ROM Hack 7th Dragon III Code: VFD Save Editor


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2015
System requirements: .NET Framework 4.5 or higher
Download link: Here or the attached file at the bottom of this post
Updated: 29/07/2016, Version 0.1

The editor was only tested on the full US version, I do not know if it'll work with other regions or the demo. Currently should be able to edit general stuffs, edit characters and your inventory.
Make a backup of your save file if you do not want to risk breaking your game. This editor is still an experimental editor, not a fully tested editor.
If you guys find any bugs with the editor, please report them to me.

0.1 - Not really the first release but decided to number it now, fixed a few bugs from before and stuffs, should be stable for now.

Is there a list of items description?

0 - Medis I Restore 40 LF to 1 ally.
1 - Medis II Restore 80 LF to 1 ally.
2 - Medis III Restore 120 LF to 1 ally.
3 - Milro Medis Completely restore LF to 1 ally.
4 - Medis IV Restore 160 LF to 1 ally.
5 - Healing Aloe I Restore 20 LF to all allies.
6 - Healing Aloe II Restore 40 LF to all allies.
7 - Healing Aloe III Restore 60 LF to all allies.
8 - Fixing Aloe Completely restore LF to all allies.
9 - Healing Aloe IV Restore 80 LF to all allies.
10 - Healing Aloe V Restore 100 LF to all allies.
15 - Ingredient Set Restore 10 LF to 1 ally.
16 - Low-Grade Bento Restore 1 LF to 1 ally.
17 - Handmade Bento Restore 60 LF to all allies.
18 - High-Grade Bento Restore 120 LF to all allies.
20 - Ropa Udon Completely restore LF to all allies.
21 - Fried Rice Bento Cure all status ailments for all allies.
22 - Crummy Energy Bar Restore a bit of LF to 1 ally.
23 - Energy Bar Slightly restore LF to 1 ally.
24 - Quality Energy Bar Restore LF to 1 ally.
25 - Supreme Energy Bar Greatly restore LF to 1 ally.
30 - Mana Water Restore 15 MN to 1 ally.
31 - Silver Water Restore 50 MN to 1 ally.
32 - Blue Dragon Water Restore 100 MN to 1 ally.
34 - Variety Bento Restore 30 MN to all allies.
35 - Stamina Bento Restore 50 MN to 1 ally.
36 - Supreme Bento Restore 50 MN to all allies.
40 - Future of Atlantis Revive all allies and restore 80 LF.
41 - Hope of Eden Revive all allies and restore 80 LF.
49 - Nano-Care Revive a fallen ally and restore 1 LF.
50 - Nano-Aid Revive a fallen ally and restore 30 LF.
51 - Nano-Fine Revive a fallen ally and restore 50 LF.
52 - Hypno Crystal Revive a fallen ally and restore 150 LF.
53 - Nano-Hope Revive a fallen ally and restore 80 LF.
54 - Nano-Miracle Revive a fallen ally and restore 120 LF.
60 - Paral-Aid Cure Paralysis for 1 ally.
61 - Blind-Aid Cure Blind for 1 ally.
62 - Poison-Aid Cure Poison for 1 ally.
63 - Ozon-Aid Cure Burn, Freeze, Bleed for 1 ally.
64 - Ston-Aid Cure Petrify for 1 ally.
65 - Soma-Aid Cure all status ailments for 1 ally.
70 - Paral-Aid All Cure Paralysis for all allies.
71 - Blind-Aid All Cure Blind for all allies.
72 - Poison-Aid All Cure Poison for all allies.
73 - Ozon-Aid All Cure Burn, Freeze, Bleed for all allies.
80 - Dragon Hatchling Completely fill 1 ally's Exhaust Gauge.
100 - Smoke Grenade Escape from battle. *Some are inescapable.
105 - Camouflage Lower encounter rate for some time.
106 - Optical Camouflage Avoid all encounters for some time.
110 - Escape Kit Instantly escape the dungeon.
121 - Abalone Bento MAT/MDF? for 1 ally. 5 turns.
122 - Scallop Bento MAT/MDF? for 1 ally. 2 turns.
123 - Large Abalone Bento MAT/MDF? for all allies. 5 turns.
124 - Large Scallop Bento MAT/MDF? for all allies. 2 turns.
125 - Bird Meat Bento ATK/DEF? for 1 ally. 5 turns.
126 - Dragon Meat ATK/DEF? for one ally. 2 turns.
127 - Large Bird Bento ATK/DEF? for all allies. 5 turns.
128 - Large Dragon Bento ATK/DEF? for all allies. 2 turns.
134 - SP Up 100 Grant 100 SP to 1 ally.
135 - SP Up 200 Grant 200 SP to 1 ally.
136 - SP Up 300 Grant 300 SP to 1 ally.
137 - SP Up 500 Grant 500 SP to 1 ally.
138 - SP Up EX Grant 1,000 SP to 1 ally.
139 - Mio-Made Cookie Wow! Restore 100 MN to all allies.
140 - Cookie From Mio It's bitter. Restore 100 MN to all allies.


200 - Wakizashi ATK+13 An easy-to-wield sword.
201 - Wakizashi ATK+13 An easy-to-wield sword.
202 - Masamune ATK+24 Modeled after a weapon of legend.
203 - Mikazuchi ATK+32 Its blade gives off a dull glow.
204 - Zanbatou ATK+41 Unwieldy, but powerful.
205 - Chidori ATK+50 A warm aura surrounds it.
206 - Kiryu Ichimonji ATK+69 Slices cleanly and beautifully.
207 - Zanba Ashura ATK+85 Suitable for a war god.
208 - Seigan ATK+106 Said to have slain ancient demons.
209 - Kokutou ATK+131 Its blade emanates an eerie vibe.
210 - Amanotsurugi ATK+118 The hopes of humanity lie within.
211 - Amenobari ATK+150 Only usable by a true soldier.
212 - Tenchi Danretsu ATK+156 Cuts the ties of heaven and earth.
213 - Fake Sword A Related downloadable content cannot be found.
214 - Wakizashi Zero ATK+30 Technical sword Type 99-0.
215 - Fake Sword B Related downloadable content cannot be found.

220 - Souken ATK+15 Run-of-the-mill dual blades.
221 - Kogarasumaru ATK+22 Resemble swords of yore.
222 - Hizamaru ATK+34 A finely detailed pair of blades.
223 - Kotetsu ATK+39 Modeled off a famous sword.
224 - Hotarumaru ATK+52 Green light pours from the blades.
225 - Shishiou ATK+67 Intensely sharp dual blades.
226 - Sealed Shichisei ATK+87 Contain a sealed power.
227 - Raikiri ATK+106 Can cut clean through lightning.
228 - Shichisei ATK+131 Stardust-made gemstone blades.
229 - Chiru+Saku ATK+118 They dance in the sky like petals.
230 - Amamegiri ATK+150 Once slaughtered a serpent god.
231 - Ranbu Sanzanzakura ATK+156 The holiest of holy blades.
232 - Fake Blades A Related downloadable content cannot be found.
233 - Souken Zero ATK+32 Technical dual blades Type 99-0.
234 - Fake Blades B Related downloadable content cannot be found.

240 - Striker ATK+14 MAT+27 Standard issue gun.
241 - Fire Beretta ATK+26 MAT+36 A gun with high firepower.
242 - High Derringer ATK+35 MAT+42 A refined derringer.
243 - Eagle Eye ATK+45 MAT+54 Its accuracy is unmatched.
244 - Scorpion ATK+55 MAT+63 Developed to poison enemies.
245 - Counter Killer ATK+75 MAT+81 Intimidates all who see it.
246 - Mrskytia ATK+91 MAT+97 Contains the newest tech.
247 - Dragoon ATK+115 MAT+103 Holds explosive power.
248 - Infinity ATK+140 MAT+122 Kills both god and demon.
249 - Holy Gyorgear ATK+128 MAT+116 Indescribably graceful.
250 - Grenerik ATK+150 MAT+128 Immensely destructive.
251 - Indra ATK+160 MAT+135 Severs fate itself.
252 - Fake Gun A Related downloadable content cannot be found.
253 - Strike Zeroshiki ATK+34 MAT+19 Technical gun Type 99-0.
254 - Fake Gun B Related downloadable content cannot be found.

260 - Twin Fist ATK+14 Packs an explosive punch.
261 - Knuckle Breaker ATK+25 It's simple, yet greatly powerful.
262 - Hero Fist ATK+33 Looks pretty good.
263 - Kaiser Knuckle ATK+52 Taken off a supreme ruler.
264 - Bone Fist ATK+72 Demolishes any who opposes it.
265 - Star Fist ATK+82 Can punch a star to bits.
266 - Ogre Crusher ATK+111 Explodes with ogre-crushing power.
267 - Dreadnought ATK+128 Nothing is safe from its wrath.
268 - Almighty Hand ATK+146 Can't be seen with the naked eye.
269 - Mio Gauntlet ATK+134 Bears the name of a skilled nav.
270 - Rad Blaster ATK+159 An explosive fist made to destroy.
271 - God Knuckle ATK+165 Fists of creation and destruction.
272 - Fake Knuckle A Related downloadable content cannot be found.
273 - Twin Fist Zero ATK+32 Technical knuckle Type 99-0.
274 - Fake Knuckle B Related downloadable content cannot be found.

280 - Volume 1 ATK+9 MAT+9 A starter pack of duel cards.
281 - Volume 2 ATK+17 MAT+16 The 2nd set of cards.
282 - Volume 3 ATK+22 MAT+21 The 3rd set of cards.
283 - Volume 4 ATK+28 MAT+26 The 4th set of cards.
284 - Volume 5 ATK+40 MAT+35 The 5th set of cards.
285 - Volume 6 ATK+47 MAT+45 The 6th set of cards.
286 - Volume 7 ATK+63 MAT+65 The 7th set of cards.
287 - Volume 8 ATK+88 MAT+80 The 8th set of cards.
288 - Volume 9 ATK+102 MAT+95 The 9th set of cards.
289 - Volume EX ATK+90 MAT+84 A shiny, rare set of cards.
290 - Volume 0 ATK+110 MAT+111 A never-before-seen card set.
291 - Volume X ATK+121 MAT+118 A divine card set.
292 - Fake Cards A Related downloadable content cannot be found.
293 - Volume Zero ATK+21 MAT+20 Technical cards Type 99-0.
294 - Fake Cards B Related downloadable content cannot be found.

300 - Mrkyska ATK+55 MAT+33 A knife for self-defense.
301 - Battle Dagger ATK+59 MAT+38 It holds enhanced power.
302 - Seax ATK+64 MAT+43 Sharper than any other.
303 - Ladyin Blade ATK+68 MAT+48 The subject of research.
304 - Kunai ATK+75 MAT+53 Can be twirled in the hand.
305 - Peshkatz ATK+79 MAT+55 A Bleed-inflicting knife.
306 - Misericorde ATK+96 MAT+65 Grants a painless death.
307 - AAA Victory ATK+97 MAT+78 Brings victory.
308 - Holy Atlantica ATK+110 MAT+100 Handed down by royalty.
309 - Magic Azoth ATK+125 MAT+125 A crystal alchemy blade.
310 - Nynal Knife ATK+115 MAT+120 It holds a holy power.
311 - Soludis ATK+136 MAT+140 Enveloped in odd spirit.
312 - Odin ATK+143 MAT+157 Owned by a war god.
313 - Fake Knife A Related downloadable content cannot be found.

320 - Hunraqan ATK+35 MAT+40 Frequently used by farmers.
321 - Xibalba ATK+41 MAT+47 Cuts down all who face it.
322 - Tsolk'in ATK+47 MAT+54 Extraordinarily sharp.
323 - Ts'onot ATK+53 MAT+61 Forged from the best steel.
324 - Ixtab ATK+59 MAT+68 Radiates a strange energy.
325 - Wayeb' ATK+65 MAT+83 Emits an unnerving light.
326 - Chaahk ATK+78 MAT+102 Restored with magic.
327 - Tepeu ATK+89 MAT+119 A holy ancestral scythe.
328 - Ixchel ATK+83 MAT+107 An ancient holy scythe.
329 - Kukulcan ATK+90 MAT+125 Holds the power of the sun.
330 - Yggdrasil ATK+92 MAT+131 Made by a demiurge.
331 - Fake Scythe A Related downloadable content cannot be found.

340 - Mace ATK+63 MAT+77 A regular old mace.
341 - Ancient Root ATK+65 MAT+82 Crafted with holy wood.
342 - Morning Star ATK+68 MAT+87 A powerful thorny mace.
343 - Jewel Rod ATK+70 MAT+92 A shiny stone sits atop it.
344 - Magus Mace ATK+73 MAT+97 Stronger than average.
345 - Gygant Hammer ATK+76 MAT+103 It's huge and sturdy.
346 - Vajra ATK+83 MAT+122 Holds the power of beasts.
347 - Cage of Hearts ATK+81 MAT+116 Seems crude at first.
348 - Ukonvasara ATK+88 MAT+128 A treasured Lucier relic.
349 - Staff of the End ATK+90 MAT+135 Held by the god of ruin.
350 - Fake Staff A Related downloadable content cannot be found.

360 - Valiant ATK+90 An old-fashioned armored spear.
361 - Wirbelwind ATK+102 Made with a mixture of metals.
362 - Valiant Mk.II ATK+109 Research has enhanced its power.
363 - Hetzer ATK+115 A mass-produced model.
364 - Ostwind ATK+120 A highly powerful armored spear.
365 - Kugelblitz ATK+126 Special-made for battle usage.
366 - Brummbar ATK+148 Its battle strength is unrivaled.
367 - Valiant Mk.III ATK+140 The strongest there ever will be.
368 - Leichttraktor ATK+153 Low durability, but ample power.
369 - Heat X ATK+160 It's too heavy to pick up.
370 - Fake Spear A Related downloadable content cannot be found.

380 - Dual Blade Sample ATK+13
381 - Gun Sample ATK+13
382 - Knuckle Sample ATK+13
383 - Card Sample ATK+13 MAT+13
384 - Mace Sample ATK+13 MAT+13
385 - Spear Sample
Gun Lance Sample ATK+13
386 - Knife Sample ATK+13 MAT+0
387 - Scythe Sample ATK+13 MAT+13


400 - Chrome Uni DEF+6 MDF+3 Oft used by investigators. [ALL]
401 - Chrome Uni BTL DEF+24 MDF+12 Enhanced for combat usage.
402 - Chrome Uni EX DEF+43 MDF+22 High-grade combat uniform.
403 - Murakumo Uni DEF+56 MDF+35 From ancient times.
404 - Fortress Armor DEF+66 MDF+36 Refined ancient armor.
405 - Wizard Robe DEF+63 MDF+40 Clothing from another era.
406 - C3N4 DEF+80 MDF+5 Contains an ancient magic. [ALL]

415 - Battle Suit DEF+9 MDF+5 Made with reinforced fiber.
416 - Damper Coat DEF+15 MDF+8 Absorbs powerful shocks.
417 - Spectra Chest DEF+23 MDF+11 A hard ceramic breastplate.
418 - Ceramic Plate DEF+28 MDF+13 Protects the user's vitals. [S G R B]
419 - Hi-Polymer Vest DEF+31 MDF+16 A light and sturdy vest. [S G R B]
420 - Ballistic Coat DEF+40 MDF+20 EVD+3% A camo suit.
421 - Synthetic Plate DEF+48 MDF+25 Futuristic body armor.
422 - Anti-Shock Field DEF+57 MDF+32 Innovative force field tech.
423 - Ultimate Shield DEF+66 MDF+40 A scientific marvel. [S G R B]

426 - Polymer Uni DEF+10 MDF+8 Experimental polymer gear.
430 - Type Titanium DEF+8 MDF+6 EVD+3% Breathable clothing.
431 - Silver Stream DEF+13 MDF+9 Contains added silver.
432 - Amorphic Chrome DEF+18 MDF+12 Comes laced with gold.
433 - Anti-Pressure DEF+22 MDF+15 EVD+4% A hi-tech evasion suit.
434 - Full Coat DEF+31 MDF+18 Made of wrought iron.
435 - eChip Gear DEF+39 MDF+22 Electricity runs through it.
436 - Type Adamant DEF+46 MDF+26 Almost as hard as diamond.
437 - Vortex Screen DEF+54 MDF+34 Protects via a magic aura.
438 - Nano Envelope DEF+61 MDF+42 A technological wonder. [A D F M]

441 - Steel Wear DEF+30 MDF+25 Almighty steel armor.
459 - Mammoth Fur DEF+25 MDF+10 EVD+5% Made of leather. [S G R B]
460 - Kapra Armor DEF+32 MDF+12 EVD+5% Made of shells.
461 - Algen Mail DEF+41 MDF+14 EVD+7% Made of iron thread.
462 - Gumani Lorica DEF+49 MDF+16 EVD+7% Made of Gumani steel.
463 - Auria Plate DEF+55 MDF+18 SPD+8 Made of silver.
464 - Castrad Ore DEF+59 MDF+20 SPD+8 Made of steel.
465 - Adamant Heavy DEF+63 MDF+38 SPD+8 Made of silver steel. [S G R B]

466 - Anzhi Robe DEF+20 MDF+20 EVD+5% Sturdy clothing.
467 - Mrkyska Toga DEF+26 MDF+24 EVD+5% Lightweight garb. [A D F M]
468 - Reddick Suit DEF+35 MDF+28 EVD+7% The popular style.
469 - Chokari Habit DEF+43 MDF+32 EVD+7% Standard magic wear.
470 - Cromwell Vest DEF+51 MDF+36 SPD+8 Hunting garments.
471 - Iriya War Robe DEF+57 MDF+40 SPD+8 Fit for a warlord.
472 - Mistrua Gown DEF+60 MDF+43 SPD+8 Traditional vestment. [A D F M]

473 - Fluted Plate DEF+37 MDF+22 Standard Eden armor.
474 - Heavy Suit DEF+48 MDF+23 Grants superior protection.
475 - Brigandine DEF+55 MDF+24 Lined with metal plates.
476 - Gaian Lorica DEF+58 MDF+26 Traditional chain vest.
477 - Hauberk DEF+60 MDF+28 ATK+3 It brims with power.
478 - Cuirass DEF+64 MDF+30 ATK+3 Oft-used knight armor.
479 - King's Fortress DEF+68 MDF+33 ATK+5 For heroes only. [S G R B]

480 - Travel Coat DEF+35 MDF+25 Standard hunter fare.
481 - Aizhen Frock DEF+45 MDF+28 Historic Aizhen attire.
482 - Shadow Mantle DEF+51 MDF+33 Imbued with a shadowy aura.
483 - Silver Tunic DEF+53 MDF+35 Woven with silver thread.
484 - Mythril Vest DEF+55 MDF+38 MAT+3 Made of pure mythril.
485 - Princess Dress DEF+58 MDF+43 MAT+3 Elegant finery.
486 - Nine Tail Robe DEF+58 MDF+48 MAT+5 Emits an eerie vibe. [A D F M]


500 - Attack Ring I ATK/MAT+3 Raises its wearer's power.
501 - Guard Ring I DEF/MDF+3 Raises its wearer's defense.
502 - Phazer Ring I SPD+8 EVD+3% Raises its wearer's speed.
503 - Cat Tail EVD+20% Only purr-fect eyes see the tail.
504 - Killer Band CRT+15% Grants insight into enemy vitals.
505 - Gygant Medal ATK/MAT/SPD+10 A medal of attack.
506 - Toughness Medal DEF/MDF+5 EVD+3% A medal of protection.
507 - Blaster Belt ATK/SPD+5 EVD+3% Now you're a Blaster Kid!
508 - Saint Ring ATK/DEF/MAT/MDF+10 A ring of protecton.
509 - Attack Ring II ATK/MAT+5 A strengthened attack ring.
510 - Guard Ring II DEF/MDF+5 A strengthened guard ring.
511 - Phazer Ring II SPD+15 EVD+5% A strengthened phazer ring.
512 - Retreat Ring SPD+50 EVD+5% Grants god-like speed.
513 - Shining Ring ATK/MAT+15 CRT+15% Attack model.
514 - Guard Ring III DEF/MDF+8 An extra-strong guard ring.
515 - Argos Medal ATK/MAT+7 SPD+5 Raises its wearers power.
516 - Sway Ring EVD+10% More easily evade enemy attacks.
517 - Blaster Ring SPD+10 EVD+7% Blaster power dwells within!
518 - Attack Ring III ATK/MAT+8 An extra-strong attack ring.
519 - Attack Ring EX ATK/MAT+10 The ultimate in attack rings.
530 - Venom Guard 50% chance to negate Poison.
531 - Paralyze Guard 50% chance to negate Paralysis.
532 - Burn Guard 50% chance to negate Burn.
533 - Frost Guard 50% chance to negate Freeze.
534 - Blind Guard 50% chance to negate Blind.
535 - Stone Guard 50% chance to negate Petrify.
536 - Sleep Guard 50% chance to negate Sleep.
537 - Nagamimi Charm ATK/MAT+5 SPD+8 EVD+10%
538 - Confusion Guard 50% chance to negate Confusion and Charm.
539 - Downer Guard 50% chance to negate Downer.
540 - Stop Guard 50% chance to negate Stop.
541 - Dead Guard 50% chance to negate Instakill.
542 - ISDF Purple Heart ATK/DEF/MAT/MDF+7 A veteran's honor.
543 - Lesser Bracer 15% chance to negate all status ailments.
544 - Queen Bracer 50% chance to negate all status ailments.
545 - Physical Guard 50% chance to negate Psn, Prlyz, and Bld.
546 - Prince Bracer 30% chance to negate all status ailments.
547 - Psycho Guard 25% chance to negate Cnfs, Chrm, Crs, Dwnr.
548 - King Bracer 55% chance to negate all status ailments.
549 - Venom Cut Negate Poison.
550 - Paralyze Cut Negate Paralysis.
551 - Burn Cut Negate Burn.
552 - Frost Cut Negate Freeze.
553 - Blind Cut Negate Blind.
554 - Stone Cut Negate Petrify.
555 - Sleep Cut Negate Sleep.
556 - Confusion Cut Negate Confusion and Charm.
557 - Downer Cut Negate Downer.
558 - Stop Cut Negate Stop.
559 - Dead Cut Negate Instakill.
560 - EXP Upper Increase EXP gain by 1.2 times.
561 - SP Upper Increase SP gain by 1.2 times.
562 - Rogue Band Increase item drop rate by 50%.
563 - Mind Booster Increase Exhaust Gauge fill rate.
564 - EXP Upper G Increase EXP gain by 1.3 times.
565 - SP Upper G Increase SP gain by 1.3 times.
567 - Major Bracer 20% chance to negate all status ailments.
568 - Super Upper Increase EXP and SP gain by 1.2 times.
569 - Cat Pendant 5% chance to negate all status ailments.
571 - Yuma's Nametag 50% chance to negate Instakill, Ptrfy, Psn.
572 - Broken Knife Hilt DEF/MDF+7 60% chance to negate Null Action.
573 - Bent Sword Guard DEF/MDF+7 60% chance to negate death.
574 - Damaged Pendant 50% chance to negate Seal, Prlyz, Cnfs.
575 - Split Weapon Core 50% chance to negate Charm, Burn, Downer.
580 - Sheathed Wisdom Start battle in Sheathed stance.
581 - Rouge Barrett ATK+20 Brings a gun's power to its limit.
582 - The Hand of God 100% chance of G-inflict.
583 - Evasive Wanderer EVD+25% Wander your way through life.
584 - Aurora Piercings MAT+20 Power-bestowing earrings.
585 - Maximum Cute! MDF+15 Cuteness makes enemies think twice.
586 - Guard Talisman DEF+15 Forms a protective barrier.
587 - Bomb Accelerator SPD+60 Accelerates dangerously.

Key Items(?):

700 - ID Card A Nodens Enterprises employee ID card.
701 - Mayhem Specimen A specimen from the High Dragon Mayhem.
702 - Dragonslayer Atlantis An orichalcum dragon-killing weapon.
703 - 3rd True Dragon Specimen A specimen from the 3rd True Dragon Nyala.
704 - Dragonslayer Eden Haze is sealed within the blade.
705 - 4th True Dragon Specimen A specimen from the 4th True Dragon Hypnos.
706 - Konohana Sakuhime A dragon-killing weapon taken from Rika.
707 - Kohohana Chiruhime A dragon-killing weapon taken from Chika.
708 - ND's Congratulations Congratulatory words from ND.
709 - Bug Report [Quest] A very detailed bug description.
710 - Dragontil [Quest] Medicine for Dragon Sickness.
711 - The Sunken Kingdom [Quest] A compiled history of Atlantis.
712 - The Great Dragon War, Pt. 1 [Quest] About the 2020 Dragon Calamity.
713 - The Great Dragon War, Pt. 2 [Quest] About the 2021 Dragon Calamity.
714 - Bellocchio Photo [Quest] A photo of an aquarium.
715 - Roses and Love Letter [Quest] For that special someone...
716 - Rose Bouquet [Quest] Will my feelings reach him...?
717 - Camera [Quest] An auto-focusing camera.
718 - Throw Net [Quest] A wide circular net.
719 - Eden Book [Quest] About Eden's battle with dragons.
720 - Letter to Noyle [Quest] A request letter made out to Noyle.
721 - Yuta and Maya's Letters [Quest] Letters to each set of parents.
722 - Atlantis Books [Quest] Books confiscated by ISDF.
723 - The Sound of the Surf [Quest] An Atlantis romance novel.
724 - Pipe Diagram [Quest] A diagram of Nodens piping.
725 - Tokion Report [Quest] An essay on Tokion written by Rudy.
726 - Lucier Stone [Quest] Bears the power of the stars.
727 - Ring and Rare Card [Quest] Holds true emotion.
728 - Instructions [Quest] 0305 1123 0418
729 - Fried Rice Recipe [Quest] Recipe for fragrant fried rice.
730 - Mayhem Fossil Specimen A specimen from Mayhem Fossil.
731 - Blue Dragonsbane Sample A sample of the blue Dragonsbane.
732 - Console A console that adjusts forcefield flow.
733 - Insomnia ? Specimen A specimen from Insomnia ?.
734 - Zero Blue ? Specimen A specimen from Zero Blue ?.
735 - Blank Paper [Quest] Perfect for getting autographs.
736 - Blaster Pen [Quest] Writes in non-fading ink.
737 - Conch Digestive Gland [Quest] Digestive gland of a scale conch.
738 - Ammonite [Quest] An ancient, mineral-rich shell.
742 - SKY Emblem [Quest] The SKY emblem, hope of Shibuya.
746 - Titan Gygas EX A transcendent, god-killing card.
747 - Jormungand Manuscript Contains the legend of an Atlantis warrior.
748 - 666 Sights of the World Covers the most interesting global spots.
749 - Rosier Claw A thick claw that glows with pink hue.
750 - Blaster Autograph [Quest] An autograph from a legendary hero!
751 - 6th True Dragon Specimen A specimen from the 6th True Dragon Haze.
752 - 2nd True Dragon Specimen A specimen from the 2nd True Dragon ND.
779 - ID: Allie Proof of Allie's trust. Invite her out!
780 - ID: Julietta Proof of Julietta's trust. Invite him out!
781 - ID: Nagamimi Proof of Nagamimi's trust. Invite it out!
782 - ID: Mio Proof of Mio's trust. Invite her out!
783 - ID: Yoritomo Proof of Yoritomo's trust. Invite him out!
784 - ID: Yuma Proof of Yuma's trust. Invite him out!
785 - ID: Chika Proof of Chika's trust. Invite her out!
786 - ID: Rika Proof of Rika's trust. Invite her out!
787 - ID: Ulania Proof of Ulania's trust. Invite her out!
788 - ID: Eigur Proof of Eigur's trust. Invite him out!
789 - ID: Sailas Proof of Sailas's trust. Invite him out!
790 - ID: Brijilt Proof of Brijilt's trust. Invite her out!
791 - ID: Hero Proof of Raven's trust. Invite him out!
997 - ??? What awaits in the death march!?
998 - ND Defeat Certificate Continue forth on the path you chose.
999 - White Paper Related additional content cannot be found.

Exchange Items (?):

1000 - Digestive Gland [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1001 - Spiral Meat [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1002 - Flame Collagen [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1003 - Ebony Wing [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1004 - Copper Beef [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1005 - Peach Nectar [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1006 - Ancient Icicle [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1007 - Bloody Essence [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1008 - Rosier Claw [Quest] You may be able to use it somehow.
1009 - Cat Food Cats are the coolest.
1010 - Fancy Cat Food Cats are love, cats are life.
1050 - KZN Battle Chip [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1051 - Hazy Smoke [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1052 - Flimsy Shark Fin [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1053 - Spiral Extract [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1055 - Super Exoskeleton [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1056 - Paper Lantern [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1057 - Soft Skin [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1058 - Dark Feather [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1059 - Sproingy Fat [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1060 - JZH Emotion Chip [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1061 - Numbing Mucus [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1062 - Thick Iron Plate [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1063 - UTI Drill Edge [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1064 - Warm Light Ball [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1065 - Shiny Great Horn [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1067 - Ice Petal [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1068 - Tender Meat [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1070 - Black Great Horn [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1071 - Red Rabbit Fang [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1073 - Battle-Worn Claws [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1074 - Pollen of Grief [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1075 - Thick Ivy [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1076 - High-Grade Steel [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1077 - Auburn Feather [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1078 - A1 Meat Slab [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1079 - Flexible Ivy [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1080 - Dark Fatty Meat [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1081 - Bristly Skin [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1083 - Smoke Ball [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1084 - KEM Large Drill [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1085 - Steel Claws [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1087 - Thick Steel Sheet [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1088 - Fancy Shark Fin [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1090 - Freezing Leather [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1092 - Shining Pincers [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1093 - Supreme Bear Meat [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1094 - Large Steel Sheet [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1095 - A5 Meat Slab [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1096 - YKS On-Board Chip [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1097 - ZNK Flame Drill [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1098 - Transparent Ivy [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1110 - Gold Dust [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1111 - Gold Nugget [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1112 - Gold Chunk [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1113 - Gold Ingot [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1115 - Dragon Skin [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1116 - Dragon Wing [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1117 - Dragon Patagium [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1118 - Dragon Skull [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1119 - Dragon Horn [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1120 - Dragon Tusk [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1121 - Axe Dragon Horn [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1122 - Dragon Scale [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1123 - Dragon Stone [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1124 - Dragon Tongue [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1125 - Dragon Chain [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1126 - Dragon Apex Scale [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1127 - Frozen Plasma [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1128 - Dragon Mask [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1129 - Dragon Claws [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1130 - Red Dragon Heart [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1131 - Dragon Liver [Exchange] Sell it at the Factory for Az!
1299 - Az Az from a treasure chest.

How can I get my save file from my 3DS?
You will need homebrew for this, or better yet a CFW installed. Get your favorite Save Manager (JKSM or SVDT) and extract your save file from the game. The save file should be named 0, 1, and 2, they are all without any file extension. Afterwards just get them off your SD card whichever way you can and use the save editor. After you're done editing, you should import them back into your game the same way you exported the save file.

When will this/that feature be added?
Depends if I have free time and if it's possible to add such features, if you know the offsets or values and stuffs for the feature then maybe I can work on it. I am planning on trying to make a skill editor if possible, but that'll probably take a long time. Currently busy with MHX, so my motivation isn't towards this game right now.

Some of the weapons aren't showing in-game or giving me the wrong item?
This is not entirely my fault, some of the items are actually DLC based so unless you download the DLC required for it, then they won't work. They will automatically be reverted to items with 'Fake Blades/Guns/etc.' in front of them.
Also, if you see some weapons/items with the same name twice, they're both actually different items with different descriptions and stats. Eg. Wakizashi and another Wakizashi 2, they both actually have the same name except their stats are different, one is weaker and the other is stronger.

Note: Probably frowned upon by the community, but I managed to crash the game through editing the save file, not sure if it's a viable exploit or anything though. PM me if anyone's interested in it.


  • 7th Dragon III Code VFD.rar
    835.9 KB · Views: 2,763
Last edited by ukee,


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2015
Going to add class and character change next?
I did add both of those previously but the problem with those is, once you change classes, the skills stays the same as the first class you picked (when you made the character). And for character change, the game crashes on start for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2011
United States
Good to note: I used cheats before this program to give my team arbitrarily high XP and SP so they would go straight to level 99, but that results in an unhandled error "value must be between minimum and maximum" any time I try to load the character editor. Not a normal usage, so I don't know if you need to bother fixing it, but still worth knowing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2015
Good to note: I used cheats before this program to give my team arbitrarily high XP and SP so they would go straight to level 99, but that results in an unhandled error "value must be between minimum and maximum" any time I try to load the character editor. Not a normal usage, so I don't know if you need to bother fixing it, but still worth knowing.
Ahh I see, I wasn't sure what the actual maximum EXP/SP was but they seem to be cap up to a certain point.
I tried changing the maximum value, try the new editor.
Is .bak is back up file ?
Yes the .bak file is the backup of your save file in case anything bad happens after editing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
I have wierd glitch.After I editing item,equip I got from treasure cheast random disappear and reappear in my bag when I change equip.Then medica I x0 appear in my bag even I don't edit it


New Member
Jul 19, 2016
United States
I have a random bug where in the character editor slot 8 is missing and slot 9 is a blank character. Is there a way for me to fix it? And ty for making this.
Last edited by kitsune7x,


Mar 20, 2015
Any chance of this working with Gateway saves in the future? I just tried it and it tells me it's an invalid save.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2015
I have wierd glitch.After I editing item,equip I got from treasure cheast random disappear and reappear in my bag when I change equip.Then medica I x0 appear in my bag even I don't edit it

I have a random bug where in the character editor slot 8 is missing and slot 9 is a blank character. Is there a way for me to fix it? And ty for making this.
I might actually have to re-do the editor because of this to be honest, but I'm not sure when I can be done with it.
Any chance of this working with Gateway saves in the future? I just tried it and it tells me it's an invalid save.
I'm not sure how Gateway saves work since I've never had one, if you send me a copy of the save maybe I can look into it.

Princess Emily

Smiles innocently...
Aug 19, 2015
Does this also work for the demo, yes? I have to try the demo first to see if this game is worth having.
Kinda similar to Etrian Odyssey though, which I'm a fan of.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
Does this also work for the demo, yes? I have to try the demo first to see if this game is worth having.
Kinda similar to Etrian Odyssey though, which I'm a fan of.
Just don't use it now,wait until he remake it.There are lot of random bug that messed up with your save


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2015
Does this also work for the demo, yes? I have to try the demo first to see if this game is worth having.
Kinda similar to Etrian Odyssey though, which I'm a fan of.

Just don't use it now,wait until he remake it.There are lot of random bug that messed up with your save
Not entirely sure how the save structure is for the demo but I doubt this save editor will work for it.

Also I'm not sure when I can finish the save editor since it's rather busy at work for me, I might be free to do it by the end of this week though, sorry.

Princess Emily

Smiles innocently...
Aug 19, 2015
Not entirely sure how the save structure is for the demo but I doubt this save editor will work for it.

Also I'm not sure when I can finish the save editor since it's rather busy at work for me, I might be free to do it by the end of this week though, sorry.
It's ok even if you haven't finished the save editor yet, just let me know the offsets for those features/attributes such as skill points, weapon slots, money, etc.
I even tried hacking my Etrian Odyssey Untold games weeks before even without any save editors available for those yet, I just used the good 'ole HxD hex editor to edit things like skill points & money hehe :P

UPDATE: Never mind, I've found it ^_^ ...
Last edited by Princess Emily,


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
It's ok even if you haven't finished the save editor yet, just let me know the offsets for those features/attributes such as skill points, weapon slots, money, etc.
I even tried hacking my Etrian Odyssey Untold games weeks before even without any save editors available for those yet, I just used the good 'ole HxD hex editor to edit things like skill points & money hehe :P

UPDATE: Never mind, I've found it ^_^ ...
I gonna try it too.But I really a noob about hex


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2015
It's ok even if you haven't finished the save editor yet, just let me know the offsets for those features/attributes such as skill points, weapon slots, money, etc.
I even tried hacking my Etrian Odyssey Untold games weeks before even without any save editors available for those yet, I just used the good 'ole HxD hex editor to edit things like skill points & money hehe :P

UPDATE: Never mind, I've found it ^_^ ...
Here's the offsets I used to make this editor, except these offsets only point to the first character but all the character's structure are essentially the same so you can use them regardless.

But then again this is for the full game, not sure how it is for the demo. Pretty sure the AZ and DZ are easy to find though, if they are in the demo that is..

Also, I updated the save editor and revamped the item editor, need people to test it though cause I didn't really have the time to test it in-game.


  • 7th Dragon Hex Offsets.txt
    1.7 KB · Views: 530


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
Here's the offsets I used to make this editor, except these offsets only point to the first character but all the character's structure are essentially the same so you can use them regardless.

But then again this is for the full game, not sure how it is for the demo. Pretty sure the AZ and DZ are easy to find though, if they are in the demo that is..

Also, I updated the save editor and revamped the item editor, need people to test it though cause I didn't really have the time to test it in-game.
ok I'll test it to see if that glitch back or not

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  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    in that case, there is no such thing as homebrew launcher for aroma
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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