ROM Hack How to edit values in Tri-Force heroes?



We need to find the location that it is keeping records of the 3DS's it has share played either download play or local play so we can do this...

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------




0x230 Lady's Glasses
0x231 Lady's Collar
0x232 Lady's Parasol
0x233 Frilly Fabric
0x234 Friendly Token
0x235 Freebie
0x236 Blob Jelly
0x237 Armos Spirit
0x238 Tektite Shell
0x239 Sweet Shroom
0x23A Blin Bling
0x23B Ghoma's Eye
0x23C Mystery Jade
0x23D Supple Leaf
0x23E Fresh Kelp
0x23F Zora Scale
0x240 Hytopian Silk
0x241 Aqua Crown
0x242 Octorok Sucker
0x243 Fairy Dust
0x244 Rainbow Coral
0x245 Thornberry
0x246 Goron Ore
0x247 Monster Guts
0x248 Demon Fossil
0x249 Rugged Horn
0x24A Kodongo Tail
0x24B Keese Wing
0x24C Star Fragment
0x24D Divine Whiskers
0x24E Fluffy Fuzz
0x24F Tiny Snowflake
0x250 Serpent Fangs
0x251 Crimson Shell
0x252 Freezard Water
0x253 Chill Stone
0x254 Ice Rose
0x255 Beastie Patch
0x256 Stiff Puff
0x257 Silver Thread
0x258 Royal Ring
0x259 Antique Coin
0x25A Fancy Fabric
0x25B Exquisite Lace
0x25C Vibrant Brooch
0x25D Brittle Papyrus
0x25E Palm Cone
0x25F Ancient Fin
0x260 Vintage Linen
0x261 Gibdo Bandage
0x262 Stal Skull
0x263 Sandy Ribbon
0x264 Crystal Skull
0x265 Golden Insect
0x266 Carrumpkin
0x267 Mystery Extract
0x268 Spider Silk Lace
0x269 Poe Soul
0x26A Twisted Twig
0x26B Lava Drop
0x26C Sanctuary Mask
0x26D Gold Dust
0x26E Cucco Feathers
0x26F Carmine Pearl
0x270 Sky Dragon Tail
0x271 Pretty Plum
0x272 Mock Fairy
0x273 Aurora Stone
0x274 Steel Mask
0x275 Fabled Butteryfly

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