Ricken Jun 10, 2018 When I got the red letters in Bravely, revealing the hidden message in Where The Fairy Flies, I was dumbfounded and your sig gave me that feeling again. 10/10 would do again Reactions: netovsk
When I got the red letters in Bravely, revealing the hidden message in Where The Fairy Flies, I was dumbfounded and your sig gave me that feeling again. 10/10 would do again
Chronus Jan 21, 2016 Eai netovsk, add meu FC ai que eu vo te add 3DS FC - 4957-6584-5555 Reactions: netovsk
yoshi_nysa Feb 10, 2015 Hello, i have your 3DS friend code. Mine is 5129-3321-2256. Cheers Reactions: netovsk
Try beating the game with 3 hearts and a stick.