Hacking Nintendont


New Member
Jan 10, 2015
United States
I can't get my Wii Remote Plus + Hori Battle Pad, or my Wii Remote Plus + Nunchuck to work at all. It works in the menus before the game starts, then all 4 blue lights light up on the Wiimote, and it does not work. It does this with all games I tried. Native Control is set to OFF, so that is not the problem. Attempting to resync the Wiimote does not work, either. Can anyone please help?
Here is my ndebug.log:
Nintendont IOS58 v25.32
Built : Jan 12 2015 17:14:36
Version : 2.276
Game path: /games/SuperSmashBrosMelee20XX/game.iso
EXIInit Start
Trying to open /saves/GALE.raw
DIP:DOL EntryPoint::0x80002EE4, GameEntry::0x8000522C
Patch:Offset:0x00003100 EOffset:0x004DEC00 Length:004DBB00
Patch:Game ID = 47414c45
Patch:[SI] applied 18 times
Patch:[AI] applied 17 times
Patch:[DI] applied 41 times
Patch:[patch_fwrite_Log] skipped (0x003235B0)
Patch:[__DSPHandler] applied (0x0033625C)
Patch:[__DVDInterruptHandler]: 0x00336BA4 (0x00336BA4)
Patch:[GXInit] stw r5,-0x43B0(r13) (0x0033A7DA)
Patch:[PI_FIFO_WP] rlwinm r6,r6,0,3,1 (0x0033BA14)
Patch:[PI_FIFO_WP] rlwinm r0,r0,0,3,1 (0x0033BA90)
Patch:[GXInitTlutObj A] applied (0x0033F058)
Patch:[EXIImm B] applied (0x00345B64)
Patch:[EXIDMA B] applied (0x00345E60)
Patch:[EXISync C] applied (0x00345F4C)
Patch:[__EXIProbe B] applied (0x00346218)
Patch:[EXISelect B] applied (0x00346688)
Patch:[EXIDeselect B] applied (0x003467B4)
Patch:[EXIntrruptHandler C] applied (0x003468CC)
Patch:[TCIntrruptHandler C] applied (0x00346994)
Patch:[EXILock B] applied (0x00346D80)
Patch:[EXIUnlock B] applied (0x00346ED4)
Patch:[SetInterruptMask] applied (0x00347454)
Patch:[__OSDispatchInterrupt] applied (0x0034783C)
Patch:[__OSResetSWInterruptHandler] applied (0x00348768)
Patch:[OSGetResetButtonState A] applied (0x00348804)
Patch:[CompleteTransfer A] applied (0x00349550)
Patch:[SIEnablePollingInterrupt A] applied (0x00349BC0)
Patch:[SIEnablePollingInterrupt A] applied (0x00349BC4)
Patch:[SIInit C] applied (0x00349DF4)
Patch:[SIInterruptHandler] applied (0x0034981C)
Patch:[SIInterruptHandler] applied (0x00349948)
Patch:[__SITransfer A] applied (0x00349EA4)
Patch:[__SITransfer A] applied (0x00349F8C)
Patch:[SIGetType A] applied (0x0034A880)
Patch:[PADRead A] applied (0x0034DA00)
Patch:[PADControlMotor B] applied (0x0034DEBC)
Patch:[VIConfigure] applied (0x0034F7DC)
Patch:[ARStartDMA] applied (0x00350CD0)
Patch:[ARInit C] applied (0x00350EF8)
Patch:[__ARHandler] skipped (0x00350F98)
Patch:[__ARChecksize C] applied (0x00351494)
Patch:[ARQPostRequest] skipped (0x00352114)
Patch:[__CARDReadStatus] applied (0x00352684)
Patch:[__CARDClearStatus] applied (0x00352774)
Patch:[__CARDStat A] applied (0x00352C00)
Patch:[__CARDUnlock] applied (0x00353850)
Patch:[DSP v2] patched (0x00403240)
Patch:[PADInit] applied (0x0034D9FC)
Patch:[__OSInitAudioSystem] not found
Patch:[PatchBuffer] not found
Patch:[PatchBuffer] not found
Patch:[PatchBuffer] not found
Patch:[PatchBuffer] not found
Patch:[PrsLoad] not found
Patch:[DolEntryMod] not found
Patch:[PADControlAllMotors] not found
Patch:[PADIsBarrel] not found
Patch:Using a EXI Timing of 1900
Jumping to 0x8000522C
Got Shutdown button call
EXI: Saving memory card...Done!


Beta Tester
Mar 19, 2013
United States
I can't get my Wii Remote Plus + Hori Battle Pad, or my Wii Remote Plus + Nunchuck to work at all. It works in the menus before the game starts, then all 4 blue lights light up on the Wiimote, and it does not work. It does this with all games I tried. Native Control is set to OFF, so that is not the problem. Attempting to resync the Wiimote does not work, either. Can anyone please help?
Here is my ndebug.log:
Nintendont IOS58 v25.32
Built : Jan 12 2015 17:14:36
Version : 2.276
Game path: /games/SuperSmashBrosMelee20XX/game.iso
EXIInit Start
Trying to open /saves/GALE.raw
DIP:DOL EntryPoint::0x80002EE4, GameEntry::0x8000522C
Patch:Offset:0x00003100 EOffset:0x004DEC00 Length:004DBB00
Patch:Game ID = 47414c45
Patch:[SI] applied 18 times
Patch:[AI] applied 17 times
Patch:[DI] applied 41 times
Patch:[patch_fwrite_Log] skipped (0x003235B0)
Patch:[__DSPHandler] applied (0x0033625C)
Patch:[__DVDInterruptHandler]: 0x00336BA4 (0x00336BA4)
Patch:[GXInit] stw r5,-0x43B0(r13) (0x0033A7DA)
Patch:[PI_FIFO_WP] rlwinm r6,r6,0,3,1 (0x0033BA14)
Patch:[PI_FIFO_WP] rlwinm r0,r0,0,3,1 (0x0033BA90)
Patch:[GXInitTlutObj A] applied (0x0033F058)
Patch:[EXIImm B] applied (0x00345B64)
Patch:[EXIDMA B] applied (0x00345E60)
Patch:[EXISync C] applied (0x00345F4C)
Patch:[__EXIProbe B] applied (0x00346218)
Patch:[EXISelect B] applied (0x00346688)
Patch:[EXIDeselect B] applied (0x003467B4)
Patch:[EXIntrruptHandler C] applied (0x003468CC)
Patch:[TCIntrruptHandler C] applied (0x00346994)
Patch:[EXILock B] applied (0x00346D80)
Patch:[EXIUnlock B] applied (0x00346ED4)
Patch:[SetInterruptMask] applied (0x00347454)
Patch:[__OSDispatchInterrupt] applied (0x0034783C)
Patch:[__OSResetSWInterruptHandler] applied (0x00348768)
Patch:[OSGetResetButtonState A] applied (0x00348804)
Patch:[CompleteTransfer A] applied (0x00349550)
Patch:[SIEnablePollingInterrupt A] applied (0x00349BC0)
Patch:[SIEnablePollingInterrupt A] applied (0x00349BC4)
Patch:[SIInit C] applied (0x00349DF4)
Patch:[SIInterruptHandler] applied (0x0034981C)
Patch:[SIInterruptHandler] applied (0x00349948)
Patch:[__SITransfer A] applied (0x00349EA4)
Patch:[__SITransfer A] applied (0x00349F8C)
Patch:[SIGetType A] applied (0x0034A880)
Patch:[PADRead A] applied (0x0034DA00)
Patch:[PADControlMotor B] applied (0x0034DEBC)
Patch:[VIConfigure] applied (0x0034F7DC)
Patch:[ARStartDMA] applied (0x00350CD0)
Patch:[ARInit C] applied (0x00350EF8)
Patch:[__ARHandler] skipped (0x00350F98)
Patch:[__ARChecksize C] applied (0x00351494)
Patch:[ARQPostRequest] skipped (0x00352114)
Patch:[__CARDReadStatus] applied (0x00352684)
Patch:[__CARDClearStatus] applied (0x00352774)
Patch:[__CARDStat A] applied (0x00352C00)
Patch:[__CARDUnlock] applied (0x00353850)
Patch:[DSP v2] patched (0x00403240)
Patch:[PADInit] applied (0x0034D9FC)
Patch:[__OSInitAudioSystem] not found
Patch:[PatchBuffer] not found
Patch:[PatchBuffer] not found
Patch:[PatchBuffer] not found
Patch:[PatchBuffer] not found
Patch:[PrsLoad] not found
Patch:[DolEntryMod] not found
Patch:[PADControlAllMotors] not found
Patch:[PADIsBarrel] not found
Patch:Using a EXI Timing of 1900
Jumping to 0x8000522C
Got Shutdown button call
EXI: Saving memory card...Done!

Try a different game


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2014
United States
But setting the receiver manually to Dolby pro-logic II Would defeat the purpose of automatically interpreting the format flags. ANYTHING can be set to pro-logic II and audio would just be simulated then.
What I mean is my receiver can automatically select it's output based on what it is being fed.
For instance If I play Xbox 360 the receiver clearly shows Dolby Digital on its display.
If I'm watching a movie on my BD player for examlpe, and te audio tracks is DTS/DTS-HD/DD/DD HD or whatever it automatically shows and interprets it.
Same with Dolby surround (even with older VCRs!!!) and with a couple of movies I have encoded with pro-logic II matrix.
Now, why is the Wiiu having problems sending the correct signals for the AVR to interpret?
I don't want to "fake" surround, I just want the AVR to be able to recognize and decode the matrix accordingly.
Tx for replying though.

usually the way dolby pro logic 2 flags work is that the receiver will do fake surround except when the feed comes with pro logic 2 flags. Thus you are not getting fake surround because the Wiiu/wii/gamecube is sending the dolby pro logic 2 feed. If you wanna get fake surround you set the game to stereo instead of prologic 2/surround in the game settings. Now you may have a receiver that usually knows when its getting native dolby pro logic 2 without you doing anything. Such a receiver is a rarity. But an easy way to test it is to download Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Leader and use the sound test mode to test the pro logic 2. If you get true surround sound (you should be able to tell with your ears) you are set. If not then you do have a problem

Edit: when doing this test make sure that you set Dolby Pro logic II movie manually and you set the game to surround/prologic2 in the in game settings

Edit2: to unlock the sound test on Rogue Squadron 2 you gotta do this "Sound Test:
At the password screen type COMPOSER and the sound test option will be unlocked at the special features screen."
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New Member
Jan 26, 2014
United States
So I recently found out about this app and want to make the jump from Devolution. The only issue I have is that I have no idea how to convert the Devolution memory card file type (it seems to be .bin) to .raw, so I can switch without losing my saves. Anyone know a simple way to do this? I also have Dolphin for it's MCManager, if that makes it easier.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010
usually the way dolby pro logic 2 flags work is that the receiver will do fake surround except when the feed comes with pro logic 2 flags. Thus you are not getting fake surround because the Wiiu/wii/gamecube is sending the dolby pro logic 2 feed. If you wanna get fake surround you set the game to stereo instead of prologic 2/surround in the game settings. Now you may have a receiver that usually knows when its getting native dolby pro logic 2 without you doing anything. Such a receiver is a rarity. But an easy way to test it is to download Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Leader and use the sound test mode to test the pro logic 2. If you get true surround sound (you should be able to tell with your ears) you are set. If not then you do have a problem

Edit: when doing this test make sure that you set Dolby Pro logic II movie manually and you set the game to surround/prologic2 in the in game settings

Edit2: to unlock the sound test on Rogue Squadron 2 you gotta do this "Sound Test:
At the password screen type COMPOSER and the sound test option will be unlocked at the special features screen."

My receiver USUALLY "knows" the type of feed it receiver. Like I said before, if for instance I play an avi file on my BD player and it so happens to be encoded with the PL II matrix on it's audio track the receiver automatically switches to PL II and I get the intended effect.
That is not the case with the WiiU (and TBH I can't remember if it worked with the Wii or not...) So my THEORY is that the WiiU is in fact NOT sending a Dolby track (which IIRC would be an AC3 file) but simple PCM stereo to the receiver.
By the way my AVR (receiver) is this one http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Home/AV-Receivers/Pioneer Receivers/VSX-823-K (in case it helps)
And it decodes Multichannel LPCM (as well as all tru HD formats) with no problems.
The problem is , again, with the way the WiiU sends its audio. There should be an option to BITSTREAM instead of letting the machine do the conversion. That would trigger the receivers detection.
So I'm pretty sure that manually selecting DPL II on your receiver actually just fakes the information on every channel. The proof is that even the vWii menus have "surround sound" when DPL II is manually selected.
The ONLY way to have true surround (or PL II at least) would be to feed the receiver bit-streamed information)
Try this, listen to any CD (on your BD/DVD player or whatever other equipment you have hooked up to the receiver) with DPLII manually selected and see if there's sound coming from the surrounds and center channel. If there is then that's exactly what it is doing to the Wii games. The receiver can't decode what isn't there. Even if IN THEORY the feed comes with the DPL II matrix info. Look at it this way. It's like if I gave you a safe, and told you what's inside of it. But because you don't have the combination you're obviously unable to actually access it.
Feed with DPL II matrix info= automatic selection from the AVR, plain PCM stereo with MANUALLY selected DPL II= FAKE pseudo surround.
Obviously nothing is set in stone. So I could be wrong...


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2014
United States
My receiver USUALLY "knows" the type of feed it receiver. Like I said before, if for instance I play an avi file on my BD player and it so happens to be encoded with the PL II matrix on it's audio track the receiver automatically switches to PL II and I get the intended effect.
That is not the case with the WiiU (and TBH I can't remember if it worked with the Wii or not...) So my THEORY is that the WiiU is in fact NOT sending a Dolby track (which IIRC would be an AC3 file) but simple PCM stereo to the receiver.
By the way my AVR (receiver) is this one http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Home/AV-Receivers/Pioneer Receivers/VSX-823-K (in case it helps)
And it decodes Multichannel LPCM (as well as all tru HD formats) with no problems.
The problem is , again, with the way the WiiU sends its audio. There should be an option to BITSTREAM instead of letting the machine do the conversion. That would trigger the receivers detection.
So I'm pretty sure that manually selecting DPL II on your receiver actually just fakes the information on every channel. The proof is that even the vWii menus have "surround sound" when DPL II is manually selected.
The ONLY way to have true surround (or PL II at least) would be to feed the receiver bit-streamed information)
Try this, listen to any CD (on your BD/DVD player or whatever other equipment you have hooked up to the receiver) with DPLII manually selected and see if there's sound coming from the surrounds and center channel. If there is then that's exactly what it is doing to the Wii games. The receiver can't decode what isn't there. Even if IN THEORY the feed comes with the DPL II matrix info. Look at it this way. It's like if I gave you a safe, and told you what's inside of it. But because you don't have the combination you're obviously unable to actually access it.
Feed with DPL II matrix info= automatic selection from the AVR, plain PCM stereo with MANUALLY selected DPL II= FAKE pseudo surround.
Obviously nothing is set in stone. So I could be wrong...

the gamecube and wii have never been able to send bitstream dolby pro logic 2, instead they hide their information inside regular stereo 2.0 The flags inside the 2.0 stream tell the receiver how to interpret the data HOWEVER you gotta tell the receiver that you are gonna send such data (hence manually putting it on dolby pro logic 2) this is how every receiver i've ever owned (except for one) has worked when it comes to pro logic 2 streams. my current reciever also usually knows what type of feed it receives EXCEPT when you are dealing with dolby pro logic 2 hidden inside a 2.0 track

Edit: Also when you are dealing with Pro logic 2 from a video game console you WANT the receiver to do the conversion. It simply uses the flags hidden inside the 2.0 feed.

Edit2: as i said before do the test using Rogue Leader. It'll be pretty obvious if the surround sound is fake or real when you are doing it

Edit3: also i think from what you wrote that you are confusing Dolby digital (ac3) and dolby pro logic 2. They are not the same, dolby digital is a bitstream format that Nintendo has never used. Dolby Pro Logic 2 is a format that allows a receiver to simulate surround sound from a 2.0 file. Videogame consoles are able to put certain flags inside that 2.0 file that tell the receiver how to interpret and convert the 2.0 file into surround sound.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010
the gamecube and wii have never been able to send bitstream dolby pro logic 2, instead they hide their information inside regular stereo 2.0 The flags inside the 2.0 stream tell the receiver how to interpret the data HOWEVER you gotta tell the receiver that you are gonna send such data (hence manually putting it on dolby pro logic 2) this is how every receiver i've ever owned (except for one) has worked when it comes to pro logic 2 streams. my current reciever also usually knows what type of feed it receives EXCEPT when you are dealing with dolby pro logic 2 hidden inside a 2.0 track

Aha... Good point.
So then again, the bitstream is the issue.
Wii/NGC may have never been able to output BITSTREAM audio but that's because BITSTREAM is an HDMI standard. So like I said, the info is never REACHING the receiver because the receiver isn't even aware of any info embedded into the 2.0 PCM audio track.
PCM CAN'T by any means carry dolby flags. It can't carry any matrix information it just is what it is.
That's the reason people had a tough time when Nintendo came out with the whole 5.1 LPCM audio thing.
For 5.1 5.1 UNCOMPRESSED signals must pass through the HDMI, in the case of the vWii it is just passing 2 uncompressed signals. No "hidden" info (like flags, matrix etc)
What is getting to the receiver is just plain old stereo (as interpreted and sent by the Wiiu itself) and everyone selecting DPL II manually on their receivers are just faking channels that are not there.
Hang on, I'll go get my old Wii component cables and test the setup. I have a feeling that it SHOULD work that way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2009

just set this up and games launch fine but then the controller is not recognized. I am using the wii u golden eye classic controller. In games it doesn't work at all, tried dis and reconnecting. At the loader, if its plugged in the loader just auto exits back to Wii system menu. Do I need to change any settings for it to work? Cheers



New Member
Jan 9, 2015
I tried using gamecube bios (ipljap.bin) on Nintendont and it works well.
I hope Nintendont support BBA (Broadband Adapter) in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2014
United States
Aha... Good point.
So then again, the bitstream is the issue.
Wii/NGC may have never been able to output BITSTREAM audio but that's because BITSTREAM is an HDMI standard. So like I said, the info is never REACHING the receiver because the receiver isn't even aware of any info embedded into the 2.0 PCM audio track.
PCM CAN'T by any means carry dolby flags. It can't carry any matrix information it just is what it is.
That's the reason people had a tough time when Nintendo came out with the whole 5.1 LPCM audio thing.
For 5.1 5.1 UNCOMPRESSED signals must pass through the HDMI, in the case of the vWii it is just passing 2 uncompressed signals. No "hidden" info (like flags, matrix etc)
What is getting to the receiver is just plain old stereo (as interpreted and sent by the Wiiu itself) and everyone selecting DPL II manually on their receivers are just faking channels that are not there.
Hang on, I'll go get my old Wii component cables and test the setup. I have a feeling that it SHOULD work that way.


Even Nintendo says to put your receiver in Dolby Pro Logic 2 mode manually. They added support for dolby pro logic 2 on vwii when they released version 4.0 of the Wii U OS


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2009
what version are you using? please specify the exact version. Also what kind of wii remote are you using? Do you have a motion plus attachement plugged in? What games have you tried.

classic controller pro, gold version, no motion plus. Tried on Luigi's mansion, Mario Kart and Super Mario SUnshine. I'm on version 2.254. Ta


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2014
United States
classic controller pro, gold version, no motion plus. Tried on Luigi's mansion, Mario Kart and Super Mario SUnshine. I'm on version 2.254. Ta

are you sure that the gold classic controller pro is first party and not a third party knock off?


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
Finally got to test the new Nintendont with the GC Bios, I'm impressed, here are the results:

-The bios files should be named correctly "iplusa.bin", "ipljap.bin", and "iplpal.bin" and placed on the root where the games are located (USB in my case).

-Pal bios for some reason don't work for me for some reason, I'm using an NTSC U console obviously, I tried to copy the US bios and rename it for Pal, hoping to fool the console, the bios show up but can't run the game so, no good.

-Triforce games don't work with the Bios (hopefully an option to enable/disable the bios will be implemented so that it will solve this problem) for now you have to delete the bios file (or move it somewhere other than the roots) every time you wanna play Triforce.

-Real MC doesn't work with the bios, black screen on start, again hoping for an option to enable/disable the bios in the future.

-To access the memory card and other options, hold "A" during boot up, you can delete files, copy files from real MC (must be in slot B) to EmuMC.

I'm loving this, thank you all for the amazing work.
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Reactions: ALSINJAN


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010

Even Nintendo says to put your receiver in Dolby Pro Logic 2 mode manually. They added support for dolby pro logic 2 on vwii when they released version 4.0 of the Wii U OS

You were right.
That's a very, VERY stupid move (another one) on Nintendo's part.
If they're using a lossless digital transfer medium such as HDMI why not include the corresponding flags for auto surround? EVERYTHING else does (yeah, that includes "old" consoles such as the original XBOX)
All they have to do is include the ability to just feed the unaltered audio track to the receiver (namely BITSTREAM) and that would be it.
For example if I set explicitly PCM on my PS3 or BD Player , Dolby audio tracks get downconverted automatically to stereo.
That is similar to what the Wiiu is doing...
Nintendo should work in getting their sh*t together if they want to have a chance against the other 2 systems....
Another question (unrelated to audio). Would you happen to know why is it that if one launches an NGC game from within CFG the popup asking if one wants to use progressive mode does not appear but if launched from Nintendon't directly it does? What is changing? Is the flag (yeah, again with the word) not getting trough? You know, the one that says we're using "component" (although it is actually HDMI) so the game asks for progressive mode? And if that's the case... Could that be happening as well with Wii backups? (Not getting played as progressive just because the system doesn't "know" we're using component /HDMI)
Thanks for all the help man.
I really appreciate it.

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    Modded ofc
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Speaking of my PS3 i havent downloaded any games yet bc my wifi is too slow
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and also because blackouts here are very common and that could damage the console
  • MysticStarlight @ MysticStarlight:
    Do you have a surge protector or an UPS?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea but to play the next gen games, you must have those games on internal, or buy the official ssd expansion cards, which are expensive
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @MysticStarlight, dunno what each one of those are
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @MysticStarlight, my PS3 was already modded when my dad bought it for me and my brother
  • MysticStarlight @ MysticStarlight:
    A surge protector is a device that protects your electronics from fluctuations. I recommend having your console plugged into one of those
  • MysticStarlight @ MysticStarlight:
    An UPS is even better because it has an internal battery that keeps your system on even if the power goes out, but it's much more expensive obviously
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @MysticStarlight, oh i recall seeing one in some in the houses of some relatives, including my dad's apartment
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @MysticStarlight, although whatever device we plug into them stops getting power anyways lol
  • MysticStarlight @ MysticStarlight:
    that's weird
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @MysticStarlight, and oh i was talking about ups
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    No not that one
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Surge protectors are what i was talking about
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Yea I got confused for a bit
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    @Xdqwerty literally juan:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    On the series s/x you can use a external HD but any next gen games must be on your internal ssd, or you can buy a ssd expansion card, but pricey. Any xbone, 360, or og Xbox games can be played from external tho.
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    Series §€×
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Insert **** here
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    What a tiny memory card
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