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  • Another perfect tas to serve as comfort food to me. Gradius Gaiden is if not, the BEST gradius game in the series. Better than 2, and DEFINITELY BETTER than 4 which came out one year LATER than this masterpiece.

    nah man, why did they have to make this *borderline* Japanese exclusive (it was rereleased on the PSP collection but there was bugs on that version and some clips were missing)

    i need to play this with someone.
    This might just be the best game that ive ever played. Know what? Im reviewing this game again to give it more justice. I HAVE TO!!!
    Just like Palworld, Delta was in the spot for a lot of people to talk about only for the hype train to die into normality. Its always great to see it happen!
    • Wow
    Reactions: Cranesbill
    I need to do my research to see if it's "official" if you had to sing tbe little teapot song whenever you lose any of your important items from scouting. Don't ask me why, I don't make the rules.

    I just remembered now that my old scout troop had this stupid rule and thank goodness it wasn't carried over to this one from another state.
    Most troops have have some rule to drill important lessons into you, by making you perform silly embarrassing punishments for losing/forgetting/dropping stuff. Standing on one leg, singing silly songs, doing situps... something quick and benign that you'd still rather avoid.
    I still want to know why the teapot song though. I guess it's better than just a quick scholding lesson and whatnot... I still don't like that. It makes it seem humiliating for a person to lose their stuff, and then the whole troop can look at you singing the teapot song and whatnot. It ain't promoting a safe enviornment
    Man, the students are my school are ruthless with the PCs, I swear. Even with their own personal PCs, I see them smacking on the Keyboard, pressing too hard and such, and they aren't even gaming to be doing that with!

    Maybe that's why they're always prone to wishing that they have better stuff and whatnot, cause they don't realizes that they're breaking shit harder than rocks
    Here we have a old adage: «lo que nada nos cuesta volvamoslo fiesta» something like if I have not to pay for it destroy it. And is a very common thinking actually 😿
    Why the hell do people want to think about that mentallity....
    • Sad
    Reactions: impeeza
    I don't know, we are living on a society where no one was teach to respect nor themselves nor anything else.
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    Reactions: AkiraKurusu

    Man oh man, the saga for this game... I could imagine how everyone is feeling about forced PSn accounts and such lmfao. Good thing I didn't play this game!
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    Reactions: DragonMals
    WHAT- well okay I guess I can't argue about it. Maybe it makes it look more professional or something, I don't know what do you think?
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    Reactions: DragonMals
    Actually I gotta go to bed, School's tomorrow. It was nice chattin dude, see ya tomorrow. 🤝
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    Reactions: DragonMals
    I'd say that it makes things much better, yeah. But see you tomorrow.
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    Reactions: Cranesbill
    Imagine saying "I'm going to take a break" but the next day you're active again lmfao.

    I've said that I was going to take a break cause of my schoolwork and stuff like that, but ive alrsady gotten myself on the right track and such.
    • Haha
    Reactions: x65943
    A lot of the "I'm leaving" posts really feel like they're more for pity/attention than anything. Maybe that's not how they're intended, but with how rarely people actually leave it just seems that way.
    I strongly believe the samw thing too becsuse I have done it nyself for that reason alone sometimes.

    Whenever you hear that peo} e are leaving said community in piblic, they would either not believe you because you're going to come back, or they'll just take it and move on with their lives.
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    Reactions: rvtr
    The only reason I've said that I was going to take a break from here is because at the moment of saying that I believed that I was getting a bit too wishy washy with my work, and it wasn't really that bad so I've made a quick recovery and all
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    Reactions: AncientBoi and rvtr
    I wished that there is an abillity for me to pin profile posts because I want for people to start using this to chat with me instead of using https://gbatemp.net/chat/. I just find more use of it, and the best thing is that I CAN GET NOTIFICATIONS FROM SPEKAING TO YOU, INSTEAD OF LEAVING YOU AWAITING FOR A RESPONSE.
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    Reactions: Quore
    It's so weird having to use the IRC chat a little more now since I'm considered to be an "active" user of the temp. People are sending me private messages, and I don't understand how to use it sometimes cause I barely use them myself.
    Navigating the chatbox always feels clumsy to me. The main channel is fine, but finding others and using DMs is weird. Why do you select your individual DMs in show users rather than having a dropdown in the main sidebar? (same goes for normal chat rooms, should be a dropdown) Why can you only pop out the chat for DMs? Why does popping out "break" if you leave DMs?
    • Like
    Reactions: DragonMals
    Why is a non-working show users button available in starting a DM? Etc.

    I'll always prefer if people write me a message in the "real" PMs.
    • Like
    Reactions: DragonMals
    Yeah, and unlike the other one, I actually get messages from it!
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    Reactions: rvtr
    Oh hell nah man, who had made me touch the dark side? I didn't know that I've spoken in that threads before! And I probably took the whole thread seriously lmfao....

    Looks like I have no choice but to accept some things within it


    • Screenshot_20240430-073916_Edge.jpg
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    Once again, I'm watching a childhood game get absolutely destroyed by TAS. Circle ENT is such a great company cause of Fairune, and aonther adventure game on PC that featured a robot Protagonist. I forgot the name of the game thoguh
    WHY do people look at shorts when they can be watching a documentary"?
    Not interesting enough. Actually, I struggle with youtube shorts. I have to use the youtube playables to keep my attention, and sometimes instagram reels too if I'm feeling bad.
    (that was a JOKE, I do not like youtube shorts. I actually have youtube shorts as the first thing on my ublock filters because I hate the annoying shorts panel that refuses to go away for more than 30 days)
    • Like
    Reactions: x65943
    I want that! Thanks for sending this to me! I dislike seeing the shorts (and WHEN DID YOUTUBE HAVE GAMES TO PLAY???)
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    Reactions: rvtr
    Do people really think that I'm a furry with "Dragon" contained in my username? i genuinely want to know what people think of me on a level like this (and not my personality and whatnot)

    Twitter thought I was female attracting a female audience for my constant tech talk, but I'm just a straight cis boy accepting to speak to anyone of any kind so as long as they don't put their beliefs onto mine.
    As for making friends with others, I see the person as the person themself because mention anything to them and you might as well hang cause your dreams of being who you are now crushed thanks to a small incorrect statement that I still hold possession of accidentally doing.

    Not too much though. I'm just here to have fun and talk about anything. Although Politics are one of the things Idc about
    uh, Dragons are "Reptiles"

    Reptiles are scaly skinned

    So no. You are Not a furry :mellow: js
    • Haha
    Reactions: DragonMals
    LMFAO Reptiles are amazing creatures. But no no I ain't that one either. I do want to own one in the future though, they're seriously awesome.
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    Reactions: AncientBoi
    Yesterday I downloaded the 15th and 20th anniversary ds games of puyo puyo and tbh they are pretty fun (though i'm bad at them)
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    Reactions: DragonMals
    How many of you like to speak/read in large quantities? A thing that I fear a little bit if having people who say that they don't want to read anything that I day becsuse it's too large and whatnot. I don't have any friends that say that cause they're able to handle it (and some do it too), but I'd like to see the Temp's thoughts on big speakers.
    I see, I see. I don't understand why people would assume that you're angry though. Is it cause ya sound tough?

    I can speak in Public too but I do tend to get mixed with a bit of confusion with some things
    • Like
    Reactions: SAIYAN48
    Maybe. Yeah, I'm 6'2" and i was moderately athletic, and have a deep voice.
    So I might be a bit intimidating, but I like it, as people on the street sees me and moves away when I'm going somewhere.
    But then again, I lost any feeling of shame after dancing/reading/singing in public for many years at school, so meh.
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    Reactions: DragonMals
    No, I just talk a lot.
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    Reactions: DragonMals
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    AncientBoi @ AncientBoi: umm, That was fun to watch :)