Hacking Gateway 3DS working on the New Nintendo 3DS.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2015
United Kingdom
Where can I get a new 3DS XL (AUS) now?
Out of stock @ 365games.co.uk

Thanks in advance!

Well if you're chomping at the bit for one Amazon £250. I nearly bought one myself as I've no patience whatsoever but found one on eBay, even tho I hate eBay for £210.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2009

GTA will keep me occupied until 9.2

Still upset noob-tendo didn't offer me a N3DS to use on my new gateway.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2009
it was my understanding that the max for the 3ds is 32 because of the format FAT limits to 32 i think something like that derp derp

No, The 3DS accept 64 GO MicroSD and you can use guiformat.exe for format in FAT32 the 64 GO MicroSD

I use a 64 GO MicroSD Samsung Evo for Gateway and a 64 GO MicroSD Sandisk for my New3DS

Sorry for my bad english I'm french


Well if you're chomping at the bit for one Amazon £250. I nearly bought one myself as I've no patience whatsoever but found one on eBay, even tho I hate eBay for £210.

everyone is out of stock of the N3DS's so they will be waiting on Nintendo to make more and send out, firmware will be 9.2 on this up coming batch :)


!Core Member of Gatewait HYPE TRAIN!
Dec 12, 2014
Stuttgart, Germany
Gambia, The
Hm, and here I was, hoping that even if the time came when my posts were needed again, there would be a long time afore an event of that nature transpired; again, it seems I was wrong, as I noticed some confusion regarding bits of my latest post that were no-ones fault but my own, most pressingly, that I did not give a definition of the concept of "fanboy"; and as such, I will now make a case-in-point regarding some of the debate by being transparent and communicative, and correcting my mistakes and better defining those things which were ill-defined, as I am no prophet or religious scripture that should need to be "interpreted", but rather, I aim towards making understandable, clear, and direct point(s); having failed in this previously, I will try and remedy that here (and make a bonus sidenote or two).

As to the first sidenote; I commend those who disagree with me, but actually do read what I write and write replies in a rational, civil manner and actually try and counter my points as opposed to using tricks such as Ad Hominem*, or deliberately saying "I didn't actually read everything person X said, but I'm going to argue against it/what little I saw anyway, even without full context or understanding", or simply ignoring half of the points and only replying to a few specific ones, without admitting that "I only reply to X, because Y was actually correct".

Let's start then with the definition of a "fanboy", as there have been a couple of good cases in point since my last post that I can use to give a clearer idea.
Firstly, out of the two interpretations that were made, the latter is the one closest to my definition; that is, that "fanboyism" means blatantly defending all facets - even the shadier ones - of the thing one is a fan of even in the face of said things actions in reality, and using faulty arguments along the lines of "Well Y isn't bad, because X exists, and X is worse"**; and also to give out things that are actually personal opinions as facts and exaggerating things, such as was given an excellent example of earlier by some user, who quite literally said that GW was better than Sky, and listed a number of features that would supposedly make GW the superior choice, while remaining completely ignorant towards two main things;
Firstly, that what features one is actually looking for is subjective, and not everyone wants - or cares for - the exact same features. E.g., in the specific case of one solely wanting to play imports, or at least considering the option to play imports to be of any importance, then GW is factually the better choice, simply by merit of that you can't do that with Sky (at the time of writing, at least) and "that's that"; same thing with if e.g. installing .CIA's (again, at the time of writing, as one cannot do that with Sky at said time) is an important feature for one. However, this is subjective; for someone who simply wants to play ROMs, for legal backup-reasons or otherwise, both of the carts are quite capable of doing that, and then one would have to look at e.g. how you would go about doing that on both carts (if it's equally simple to get started, how much work has to be put in to use them, if you have to do something in particular to be able to do it etcetera), if they can both play the same amount of ROMs etcetera and base it on that, and then GW might actually not be the superior choice; it is subjective (to take an example, it could easily be argued that getting set-up with GW is more work than the Sky, and that some people just "can't be arsed" or "doesn't consider the benefits to be worth the hassle"; and that is not just "them being lazy and stupid", that is them knowing what they want and going with the option that best suit their wants and needs). Additionally, the exaggerating; saying things like "being able to update games for online play" in a context where it's said as if it's a unique feature of the one or the other, when it actually isn't.
Secondly, a clear property of a fanboy is trying to push their particular choice/product upon others, e.g. by
1. Instead of first asking e.g. "Hey, what do you need? Oh, X, Y, and Z?" and then (and only then) replying with something along the lines of "Well, in that case I'd say that you should go with Q, because they will be capable of doing X, Y, and Z for you; but just so you know, P applies to all of that".
2. Saying things along the lines of "Oh, you've made a decision for X? No, don't go with that, hold out and go with my thing instead!" (there was some user posting a case in point for this earlier)
3. Claiming the superiority of their own choice/product by showcasing the Pro's, but little to no (or meaningless) Cons regarding their own choice/product, and doing the exact opposite for the competing choice/product (a case in point here was that some user made a list that supposedly would show that GW was ultimately superior for everyone at the moment, but failed to mention a number of things, including but not limited to that Sky works on the latest firmware, which GW doesn't, and also committing wholly to the "upholding their definition of "best" as a fact based on that product X has features that they themselves might want, but others might ultimately not care for/about).
And thirdly, a common property of fanboys - that it can be argued is not required to be a "fanboy", but that I consider important enough to at least be mentioned - is that they get emotionally vested in their choice. This is a common human trait that has undergone much research, even in the specifics of the psychology of fandom, and I cannot possibly write it all down here, but a few (heavily) shortened points and examples regarding the mechanics of how it works are;
1. One has been raised with X, and as such, self-identifies with X to a very high degree.
2. One has chosen X and cannot (for whatever reason) also choose Y, and as such, get insecure in their choice when faced with the possibility that X wasn't the best choice, and as such assert the superiority of X to restore their own internal mental balance.
3. Out of a general/not inherently fandom-related psychological insecurity, one has to assert oneself as being superior in most (and extreme cases, all) things, and will as such default to considering everyone that do not agree with their specific choice of X to have made an inferior choice.
And this is of course just scratching the surface; for those interested in further reading, I'd recommend starting with something by Freud (as mad as the man was in most respects, he made more than a few points that still hold up to this day) specifically regarding attachment, and the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophys article on emotion, specifically section 8, "Rationality and Emotions" ( http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/emotion/#8 ).

That would be the definition of a fanboy; hope that clears things up a bit, and I apologize for overestimating my original "clearness", so to speak.

Now then, as a second sidenote (hmm, perhaps it would be more accurate of me to describe them as "secondary points" as opposed to "sidenotes"?), allow me to say that the whole "it's peoples own fault for not researching enough" also falls into a fallacy; for then, you have to specify what "enough" research is. If you don't, and it is taken to it's logical conclusion, then that would mean that if I were to e.g. buy a GW-kit, I would first have to find a reseller. Secondly, I'd have to read up on that particular reseller/company, to see what sort of reputation it has. Thirdly, I would have to see who originally owned and operated the reseller, and who is currently doing it, as it might have otherwise been taken over by a shady person. As such, I would fourthly have to find out some personal details regarding the person who currently owns and operates it, to know if that person is trustworthy. Fifthly, I would have to make sure that that person was not part of a larger conspiracy of some sort, directed specifically towards making me buy a false GW-kit, and so on and so forth; already by the fifth step, it has turned ridiculous, and there are many, many other ways of formulating this fallacy without getting so ridiculous (here, I do it to be very clear regarding the point at hand), and also with adding many, many more steps; as such, there has to be a limit to what is reasonable, and a defined one, e.g. "I the company in question seems reputable, and when I contacted them, they gave me answer X which seems satisfactory" or some other example. Further, saying that (as some user previously did) it is always the user buying a clones own fault leads to a fallacy (which will shortly be explained) and also a second rather absurd conclusion. For the fallacy; since most people who did buy a clone were most likely new to it all and didn't even know there was such a thing as "clones" that they had to watch out for, that logic leads to an absurd logical end as that is logically and principally identical to me saying
"Anyone who slips on a banana peel will be shot on sight", and then - waiting around a corner - intently watching a banana peel on the side-walk, and shooting the first person who slips on it, and then explaining myself by saying "Well, it doesn't matter if the person didn't hear me saying that I'd shoot anyone who slipped, he/she/it could've just been watching his/her/its feet even though he/she/it had no particular reason to be doing so; they still could
have been watching their feet, hence, it's their fault for not doing so".
For the second absurd conclusion, it would as such also mean that everyone would have to watch out for everything at all times, i.e. a variant of the earlier fallacy regarding "having to do research".

Yet another sidenote is that the newspost that said "just around the corner" also used the word "soon", not to mention the earlier made point regarding how early they released a teaser video, and I find it is currently most rational to assume that at least a few of the mails - perhaps particularly the ones from our own users - are real. Further, also the fact that they are keeping us completely in the dark as to what's actually going on. Hence, it would still seem - unless I've missed something - that they have actually acted in a rather sleazy/questionable manner.

Regarding what's actually going on, that leads to the third and final (unless I later remember something that I as I'm writing this have forgotten) sidenote, the matter of their supposed "stability-testing".
It is proven not by me, but by GWs actual communications to us, that we have no idea what they're doing, simply because they haven't told us. I made this point in my previous post, and even came up with two other blind guesses as to what might be keeping them and furthermore added an argument as to why those two blind guesses might actually be better guesses than that they're stability-testing, and yet it seems that some people keep talking about being patient because "don't you want a stable release?" as if it was a fact that stability-testing is what they're doing. This baffles me, and could be added to the definition of a fanboy; assuming that the best possible/most probable explanation for any action that the thing they're a fan of is always also the explanation that puts the thing in question in the best possible light. One cannot say that the extra amounts of time it is taking is because they're stability-testing, because we provably have no proof pointing to that or to literally anything at all. Me guessing that they're members of a small and secret cult that forbids releasing software-related updates of a particular byte-size at any other day then the 21st of march is literally just as good a guess as that they're bug-hunting, simply because they are keeping us in the dark and not telling us anything at all. Saying "don't you want a stable release" or "if you got your way people would brick their 3DS's" is simply not fact, it's wild speculation.

Now, that should be it. If I've missed something, made some error or other, or have said something without properly defining it, I would like to be called out on it, that I may improve and better myself.

Stay civil, unemotional and rational.

*Ad Hominem=Attacking the person making a point, as opposed to the point itself; when one cannot actually counter the points being made, and instead opts to attack the person making the points and as such trying to "win" by metaphorically saying "that man is covered in poo! Do you really want to agree with a man covered in poo?" and making people disagree based on that, even though the actual creature making the points - and the make-up of said creature - is entirely irrelevant to the validity of the points, and if the points made by the poo-covered man are actually correct. Put as simply as possible; one tries to avoid the issue(s) at hand and instead try to attack the people, not the arguments, of the opposing side.

** That sort of "argument" is inherently flawed, as the principle and logic it is based upon leads to a fallacy, in the sense that if the people using that sort of argument truly believed in it, they would never try and complain about e.g. being randomly beaten up and put in a wheelchair, because people sometimes get wantonly/senselessly murdered, and getting murdered is certainly worse than "merely" being put in a wheelchair. Put simply, it's flawed because it is a false argument that no-one truly upholds, and also/secondly because the logic upon which it is based leads to that there can literally be only one living person at a time who has a right to complain about anything, and that would be the one single person currently alive that has the worst possible conditions at any given time.

Seeing how @caries put so much effort in writing his essay, I feel obliged to repeat him in a similar way, since this seems to be crucial to the understanding of a person writing such long essays on such matter. Also, one should take care, that since English is not my mother language, some words may occur odd or even inappropriate when mentioned in a certain context, about which I don’t usually, talk much.
By mostly lurking in this forum, whilst not posting as much as on gbatemp, since this forum appears to be a much more serious one, which shouldn’t be filled with trolling and off topics, @caries managed to somehow make me feel being attacked by him personally whilst reading his post? As he was stating, that he would “write and write replies in a rational, civil manner”, on my personal behalf, I am seriously doubting him, because by calling out that people should “stay civil, unemotional and rational” would make us anything but human.
This can be seen as quite a “cold” way to say to us, that we should all try to lose the traits of humanity, simplified saying that we should all become robots, zombies or just people without a free mind. If one is interested in more about this human topic and the difference between people and animals, I would likely to refer to Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, which can be found by the following link: http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674430136
I would like hereby specifically to point out the “Transition from the metaphysic of morals to the critique of pure practical reason” as it is said, that “the will is a kind of causality belonging to living things in so far as they are rational, and freedom would be this property of such causality that it can be efficient, independently of foreign causes determining it; just as physical necessity is the property that the causality of all irrational beings has of being determined to activity by the influence of FOREIGN CAUSES.” In other words, he is simply stating that a person or in this case a human being should behave on his free will, though also being rational, but not forgetting his freedom of will, which leads to such causality of will. Surely, one can discuss this matter with me about the topic of free will, by mentioning Nietzsche, who just blatantly said, saw Kant as a pure liar and wanted in my opinion again try to figure out the superhuman as a flawless being itself, whilst declaring the whole “philosophy club” as nihilists, regardless to say, that this thought would only lead to the “real truth”, which is filled with “nothingness”, while Kant just mentioned the human being by not only stating their advances, but also considered the disadvantages of the human being, which in this case is, that the complete free will would partly lead to inefficient, uncivilized ways while the “Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-composed immaturity”.
Just in case, if some can’t understand how this post is meant to be interpreted, I will now try to make a line of thoughts, which will hopefully bring some clearance to the mist of thoughts.
First, by stating “fanboyism” as a person, who “defends all facets … of the thing one is a fan of even in the face of said things actions in reality, and using faulty arguments along the lines…”, he implies, that those “fanboys” can’t fully recognize facts when augmenting against the thing he is a fanboy of. This is just quite a poor way to insult someone as mad, or even stubborn, which is simply not the truth. A fanboy is per definition of the oxford dictionary a “fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, music, film, or science fiction”. In this case if we take this definition, which is obviously the common and more standard one, he is completely wrong, when bringing out the example: Gateway vs. Sky3DS. Both cards are quite realistic, while not belonging into the categories of music, comic, film or science fiction. Since I am a defender of Gateway cartridges when arguing about whether a person should get a Gateway or a Sky3DS card, I am simply defined as a fanboy, whilst in my opinion this is an insult against me.
Following the part in which he states the two main “things”, which remained completely ignorant towards at, he is trying to make a valid point by trying to say the following points:
1.In his first point, he is simply trying to say one sentence:
It may be great that Gateway has all the features, but what if people just want to stay relaxed and lay back, without doing anything, but just playing games, which Sky3DS fully supports. This takes me back to the “will” of a person, which is free. In this case, he might not be wrong in the first place, but it completely contradicts to the shouting, that we should stay “rational”. In this case, buying a product with a rational mind would lead to the product, for which one person would get the biggest cost-benefit factor. To make it simple again, he says that it might be just the will of one person to play games without anything else like emunand etc. in mind, but then he shouts for rationality? Buying a Sky3DS would be more like getting the most basic functions (as to play games) while paying the most (Pricewise), which leads to a totally irrational decision. As to this point of writing, it’s even regardless to mention, that Sky3DS does have a lower overall stability quality and might not be future proof either, since the team released a new card just to remove the game limitation, instead of just bringing out an update, which should be firmware-wise totally possible.
2.With his second point, his main purpose is stating that a “fanboy is trying to push their particular choice/product upon others”. While I also read the rest of this part of his text, I felt sorry for him, since he seemingly didn’t recognize the whole point of recommending anything to another person. Getting back to the root to ask: How can one precisely recommend one product/thing to another person seriously, since it should be obsolete to the recommending person what the choosing person is going to use, except if there is a profit out of it. Clearly, there should be no profit for the people at all, as long as every person here is not a reseller obviously. So coming back to the point to the answer will be:
A person can only recommend a product seriously, if he is completely convinced of “his choice” of product. This brings back to the part of how to be convinced, which is obviously by comparing products. So how can you compare? Comparison in this matter (we are still talking about flashcards), would be a comparison of quality, user-friendliness, features, future-proof and at last software compatibility. I surely could say a lot more factors, which should be mentioned here, but that will bring the post to an even longer one than it is already.

To put it simply: free will -> rationality and causality -> comparison -> recommendations.

The second “side note” of his would be the researching part. Of course, if people don’t research carefully for everything they do or are doing, there might be negative side effects. This again is a result of causality. Research while buying things can be done by observing different points. (I.e. watching for the reputation, experience of other buyers etc.)
By not doing so one would seem to be reckless, yet even not taking responsibility for their own actions. Life taught us, that everything one do will have consequences on one or the other way and one can’t simply deny that fact, since the consequences won’t fade, even if you don’t take full responsibility for yourself. (especially parents in this matter are taking part of the responsibility of the actions their children are performing)

Further when mentioning the Gateway team using expressions as “around the corner” and “soon” is as mentioned a “questionable” matter, which for this situation of the Sky3DS release, I do totally understand to some point. The team was more or less forced to bring out a product, they weren’t fully prepared to, and since Sky3DS team was taking their market share. I hereby also clearly state, that I don’t think what they did is correct and in good faith, but I am saying that it is merely understandable.

But coming back to the point of the stability-testing, since this is his real topic.
In this arguing of his, he kind of took himself off credibility himself, since he is using the argument of a not-proper communication from the Gateway team to us, whilst also saying that since they are not telling us anything, it’s all wild speculation. In this case, no one ever doubted that this is all speculation, and no one stated, that it is fact, that they are actually even testing anything. The simple truth is, that they just didn’t tell us anything. And that leaves frustrated gamers. Coming back to the part, where he stated that we should be unemotional. Emotions make us human beings, whilst unemotional make us somewhat machines. I mean the human being is a part of the world of animals, and even animals, who don’t have such a high developed intelligence (I am also not stating, that mankind is the pinnacle of evolution!) have emotions. Try to anger a dog for a long time and it will bite u eventually. Misinformation (not communicating is also a kind of misinformation) leads to wild speculations, since people got no info at ALL, so they naturally feel insecure, which fuels up imaginations.

As you mentioned, that if there are any arguments against you, you want to be called out. So here it is: @ caries

And never forget: stay human, since its what u are :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2012
United States
Here you go...


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2015
United Kingdom
everyone is out of stock of the N3DS's so they will be waiting on Nintendo to make more and send out, firmware will be 9.2 on this up coming batch :)

At the moment there are a couple of sellers on Amazon, supposedly with stock, £219 (1 left) for a N3DS and £249.99 for N3DSXL (8 available.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
The price is just so outrageous... :/ i mean i got my n3ds ll for under $200 and thats just a normal n3ds i mean i get its in english which is a decent benefit and if u wanted to buy legit games youd have that option. but with region free through gateway its just hard for me to justify such a price difference.

A mate of mine just texted me and said they're going for £400 on eBay at the moment, which is crazy.
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