ROM Hack Cheat Codes AMS and Sx Os, Add and Request


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Darkest Dungeon 1.2.0 TID: 01008F1008DA6000 BID: 4B104B8145CC9402

[Breeze beta84 Darkest Dungeon 1.2.0 TID: 01008F1008DA6000 BID: 4B104B8145CC9402]

{master code}
04000000 003268B8 BD4F3800
04000000 00651660 BD12A660
04000000 00594E90 B9000008
04000000 0066BA44 4B02016B
04000000 0066B360 4B150108
04000000 0066BE3C 4B1A0108
04000000 005E5008 0B0A0108
04000000 003268BC D65F03C0
04000000 00CD44A0 52A7F006
04000000 00CD44A4 B949A805
04000000 00CD44A8 6B0500DF
04000000 00CD44AC 54000080
04000000 00CD44B0 1E2703E1
04000000 00CD44B4 1E213800
04000000 00CD44B8 D65F03C0
04000000 00CD44BC 17D94901
04000000 00CD44C0 D65F03C0
04000000 00CD44C4 17D948FF

[hp inf]
04000000 003268B8 1426B6DE
04000000 00CD4430 B9405805
04000000 00CD4434 710004BF
04000000 00CD4438 54000081
04000000 00CD443C 1C0000A0
04000000 00CD4440 BD0F3800
04000000 00CD4444 17D9491E
04000000 00CD4448 BD4F3800
04000000 00CD444C 17D9491C
04000000 00CD4450 42480000

[no stress]
04000000 00651660 B912A67F

[L3 for max torch]
04000000 006DDB64 BC686800
04000000 006DDB64 1417DA3D
04000000 00CD4458 1C000060
04000000 00CD445C BC286800
04000000 00CD4460 17E825C2
04000000 00CD4464 42C80000

[spend to get gold and meterials]
04000000 00594E90 141CFD76
04000000 00CD4468 B9400406
04000000 00CD446C 18000165
04000000 00CD4470 6B0600BF
04000000 00CD4474 54000080
04000000 00CD4478 180000C8
04000000 00CD447C B9000008
04000000 00CD4480 17E30285
04000000 00CD4484 18000088
04000000 00CD4488 B9000008
04000000 00CD448C 17E30282
04000000 00CD4490 000001F4
04000000 00CD4494 000F4240
04000000 00CD4498 646C6F67

[inf item use, hold LZ to discard]
04000000 0066BE3C 4B1F0108
04000000 0066BA44 4B1F016B
04000000 0066BA44 4B02016B

[shop items not decrease]
04000000 0066B360 4B1F0108

[exp x 2]
04000000 005E5008 0B0A0508

[exp x 4]
04000000 005E5008 0B0A0908

[exp x 8]
04000000 005E5008 0B0A0D08

[exp x 16]
04000000 005E5008 0B0A1108

[enemy -10 hp]
04000000 003268BC 1426B6F9
04000000 00CD44B0 1E249001

[enemy -20 hp]
04000000 003268BC 1426B6F9
04000000 00CD44B0 1E269001

[enemy -30 hp]
04000000 003268BC 1426B6F9
04000000 00CD44B0 1E27D001

[enemy instant death]
04000000 003268BC 1426B6F9
04000000 00CD44B4 1E203800
Last edited by ranma99vn,


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2020
I just updated the code without testing it. Let me know if it doesn't work.
[Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)]
04000000 02147104 A9412D0A
04000000 0190751C AA1F03E0
08000000 01906CE4 1E2703E0 1E282921
04000000 01906CEC AA1F03E0
04000000 01CE70A4 AA1F03E0
04000000 03396E70 51000501
08000000 01FAEE70 A90157F6 A9BD7BFD
04000000 0190F6CC 941FA095
04000000 0190F6EC 1E210800
04000000 01B606F4 1E283800
04000000 01B5F840 4EA81D00
04000000 031162BC 51000529
04000000 02175C88 51000529
04000000 0184CA2C 51000529
04000000 01E22E44 4B14012A
04000000 01EA7BF8 4B160108
04000000 01A9D9B0 A9442A69
04000000 02122A18 2A1503E1
04000000 02122B58 2A1503E1
04000000 0211EE08 2A1503E1
08000000 01E58DC0 360004A0 941061B4
08000000 01E8BB4C 360017A0 940F9651
08000000 01E8BC08 36002000 940F9622

[Money 9,999,999]
08000000 0545CFF8 D65F03C0 A9412D0A
08000000 0545CFF0 B9001D0B B900150A
08000000 0545CFE8 4A0B014A 72A0130B
08000000 0545CFE0 5292CFEB B940110A
04000000 02147104 94CC57B7

[Money1 5678]
04000000 0545CFD8 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CFD0 A9412D0A B9001D0B
08000000 0545CFC8 B900150A 4A0B014A
08000000 0545CFC0 180000CB B940110A
04000000 02147104 94CC57AF
04000000 0545CFDC 0000162E

[Infinitive Oxygen]
04000000 0190751C 1E204040
08000000 01906CE4 1E284808 1E2703E0
04000000 01906CEC 1E282921

[Maximum Stamina]
04000000 01CE70A4 1E204040

[Ammo Full]
04000000 03396E70 4B1F0101

[No weight limit]
08000000 01FAEE70 D65F03C0 2A1F03E0

[Movement speed does not slow down]
04000000 0190F6CC 1E2E1000

[Movement speed x2.0]
08000000 0545CFB8 40000000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CFB0 1E280800 1C000068
04000000 0545CFAC 1E210800
04000000 0190F6EC 94ED3630

[Movement speed x3.0]
08000000 0545CFB8 40400000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CFB0 1E280800 1C000068
04000000 0545CFAC 1E210800
04000000 0190F6EC 94ED3630

[Movement speed x4.0]
08000000 0545CFB8 40800000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CFB0 1E280800 1C000068
04000000 0545CFAC 1E210800
04000000 0190F6EC 94ED3630

[Movement speed x5.0]
08000000 0545CFB8 40A00000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CFB0 1E280800 1C000068
04000000 0545CFAC 1E210800
04000000 0190F6EC 94ED3630

[One hit kill while pressing zl]
08000000 0545CFA0 D65F03C0 1E2703E0
08000000 0545CF98 54000044 1E210508
08000000 0545CF90 7200029F 1E2E1001
08000000 0545CF88 340000C9 18000109
04000000 0545CF84 1E283800
04000000 01B606F4 94E3F224
04000000 0545CFA8 00000000
04000000 0545CFA8 00000001

[Damage x0.0]
08000000 0545CF7C 00000000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF74 1E204100 1E200908
04000000 0545CF70 1C000080
04000000 01B5F840 94E3F5CC

[Damage x2.0]
08000000 0545CF7C 40000000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF74 1E204100 1E200908
04000000 0545CF70 1C000080
04000000 01B5F840 94E3F5CC

[Damage x3.0]
08000000 0545CF7C 40400000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF74 1E204100 1E200908
04000000 0545CF70 1C000080
04000000 01B5F840 94E3F5CC

[Damage x4.0]
08000000 0545CF7C 40800000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF74 1E204100 1E200908
04000000 0545CF70 1C000080
04000000 01B5F840 94E3F5CC

[Damage x5.0]
08000000 0545CF7C 40A00000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF74 1E204100 1E200908
04000000 0545CF70 1C000080
04000000 01B5F840 94E3F5CC

[Damage x10.0]
08000000 0545CF7C 41200000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF74 1E204100 1E200908
04000000 0545CF70 1C000080
04000000 01B5F840 94E3F5CC

[Damage x100.0]
08000000 0545CF7C 42C80000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF74 1E204100 1E200908
04000000 0545CF70 1C000080
04000000 01B5F840 94E3F5CC

[max drone]
04000000 031162BC 52800069
04000000 02175C88 52800069

[max crap trap]
04000000 0184CA2C 52800069

[max Ingredient]
04000000 01E22E44 5284E1EA

[max Bomb]
04000000 01EA7BF8 52800068

[Upgrade material 100]
08000000 0545CF68 D65F03C0 A9442A69
08000000 0545CF60 B9004E69 B900466A
08000000 0545CF58 4A0A012A 52800C69
04000000 0545CF54 B940426A
04000000 01A9D9B0 94E6FD69

[Gyao Food x0]
08000000 0545CF4C 00000000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF44 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF40 52800000
04000000 02122A18 94CCE94A

[Gyao Food x1]
08000000 0545CF4C 00000001 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF44 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF40 52800000
04000000 02122A18 94CCE94A

[Gyao Food x2]
08000000 0545CF4C 00000002 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF44 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF40 52800000
04000000 02122A18 94CCE94A

[Gyao Food x3]
08000000 0545CF4C 00000003 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF44 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF40 52800000
04000000 02122A18 94CCE94A

[Gyao Food x4]
08000000 0545CF4C 00000004 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF44 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF40 52800000
04000000 02122A18 94CCE94A

[Gyao Affection x0]
08000000 0545CF38 00000000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF30 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF2C 52800000
04000000 02122B58 94CCE8F5

[Gyao Affection x1]
08000000 0545CF38 00000001 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF30 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF2C 52800000
04000000 02122B58 94CCE8F5

[Gyao Affection x2]
08000000 0545CF38 00000002 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF30 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF2C 52800000
04000000 02122B58 94CCE8F5

[Gyao Affection x3]
08000000 0545CF38 00000003 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF30 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF2C 52800000
04000000 02122B58 94CCE8F5

[Gyao Affection x4]
08000000 0545CF38 00000004 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF30 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF2C 52800000
04000000 02122B58 94CCE8F5

[Gyao Discipline x0]
08000000 0545CF24 00000000 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF1C 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF18 52800000
04000000 0211EE08 94CCF844

[Gyao Discipline x9]
08000000 0545CF24 00000009 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF1C 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF18 52800000
04000000 0211EE08 94CCF844

[Gyao Discipline x18]
08000000 0545CF24 00000012 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF1C 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF18 52800000
04000000 0211EE08 94CCF844

[Gyao Discipline x19]
08000000 0545CF24 00000013 D65F03C0
08000000 0545CF1C 52800002 18000061
04000000 0545CF18 52800000
04000000 0211EE08 94CCF844

[max Like on gain]
08000000 01E58DC0 D503201F D503201F

[max Bei on gain]
08000000 01E8BB4C D503201F D503201F

[max Artisan Flame on gain]
08000000 01E8BC08 D503201F D503201F

AddCheat('Money 9,999,999')
CodeCave(AOB2('E0 03 13 AA ? ? ? ? 80 02 40 F9 08 CC 44 39 88 00 10 36 08 E0 40 B9 48 00 00 35 ? ? ? ? A0 02 40 F9 ? ? ? ? F4 03 00 AA E0 03 13 AA',4 ,'0A 2D 41 A9'),(
'ldr w10, [x8,#0x10]',
'mov w11, #0x967F',
'movk w11, #0x98, lsl#16',
'eor w10, w10, w11',
'str w10, [x8,#0x14]',
'str w11, [x8,#0x1c]',
'ldp x10, x11, [x8,#0x10]',

addr=AOB2('E0 03 13 AA ? ? ? ? 80 02 40 F9 08 CC 44 39 88 00 10 36 08 E0 40 B9 48 00 00 35 ? ? ? ? A0 02 40 F9 ? ? ? ? F4 03 00 AA E0 03 13 AA',4 ,'0A 2D 41 A9')
AddCheat('Money1 5678')
'ldr w10, [x8,#0x10]',
'ldr w11, {end}-4',
'eor w10, w10, w11',
'str w10, [x8,#0x14]',
'str w11, [x8,#0x1c]',
'ldp x10, x11, [x8,#0x10]',

AddCheat('Infinitive Oxygen')
Hack('E0 03 1F AA ? ? ? ? 60 96 00 BD F3 0F 40 F9', 'fmov s0, s2')
Hack('21 29 28 1E E0 03 27 1E',(
'fmov s0, wzr',
'fmax s8, s0, s8',
'fadd s1, s9, s8'

AddCheat('Maximum Stamina')
Hack('E0 03 1F AA ? ? ? ? 08 20 20 1E 60 42 00 BD', 'fmov s0, s2')

AddCheat('Ammo Full')
Hack('01 05 00 51 E0 03 1F 2A E2 03 1F AA 61 76 00 B9', 'sub w1, w8, wzr')

AddCheat('No weight limit')
Hack(AOB2('01 00 80 12 E2 03 1F AA ? ? ? ? 08 00 00 12',8),('mov w0, wzr','ret'))

AddCheat('Movement speed does not slow down')
Hack('? ? ? ? 60 82 40 F9 60 01 00 B4 E1 03 1F AA 09 09 20 1E', 'fmov s0, #1.0')

addr='00 08 21 1E F3 13 40 F9'
for rate in (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0):
    AddCheat('Movement speed x{:.1f}'.format(rate))
    CodeCave(addr, (
    'fmul s0, s0, s1',
    'ldr s8, {end}-4',
    'fmul s0, s0, s8',

AddCheat('One hit kill while pressing zl')
CodeCave('00 38 28 1E E0 03 13 AA 09 0D 41 F9',(
'fsub s0, s0, s8',
'ldr w9, {end}',
'cbz w9, .+24',
'fmov s1, #1.0',
'tst w20, #1',
'fccmp s8, s1, #8, eq',
'b.mi .+8',
'fmov s0, wzr',
Hack(CodeK, 1, useButton='zl')

addr='00 1D A8 4E 08 10 00 BD'
for rate in (0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0, 100.0):
    AddCheat('Damage x{:.1f}'.format(rate))
    CodeCave(addr, (
    'ldr s0, {end}-4',
    'fmul s8, s8, s0',
    'fmov s0, s8',

AddCheat('max drone')
Hack('29 05 00 51 09 09 02 B9 01 03 40 F9','movz w9, #0x3')
Hack('29 05 00 51 09 09 02 B9 21 03 40 F9','movz w9, #0x3')

AddCheat('max crap trap')
Hack('29 05 00 51 09 0D 02 B9 F4 4F 42 A9','movz w9, #0x3')

AddCheat('max Ingredient')
Hack('2A 01 14 4B 5F 01 00 71 EA B3 8A 1A 0A 01 00 B9 B5 0F 40 F9','movz w10, #0x270f')

AddCheat('max Bomb')
Hack('08 01 16 4B BF 02 00 71','movz w8, #0x3')

AddCheat('Upgrade material 100')
CodeCave(AOB('69 2A 44 A9 EB 2B 00 B9 00 01 40 F9'),(
'ldr w10, [x19,#0x40]',
'movz w9, #0x63',
'eor w10, w9, w10',
'str w10, [x19,#0x44]',
'str w9, [x19,#0x4c]',
'ldp x9, x10, [x19,#0x40]',

addr=AOB('02 1D 40 B9 E0 03 14 2A E1 03 15 2A')+0x8
for rate in (0,1,2,3,4):
    AddCheat('Gyao Food x%d'%rate)
    'movz w0, #0',
    'ldr w1, {end}-4',
    'movz w2, #0',
addr=AOB('02 25 40 B9 E0 03 14 2A E1 03 15 2A')+0x8
for rate in (0,1,2,3,4):
    AddCheat('Gyao Affection x%d'%rate)
    'movz w0, #0',
    'ldr w1, {end}-4',
    'movz w2, #0',
addr=AOB('02 2D 40 B9 E0 03 14 2A E1 03 15 2A')+0x8
for rate in (0,9,18,19):
    AddCheat('Gyao Discipline x%d'%rate)
    'movz w0, #0',
    'ldr w1, {end}-4',
    'movz w2, #0',
AddCheat('max Like on gain')
Hack(AOB('60 7D 80 52 E1 03 19 2A E2 03 1F AA')+0xC,(

AddCheat('max Bei on gain')
Hack(AOB('01 00 14 0B 20 7D 80 52 E2 03 1F AA')+0xC,(

AddCheat('max Artisan Flame on gain')
Hack(AOB('01 00 14 0B 40 7D 80 52 E2 03 1F AA')+0xC,(

-Activating Max Like/Bei/Artisan Flame will set the quantity to max on gain and I do not know how to reduce it to a custom amount for example 500,000.

-Money1 5678, change the last line "04000000 0545CFDC XXXXXXXX" where XXXXXXXX is the money in hex.

-Upgrade material 100 by @TomSwitch

Last edited by kindren,


Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
This game is quite good. Way too hard though and the control on switch is bad. Here's some code to even the odds.

Lonely Mountains: Downhill
TID: 0100A0C00E0DE000
BID: 2EC4D1B667108246

[Unlock all bikes enable only at bike selection screen]
04000000 0151ABE0 52800020

[Super Bike]
580F0000 04656150
580F1000 000000B8
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000030
580F1000 00000178
780F0000 00000040
640F1000 00000000 41A00000
640F1000 00000000 00000000
640F1000 00000000 40A00000
640F1000 00000000 41A00000
640F1000 00000000 41A00000

[0 crash]
580F0000 041E1558
580F1000 000000B8
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000038
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000010
780F0000 000000E4
640F0000 00000000 00000000
I'd love an update for latest build. I tried going back to base without update to apply cheats, then update again, but the cheats are also not for base and I don't think I'll figure out which update those cheats are for. So I hope you'll read this and can be bothered to update the cheats for the latest build.


Apr 18, 2023
Serbia, Republic of
Darkest Dungeon 1.2.0 TID: 01008F1008DA6000 BID: 4B104B8145CC9402

[Breeze beta84 Darkest Dungeon 1.2.0 TID: 01008F1008DA6000 BID: 4B104B8145CC9402]

{master code}
04000000 003268B8 BD4F3800
04000000 00651660 BD12A660
04000000 00594E90 B9000008
04000000 0066BA44 4B02016B
04000000 0066B360 4B150108
04000000 0066BE3C 4B1A0108
04000000 005E5008 0B0A0108
04000000 003268BC D65F03C0
04000000 00CD44A0 52A7F006
04000000 00CD44A4 B949A805
04000000 00CD44A8 6B0500DF
04000000 00CD44AC 54000080
04000000 00CD44B0 1E2703E1
04000000 00CD44B4 1E213800
04000000 00CD44B8 D65F03C0
04000000 00CD44BC 17D94901
04000000 00CD44C0 D65F03C0
04000000 00CD44C4 17D948FF

[hp inf]
04000000 003268B8 1426B6DE
04000000 00CD4430 B9405805
04000000 00CD4434 710004BF
04000000 00CD4438 54000081
04000000 00CD443C 1C0000A0
04000000 00CD4440 BD0F3800
04000000 00CD4444 17D9491E
04000000 00CD4448 BD4F3800
04000000 00CD444C 17D9491C
04000000 00CD4450 42480000

[no stress]
04000000 00651660 B912A67F

[L3 for max torch]
04000000 006DDB64 BC686800
04000000 006DDB64 1417DA3D
04000000 00CD4458 1C000060
04000000 00CD445C BC286800
04000000 00CD4460 17E825C2
04000000 00CD4464 42C80000

[spend to get gold and meterials]
04000000 00594E90 141CFD76
04000000 00CD4468 B9400406
04000000 00CD446C 18000165
04000000 00CD4470 6B0600BF
04000000 00CD4474 54000080
04000000 00CD4478 180000C8
04000000 00CD447C B9000008
04000000 00CD4480 17E30285
04000000 00CD4484 18000088
04000000 00CD4488 B9000008
04000000 00CD448C 17E30282
04000000 00CD4490 000001F4
04000000 00CD4494 000F4240
04000000 00CD4498 646C6F67

[inf item use, hold LZ to discard]
04000000 0066BE3C 4B1F0108
04000000 0066BA44 4B1F016B
04000000 0066BA44 4B02016B

[shop items not decrease]
04000000 0066B360 4B1F0108

[exp x 2]
04000000 005E5008 0B0A0508

[exp x 4]
04000000 005E5008 0B0A0908

[exp x 8]
04000000 005E5008 0B0A0D08

[exp x 16]
04000000 005E5008 0B0A1108

[enemy -10 hp]
04000000 003268BC 1426B6F9
04000000 00CD44B0 1E249001

[enemy -20 hp]
04000000 003268BC 1426B6F9
04000000 00CD44B0 1E269001

[enemy -30 hp]
04000000 003268BC 1426B6F9
04000000 00CD44B0 1E27D001

[enemy instant death]
04000000 003268BC 1426B6F9
04000000 00CD44B4 1E203800
Why not for 1.2.1?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Why not for 1.2.1?
that is what i got 1 link dl

[Breeze beta84 Darkest Dungeon 1.2.1 TID: 01008F1008DA6000 BID: BEDBA708383FD7EB]

[master code]
04000000 00326A28 BD4F3800
04000000 00651B64 BD12A660
04000000 006DE15C BC686800
04000000 005950DC B9000008
04000000 0066C33C 4B1A0108
04000000 0066BF44 4B02016B
04000000 0066B860 4B150108
04000000 005E5254 0B0A0108
04000000 00326A2C D65F03C0
04000000 00CD4B40 52A7F006
04000000 00CD4B44 B949A805
04000000 00CD4B48 6B0500DF
04000000 00CD4B4C 54000080
04000000 00CD4B50 1E2703E1
04000000 00CD4B54 1E213800
04000000 00CD4B58 D65F03C0
04000000 00CD4B5C 17D947B5
04000000 00CD4B60 D65F03C0
04000000 00CD4B64 17D947B3

[hp inf]
04000000 00326A28 1426B82A
04000000 00CD4AD0 B9405805
04000000 00CD4AD4 710004BF
04000000 00CD4AD8 54000081
04000000 00CD4ADC 1C0000A0
04000000 00CD4AE0 BD0F3800
04000000 00CD4AE4 17D947D2
04000000 00CD4AE8 BD4F3800
04000000 00CD4AEC 17D947D0
04000000 00CD4AF0 42480000

[no stress]
04000000 00651B64 B912A67F

[L3 for max torch]
04000000 006DE15C BC686800
04000000 006DE15C 1417DA67
04000000 00CD4AF8 1C000060
04000000 00CD4AFC BC286800
04000000 00CD4B00 17E82598
04000000 00CD4B04 42C80000

[spend to get gold and meterials]
04000000 005950DC B9000008
04000000 005950DC 141CFE8B
04000000 00CD4B08 B9400406
04000000 00CD4B0C 18000165
04000000 00CD4B10 6B0600BF
04000000 00CD4B14 54000080
04000000 00CD4B18 180000C8
04000000 00CD4B1C B9000008
04000000 00CD4B20 17E30170
04000000 00CD4B24 18000088
04000000 00CD4B28 B9000008
04000000 00CD4B2C 17E3016D
04000000 00CD4B30 000001F4
04000000 00CD4B34 000F4240
04000000 00CD4B38 646C6F67

[inf item use, hold LZ to discard]
04000000 0066C33C 4B1F0108
04000000 0066BF44 4B1F016B
04000000 0066BF44 4B02016B

[shop items not decrease]
04000000 0066B860 4B1F0108

[exp x 4]
04000000 005E5254 0B0A0908

[exp x 8]
04000000 005E5254 0B0A0D08

[exp x 16]
04000000 005E5254 0B0A1108

[exp x 256]
04000000 005E5254 0B0A2108

[enemy -10 hp]
04000000 00326A2C 1426B845
04000000 00CD4B50 1E249001

[enemy -20 hp]
04000000 00326A2C 1426B845
04000000 00CD4B50 1E269001

[enemy -30 hp]
04000000 00326A2C 1426B845
04000000 00CD4B50 1E27D001

[enemy instant death]
04000000 00326A2C 1426B845
04000000 00CD4B54 1E203800
Last edited by ranma99vn,


Active Member
Nov 27, 2021
I stopped playing those two games early on because they were not interesting to me,
so I haven't tested them well enough, but you can use them at your own risk if you like.
04000000 01703AD0 2A1F03E9

[No Damage]
04000000 01703D08 4B1F014A

[One Hit Kill]
04000000 016E6A80 4B0A0149

[One Hit Kill( while pressing L)]
08000000 02D14FF8 00000000 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FF0 2A1F03E9 34000047
08000000 02D14FE8 4B090149 180000A7
04000000 016E6A80 9458B95A
04000000 02D14FFC 00000001

[Damage x2]
08000000 02D14FE0 00000002 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FD8 1B077D29 18000067
04000000 02D14FD4 B940626A
04000000 016E6A78 9458B957

[Damage x3]
08000000 02D14FE0 00000003 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FD8 1B077D29 18000067
04000000 02D14FD4 B940626A
04000000 016E6A78 9458B957

[Damage x4]
08000000 02D14FE0 00000004 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FD8 1B077D29 18000067
04000000 02D14FD4 B940626A
04000000 016E6A78 9458B957

[Damage x5]
08000000 02D14FE0 00000005 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FD8 1B077D29 18000067
04000000 02D14FD4 B940626A
04000000 016E6A78 9458B957

[Damage x10]
08000000 02D14FE0 0000000A D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FD8 1B077D29 18000067
04000000 02D14FD4 B940626A
04000000 016E6A78 9458B957

[Damage x100]
08000000 02D14FE0 00000064 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FD8 1B077D29 18000067
04000000 02D14FD4 B940626A
04000000 016E6A78 9458B957

[Damage x1000]
08000000 02D14FE0 000003E8 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FD8 1B077D29 18000067
04000000 02D14FD4 B940626A
04000000 016E6A78 9458B957

[Time 00.00.00]
04000000 0173BA68 1E2703E0
04000000 0173BA8C 2A1F03E8

[Enemy Break Count 999(By Enemy Kill)]
04000000 0173C820 52807CE8

[Combo Count 999(By Enemy Kill)]
04000000 0173C828 52807CE8

[Combo Time is not reduced]
04000000 0173BBC8 6B1F0129

[Movement speed x1.5]
08000000 02D14FCC 3FC00000 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FC4 BC4107E8 1E280800
08000000 02D14FBC 1C000088 BD407A60
04000000 02D14FB8 BC1F0FE8
04000000 0171F160 9457D796

[Movement speed x2.0]
08000000 02D14FCC 40000000 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FC4 BC4107E8 1E280800
08000000 02D14FBC 1C000088 BD407A60
04000000 02D14FB8 BC1F0FE8
04000000 0171F160 9457D796

[Movement speed x2.5]
08000000 02D14FCC 40200000 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FC4 BC4107E8 1E280800
08000000 02D14FBC 1C000088 BD407A60
04000000 02D14FB8 BC1F0FE8
04000000 0171F160 9457D796

[Movement speed x3.0]
08000000 02D14FCC 40400000 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FC4 BC4107E8 1E280800
08000000 02D14FBC 1C000088 BD407A60
04000000 02D14FB8 BC1F0FE8
04000000 0171F160 9457D796

[Movement speed x4.0]
08000000 02D14FCC 40800000 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FC4 BC4107E8 1E280800
08000000 02D14FBC 1C000088 BD407A60
04000000 02D14FB8 BC1F0FE8
04000000 0171F160 9457D796

[Movement speed x5.0]
08000000 02D14FCC 40A00000 D65F03C0
08000000 02D14FC4 BC4107E8 1E280800
08000000 02D14FBC 1C000088 BD407A60
04000000 02D14FB8 BC1F0FE8
04000000 0171F160 9457D796

[Moon Jump for yuzu]
04000000 0171FFEC 2A1F03E8
04000000 01720000 52800028

[Moon Jump]
580F0000 042B6450
580F1000 000000B8
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000050
640F1000 00000000 413CCCCD
[Hp Max (Changed)]
04000000 01CF9AE4 D503201F

[One Hit Kill]
08000000 02357FF8 17DE100B 1A8913E9
08000000 02357FF0 7200103F 0B010129
04000000 01ADC024 1421EFF3

[Exp Rate x2]
08000000 02357FE8 00000002 D65F03C0
08000000 02357FE0 1B167C16 18000076
04000000 020B64DC 940A86C1

[Exp Rate x3]
08000000 02357FE8 00000003 D65F03C0
08000000 02357FE0 1B167C16 18000076
04000000 020B64DC 940A86C1

[Exp Rate x4]
08000000 02357FE8 00000004 D65F03C0
08000000 02357FE0 1B167C16 18000076
04000000 020B64DC 940A86C1

[Exp Rate x5]
08000000 02357FE8 00000005 D65F03C0
08000000 02357FE0 1B167C16 18000076
04000000 020B64DC 940A86C1

[Exp Rate x10]
08000000 02357FE8 0000000A D65F03C0
08000000 02357FE0 1B167C16 18000076
04000000 020B64DC 940A86C1

[Exp Rate x100]
08000000 02357FE8 00000064 D65F03C0
08000000 02357FE0 1B167C16 18000076
04000000 020B64DC 940A86C1

[Exp Rate x1000]
08000000 02357FE8 000003E8 D65F03C0
08000000 02357FE0 1B167C16 18000076
04000000 020B64DC 940A86C1

[Exp Rate x10000]
08000000 02357FE8 00002710 D65F03C0
08000000 02357FE0 1B167C16 18000076
04000000 020B64DC 940A86C1

[Dont divide the Exp by the party]
04000000 020B6644 2A1603F8

[No Exp needed to level up]
04000000 01C11818 2A1F03E8

[No Material needed to level up]
04000000 01C11734 2A1F03E8

[No level cap]
04000000 01ADF160 2A1F03E8
04000000 01ADF184 2A1F03E8

[Skill AP 0]
04000000 01CF8270 2A1F03E9

[Food Max]
08000000 01CFF230 B9004001 B9404401
08000000 01CFF238 D65F03C0 2A0103E0

[Material Max]
08000000 01CFF250 B9004801 B9404C01
08000000 01CFF258 D65F03C0 2A0103E0

[DungeonKey Max]
08000000 01CFF270 B9005001 B9405401
08000000 01CFF278 D65F03C0 2A0103E0

[Purified Fuel Max (Changed)]
04000000 01CFF32C D503201F
04000000 01CFF38C D503201F

[Medicine Max (Changed)]
08000000 01CFF7E0 B9001801 B9402C01
04000000 01CFF7E8 D65F03C0

[Bullet Max (Changed)]
08000000 01CFFC70 B9001C01 B9403001
04000000 01CFFC78 D65F03C0

[Explosive Max (Changed)]
08000000 01D00070 B9002001 B9403401
04000000 01D00078 D65F03C0

[Battery Max (Changed)]
08000000 01CFF3B0 B9002401 B9403801
04000000 01CFF3B8 D65F03C0

[Gadget Max (Changed)]
08000000 01D00480 B9002801 B9403C01
04000000 01D00488 D65F03C0

[Drop Item Rarity Selection(while pressing L Rare R UnCommon LR Common)]
08000000 02357FD4 D65F03C0 D2800615
08000000 02357FCC D2800516 37080067
08000000 02357FC4 D2800515 D2800496
08000000 02357FBC 370000C7 52801908
08000000 02357FB4 34000107 18000147
04000000 02357FB0 B8766908
04000000 01BA30B0 941ED3C0
04000000 02357FDC 00000000
04000000 02357FDC 00000001
04000000 02357FDC 00000002
04000000 02357FDC 00000004

[No reduction in modification material item]
04000000 01B0F47C D503201F

[No need for modification material item]
04000000 01B0F80C D503201F

[No need for modification material]
04000000 01B0F810 2A1F03E8
04000000 01B0F984 2A1F03E9
04000000 01B0F998 2A1F03E8

[Modification would be the modification limit]
04000000 01B0F470 52800069

[Through Wall while holding down B]
08000000 02357FA4 D65F03C0 7100041F
08000000 02357F9C 1A8013E0 6B1F00FF
04000000 02357F98 180000A7
04000000 01BBABAC 941E74FB
04000000 02357FAC 00000000
04000000 02357FAC 00000001

[No Encount And Enemy Immobility(while holding down B Encount)]
08000000 02357F8C D65F03C0 9A9F1018
08000000 02357F84 6B1F00FF 18000087
04000000 01BBAB34 941E7514
04000000 02357F94 00000000
04000000 02357F94 00000001
04000000 01EEE3D4 52800028

[Rader avaiable]
04000000 01AD8CDC 52800034
04000000 01AD8D80 D503201F

[Map Full Open(When use radar)]
08000000 01EEDA54 11018D08 51018D15
04000000 01EEDAD8 11018D29
08000000 01EEDAE4 11018D09 51018D19
04000000 01EEDB04 11018D09
04000000 01EEDB58 11018D09
#---------- Spiral Lady, Makina with super hair ----------
Hack('09 91 40 B9 3F A1 00 71','mov w9, wzr')

AddCheat('No Damage','ダメージ受けない')
Hack('4A 01 14 4B 2A 45 00 B9','sub w10, w10, wzr')

AddCheat('One Hit Kill','ワンヒットキル')
Hack('49 01 09 4B 69 62 00 B9','sub w9, w10, w10')

AddCheat('One Hit Kill( while pressing L)','L押下中ワンヒットキル')
CodeCave('49 01 09 4B 69 62 00 B9',(
'ldr w7, {end}-4',
'sub w9, w10, w9',
'cbz w7, .+8',
'mov w9, wzr',

addr=AOB('6A 62 40 B9 1F 31 00 71')
for rate in (2,3,4,5,10,100,1000):
AddCheat('Damage x%d'%rate,'ダメージ%d倍'%rate)
CodeCave(addr, (
'ldr w10, [x19,#0x60]',
'ldr w7, {end}-4',
'mul w9, w9, w7',

AddCheat('Time 00.00.00','タイム 00.00.00')
Hack('00 29 20 1E 01 01 27 1E 80 9A 00 BD','fmov s0, wzr')
Hack('08 05 00 11 9F 22 13 29','mov w8, wzr')

AddCheat('Enemy Break Count 999(By Enemy Kill)','敵倒すと撃破数 999')
Hack('08 05 00 11 08 3C 00 B9 28 05 00 11','mov w8, #999')

AddCheat('Combo Count 999(By Enemy Kill)','敵倒すとコンボ回数 999')
Hack('28 05 00 11 88 2A 00 29','mov w8, #999')

AddCheat('Combo Time is not reduced','コンボ時間減らない')
Hack('29 05 00 71 0B 0F 00 54','subs w9, w9, wzr')

addr=AOB('60 7A 40 BD ? ? ? ? 60 82 40 F9')
for rate in (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0):
AddCheat('Movement speed x{:.1f}'.format(rate),'移動速度{:.1f}倍'.format(rate))
CodeCave(addr, (
'str s8, [sp,#-0x10]!',
'ldr s0, [x19,#0x78]',
'ldr s8, {end}-4',
'fmul s0, s0, s8',
'ldr s8, [sp],#0x10',

AddCheat('Moon Jump for yuzu','ムーンジャンプ(yuzu用)')
Hack('68 32 41 39 88 00 00 34','mov w8, wzr')
Hack('68 C2 41 39 88 FF FF 34','mov w8, #1')

PlayerMove=[GetQword(GetADRP(AOB('D6 ? ? F9 ? ? ? ? 1F 6C 00 71'))),0xB8,0]

b_playerHitStop = PlayerMove + [0x20] # bool
b_DamageNow = PlayerMove + [0x21] # bool
waitTime = PlayerMove + [0x24] # int
b_WallJump = PlayerMove + [0x28] # bool
SideFloorMove = PlayerMove + [0x2C] # float
i_grapCount = PlayerMove + [0x30] # int
i_grapRelease = PlayerMove + [0x34] # int
HealEffect = PlayerMove + [0x38] # GameObject
b_UpFlg = PlayerMove + [0x40] # bool
b_RightFlg = PlayerMove + [0x41] # bool
b_LeftSlope = PlayerMove + [0x42] # bool
b_RightSlope = PlayerMove + [0x43] # bool
f_LeftUnder = PlayerMove + [0x44] # float
f_RightUnder = PlayerMove + [0x48] # float
b_jumpFlg = PlayerMove + [0x4C] # bool
b_jumpHigh = PlayerMove + [0x4D] # bool
f_jumpUp = PlayerMove + [0x50] # float
f_jumpLimit = PlayerMove + [0x54] # float
DefaultLimit = PlayerMove + [0x58] # float
f_startPlus = PlayerMove + [0x5C] # float
i_jumpCount = PlayerMove + [0x60] # int
i_jumpLimit = PlayerMove + [0x64] # int
b_onSpring = PlayerMove + [0x68] # bool
WireFlg = PlayerMove + [0x69] # bool
b_LRMove = PlayerMove + [0x6A] # bool
b_beforeShot = PlayerMove + [0x6B] # bool
b_canLadder = PlayerMove + [0x6C] # bool
b_LadderUnder = PlayerMove + [0x6D] # bool
b_WireMax = PlayerMove + [0x6E] # bool
b_moreJump = PlayerMove + [0x6F] # bool
b_onGround = PlayerMove + [0x70] # bool
b_jumpWallForce = PlayerMove + [0x71] # bool
b_Flying = PlayerMove + [0x72] # bool
ClearControl = PlayerMove + [0x73] # bool
b_lookLeft = PlayerMove + [0x74] # bool
b_grapLR = PlayerMove + [0x75] # bool
f_Movex = PlayerMove + [0x78] # float
b_RideMFloor = PlayerMove + [0x7C] # bool
UpPos = PlayerMove + [0x80] # Vector2
b_wallTop = PlayerMove + [0x88] # bool
b_grapTop = PlayerMove + [0x89] # bool
b_canUpWall = PlayerMove + [0x8A] # bool
wallUpFlg = PlayerMove + [0x8B] # bool
i_wallUpTime = PlayerMove + [0x8C] # int
i_upMuteki = PlayerMove + [0x90] # int
wallThrough = PlayerMove + [0x98] # GameObject[]
b_hitWallF = PlayerMove + [0xA0] # bool
b_hitWallB = PlayerMove + [0xA1] # bool
b_headHit = PlayerMove + [0xA2] # bool
b_damaged = PlayerMove + [0xA3] # bool
b_DamageFirst = PlayerMove + [0xA4] # bool
b_DamageStop = PlayerMove + [0xA5] # bool
i_sparkCount = PlayerMove + [0xA8] # int
underChecker = PlayerMove + [0xAC] # RaycastHit2D
FloorDis = PlayerMove + [0xD0] # RaycastHit2D
body = PlayerMove + [0xF8] # GameObject
bodyAnim = PlayerMove + [0x100] # Animator
Mover = PlayerMove + [0x108] # Rigidbody2D
Hairs = PlayerMove + [0x110] # GameObject[]
bodyDamage = PlayerMove + [0x118] # GameObject
checker = PlayerMove + [0x120] # GameObject[]
ReturnCameraWork = PlayerMove + [0x128] # float
b_CantJump = PlayerMove + [0x12C] # bool
i_AuraTime = PlayerMove + [0x130] # int
b_AuraNow = PlayerMove + [0x134] # bool
i_AuraPlus = PlayerMove + [0x138] # int
b_TurnLR = PlayerMove + [0x13C] # bool
ClimbNow = PlayerMove + [0x13D] # bool
FirstHit = PlayerMove + [0x13E] # bool
GrapFirst = PlayerMove + [0x13F] # bool

AddCheat('Moon Jump','ムーンジャンプ')
PointerHack(f_jumpUp,Float2DWord(11.8), useButton='a')

#---------- METRO QUESTER ----------
AddCheat('Hp Max (Changed)','HP変動で最大')
Hack('8D 00 00 54 E0 03 13 AA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 68 46 40 B9', 'nop')

AddCheat('One Hit Kill','ワンヒットキル')
CodeCave('29 01 01 0B 3F 01 08 6B 09 64 00 B9', (
'add w9, w9, w1',
'tst w1, #0x1f',
'csel w9, wzr, w9, ne',
'b {back}'

addr=AOB('F6 03 00 2A 80 02 40 F9 08 64 42 79 A8 00 50 36 08 E0 40 B9 68 00 00 35 ? ? ? ? 80 02 40 F9 08 5C 40 F9 A0 02 40 F9 17 A5 40 F9 08 64 42 79 A8 00 50 36 08 E0 40 B9 68 00 00 35 ? ? ? ? A0 02 40 F9 08 5C 40 F9 18 29 40 F9')
for rate in (2,3,4,5,10,100,1000,10000):
AddCheat('Exp Rate x%d'%rate,'経験値%d倍'%rate)
CodeCave(addr, (
'ldr w22, {end}-4',
'mul w22, w0, w22',

AddCheat('Dont divide the Exp by the party','経験値パーティ人数で割らない')
Hack('D8 0E D7 1A', 'mov w24, w22')

AddCheat('No Exp needed to level up','レベルアップ必要経験値0')
Hack('08 21 40 B9 5F 01 00 71', 'mov w8, wzr')

AddCheat('No Material needed to level up','レベルアップ必要資材数0')
Hack('E8 03 88 1A 68 2A 01 B9', 'mov w8, wzr')

AddCheat('No level cap','レベルキャップなし')
Hack('08 71 40 39 48 01 00 34 E0 03 13 2A', 'mov w8, wzr')
Hack('08 71 40 39 08 FF FF 35 ? ? ? ? 73 ? ? F9', 'mov w8, wzr')

AddCheat('Skill AP 0','スキル必要AP 0')
Hack('09 41 40 B9 89 32 00 B9', 'mov w9, wzr')

AddCheat('Food Max','食料最大')
Hack(AOB2('08 5C 40 F9 E1 03 1F AA 00 AD 40 F9 ? ? ? ? E0 0F 00 B9',0xc), (
'ldr w1, [x0, #0x44]',
'str w1, [x0, #0x40]',
'mov w0, w1',

AddCheat('Material Max','資材最大')
Hack(AOB2('08 5C 40 F9 E1 03 1F AA 00 AD 40 F9 ? ? ? ? E0 07 00 B9',0xc), (
'ldr w1, [x0, #0x4c]',
'str w1, [x0, #0x48]',
'mov w0, w1',

AddCheat('DungeonKey Max','鍵最大')
Hack(AOB2('08 5C 40 F9 E1 03 1F AA 00 AD 40 F9 ? ? ? ? E0 03 00 B9',0xc), (
'ldr w1, [x0, #0x54]',
'str w1, [x0, #0x50]',
'mov w0, w1',

AddCheat('Purified Fuel Max (Changed)','浄化燃料変動で最大')
Hack('8A 00 00 54 E0 03 13 AA ? ? ? ? F4 03 00 2A', 'nop')
Hack('8D 00 00 54 E0 03 13 AA ? ? ? ? 60 12 00 B9', 'nop')

AddCheat('Medicine Max (Changed)','薬変動で最大')
Hack(AOB2(AOB3('1F 64 00 71 0A 33 00 54','01 00 15 0B'),0xc), (
'ldr w1, [x0, #0x2c]',
'str w1, [x0, #0x18]',

AddCheat('Bullet Max (Changed)','弾薬変動で最大')
Hack(AOB2(AOB3('1F 64 00 71 AA 0D 00 54','01 00 15 0B'),0xc), (
'ldr w1, [x0, #0x30]',
'str w1, [x0, #0x1c]',

AddCheat('Explosive Max (Changed)','爆薬変動で最大')
Hack(AOB2(AOB3('1F 64 00 71 0A 23 00 54','01 00 15 0B'),0xc), (
'ldr w1, [x0, #0x34]',
'str w1, [x0, #0x20]',

AddCheat('Battery Max (Changed)','電池変動で最大')
Hack(AOB2(AOB3('1F 64 00 71 6A 76 00 54','01 00 15 0B'),0xc), (
'ldr w1, [x0, #0x38]',
'str w1, [x0, #0x24]',

AddCheat('Gadget Max (Changed)','小道具変動で最大')
Hack(AOB3(AOB2(AOB3('1F 64 00 71 0A 23 00 54','01 00 15 0B'),0xc),'01 28 00 B9 C0 03 5F D6'), (
'ldr w1, [x0, #0x3c]',
'str w1, [x0, #0x28]',

AddCheat('Drop Item Rarity Selection(while pressing L Rare R UnCommon LR Common)','ドロップアイテムレア度選択(L Rare R UnCommon LR Common)')
CodeCave('08 69 76 B8 1F 00 08 6B', (
'ldr w8, [x8,x22]',
'ldr w7, {end}',
'cbz w7, .+32',
'mov w8, #200',
'tbnz w7, #0, .+24',
'mov x22, #0x24',
'mov x21, #0x28',
'tbnz w7, #1, .+12',
'mov x22, #0x28',
'mov x21, #0x30',

AddCheat('No reduction in modification material item','改造素材減らない')
Hack(AOB('09 D5 00 B9 60 42 40 B9')+8, 'nop')

AddCheat('No need for modification material item','改造素材アイテム要らない')
Hack('A0 01 00 54 C8 03 80 52', 'nop')

AddCheat('No need for modification material','改造資材要らない')
Hack('C8 03 80 52 68 46 00 B9', 'mov w8, wzr')
Hack('49 0B 80 52 69 46 00 B9', 'mov w9, wzr')
Hack('C8 21 80 52', 'mov w8, wzr')

AddCheat('Modification would be the modification limit','改造すると改造上限になる')
Hack('29 05 00 11 09 D5 00 B9', 'mov w9, #3')

AddCheat('Through Wall while holding down B','B押下中壁抜け移動')
CodeCave('1F 04 00 71 AB 00 00 54 23 03 40 F9', (
'ldr w7, {end}',
'cmp w7, wzr',
'csel w0, wzr, w0, ne',
'cmp w0, #1',

AddCheat('No Encount And Enemy Immobility(while holding down B Encount)','ノーエンカウント&敵不動(B押下中エンカウント)')
CodeCave('F8 03 00 AA 40 03 40 F9 08 64 42 79 D8 01 00 B4', (
'ldr w7, {end}',
'cmp w7, wzr',
'csel x24, x0, xzr, ne',
Hack('08 61 44 39 48 FD FF 35','mov w8, #1')

AddCheat('Rader avaiable','レーダー使用可能')
addr=AOB('AB F7 FF 54 F5 03 1F AA 68 02 40 F9 E1 02 40 F9 09 55 42 79 69 01 00 B4 0B 59 40 F9 EA 03 1F AA EC 03 0B AA 8D 01 40 F9 BF 01 01 EB 40 05 00 54')
Hack(SearchPrevASM(addr, 'MOV', 'W20', 'W0'),'mov w20, #1')

AddCheat('Map Full Open(When use radar)','レーダー使用するとマップ全開')
Hack('15 0D 00 51 08 0D 00 11' ,('sub w21, w8, #99','add w8, w8, #99'))
Hack('29 0D 00 11 BF 02 09 6B', 'add w9, w9, #99')
Hack('19 0D 00 51' ,('sub w25, w8, #99','add w9, w8, #99'))
Hack('09 0D 00 11 3F 03 09 6B 2C FE FF 54','add w9, w8, #99')
Hack('09 0D 00 11 3F 03 09 6B 8C FB FF 54','add w9, w8, #99')

In addition I have updated fashion dreamer from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1

[Move Speed x1.5]
08000000 04DD2FF8 D65F03C0 1E290821
08000000 04DD2FF0 1E2F1009 BC686A61
04000000 020AC4B0 94B49AD0

[Move Speed x2.0]
08000000 04DD2FF8 D65F03C0 1E290821
08000000 04DD2FF0 1E201009 BC686A61
04000000 020AC4B0 94B49AD0

[Move Speed x3.0]
08000000 04DD2FF8 D65F03C0 1E290821
08000000 04DD2FF0 1E211009 BC686A61
04000000 020AC4B0 94B49AD0

[Move Speed x4.0]
08000000 04DD2FF8 D65F03C0 1E290821
08000000 04DD2FF0 1E221009 BC686A61
04000000 020AC4B0 94B49AD0

[Move Speed x5.0]
08000000 04DD2FF8 D65F03C0 1E290821
08000000 04DD2FF0 1E229009 BC686A61
04000000 020AC4B0 94B49AD0

[Stops quickly]
04000000 020AC138 D503201F
04000000 020AC408 D503201F
04000000 020AC450 1E2703E2
04000000 020AC6C4 1A9F53F4

[EPoint Max]
08000000 04DD2FE8 D65F03C0 B9004500
08000000 04DD2FE0 72A77340 52993FE0
04000000 01D163A8 94C2F30E

[Ticket Max]
08000000 04DD2FD8 D65F03C0 B9001500
08000000 04DD2FD0 52807CE0 AA0003E8
04000000 01D16A18 94C2F16E

[Creative Key Max]
08000000 04DD2FC8 D65F03C0 B9004500
08000000 04DD2FC0 72A00020 5290D3E0
04000000 01D16488 94C2F2CE

[LookAt result 3 hearts]
08000000 023C7740 5280002A 52800029
08000000 023C3C60 5280002B 5280002A

[Brand Exp x2]
04000000 01D178B4 0B0107F3

[Brand Exp x3]
04000000 01D178B4 0B010433

[Brand Exp x4]
04000000 01D178B4 0B010BF3

[Brand Exp x5]
04000000 01D178B4 0B010833

[Brand Exp x8]
04000000 01D178B4 0B010FF3

[Brand Exp x16]
04000000 01D178B4 0B0113F3

[Brand Exp x32]
04000000 01D178B4 0B0117F3

[Brand Exp x64]
04000000 01D178B4 0B011BF3

[Brand Exp x128]
04000000 01D178B4 0B011FF3

[Brand Exp Max (Gain)]
04000000 01D17944 9A93B268

[virtual follower increase x2]
04000000 01E7B370 8B0107F4

[virtual follower increase x3]
04000000 01E7B370 8B010434

[virtual follower increase x4]
04000000 01E7B370 8B010BF4

[virtual follower increase x5]
04000000 01E7B370 8B010834

[virtual follower increase x8]
04000000 01E7B370 8B010FF4

[virtual follower increase x16]
04000000 01E7B370 8B0113F4

[virtual follower increase x32]
04000000 01E7B370 8B0117F4

[virtual follower increase x64]
04000000 01E7B370 8B011BF4

[virtual follower increase x128]
04000000 01E7B370 8B011FF4

[Virtual follower increase to Max]
04000000 01E7B3D0 9A88B108

[Parts Item Unlock]
08000000 024B37A0 D65F03C0 52800020

[Katagami Unlock]
08000000 024B7F44 A8C57BFD 52800020
04000000 024B7F4C D65F03C0
08000000 01FF0E34 B90016E8 52800C68
04000000 01FF0E3C 1400000A

[Consumption pattern paper use does not reduce]
04000000 024B7A34 6B1F0108

[Photo Item Num Max (Changed)]
04000000 01E56E78 1A88B108
04000000 01E56B68 1A88B108
04000000 01E56DA4 1A88B108

[Gacha rarity setting]
08000000 04DD2FB8 00000010 D65F03C0
08000000 04DD2FB0 AA1F03E1 1A982038
08000000 04DD2FA8 6B16031F 510006C1
08000000 04DD2FA0 2A0103F8 372000A1
04000000 04DD2F9C 18000101
04000000 01FC9680 94B82647
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000000
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000001
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000002
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000003
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000004
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000005
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000006
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000007
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000008
04000000 04DD2FBC 00000009

[Color Pallete Unlock]
08000000 04DD2F94 D65F03C0 A8C17BFD
08000000 04DD2F8C 973CE344 AA0003F3
04000000 04DD2F88 A9BF7BFD
04000000 01D0CCB0 94C318B6

For games with online features, do not connect if you use cheats.


Sep 21, 2013
request DQM3 cheat for:
1. Small Monster can use L Talent Monster or L Monster resize to S Monster with the Talent still attach (example L Monster like Serpent Scale have the ability to attack twice is the current meta but taking party slot)
2. egg code modifier, with the current egg code i only find same monster on the field will be nice to have a modifier from Silver Rate to Rainbow rate.

Thank you guys.


New Member
Dec 16, 2023
TID: 01008B900DC0A000
BID: 7F59549F6E792936

I'm also working on Max lv GF Codes for all GFs. I only saw some of the GFs but not all of them so, I'm waiting to get all GFs and will post for it.

I was wondering if there's a thread for FF8 Remastered Hacking Cheats.


Lord of Pyro
Jan 7, 2012
Your basement
United States
TID: 01008B900DC0A000
BID: 7F59549F6E792936

I'm also working on Max lv GF Codes for all GFs. I only saw some of the GFs but not all of them so, I'm waiting to get all GFs and will post for it.

I was wondering if there's a thread for FF8 Remastered Hacking Cheats.
You're gonna get all the girlfriends? That's not fair, I don't even have one!

In all seriousness, I don't see why so many players obsess so much over 'waifus' in Japanese games, but please don't try to enlighten me, because I'm asexual, and it will fall on deaf ears. Anyway, I really wanted to get an unpatched Switch in January to start creating ASM codes for certain games, but that's been put on hold in favor of getting a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro, because I've been waiting AGES for one powerful enough to do decent Switch emulation for low system requirement games, and this new model that just dropped checks all the boxes on top of being Android 11 to boot, while I am in the market for a new Android device. Sorry guys, but you'll need to be a little more patient for the 'cheat scene' to grow another ASM code creator (me). I guess I could never measure up to Rick Astley, because I feel I let you guys down.


New Member
Dec 27, 2023
Please help is anybody have an update cheat for Dragon Ball Z v.1.27
TID: 0100A250097F0000
BID : 7C90E9CC8EB71692
[Change Money Max]
04070000 0025A980 AA0803F6

[Change Z Coin Max]
04070000 0025A9D4 AA0A03E9

[Inf HP]
04070000 02C99600 B9404409
04070000 02C99604 35000089
04070000 02C99608 52A00029
04070000 02C9960C 728BF209
04070000 02C99610 B90DE009
04070000 02C99614 B94DE008
04070000 02C99618 175313A7
04070000 02C9961C 5201BB06
04070000 0015E4B0 14ACEC54

[Inf Sparking]
04070000 000D3E58 52800040

[1P Inf Energy]
04070000 02C99620 B9400275
04070000 02C99624 35000095
04070000 02C99628 52A00035
04070000 02C9962C 72822E15
04070000 02C99630 B9004A75
04070000 02C99634 B9405677
04070000 02C99638 D65F03C0
04070000 000DA544 94AEFC37
Post automatically merged:


Dragon Ball Fighterz ver. 1.27

Inf. Power

These are for 1.25 from Patjenova

04000000 0025A630 1A88B2C8
04000000 0025A684 1A8AB12A
04000000 0015E30C B94DE008
04000000 000D3B68 B9404C00
04000000 000DA1A8 B9405677
04000000 001700C8 B943A808
04000000 0011EF0C 78E86A68
04000000 0010FD50 B940126A
04000000 004E4398 11000529
04000000 004A7F38 B940428A

[05# 1P Inf Energy]
04000000 02C98AF0 B9400275
04000000 02C98AF4 35000095
04000000 02C98AF8 52A00035
04000000 02C98AFC 72822E15
04000000 02C98B00 B9004A75
04000000 02C98B04 B9405677
04000000 02C98B08 D65F03C0
04000000 000DA1A8 94AEFA52

versi 1.27

[Change Money Max]
04070000 0025A980 AA0803F6

[Change Z Coin Max]
04070000 0025A9D4 AA0A03E9

[Inf HP]
04070000 02C99600 B9404409
04070000 02C99604 35000089
04070000 02C99608 52A00029
04070000 02C9960C 728BF209
04070000 02C99610 B90DE009
04070000 02C99614 B94DE008
04070000 02C99618 175313A7
04070000 02C9961C 5201BB06
04070000 0015E4B0 14ACEC54

[Inf Sparking]
04070000 000D3E58 52800040

[1P Inf Energy]
04070000 02C99620 B9400275
04070000 02C99624 35000095
04070000 02C99628 52A00035
04070000 02C9962C 72822E15
04070000 02C99630 B9004A75
04070000 02C99634 B9405677
04070000 02C99638 D65F03C0
04070000 000DA544 94AEFC37
Post automatically merged:

Please help is anybody have an update cheat for Dragon Ball Z v.1.27
TID: 0100A250097F0000
BID : 7C90E9CC8EB71692
versi 1.27

[Change Money Max]
04070000 0025A980 AA0803F6

[Change Z Coin Max]
04070000 0025A9D4 AA0A03E9

[Inf HP]
04070000 02C99600 B9404409
04070000 02C99604 35000089
04070000 02C99608 52A00029
04070000 02C9960C 728BF209
04070000 02C99610 B90DE009
04070000 02C99614 B94DE008
04070000 02C99618 175313A7
04070000 02C9961C 5201BB06
04070000 0015E4B0 14ACEC54

[Inf Sparking]
04070000 000D3E58 52800040

[1P Inf Energy]
04070000 02C99620 B9400275
04070000 02C99624 35000095
04070000 02C99628 52A00035
04070000 02C9962C 72822E15
04070000 02C99630 B9004A75
04070000 02C99634 B9405677
04070000 02C99638 D65F03C0
04070000 000DA544 94AEFC37
Please help is anybody have an update cheat for Dragon Ball Z v.1.27
TID: 0100A250097F0000
BID : 7C90E9CC8EB71692
versi 1.27

[Change Money Max]
04070000 0025A980 AA0803F6

[Change Z Coin Max]
04070000 0025A9D4 AA0A03E9

[Inf HP]
04070000 02C99600 B9404409
04070000 02C99604 35000089
04070000 02C99608 52A00029
04070000 02C9960C 728BF209
04070000 02C99610 B90DE009
04070000 02C99614 B94DE008
04070000 02C99618 175313A7
04070000 02C9961C 5201BB06
04070000 0015E4B0 14ACEC54

[Inf Sparking]
04070000 000D3E58 52800040

[1P Inf Energy]
04070000 02C99620 B9400275
04070000 02C99624 35000095
04070000 02C99628 52A00035
04070000 02C9962C 72822E15
04070000 02C99630 B9004A75
04070000 02C99634 B9405677
04070000 02C99638 D65F03C0
04070000 000DA544 94AEFC37


Jul 10, 2023
United States
TID: 0100535012974000
BID: D41357A3DA356B09
Version: 1.0.38233

[Invincible (On)]
[Invincible (Off)]
[Inf. Throw Attacks]
[ATK Power 9999]
[Speed 1.5x]
[Speed 1x]

Credits: crazy_p, Optantic

Do not repost the Cheats on Cheatslips, any Warez Site or for Profit!
What does "BID" mean?


シュウ 「グラビトロンカノン 発射!」
Aug 4, 2019
Arcade Archives MYSTIC WARRIORS 1.0.1
TID: 01002EB019792000

[1P Inf.Lives]
[1P Inf.Energy]
[1P Invincibility]
[2P Inf.Lives]
[2P Inf.Energy]
[2P Invincibility]
[3P Inf.Lives]
[3P Inf.Energy]
[3P Invincibility]
[4P Inf.Lives]
[4P Inf.Energy]
[4P Invincibility]

Original Code by ネオ•グランゾン


  • DD9BC9A6B6D5276A.txt
    743 bytes · Views: 22

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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
  • linuxares @ linuxares:
    Thor from "Pirate Software" said its just better to pirate the game than buy from a keyshop if you care about the devs
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    devs don't get hit with the chargebacks, the keys are free to generate
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    at least on steam
  • linuxares @ linuxares:
    Except he said the DEVS get hits with the chargeback cost
  • linuxares @ linuxares:
    since the key gets bought with a stolen credit card
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    there's nothing to charge back because the keys don't cost them money to generate in the first place
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    If the game has a crack sure
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Most these crack sites have dead links anymore or the crack don't even work
  • linuxares @ linuxares:
    @The Real Jdbye What don't you get? If someone use a stolen creditcard. Then sell said key on G2A. If I the dev sold the game key, I will get the charge back cost. That's how it works, it doesn't matter if I generate 300 keys if 300 of them are bought with stolen credit cards. I never said it was on Steam, but its the dev that gets hit. There is a ton of stories out there if you google it.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Just buy other people's steam account :teach:
  • linuxares @ linuxares:
    Just tell them you're dead ;D
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    They already know
  • linuxares @ linuxares:
    I honestly wonder how the EU would say if I willed my account to you. And Valve be like "nope!"
  • cearp @ cearp:
    @K3Nv2 - sounds like you need a better place to find cracks!
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Psionics offline right now or I would
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @cearp, Psi is offline at the minute, but he knows where to find them.
  • cearp @ cearp:
    get your mind out of the gutter, I'm talking about piracy
  • cearp @ cearp:
    not that type of crack
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I mean the drug not the booty pervs
  • linuxares @ linuxares:
    @cearp At a plumber convenstion. Loads of cracks!
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    A plumber is either on crack or in crack or showcasing crack
  • cearp @ cearp:
    or of course, dealing with cracks (in pipes)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Sure he could be on cracked flooring causing the leak
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Sure he could be on cracked flooring causing the leak