Review cover Tom Clancy's The Division 2 GBAtemp review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): March 15, 2019
  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer: Massive Entertainment
  • Genres: Third-person shooter
  • Also For: PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
It's a controversial time for the looter shooter genre, meaning The Division 2 has a lot riding on its shoulders. Is Ubisoft's attempt something that players can get behind, or is it another divisive mess?



The MMO-esque looter shooter genre has found itself in a bit of a difficult spot, as of late. When Destiny hit the scene in 2014, critics found the game to be decent to mildly positive on average, but also heavily criticized the fact that the endgame content was lacking. Grinding for loot is one of the most important factors that you need to get right, because having a gameplay loop that is anything less than stellar can quickly drive away a majority of a game's playerbase. Shortly after Destiny, we saw the release of The Division 1, which received mixed reviews, because while it had a solid foundation, an overall lack of content and things to keep players interested made it feel repetitive and unrewarding. And of course, it's hard to ignore the performance of Anthem, EA and Bioware's AAA foray into the genre. Regardless of its high budget and renowned development team, Anthem struggled right out of the gate, being blasted by critics and and players alike for awkward, imbalanced weapons and shallow gameplay. With the current track record of major shooters finding themselves at the center of controversial, lacking, and buggy launches, it was easy to downplay the imminent release of The Division 2 at the time. Luckily, Massive Entertainment has managed to break free of the pitfalls that have held other looter shooters back, creating what is surely their best work yet.

It's easy to compare The Division 2 to its direct competition: Anthem is very similar in concept, and both games launched within less than a month of each other. If you're swapping over from the sci-fi based shooter to this, you'll quickly notice just how important small quality of life improvements are, and how it sets good games apart from the bad. The Division 2 is all about being seamless--once you're in-game, there's never a moment where you're spending minutes at a time waiting for something to load, and the dozens upon dozens of menus that you'll be clicking through to set your inventory are snappy. Small differences like this might not seem so drastic at first glance, but they quickly add up over time, and it's a quality that helps The Division 2 rise above other games of its ilk.


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Of course, just because The Division 2 avoids some of the smaller mistakes that others didn't isn't reason enough to instantly brand it as an outstanding game. Thankfully, Massive also hit the mark on many other important aspects of creating a fun title. And there certainly are a lot of aspects to go over--the booklet that was included with the review code was a hefty 70 pages, serving as a 'quick' summary of all there is to experience within the game. That was the first signal that if you want to play this game, you'd best be prepared to fully immerse and invest yourself into the world of The Division 2, and all its intricacies. 

Once you start things up, you're given the chance to customize your character; an agent of The Division, whose goal is to help recapture a post apocalyptic Washington D.C. from the rogues and terrorists that wish to wreak havoc upon the fractured country. From there, you're guided to the White House, the setting of your first gunfight, and the first of many landmarks that you'll be seeing on your journey. In terms of overarching story, this takes place mere months after its predecessor, in a scenario where the United States was ravaged by an engineered illness, and law and order quickly fell to riots and chaos amidst factions vying for power. This is a great setup for the story, which could lead to so many intriguing possibilities and motivations being explored, but though you're given a glimpse at how the world and its people are dealing with a disaster of this scale, it never feels like the game wants to delve too deeply into building its narrative, opting instead to serve as simple motivation to get the player moving from Point A to Point B. Which is all fine and good, but I can't help but be left wanting more, especially out of something that's using a property from a novel writer. 


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Despite the middling narrative structure, The Division 2's focus--pure gameplay--is where the game shines. As most exceptional sequels have proven, taking the best of what you previously built, and then refining those features tend to result in a stronger game, which is exactly the case here. Stellar level design, cunning AI, varied enemies, and hordes of differing mission types all combine to result in one of the best gaming experiences I've had in recent times. 

When I think back to my time spent playing, one aspect that clearly stands out to me was exploring the museums where a number of main missions took place. The Air & Space Museum or the American History Museum were incredibly unique places to explore, with props and displays taking inspiration from real-life locations, and even having posters or signs full of legitimate information that would explain what you were looking at. They could have easily just been generic indoor areas full of objects to hide behind, but the developers took the extra time to create realistic locations that have memorable set-pieces. If you take your time to explore, once you've gunned down your opposition, you might even come across a souvenir of that specific location, which can then be attached to your character's backpack. It's one of my favorite parts about this game, and perfectly shows the added level of charm and heart put into these levels. 

Another outstanding facet of the game world is how tight the level design is. From the lush plains, to cramped indoor offices, each area feels like it was meticulously made for strategic play. This isn't a game where you charge in, guns blazing, and if you decide to try it, the game will quickly punish you. The Division 2 is a tactical shooter and in order to win back D.C. from the bad guys, you'll need to scout out the best position, find good cover, and then take out enemies one by one in each of your battles. As one who generally tends to avoid shooters, I found myself unexpectedly reveling in the slower combat and utterly captured by just how enthralling it was to execute a plan, carry it out, and skillfully decimate the AI. Even in the moments where I lost control of the situation, and enemy reinforcements quickly surrounded me, I still had fun, because it was an opportunity to learn more about the terrain and think up a better way of handling the fight. 



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The reason why these fights are so fun isn't just due to well-crafted levels, but also due to the fact that the gunplay is so solid. There's a large variety of weapons to choose from, such as shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns; the typical fare, all of them feeling different from each other in major ways, be it increased kickback, range, accuracy, etc. Compound that with the multitude of abilities each piece of gear can have, dozens of different mods to affect your stats, along with a diverse range of eight skill weapons, and you've got an insane amount of ways to play the game. The Division 2 offers a mind-boggling amount of customization, making for finding the perfect loadout for your play-style extremely satisfying. Depending on what you're up against, you might need to change your way of thinking and choose weapons that suit the given situation you're in, or, you might be determined to figure out a way to achieve victory with your current equipment: regardless of your choice, it all adds an extra layer to the gameplay.

The general consensus might be to scoff at the term "games as a service", but The Division 2 is a game that proves the merits of such a system. We saw how Massive Entertainment turned the rocky initial launch of The Division 1 into something leagues more enjoyable after post launch content updates and patches. The Division 2 is far more polished than the previous title, and knowing the developer's previous efforts, it sets up an exciting prospect for the future of an already stellar game. 


What We Liked ...
  • Top notch environmental design that rewards tactical play.
  • Loads of things to do, which keeps gameplay fresh, even after dozens of hours.
  • Loot. Loot everywhere.
What We Didn't Like ...
  • The Dark Zone could use some work in future updates.
  • Occasional bugs involving skills, though minor, can feel irksome over time.
As far as looter shooters go, this is all you could ask for, and maybe even a little bit more. Each of the game's bevy of guns all feel unique to each other, and getting new powerful weapon drops is always exciting. One of the highlights of the game is the level design, which seems meticulously crafted to push players into thinking strategically about each fight, and how to best approach a room full of enemies.
One of the things I appreciate most about this game is how it looks. The visuals are always on-point, whether you're exploring a dark and ominous sewer, rolling from cover to cover inside destroyed buildings, or especially when you're running and gunning through the landscapes of D.C. No detail was spared when it came to the intricate level design as well, giving players one of the funnest and most accurate re-creations of Washington D.C. we've seen in a video game.
Lasting Appeal
Once you've clocked in 40 hours, you'll be just about finished with the initial campaign, which mostly serves as a tutorial for the endgame. From there, you've got the five World Tiers to progress through, while taking on brand new enemy types, grinding for the best gear, and fighting it out in PvP challenges. If you want to get fully invested in The Division 2, you'll be playing for the long haul.
out of 10


Massive's dedication and care to development have resulted in The Division 2 definitively being one of this year's best games thus far.
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An enjoyable shooter so many great set pieces in campaign the level design feels different each mission the enemy hav strong and weak ai but even the weak ai can be a challenge when they just charge at you-I finished the game up to the bunker level which some say is enough for the campaign as then comes the strongholds which has its faults like the levels are just to big you can't save in the mission and these missions can take over 45 mins and getting killed to start over is just for many to much to do again-but overall over 40 hours in and Yr still having a great blast the detail of environments is simply stunning anyone who luvs a shootout then get this game and play in digital surround sound as it helps a lot knowing wher the enemy is coming from
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9.1,,,,, for real?! I couldn't get past playing more than two hours before just turning it off and never playing it again. BORING. REPETITIVE. EASY. BORING. and did I mention BORING.... The character models once you walk out the door turns your avatar into something completely different too.

How many hours did you play? and what PC specs? what settings?
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9.1,,,,, for real?! I couldn't get past playing more than two hours before just turning it off and never playing it again. BORING. REPETITIVE. EASY. BORING. and did I mention BORING.... The character models once you walk out the door turns your avatar into something completely different too.

How many hours did you play? and what PC specs? what settings?
So you play a game for 2 hours and say easy prob done 1 mission - laughable
9.1,,,,, for real?! I couldn't get past playing more than two hours before just turning it off and never playing it again. BORING. REPETITIVE. EASY. BORING. and did I mention BORING.... The character models once you walk out the door turns your avatar into something completely different too.

How many hours did you play? and what PC specs? what settings?
70 hours, GTX 1070/i5 6600k, 1080p ultra. Looked fantastic for me. I can't imagine finding the game repetitive, tbh--the control points, strongholds, missions, gear hunting, dark zone, online play, there's so many different things to mess with and try. As for boring, I suppose that can differ from person to person, but I was downright hooked, even as someone who doesn't enjoy the genre. The difficulty was quite punishing, too.
So you play a game for 2 hours and say easy prob done 1 mission - laughable

it didnt have online co op immediately and it was way too boring enough to just get to the first little haven or whatever and not play it after launch week. But yea it was incredibly boring, if i HAD to review it i would've played through the whole game but I most likely wouldve not enjoyed it. I actually love third person shooter games too, its just this game IMO is not a very good one. Theres a lot of games out there and I personally would not recommend anyone buy this game for $60+tax+microtransactions.
9.1,,,,, for real?! I couldn't get past playing more than two hours before just turning it off and never playing it again. BORING. REPETITIVE. EASY. BORING. and did I mention BORING.... The character models once you walk out the door turns your avatar into something completely different too.

How many hours did you play? and what PC specs? what settings?

Obviously this is not the game or genre for you
Just because you dislike the game, it doesn't mean it does not deserve its 9.1 score. The game deserves every bit of it. For anyone who is a looter shooter fan this game is a breath of fresh air finally after all the mess with the other looter shooter games.
Obviously this is not the game or genre for you
Just because you dislike the game, it doesn't mean it does not deserve its 9.1 score. The game deserves every bit of it. If you are a looter shooter fan this game is a breath of fresh air finally after all the mess with other looter shooter games.

LOL no looter shooter should even get a score higher than 6/10
it didnt have online co op immediately and it was way too boring enough to just get to the first little haven or whatever and not play it after launch week. But yea it was incredibly boring, if i HAD to review it i would've played through the whole game but I most likely wouldve not enjoyed it. I actually love third person shooter games too, its just this game IMO is not a very good one. Theres a lot of games out there and I personally would not recommend anyone buy this game for $60+tax+microtransactions.
You can't judge a game based on 2 hours and you don't need to buy microtransactions the game rewards you with enough stuff
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You can't judge a game based on 2 hours and you don't need to buy microtransactions the game rewards you with enough stuff

Well LOADS of people will disagree with you, theres a market for it and even a seperate genre for it. It you dislike looter shooters then why are you here trying to troll?

i didnt play the first one and it didn't matter. But the character creator had the worst options ever, and on top of that its a really buggy game. With this game (and others) i just knew im was not gonna enjoy it.

played on PC, ultra, 1080p, 60fps. The mechanics are great, the sound is great, the environments are damn good. Its just a boring repetitive game even from the first two hours. I actually almost fell asleep during a big gunfight at like 2pm while playing it and i wasnt even tired and it put my brother to sleep just trying to watch it, he wasn't tired either, i turned off the game we both woke up with energy
i didnt play the first one and it didn't matter. But the character creator had the worst options ever, and on top of that its a really buggy game. With this game (and others) i just knew im was not gonna enjoy it.

played on PC, ultra, 1080p, 60fps. The mechanics are great, the sound is great, the environments are damn good. Its just a boring repetitive game even from the first two hours. I actually almost fell asleep during a big gunfight at like 2pm while playing it and i wasnt even tired and it put my brother to sleep just trying to watch it, he wasn't tired either, i turned off the game we both woke up with energy

Like i said earlier, if the game really did bore you that much then obviously the game isn't for you, and you should just move on to something else and let the fans the game was made for enjoy it because the game is amazing for me and loads others, been playing it for 5 hours each night since release day.
Many games, and Fifa, including every other sports game out there bores the hell out of me and I hate them, but I don't go round thinking the games terrible and should get low scores.

I will agree with you though, the options to create a new agent is severely limited.
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i didnt play the first one and it didn't matter. But the character creator had the worst options ever, and on top of that its a really buggy game. With this game (and others) i just knew im was not gonna enjoy it.

played on PC, ultra, 1080p, 60fps. The mechanics are great, the sound is great, the environments are damn good. Its just a boring repetitive game even from the first two hours. I actually almost fell asleep during a big gunfight at like 2pm while playing it and i wasnt even tired and it put my brother to sleep just trying to watch it, he wasn't tired either, i turned off the game we both woke up with energy

who cares about the character creator i couldnt giv a cows arse if my agent looked like justin bieber:lol:
This reminds me I need to play this again. Bought it a week after release for PC and haven't played it in a while now. Not because I don't like the game, but because I have so many new and old games that I'm trying to focus on one at a time. I've been pretty excited about the 8-player update they advertised last time I exited the game. I wonder of that's out yet?

My only complaints would be that sometimes matchmaking takes a long time and it's hard to get a full team. The reduced number of cosmetic options is kind of disappointing too.

As for the complaints of the other comments: What's so complicated about Uplay? The interface is kind of garbage but I have the 3 Uplay games I own on the desktop. Double click the icon and either the game launches or Uplay puts itself in the task tray after a splash screen, and then the game launches. To the person who called the game easy, what? Easy is not a word that describes either Division game. Unrelenting is a better choice of words I think. These games chew you up, spit you out and then defecate on your mangled corpse.
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LOL no looter shooter should even get a score higher than 6/10

This statement invalidated literally any opinion you could ever have. You obviously don't like looters. What kind of retard plays a style of game they don't like and then tries to judge it? Are you stupid? Were you dropped as a child?
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Oh and just for reference in case anyone is also as stupid as gameboy and doesn't actually know anything before crying about it.

In regards to the microtransactions, it seems to be that all (or at least most) cosmetics are obtainable in game. It's random and rare but i've found high-end and epic cosmetics, gone to the store, and noticed I owned things. I then realized I had found them in a random mission for free. The general cosmetics pool is also huge and pretty varied. Not to mention they're already running an event to get even more awesome cosmetics based on the current enemy factions in the game.

Co-op can be done basically immediately. You just have to get through the 2-5 minute brief tutorial getting to the white house. Chary and I played together from then on.

As far as third person shooters (and specifically cover shooters) are concerned, this is the top rung of the ladder. It has by far the most intelligent AI of any of them. Not only is the AI intelligent but each faction displays distinct styles of aggression. They flank, they cover fire, and each has a wide variety of special units that make them distinct and unique.

uplay is fine. It's another launcher but it works. It does nothing except work. That's all. There's no issues (like EA Origin still having a lovely memory leak), it's just slightly annoying having to download another launcher. Most online games have their own launcher regardless.

It's really meant to be played with other people. It's an online game for a reason. That doesn't make solo play impossible, but it does tend to make it a lot harder. Especially when you find the Black Tusk who are hyper aggressive assholes who love to rush you. There is a brilliant system that allows you to call for help in the middle of any mission though.
I have a friend who keeps pestering me to get this game, it does sound pretty good. Just waiting on the price to go down a bit on GMG or elsewhere. Obviously it's quite popular, the standard edition is sold out on GMG right now despite being only $10 cheaper than normal.
The first game was garbage, i much prefer Warframe as far as 3rd person shooter goes.
So, any chance i might find the second game good?
Oh and just for reference in case anyone is also as stupid as gameboy and doesn't actually know anything before crying about it.

In regards to the microtransactions, it seems to be that all (or at least most) cosmetics are obtainable in game. It's random and rare but i've found high-end and epic cosmetics, gone to the store, and noticed I owned things. I then realized I had found them in a random mission for free. The general cosmetics pool is also huge and pretty varied. Not to mention they're already running an event to get even more awesome cosmetics based on the current enemy factions in the game.

Co-op can be done basically immediately. You just have to get through the 2-5 minute brief tutorial getting to the white house. Chary and I played together from then on.

As far as third person shooters (and specifically cover shooters) are concerned, this is the top rung of the ladder. It has by far the most intelligent AI of any of them. Not only is the AI intelligent but each faction displays distinct styles of aggression. They flank, they cover fire, and each has a wide variety of special units that make them distinct and unique.

uplay is fine. It's another launcher but it works. It does nothing except work. That's all. There's no issues (like EA Origin still having a lovely memory leak), it's just slightly annoying having to download another launcher. Most online games have their own launcher regardless.

It's really meant to be played with other people. It's an online game for a reason. That doesn't make solo play impossible, but it does tend to make it a lot harder. Especially when you find the Black Tusk who are hyper aggressive assholes who love to rush you. There is a brilliant system that allows you to call for help in the middle of any mission though.

its a BORING game. I didn't continue, thats my experience. I saw the microtransactions and thought "why?" it made no sense. Kept having weird bugs too, like I loaded my game and he was a black dude and then i loaded it up and it was a latino guy none of whom i create. Maybe i'll try when again when everything is smoothed out. definitey not a 9.2 in this dudes opinion of 2 hours play. Its a game i labeled a 6.5/10 in that time span, (5/10 being an average "meh" game), Yea i got to loot some armor and knee pads and it did show up on the character which is cool. But its a cover and shoot game.

this review is nonchalantly written. no talk about the gameplay. no talk about the music. no talk about the broken mechanics. no talk about the load times. no talk about the bugs. no talk about the story or side missions. etc.
I talked plenty about the gameplay lol. About the level design, what makes the gameplay work, etc. This isn’t a game where music stands out. Much like many shooters, the sound design focused on ambience and sound effects, with music really being drowned out or nonexistent. If it were a JRPG, music would matter much more, and earn mention. I also said fairly early on that the game is snappy, as opposed to anthem and it’s load time menagerie. I blasted the story for being weak. I made slight mention in the Cons about one of my drawbacks being about skill triggers kinda not working sometimes, but by the time I hit publish, Ubisoft patched it. I certainly didn’t go into analytical deep dive territory with the review, sure, but I definitely covered those points.
LOL yea i was kinda hoping for a analytical deep dive. And im glad some of you actually had fun with this game.

player movement is actually very smooth but the camera control is janky. And there was no tutorial or anything on how to do co-op or any of that online or in-game.
Hmm, weird. I got two mandatory pop ups in game once I finished the very first mission. Before exiting the White House, it told me how to invite or join friends. After I exited, I got a menu saying how to request random online help. I will say, the game hides a lot of its features behind tons of menus, but I remember seeing a pop up tutorial for the online. That’s a bummer you didn’t enjoy the game :( to each their own.

I was contemplating writing another 1700 words on the inner workings for the game, but I felt it would be much more easy to digest for most if I took a simpler approach that recommended the game based on its strengths, rather than how the build balancing, weapon tiers, and gear scores all work.
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Hmm, weird. I got two mandatory pop ups in game once I finished the very first mission. Before exiting the White House, it told me how to invite or join friends. After I exited, I got a menu saying how to request random online help. I will say, the game hides a lot of its features behind tons of menus, but I remember seeing a pop up tutorial for the online. That’s a bummer you didn’t enjoy the game :( to each their own.

I was contemplating writing another 1700 words on the inner workings for the game, but I felt it would be much more easy to digest for most if I took a simpler approach that recommended the game based on its strengths, rather than how the build balancing, weapon tiers, and gear scores all work.

lol, NOPE never got any sort of pop-up. I was trying to co-op this too but never saw the popup or it mustve bugged out. because as i said whenever i loaded the guy i created he always came out something different. Not bashing your review just offering the other side of the spectrum. They throw the bulk of the game at you immediately too so you know what the whole game is and i saw and played enough to understand that i wasnt willing to put in another 30-100hrs in it.
lol, NOPE never got any sort of pop-up. I was trying to co-op this too but never saw the popup or it mustve bugged out. because as i said whenever i loaded the guy i created he always came out something different. Not bashing your review just offering the other side of the spectrum. They throw the bulk of the game at you immediately too so you know what the whole game is and i saw and played enough to understand that i wasnt willing to put in another 30-100hrs in it.
Shit are you now an ex employee of the developer who got fired for moaning to much :lol:this game is one of the best shooters I've ever experienced go start over and finish the game then comment
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Shit are you now an ex employee of the developer who got fired for moaning to much :lol:this game is one of the best shooters I've ever experienced go start over and finish the game then comment

lol i experienced enough to know i wasnt invested in investing 30+ hours. And they encourage the cover system but you can just run up and gun the people in the head without using cover with little consequence.
lol i experienced enough to know i wasnt invested in investing 30+ hours. And they encourage the cover system but you can just run up and gun the people in the head without using cover with little consequence.
At the start it's like that to ease people into the game, many complained it started to hard in the first one.
Once you start getting into the game, all enemies melt you like your armour is made of paper, LOL I would really love to see people completing the campaign without using cover system,
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lol i experienced enough to know i wasnt invested in investing 30+ hours. And they encourage the cover system but you can just run up and gun the people in the head without using cover with little consequence.
Yr taking the game to seriously in any shooter tht can happen- guarantee you after few missions youl want more
It's fun when people talk out of their ass to people who actually played the game.

You can't really run and gun in Div 2. Hell you couldn't in 1 till endgame apparently. Even the very first tutorial section will punish you for doing so. In some cases you can manage it, especially if you're built into defense. LMGs are specifically very good for this. Still if you get shot you're probably fucked. it's only possible when there's few enemies left or you have all of them controlled. For aggressive charges I used the regular shield and had an LMG. LMGing nerds down till I got hit, whip out shield and finish guys off/find cover. Worked well. But the second you take fire you need to fuck off or you'll just get downed.

The biggest "complaint" for Div 2 is that it's "too much of a cover shooter". I've never seen a single person try and complain the contrary. Surprising the guy clearly exhibiting he's played 0 (most likely) to 5 minutes of the game continues to show he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about.
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It's fun when people talk out of their ass to people who actually played the game.

You can't really run and gun in Div 2. Hell you couldn't in 1 till endgame apparently. Even the very first tutorial section will punish you for doing so. In some cases you can manage it, especially if you're built into defense. LMGs are specifically very good for this. Still if you get shot you're probably fucked. it's only possible when there's few enemies left or you have all of them controlled. For aggressive charges I used the regular shield and had an LMG. LMGing nerds down till I got hit, whip out shield and finish guys off/find cover. Worked well. But the second you take fire you need to fuck off or you'll just get downed.

The biggest "complaint" for Div 2 is that it's "too much of a cover shooter". I've never seen a single person try and complain the contrary. Surprising the guy clearly exhibiting he's played 0 (most likely) to 5 minutes of the game continues to show he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about.

i didnt get a 70 page reviewers manual on how reviewer need to play it. i turned it on and just played without really using the snapping system, it was boring. If theres guns in it I play it the Schwarzenegger way, terminator style. And yea playing terminator style definitely works, its not a survival game and theres no need to hoard up on ammo, you just use all of it.


you give a gun in any game and im gonna play it like the game above.
Gameboy is boring Yr fave word Yr prob only gamer in the world tht thinks this game is boring

most people feel that if they sink $60+tax into a game they have to play it all the way through and finish it and enjoy it. I Dont. There were many games Ive stupidly bought full price and not gotten past the first two hours. Fortunately for me I got this game free with the purchase of computer parts. I can go back and play the whole thing and write a blog or user review but I doubt it gets any better than a 6/10, way too many bugs and glitches and all sorts of wrong from what ive seen and what ive seen from the internet. My experience could be a 3/10, yours could be a 9.5/10, but when reviewing a game i wouldnt review it off of everything. Plus theres a big problem with gbatemp and its user reviews being thrown all the way to the back.
Not really a big looter shooter guy (any sort of grinding makes me want to die), but now that I've got a few friends who want to play this game (and this review, good job!) I'll check it out!
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Not really a big looter shooter guy (any sort of grinding makes me want to die), but now that I've got a few friends who want to play this game (and this review, good job!) I'll check it out!

It's not super "grindy". At least so far. Really until WT5 you just go with the flow...and pre-WT5 is like 70 hours of gameplay lol. You get tons of loot just for doing anything, including progressing. There's a fair bit of fun side crap to do too. Hunting down hunters (level 30+) is a fun passtime since summoning them feels like oldschool easter eggs where you have to go somewhere specific and do some weird action. There's also cosmetics to hunt down.
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I recently got the game, just achieved level 30 and having a blast.

Even if you let go the MMO aspect, the atmosphere on this game is overpowering. It's doomsday all over on Washington DC. The soundtrack on this is perfect and graphics are unbelievably great at X1X.

The mission where the division agents break in on a coyote bigwigs meeting to kill them all was jaw dropping to me.

I might not stick to the game as long as it will probably turn into an infinite loop grind for gear but playing the missions 1-30 was a huge blast and definitely worth it.

It's pretty much what the 1st game should have been.
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It's not super "grindy". At least so far. Really until WT5 you just go with the flow...and pre-WT5 is like 70 hours of gameplay lol. You get tons of loot just for doing anything, including progressing. There's a fair bit of fun side crap to do too. Hunting down hunters (level 30+) is a fun passtime since summoning them feels like oldschool easter eggs where you have to go somewhere specific and do some weird action. There's also cosmetics to hunt down.

Guess I'll be in it for the long run then :P
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): March 15, 2019
  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer: Massive Entertainment
  • Genres: Third-person shooter
  • Also For: PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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