting easy

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I get your point (i dont know if you played KOF 13) but you could play with a free team once you finished one true team, you just didnt get the final scene as it was team based, either way like you, i dont like the just "mashed" arcade and story.
Also about the difficulty its a bittersweet talk for me, on one side you got a mildly (not too much) arcade mode which helps you on getting all the endings without being specially good on any character, but on the dark side there's no more than 1 difficulty level so once once you get the hang of most characters it starts getting easy
Well if the game is easy good. To be honest i think neo geo games in general suffer from Unfair boss battles Which is appropriate for quarter muncher machienes. But awful for home ports. Each Neo geo game has some unfair boss battle. Geese has counter moves and stronger projectiles and solution to everything. MR.Karate, has stronger moves than Ryo, Rugal has very unfair advantage of everyone else. There was one KOF that had someone name ZERO who flips his coat or cape and taks about 40% damage with a instant combo, and deals tons of chip damage. Every KOF game has a cheap unfair last boss. And i used to think only Mortal kombat suffered for unfair boss battles. Besides that the AI was un fair simply cause of how unfair is programmed as if is reading your inputs and shuts down every strategy you can think of unless you discover a exploit to get advantage. Is like trying to fight psycho mantis in metal gear solid until you use controller port 2. :glare:

I understand challengs isn't so bad. but UNFAIR Challenges are. I dare anyone here to look up any neo geo game final boss and see if is not cheating. KOF 1999 has that one guy i hate with full screen attacks that nulls everything and has more priority than you. Is ungodly. Like fighting Shadow link at the end of Zelda 2 on nes.:angry:


Keyblade Wielder
Apr 21, 2016
Costa Rica
Well if the game is easy good. To be honest i think neo geo games in general suffer from Unfair boss battles Which is appropriate for quarter muncher machienes. But awful for home ports. Each Neo geo game has some unfair boss battle. Geese has counter moves and stronger projectiles and solution to everything. MR.Karate, has stronger moves than Ryo, Rugal has very unfair advantage of everyone else. There was one KOF that had someone name ZERO who flips his coat or cape and taks about 40% damage with a instant combo, and deals tons of chip damage. Every KOF game has a cheap unfair last boss. And i used to think only Mortal kombat suffered for unfair boss battles. Besides that the AI was un fair simply cause of how unfair is programmed as if is reading your inputs and shuts down every strategy you can think of unless you discover a exploit to get advantage. Is like trying to fight psycho mantis in metal gear solid until you use controller port 2. :glare:

I understand challengs isn't so bad. but UNFAIR Challenges are. I dare anyone here to look up any neo geo game final boss and see if is not cheating. KOF 1999 has that one guy i hate with full screen attacks that nulls everything and has more priority than you. Is ungodly. Like fighting Shadow link at the end of Zelda 2 on nes.:angry:

ill keep comparing with since its the latest entry before 14 (either though 14 plays very like 98). 13 has two unfair battles (one with a shadow and one with Demon Ash), as the end battles they're unfair but fun to figure out how to beat, i feel this was lost on 14's Story mode

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
ill keep comparing with since its the latest entry before 14 (either though 14 plays very like 98). 13 has two unfair battles (one with a shadow and one with Demon Ash), as the end battles they're unfair but fun to figure out how to beat, i feel this was lost on 14's Story mode
Like you said the game is easier. To be honest The game can be challengeing but not unfair. Unfair is the boss using one attack that causes most damage, filling the screen rapidly with overpowered attacks and rapidly attacking you that even blocking is meaning less or having grabs or any unblockable that is meaning less. Having no way to effectively defend yourself or issue any offense is unfair to me. A perfect example is maybe Marvel VS capcom boss battles. Or eyedol or gargose in Killer instcint games. (Not the xbox one title the arcade titles) They also can restore life and spam projectiles.

The second part of being unfair Programming of artifical intelegence. How they behave is supposed to be random, sometimes based on other player moves or even random factors like how much special meter they have. But something like Ultimate mortal kombat 3 Where they are just purposly cheating. They stay specific distance from you, block every special attack only to counter, and basically serious threat to the point where is just maybe scary or timid to fight. That is also bad. Some KOF 1999 Are like that where every attack you do is beaten by them cause they do it faster or first before you can think. Perhaps Playing Blazblue Countiumm shift extend and trying unlimited mars mode, would be best demonstration.

The third thing is how somehow cpu lacks potential to perform combos in some games. Either dropping them, or not using them. Is a multitude of things that makes the games unfair to play CPU that people personally rather watch 2 CPU fight like i do or play players since they have a better chance of winning.:unsure:


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
Well I played the demo and since it has full versus functionality and 7 characters, might as well be enough to play with friends until you're ready to drop more cash in it.

The graphics are ps2-like imo but the framerate is solid.

But the move away from pixel-cartoonish graphics for some reason didnt bother me this time like it did back then when they first tried moving kof to 3d.

Good game but for now street fighter 5 can be found cheaper and sf5 is pretty damn good so I'll wait a bit for a considerable price drop on kof, more like ~20 dollars.

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Im downloading fallout 3 goty edition
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    I'm downloading more ram for my hamster pc
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    New hamster PC, with anal operation and BT connectivity!
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
    the player dies?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Squeeze your cheeks twice to answer calls!
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @BigOnYa, thx in advance +1