Hacking DEAD [Shutdown]DragonInjector - Game Cart Payload Injector (Trinket M0 Clone)

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Hardware Developer
Jul 17, 2018
I'm so confused. Deggas post on this page is referencing different batches and im sure ive read that batches had sold out while reading to page 17. Is this some darknet shit where I need to find a special hidden page on a wiki or know a guy who knows a guy who has a link and then fill out forms to a secret society of dongle lovers?

I took requests for the "first batch" of 10 tester units which are all gone, which is where the confusion might come in. These units are already spoken for, and thus "sold out", but won't be actually mailed until hopefully this Friday.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2018
I took requests for the "first batch" of 10 tester units which are all gone, which is where the confusion might come in. These units are already spoken for, and thus "sold out", but won't be actually mailed until hopefully this Friday.
Clarification from the legend himself(herself?). Thanks that makes much more sense! Do you use the same handle on tindie?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2018
It looks awesome and solves all the practicality problems I have with all these dongle jig sollutions from the big boys. MatinatorX should patent this design (not that it makes much of a difference when competing against Chinese companies.)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Correct, that should be fine. If no other mod objects since it's not a dedicated post anymore. It's in your signature. If you want a dedicated post (something I recommend) it's in the Trading Area it goes!
Im on mobile and have the setting for sigs correct, but signatures dont show. What am I missing plz


Bad Ass Poisonous Mushroom
Jul 14, 2018
United States
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
In the soul stone
nice bro i would buy one so fast lol

View attachment 137086

No but seriously, that is badass. Good luck and I hope this comes to fruition.

That's pretty damn neat!
If this goes into production, I'll pick one up for sure!
Great project!

If the price is right I will buy day one.

if the price is right, (and it will ship to germany without expensive shipping), i will buy it.
it looks beautiful.

Would also buy one if you ever going to sell those!

Amazing! Would buy

This project looks really amazing!
Are you planning to sell this after finishing? I would love to grab one. :)

Where i can order your trinket m0 clone board?

Just...keep one for me, lol

Even at like 25 bucks I think I might buy one. The convenience and storage factor calls to me.

Are you sure your cap system is actually functional? From my point of view, when you would try to get your donglecart out of the cart slot, you'd push it to trigger the cart slot spring, then your donglecart would stick out a bit... but just a bit, and the only thing you'd be able to pull out is the cap while the actual dongle cart stays in the cart slot lol.

Anyway, I love that project. If it actually works (after a fix or not), I'd most likely get one (or more, depending on shipping costs).

This is a genius idea, and pending reviews going well, I may well grab a couple for myself and a few friends who're going to get switches for hacking.

Good luck!

I will buy one, just because it's an awesome idea. In no rush though so keep up the good work.


Seems like I can't PM you. Would also preorder one if you can find a cheap shipping to Germany.
Otherwise the Germans could order one package and distribute it theirselves here, as shipping domestically is very cheap (0.80€ to 4.99€)

Another fanboy from Germany here. I would love to receive one from the second batch as well. @Konsus: If you see a possibility to share the shipping costs, let's do that!
Anyways, @MatinatorX, thank you so much for the good work. I come back to this thread every day to keep track of the process. Pure awesomeness.

+1 for Germany :D

+1 for Germany i want your Dragon Injector too please registrate me for the second batch!

+1 for germany i want one too and 40 bucks sounds fair for me

+1 for Germany. Where can i preorder? I Maybe only need a populated Board since i have a 3d printer :)

Yes! Would love to preorder one as well when the next batch opens up :)

I would also like to order one! Could you please send me a PM with the details :)

I like to order one too on next batch (germany) :-D

+1 for germany thank you pls.pm me if you have it or @ here...

I want one in october :D

add me to the buyer list please, can wait

I’m definitely interested in getting one of these if/when they start getting produced.

1- Really Really nice project
2- I want to be on the list for the next batch
3- I can pre pay
4- I live in Canada

5- You are awesome @MatinatorX and thanks


Yeah. I’m going to need one of these. Or two. Lol. Hope it all goes well.

Dang it... had to create an account since I could not find you elsewhere (twitter/etc)... I would like to purchase 2-3 of these when they are ready, hopefully under second batch. I live in (Alajuela, Costa Rica) to check up on shipping costs. Is there a better way to get in contact other than a post on here?


By the way, not sure why I was in such a rush to post the above, but I LOVE!!!!! your design. This is the most creative and awesome implementation of this I have ever seen. I will most likely buy 3 of these. Keep up the great work and hope everything goes well with your testing!

+1 for opensourcing your designs. expect my order

WOW this thing has really progressed nicely and swiftly as well

good to see you went with the super cap after all
i have a couple of questions about it
1) can you disable the cart slot charging,for example with the switch?
2) if you do and just rely on the USB C then will charge as fast as a SX pro dongle?

P.S. i finally did try out my pro dongle and it seems to work instantly
i never have had it not work yet but i only used it a few times
but it does work right away

Seems too man +1s for Germany. So +1 for Aussies!

I want one of this... How much it cost? Can you send in Italy???

Yep, I need this. Subscribed.

+1 from Germany as well :)

I'm down for one USA. If you have a tindie link PM me, I'd love to support this.

+1 to the UK if possible

I'm in for a few in the US.

Whuaa nice i need this pls 1 for germany

Subscribed, would definitely buy

would buy as well in u.s.a.

This does indeed look interesting, would be willing to buy one if I can get it shipped to Colombia at a reasonable price.

Perfect to hear that my friend, can you seed me the link for the pre-order please ?
Do you have corrected the proplem for the transistor to fit in the jig ?

I'm from Poland and also interested in this! :)

so the first test batch will be done and shipping out in two weeks, I`m located in Canada so I`m hoping the shipping won`t be to long cuz im excited to try this

I would totally get one too. Germany here :)

Im interested too! :)

Gosh, put me in line to purchase one !

Tbh, I might want to get a few of them. I heard the test batches are taken, but I want to be in line for some.
I was hoping maybe having multiple ones. Like 1 for SX OS, 1 for Hekate, and 1 for whatever else is out there. Would you be willing to do custom labels for them if you were to consider doing 1 for each cfw?


Ey, sign me the fuck up laddie. I don't care how much this could cost, it's better then SX PRO imo.

Haven't seen a comment from the UK yet, count us in!


i have i problem to PM you, probably because my level here is 1.
i find no way to pm you when i intereact with your profil.

i want to know that because i realy want to be on your second batch for 1x Black Grey and on your third batch for 1x Black and red.


+1 for the UK, very interested in one of these, please update us when pre-orders for the second batch are open.

I'm interested in at least one, possibly even 4 units at once!
Keep me in the loop please.

This looks very pro and convinient, i want two.


Wow that is amazing news.
same price but better product.

What do you mean by the new push button ? it will let us switch between payload on the tricket memory ?

I can PM you but as i already say reserve me 2x please.
If you want i can transfert cash with paypal to your account

Thanks for all the energy, passion, quality and brain you put on your project


Okay, I'm ready to throw my money at you. How can I reserve one?

Thank you for this well documented and kick-ass Canadian project B-) I res'ed my account just to commend your efforts :bow:

I want one or two too :)

Hey mate, are you shipping internationally? (I'm in Melbourne, Australia)

Keep up the amazing work!

Yea same, I need to reserve one for the first 100!

@MatinatorX How do I do?

Wahooo! Definitely want to reserve 1

Not sure how I'd go about it, but I would like to reserve 2 boards.

Good, great job MatinatorX, how could you sign up for one ?, how to do to pay your price.
Thank you.

*Steps to the end of the queue*
I'll take one too! Always proud to support fellow Canadians!

I'll fall in also. I live in Dubai atm. I hope you can also ship here.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

I need one. count me in :). give me the preorder link. thanks

i love your project, and i want it for send to spain :D

you will make public 3d diagrams to print a cardiget game and pcb?

Definitely going to be buying one of these, easily the most creative idea I've seen on here. I really hope you do well out of this!

i want one of this. Please

Man, I hope I'm on the ball enough to order this bad boy when it goes line on tindie... I'll be ordering 2 for sure.

will definitely buy this over the Sx Gear announced. Much handier and just a hell of a lot cooler!!! cant wait

just discovered this. This is perfect. I will buy it asap if it is released. I hope you ship to the UK!

add one to Portugal

Will definitely be buying one of these when they are finished.

Nice. Put me down for 2 :)

I'd like one as well. Whenever that may be :)

Oooh can't wait for it haha
I would like to reserve one for me :)

It would be great to give prior notice (release date) of when the link will be available. I've been following this for quite some time and would like to purchase 2-3 of these, and would not like to be left out of stock from a purchase link going up and me not seeing it :-(

Good communities support each other. When you do good work that helps a lot of people, you should get some support back yourself. Just because I can't hold programming in my hand doesn't mean it has less value!

Wish i could but I dont have the option to send you a PM.

Same here


I There i realy want to be on the list for the next batch. But i already Tell you im not able to send you PM. So please can you add me to your remenber list. Number unit : x2 Thanks

I am in for 2 as well, if your starting a list. Im in the US.

How do I get on the list to be notified about the first batch? This looks like a very useful product.

Also tossing my hat in as interested to be apart of the first batch. I'm highly interested in this and just want one for me; I'm not looking to order in bulk for resale.

Well, if there's a list for reserving an order from the first batch, add me to that list! :x
I'm very interested in this as well. Great job so far!

Hello @MatinatorX I was following your work silently but I’m truly interested in this project.
Consider 1 sell for sure, probably 3, in the batch you chose.

PM as soon as you had the information :)

@MatinatorX I would like a notification when you start selling, can't send PM's yet :)

@MatinatorX I live in Taiwan. I would also like to buy one, please pm me :)

@MatinatorX would like to be on the list to get one of these.

Been watching this thread like a hawk in case the link ever comes up, but since it seems it's not allowed to link it here directly, can you also include me in the pm list @MatinatorX


@MatinatorX Pls PM this forum noob when availabilty is updated! Would like to be on the list to get one of these.

@MatinatorX I would like a notification when you start selling, can't send PM's yet

@MatinatorX I'll take one please :)

@MatinatorX Please PM when you start selling ;)

@MatinatorX I can't send PM. I'll take one please, PM when you start selling. :)

@MatinatorX I would love a PM please as soon as you have some to spare with all these orders. I've been a lurker forever (since early Wii hacking days) and never really posted so I can't PM. This project finally got me to post.

@MatinatorX I'm interested in getting one, please PM me when it is available

@MatinatorX hello :) same as the others i ll buy one when available

Please add me to the list of supporters that want one (or open a web store....ebaystore if you like fees a+nd want to easy one and I'll buy a preorder so you can get you dollars before alibabaclone start appearing). it's a tx donlge and jig that I'm not super afraid of losing all the time like now that I can even charge from the cart slot. Also beautiful aethetics and art. I really like the resistor jig.

@MatinatorX if you could.send me also a pm. Much interested on this! Good work!

@MatinatorX now it seems you got many customers, i´m happy for you this is a very smart, nice concept of a payload injector, design looks really nice and i believe this is the best injector of all out there.
now you will have so many people who are order your product, i want ask about different shell colors! i hope you can manage to make different colors. i´m waiting only for that,it is hard to wait and pass the Future batches but i want a green one. and till you can make colors i think,it will take a long time but i will wait as long as necessary thanks.

Pls pm me too i dont wanna lose the chance to get one of these hotties

@MatinatorX I can't send PM. I'll take one please, PM when you start selling. :)

I made an account here just to say that I'm looking forward to buying this. Great work/thread!

As a lot of people, my first post is for this awesome project !
@MatinatorX I'll be happy to order one or two injector when available, a PM with the tindie link would be awesome
@MatinatorX if you could please PM me when sales begin, I would love to purchase one!

Thanks for your hard work, kind demeanor, and transparency.
@MatinatorX i've made a group of italian buyer. We are waiting for your signal! Thanks for this great product!
@MatinatorX if you could please PM me when sales begin, I would love to purchase one!

Thanks for your hard work, kind demeanor, and transparency.
@MatinatorX i've made a group of italian buyer. We are waiting for your signal! Thanks for this great product!

Jesus, look at how many people want this.
(Im gonna keep updating this. What has my life come to.)
Last edited by milomc123,


Active Member
Jun 30, 2018
I like that so many people show interest on this project and want to buy the product, that's nice then MatinatorX can get new equipment and manufacture the product itself when the time comes.
Last edited by Degga,
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2015
United States
I like that so many people show interest on this project and want to buy the product, that's nice then can get new equipment and manufacture the product itself when the time comes.
I will go crazy if I miss the first 100 tbh. Gotta watch this post like crazy!! same with my pm's!


Active Member
Jun 30, 2018
I will go crazy if I miss the first 100 tbh. Gotta watch this post like crazy!! same with my pm's!
yo relex dude next week when all the 10 testers are ready and everything work he will post 1 week later a tindie link for 100! i wait till he can make color ones!
Last edited by Degga,


Jul 25, 2018
So u say to avoid chaos he have to open a new thread, in which new members dont have access, and put that link there? Sry but thats totally bullshit, what do u think will happen in this thread if the newbies realise they dont have the permission to get in there? Lol also thats totally unfair

When it was said that the link wouldn't be allowed here, I got anxious.
But then op included me in his pm list, so I was fine again.
Then I discover it MIGHT just be a link to a section of the forum where I don't have access to yet, and now I'm even more anxious.
This has been quite a rollercoaster of emotions for me.


The inadequate, autocratic beast!
Global Moderator
Aug 5, 2007
It looks awesome and solves all the practicality problems I have with all these dongle jig sollutions from the big boys. MatinatorX should patent this design (not that it makes much of a difference when competing against Chinese companies.)
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 licence. Once I have a working prototype I'll share the Eagle files, gerbers, models and parts list. For those that aren't familiar, this means you can do pretty much anything you want with the designs as long as you link back to the original licence on my GitHub. If you're not comfortable soldering 0603 resistors by hand, assuming the testing goes well I'll be selling these on tindie for around $23 USD ($30 CAD). I'll also sell the populated PCB without the case if you want to print your own, as well as the RCM jig since it works best with the precision of an SLA or SLS printer and those aren't so common yet.

It's fine, they can copy it all they want later.
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