Hacking a9lh DS games issue with few questions


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2012
United States

I have new 3ds a9lh system v11.00.33
Which using luma 5.5
And bootctr9 loader 0.41 for auto gateway mode loading.

Everything working fine and smooth.But today i tried to play some DS games with my DStwo card...And seems that somehow it's not working,just having a black screen,in Sysnand too.Also tried to launch ordinary DS cartridge...still have same black screen!

What's the reason could be of that issue? Before i installed a9lh,DS games and DStwo works great,buy for some reason now no at all.How can i fix it? As i read for other a9lh users,there is no problem with DS mode.
I also read that i some peoples install some TWL_firm patch(or something like that) bt as i read it's just working like "bluecardfix" from gateway to unblock...blocked flashcards,but DStwo works fine on latest firmware,plus licensed DS cartridges not working too anyway,or this patch after all can help?

And i have a question about a9lh:

When i starting my system with bootctr9 for auto gateway load,in system i have info in gw emunand gw3d(as gw emunand should be)
But if i load my console by holding L at system shows EMU,if i hold R ob boot there is EmuS letters with firm version numbers! So what are those Emu and EmuS there??? Is it something about gateway emunand?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2012
United States
-snip-try installing the nand firms for your system with fbi

I installed those into gateway emunand,also removed for test bootctr9,and updated to newest luma 6.1.1
Still black screen at gw emunand when try to launch ds game ((
But with newest option at luma 6.1.1 twlbg patch,it's working fine at sysnand!

Is there any ideas how to make those ds games work again in gw emunand mode?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

When there is Emu i think your loading luma and if you have an external boot like bootctr or bootctrmanager you need to change the path of luma
at the very bottom it has solution

Yeah seems that it's luma cfw those emu and emuS nands...

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  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I was 16
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    I am old :(
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    Nah, don't say that, you're not old :(
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    you are a big boy
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    old man
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Big man
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    Lmao wasn't intentional
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    it's ok
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    Cool 👍
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