Hacking #002 Error USBLoaderGX when playing Mario


New Member
Oct 27, 2010
United States
Hi, I've softmodded my wii using xzxero's tutorial everything seemed fine however when I load some games from USBLoader GX (from USB HDD) About 5-10mins into the game I get what I believe is #002 error (an error has occurred please eject game).

Syscheck details below any idea's as to the problem and how to resolve it. I'm using the latest USBLoader GX r938.wad

Thank You

sysCheck v2.0.1 by Double_A
...runs on IOS58 (rev 6175).

Region: PAL
System Menu 4.2E (v482)
Hollywood v0x11
Console ID:
Boot2 v4

Found 84 titles.
Found 39 IOS on this console. 9 of them are stub.

IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS9 (rev 778): No Patches
IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
IOS11 (rev 256): Stub
IOS12 (rev 269): No Patches
IOS13 (rev 273): No Patches
IOS14 (rev 520): No Patches
IOS15 (rev 523): No Patches
IOS16 (rev 512): Stub
IOS17 (rev 775): No Patches
IOS20 (rev 256): Stub
IOS21 (rev 782): No Patches
IOS22 (rev 1037): No Patches
IOS28 (rev 1550): No Patches
IOS30 (rev 2816): Stub
IOS31 (rev 3349): No Patches
IOS33 (rev 3091): No Patches
IOS34 (rev 3348): No Patches
IOS35 (rev 3349): No Patches
IOS36 (rev 3351): No Patches
IOS37 (rev 3869): No Patches
IOS38 (rev 3867): No Patches
IOS50 (rev 5120): Stub
IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub
IOS53 (rev 5406): No Patches
IOS55 (rev 5406): No Patches
IOS56 (rev 5405): No Patches
IOS57 (rev 5661): No Patches
IOS58 (rev 6175): No Patches
IOS60 (rev 6400): Stub
IOS61 (rev 5405): No Patches
IOS70 (rev 6687): Trucha Bug NAND Access
IOS202 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug NAND Access USB 2.0
IOS222 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug ES Identify NAND Access
IOS223 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug NAND Access USB 2.0
IOS236 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug ES Identify NAND Access
IOS249 (rev 19): Trucha Bug ES Identify NAND Access
IOS250 (rev 20): Trucha Bug NAND Access USB 2.0
IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
BC v6
MIOS v10

Report generated on 2010/10/27.


New Member
Oct 27, 2010
United States
CarbonX13 said:
Did you activate the Error 002 Fix? It's disabled by default in USB Loader GX; just activate it in the settings and it should eliminate Error 002.

Hi, Just tried the Error 002 fix in USB Loader GX and it still has the same error after about 10mins of game play.

Thanks for your suggestion any other ideas?

Thanks again

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  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    not to mention, with older anime they didn't typically edit the full but instead recorded specifically for the shorter version. and it can sound better.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    me accidentally sleeping until 2 pm today :ph34r: lmao
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @DemiV, Yeah that's a pretty nice thing about anison
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    kinda like diff versions from concert performances.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Sicklyboy, Relatable. I slept until 3pm this afternoon lol.
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Also didn't know that about older Anime, pretty cool
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I got up at 9 to log into my work laptop and then hopped back in bed and kept snoozing for like 30-60 minute intervals to check for messages and shit. 2 pm rolls around and "woops"
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    @_Ruri_, btw good taste with Sign. if
    you ever watch naruto, you'll get even more emotional.
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @DemiV, Thank you! I like anime music a lot. You're right, if just the OP can get me so emotional imagine the whole series! It's a bit too long though, it's more than 500 episodes and unfortunately I don't have the ability and patience to watch anime with episodes over the hundreds anymore :/
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    I'm scared
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    of wat mate
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    The deranged lunatic we Americans call a President.
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    @_Ruri_, well the show itself certainly can get emotional, but I just meant you'll be able to appreciate the emotion of the OP even more if you had the c
    ontext. naruto crying upside down always got me when i was watching...
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, "Omg it's addicting lol" ikr
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, I wanna do violent stuff that I can't say here to him
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    @_Ruri_, you'd have to go to ep140 or so to get it, but I hear ya. it's a long haul, only got to like 200 myself. gotta go back one day...
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @DemiV, I read Naruto has lots and lots and lots of filler
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Well people I'd love to stay here talking a bit more but I'm a bit sleepy tonight so before I get asleep here on the PC I'll just go to bed, nighty night 😴
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    @Xdqwerty, yup but honestly think it gets a bad rap. i actually prefer the filler sometimes lol.
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    @_Ruri_, gnight!
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    @_Ruri_, later fam!
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @_Ruri_, G'night
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, sleep well
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Thank u all! bye bye 😴💤
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