Hello, I'd like to begin by introducing myself. I am a nineteen year old novice C++ programmer from Michigan, U.S. I had not followed the 3DS scene much, as I saw it as just another rendition of the original DS, which I did not find to be majorly impressive for anyone above the age of thirteen. I have, however, always enjoyed homebrew possibilities. Something about running things where they are not supposed to is exciting.
I first learned of Smea's work from a friend in a rather geeky group I am part of on Facebook. It blew me away, and the idea of running these apps on the 3DS had me sold from the get-go. I went, purchased a 2DS, and an edition of Cubic Ninja. My copy of the game should come sometime this upcoming week. Upon the arrival of my 2DS, I turned it on, and in all of its glory, it shipped with firmware version 8.1.0-19U! I was relieved, hoping that I had not just purchased a 100 USD Pokémon Machine. I was not worried about running such an outdated firmware until I began reading all of the new features that came with 9.0. I thought that the screenshot and theme features would be awesome to use, as I am planning to dismantle my 2DS, and paint the accent plates a light gray. They are not necessary for me to enjoy homebrew, but they'd be nice, you know?
My Questions:
• Is there a way to update to a firmware that is not the most current, without updating to the most current? (I.E. The last firmware known to run Ninjhax.)
• Am I able to install the exploit via Cubic Ninja, then update my firmware, and still run the homebrew application? (Smea seems to be unsure of this, as per his Twitter. From what I have collected, the initial exploit works by side-loading code through the QR scan, and the save data is downloaded via the internet. Smea has stated that the two firmwares that Nintendo has released patched one, then two of the exploits he knew. I am curious if updating after you've installed the save data is possible, as they shouldn't be able to fill what has already be exploited.)
• Is there a way to screenshot/use themes without being updated? (Homebrew alternatives would be genuinely accepted.)
Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
I first learned of Smea's work from a friend in a rather geeky group I am part of on Facebook. It blew me away, and the idea of running these apps on the 3DS had me sold from the get-go. I went, purchased a 2DS, and an edition of Cubic Ninja. My copy of the game should come sometime this upcoming week. Upon the arrival of my 2DS, I turned it on, and in all of its glory, it shipped with firmware version 8.1.0-19U! I was relieved, hoping that I had not just purchased a 100 USD Pokémon Machine. I was not worried about running such an outdated firmware until I began reading all of the new features that came with 9.0. I thought that the screenshot and theme features would be awesome to use, as I am planning to dismantle my 2DS, and paint the accent plates a light gray. They are not necessary for me to enjoy homebrew, but they'd be nice, you know?
My Questions:
• Is there a way to update to a firmware that is not the most current, without updating to the most current? (I.E. The last firmware known to run Ninjhax.)
• Am I able to install the exploit via Cubic Ninja, then update my firmware, and still run the homebrew application? (Smea seems to be unsure of this, as per his Twitter. From what I have collected, the initial exploit works by side-loading code through the QR scan, and the save data is downloaded via the internet. Smea has stated that the two firmwares that Nintendo has released patched one, then two of the exploits he knew. I am curious if updating after you've installed the save data is possible, as they shouldn't be able to fill what has already be exploited.)
• Is there a way to screenshot/use themes without being updated? (Homebrew alternatives would be genuinely accepted.)
Any and all help is greatly appreciated!