USBLoaderGX changelog

Here you'll find what I'm currently doing with USBLoaderGX development.
I'll post link to latest revision or mods too.
It will be easier to maintain than using a post on the forum.

All releases are located here:
USBLoaderGX download repository

Main thread URL :

Fix HDD detection issue
Fix Network freeze after random delay since r1254 (need a re-init network) Reverted to r1252 without SSL support.

- Add Neek2o support for Channels
- Add Neek2o support for Wii game discs
(dropped for now)
- Add Neek/2o support for DM/L(dropped for now)
- Add Cheatcode support for Neek2o
- Rework EmuNAND menus and options. --> maybe will be done after 3.1

- Complete user's menu for gamecube features (copy to SD, copy to USB, delete games, etc.)
- add SSL download support for nintendont update

Release 3.1

Overall menu update
- use full widescreen width for all settings
- Reorganize settings by categories (Wii, Gamecube/dm/devo/nin, Channels/real/emu, etc.)
- Use tab system

Plugin system
- Adds plugins support
- adds new menus settings per plugins
- adds plugins list in the Game origin prompt (4th menu icon)
- changed Game origin prompt to scrollable list

Release 4.0 Final

User Guide
continue the USBLoaderGX User Manual located on Wiki (to be moved on proper webpage when moving to Sourceforge)
- detail all options/menu/settings
- adds hidden feature/possibilities by combining existing settings

Known Requests and bugs not located on google code:
Bugs are either valid or to be verified.
Classed by importance/to do before release.

Important - Do before release v3.1
- If there's only gamecube games (and only one?), sometime it disappear from the channel layout. it also happens when clicking on the Search button. The banner preview disappear but the game can still be selected and big banner animation is zoomed.
- Deleting a Gamecune game (FST only?) only deletes the ISO, not the empty folder. The game is still listed after deletion.
- Copying a gamecube game from USB to SD triggers wiinertag, even if the game is not launched.
- dumping GC to SD still try to mount USB.
- Dual port support issue when creating a folder on USB port1 it creates it on USB Port0 :
- Existing Ocarina codes from geckocodes don't work with cIOS redirected EmuNAND Channels. Ocarina itself works fine, but codes need to be re-created to match new memory addresses. Find how to translate addresses or fix channel loading to work with existing codes.
- Title list issue (game count?) when displaying Gamecube only. reproduce : List Gamecube from SD, List only gamecube from 4th icon, List only one title (adds fav or category or only one ISO on SD). Trigger it this way : 1) Go to banner layout, click on the game and cancel the banner disapear. 2) any layout, click on Search icon and there's no suggested letters or Titles, no game are found.
- Loaders freeze when launching a game if HDD free space is not displayed yet (if enabled in GUI). reported by OriginalHamster. --> Add a timer or check free size before launching a game
- EmuNAND doesn't load animated banners (remove banner cache to test!) if path is in 2 subfolders (usb:/nands/nand1/) (probably same issue with hyphen in name)
- Launching homebrew which require HDD access can't detect HDD.

Less important - Do before release v4.0
- When the Theme downloader freezes, There's no way to cancel, pulling the cord is required. ---> Adds a time out for downloads and/or progress bar GUI value stuck detection.
- WiiMC launched from Forwarder channel doesn't grant USB access to WiiMC. (probably because it reloads cIOS before launching a channel) --> allow requested IOS to be loaded instead. make it an option.
- Fix (or warn user when enabling/setting path) when using dual port support with some active user's path set to USB : Media player, settings set on USB, etc. (possible HDDcorruption !!!! freeze when playing a background music physically present on the unloaded port)
- Channels : Aspect ratio not working
- Channels EmuNAND : Ocarina not working, Aspect ratio not working (probably other patches too)
- Wii wbfs games are not launching if the file is write protected (only on FAT32?). Thanks to LibFAT1.0.13 we can now edit the file attribute

No importance defined for that bug. Fix it anytime
- Setting a different game's origin (Wii/GC/NAND/EMU) doesn't save it to GXGlobal.cfg right away, if application crashes, it's set back on load.
- Moving Wiitdb.xml path in the settings doesn't move the existing .xml file. Done by Greywolf in r1244
- Wiitdb titles not always successfully loaded at loader's launch, games appear with default ISO/folder name. Maybe it requires a delay before calling gamebrowse to fully read the xml? temp solution: force a refresh title when OFF+ON the wiitdb in features menu?
- Theme downloader (or any zip to be extracted) : Accentuated letters inside zip are crashing the loader.
- Overscan value doesn't affect the cursor ratio
- Smash Bros doesn't dump correctly (all DVD9 games? maybe user didn't set the partition dump info correctly) not a bug, user's fault. --> todo: set default dump mode to remove update instead of game partition only.
- Channels on NAND don't have correct parental control value (parental settings set to default for Titles loaded from NAND before loading Wiitdb)
- Deleting a game doesn't affect free space without restart
- export gamelist (cvs) not in utf8?
- channel sound not loading if nand emu path has a subfolder (sd:/nands/nand1/) or a non letter character? (SD:/nands-1/)
- Some japanese games banner doesn't display japanese characters
- Third party CCPro crashes. search forum for fix. look on Nintendont svn, thanks to AbdallahTerro for the fix.
- gameconfig.txt not loading if there's not at least one cheatcode enabled Done
- custom Background music still played when entering Credit page
- EmuNAND doesn't work with 4k drives. report
- progress bar to starts at 100% (0/0) instead of 0% (0/100) (issue 2185)
- Gamecube GameID read from folder name is wrong when using ID6_Title, if the first 6 letters are not a GameID. Example : Luigis_mansion, Donkey_kong. Add a check for proper GameID (all caps?)
- /wbfs/ path is hard coded in usbloaders/wbfs/wbfs_fat.c instead of using the user's defined path for wii games. 100% of users are using /wbfs/ so it's not a real issue, but just in case someone want to change the path it will cause issues. could affect wii wbfs on SD on future features.

- vWii : the forwarder (old 2.0 and 5.1fix) are affecting the video output. a screen tearing effects appear until vWii mode is exited. Report
- HDD not reinit when exiting a game using the forwarder :
Classed by addition impact/difficulty to add

Major request (features addition, new menus)
- Adds plugin system
- Adds homebrew display in main game list / origin prompt (4th menu icon)
- Adds tab system and per-tab settings : new option on master setting : always boot "last tab, xxx tab". check booted profile for lock state
- Adds a full cheat editor (adds/edit code value, see comments, etc.)
- Adds Wii game disc (wbfs/iso) support from SD card : (attention, if SD card is WBFS partition format instead of FAT32 : cIOS r18+ or Hermes v5+ required)
- Adds external DVD reader support: patch files here :
- Revamp overall warning messages to explain better what's the issue : instead of "you need FAT32 primary" --> "Your partition is currently set as Extended, you need to set it to primary" "you curent partition is not located at the beginning of your partition table" etc.
- Batch for Wad install Done in r1260
- adds neek2o
- Add uStealth menu to switch the drive state directly in the loader.
- Adds a game cache option (not game title's cache which already exists) to fasten loading time for users with many games/GC/emuNAND/etc. by preventing scanning HDD every time, and add a "refresh Title list" option.

Minor request (fixes, edit in existing menus)
- Adds missing Wbfs path supported by WiiBackupManager (default path in WBM not working!) /wbfs/xxxx/GameID.wbfs
- Adds an option to display only boot.dol (and boot.elf?) instead of all .dols in homebrew browser
- Adds a visual sign to differentiate SD or USB for title's location (different cursor color, different highlight color, text placed somewhere etc.)
- Adds free size on SD card on Gamecune delete window. (and on USB if doing a SD to USB prompt)
- Add an option to group gamelist by sources/categories/combination of both
- Adds dPad up/down support in settings menu (in float menu)
- Wall layout : Add the patch for flat 4 rows (see issues on googlecode)
- Adds an option for "dump this channel to EmuNAND"
- Adds better user's prompt when dumping to EmuNAND -> EmuNAND save or EmuNAND channel ? (change the name, better overall rewrite of all emuNAND features)
- Adds a "press B + wiimote move to scroll" on Wall/caroussel layout
- Big revamp of the settings menu using big icons (Wii, Gamecube, Channels, plugins, etc.)
- Make all the settings bigger to fit widescreen TV
- Adds Autoboot last played game if A is pressed at launch (check first that the game is not part of locked/parental control/different tabs, etc.)
- Adds a remember last played game setting per tabs (when tabs added)
- Rename wiinertag filename to Gamertag
- Adds a gamertag edition setting in the loader with pre-configured Wiinertag and DUtag.
- Restore title.txt support. Request by DEFIANT
- instead of the text "use global", display which setting is used by "global". for example "*PAL 480p*" or put the setting in bold. Request by Naxil
- Adds a IOS selector : Display list of cIOS/Slot/Base installed on the console and let the user pick one, instead of entering slot number manually. Request : Naxil
- Adds a Refresh/rebuild cache for banners/titles.
- Adds an auto refresh cache for banners animation deletion/download
- Don't filter game title's articles (the, a, an, der, super, le, la, les, etc.)
- Adds an automatic deactivation of "Return to" for Prince of persia if not using d2x v6+
- Adds an automatic deactivation of all patches if not using gameconfig for Kirby return to dream land
- Adds a prompt to download Kenobii wii/gc files if not present
- Adds md5 support when dumping GC discs
- Prevent MIOS selection/launch on WiiU
- Add a choice to list homebrew from SD and/or USB, and to load only 1 Boot.dol or all dol/elf found in the folders.
- Separate EmuNAND save setting in two (Wii games and Channels). Put channels settings together (like Gamecube section)
- Add option for realNAND channels to use their requested IOS instead of using cIOS
- Add WiiU widescreen as a setting (global and per game)
- Add a prompt when launching game if gameconfig.txt if found. Requested here
- rename/rework WiiU Widescreen setting : display 4:3 and 16:9 as option instead of ON/OFF.

- Adds more noob error prevention :
-- warn user is using cIOS < rev18 for ... (I forgot what rev18 added)(added WBFS support on SD among other things)
-- disable "return to" with d2x < 6 for Prince of persia.
-- warn user if launching game on HDD sector sizes > 512B with FAT32/NTFS (Requires d2x v6+)
-- warn user if using dual port support with user's path set to USB = possible HDDcorruption, media player bug, etc.

Classed by roadmap

Before 3.1
- adds neek2o
- Adds missing Wbfs path supported by WiiBackupManager (default path in WBM not working!) /wbfs/xxxx/GameID.wbfs
- Adds free size on SD card on Gamecune delete window. (and on USB if doing a SD to USB prompt)
- Adds an option for "dump this channel to EmuNAND"
- Adds better user's prompt when dumping to EmuNAND -> EmuNAND save or EmuNAND channel ? (change the name, better overall rewrite of all emuNAND features)
- Adds a prompt to download Kenobii wii/gc files if not present
- Prevent MIOS selection/launch on WiiU
- Add a choice to list homebrew from SD and/or USB, and to load only 1 Boot.dol or all dol/elf found in the folders.
- Add option for realNAND channels to use their requested IOS instead of using cIOS
- Work on Gameconfig.txt (see for adding a prompt when launching game - Add a prompt when launching game if gameconfig.txt if found. Requested here)

To do after 3.1, before 4.0
- Big revamp of the settings menu using big icons (Wii, Gamecube, Channels, plugins, etc.)
- Make all the settings bigger to fit widescreen TV
- Adds plugin system
- Adds homebrew display in main game list / origin prompt (4th menu icon)
- Adds tab system and per-tab settings : new option on master setting : always boot "last tab, xxx tab". check booted profile for lock state
- Revamp overall warning messages to explain better what's the issue : instead of "you need FAT32 primary" --> "Your partition is currently set as Extended, you need to set it to primary" "you curent partition is not located at the beginning of your partition table" etc.
- Adds an option to display only boot.dol (and boot.elf?) instead of all .dols in homebrew browser
- Adds a visual sign to differentiate SD or USB for title's location (different cursor color, different highlight color, text placed somewhere etc.)
- Add an option to group gamelist by sources/categories/combination of both
- Adds a remember last played game setting per tabs (when tabs added)
- instead of the text "use global", display which setting is used by "global". for example "*PAL 480p*" or put the setting in bold. Request by Naxil
- Adds a IOS selector : Display list of cIOS/Slot/Base installed on the console and let the user pick one, instead of entering slot number manually. Request : Naxil
- Separate EmuNAND save setting in two (Wii games and Channels). Put channels settings together (like Gamecube section)
- Adds a game cache option (not game title's cache which already exists) to fasten loading time for users with many games/GC/emuNAND/etc. by preventing scanning HDD every time, and add a "refresh Title list" option.

To do anytime
- Adds a full cheat editor (adds/edit code value, see comments, etc.)
- Adds Wii game disc (wbfs/iso) support from SD card : (attention, if SD card is WBFS partition format instead of FAT32 : cIOS r18+ or Hermes v5+ required)
- Adds external DVD reader support: patch files here :
- Batch for Wad install done in r1260
- Adds dPad up/down support in settings menu
- Wall layout : Add the patch for flat 4 rows (see issues on googlecode)
- Adds a "press B + wiimote move to scroll" on Wall/caroussel layout
- Adds Autoboot last played game if A is pressed at launch (check first that the game is not part of locked/parental control/different tabs, etc.)
- Rename wiinertag filename to Gamertag
- Adds a gamertag edition setting in the loader with pre-configured Wiinertag and DUtag.
- Restore title.txt support. Request by DEFIANT
- Adds a Refresh/rebuild cache for banners/titles.
- Adds an auto refresh cache for banners animation deletion/download
- Don't filter game title's articles (the, a, an, der, super, le, la, les, etc.)
- Adds an automatic deactivation of "Return to" for Prince of persia if not using d2x v6+
- Adds an automatic deactivation of all patches if not using gameconfig for Kirby return to dream land
- Adds md5 support when dumping GC discs
- Add uStealth menu to switch the drive state directly in the loader.
- rename/rework WiiU Widescreen setting : display 4:3 and 16:9 as option instead of ON/OFF.

- Adds more noob error prevention :
-- warn user is using cIOS < rev18 for ... (I forgot what rev18 added)(added WBFS support on SD among other things)
-- disable "return to" with d2x < 6 for Prince of persia.
-- warn user if launching game on HDD sector sizes > 512B with FAT32/NTFS (Requires d2x v6+)
-- warn user if using dual port support with user's path set to USB = possible HDDcorruption, media player bug, etc.

Development Status:

planing for near revisions (in no particular order):
- Update the Installer to download forwarders Wii and vWii instead of the full Wii Channel.
- Fully switch to sourceforge (internal update URL, release the new installer for windows, etc.)

- Complete the Multi-discs Gamecube menus (deleting game and copy from USB to SD only affects a single ISO).
- Add debug logs for HDD mounting issue. Please help here
- Add a function to generate neek2o diconfig.bin and nandcache.bin
- Make functions to edit neek2o settings directly from the loader (to enable ocarina, etc.)
- rewrite the neek2o function which checks/create the nand info (nandcache.bin) to remove dupe paths, maybe use vector.

Planning for near (more urgent) revisions (in no particular order):
- commit PluginMod to github mirror.
- Add support for PPC r28 (GreyWolf made a patch, thanks !)
- Fix filtering list when downloading custom banner
- fix region string detection
- Add Nintendont video aspect ratio Auto
- add proper ciso extension support (might be harder, and not necessarily important, just use an ISO, it's not THAT big)
- fix gamecube game list when extension is wrong
- Add Italian and romanian translations files
- Add new HBC titleID (OHBC), maybe replace hardcoded values with proper reload to entry point to work with any HBC titles. (but might break return to system menu if it fails to load hbc)
- Enable "usb://" path to IOS check for emuNAND rev17
- add Nintendont PAL50 setting
- Add a way to exit back to wiiu (from the Home menu)
- Check EmuNAND with disc game (report that it's broken here, since 1248)

Next revision status :
no real status... looking at it randomly.


Currently working on / planing:
* prevent Wii game source from being removed if USB not connected.
* see how to add WiiU gamepad support

Releases and Changelogs

1266 : library update. no changes

r1265 status : released
* Added 2 new Nintendont settings (CC Rumble and IPL choices). (Greywolf)
* Updated all the sources to compile with devkitPPC r28 and r29. (Greywolf)
* Fixed loading banners from EmuNAND with a long path. (Greywolf)
* Updated Libcustomfat to 1.1.1 + Ustealth. (Greywolf, Cyan)
* Added support for Open source HBC TitleID.

1264 : library update. no changes

r1263 status : Released
* Updated TinyXML to v2 (patch from Greywolf)

r1262 status : released
* Fixed compiling meta.cpp under linux/mac
* Removed Neek2o warning when using SD card on Wii.
* Added A button to exit credit page (self_slaughter)
* Updated to Config to v7 (Nintendont v4.424+) (self_slaughter)
* Added Triforce Arcade mode option (self_slaughter)
* Added compatibility for GPT and EBR partition type (v3.400+)

r1260-1261 status : released
* removed SSL, and removed nintendont update feature (because it requires SSL), to fix network issue.
* fixed banner download
* added batch wad install (all wad from a folder, no sub-folder loaded)
* renamed the wad menu to "EmuNAND wad manager"
* removed all wad error and warnings messages while installing in "folder mode" to skip them and display how many wad where not processed at the end.
* Added game type and console name for VC channels in the Title list exporter

r1259 status : released
* Rename meta.xml to lower case.
* Updated game's region detection and set "Region Free" instead of PAL as default value.
* Added RU/FI/SE cover download if EN is not found on gametdb.
* Remove outdated specific code in image downloader functions.
* Set default game window change direction to XFLIP_SYSMENU for natural behavior.
* Force a game's title reload when selecting a different EmuNAND path.

r1256-1257 status : releasedAvailable on internal update menu.
- Updated URLs to use sourceforge repository
- Updated language file URLs to download files for the correct revision

r1255 status : released
- Fixed download issue
- Added favorite icon to banners (Thanks Suloku)
- Added GUI setting for favorite layout

r1254 status : released
- Added Nintendont CFG v6 support
- Added Nintendont PAL50 Patch
- Added Nintendont RemLimit patch
- Added Nintendont Video scale/offset to individual game settings

r1253 status : released
- Added SSL support, Thanks to Fix94
- Updated Nintendont update URL to github
- Updated http.c to use less memory (thanks nintendont)
- Added progressWindows support for downloads
- Disabled Theme Downloader Menu access (not enough memory)

r1252 status : released
- added Nintendont CFG v4 support
- added Nintendont VideoScale and VideoOffset option

r1251 status : released
- Fixed compiling on Mac/Linux
- Fixed "return to NK2O" not working with neek.

r1248-1250 status : released
- Added neek2o support for channels.
- Added a prompt to choose the EmuNAND path to use to dump NAND if they are different.
- Removed the check for cIOS d2x when selecting emuNAND options.
- Fixed EmuNAND choice when using "use global" with emuNAND channels (it was reading the global setting of EmuNAND save!)

Things currently working when using neek option :
- Return to
- individual EmuNAND path

Things currently NOT working when using neek option :
- All video patches (video mode, dol patch, neek patch, VIDTV patch, aspect ratio)
- language patch

Things which WILL NEVER WORK when using neek option
- All other options (import patch, alt dol, private server, game's IOS, debugger, etc.)

r1247 status : released
- Fixed creating save path for emuNAND channels if EmuNANDChanPath is different than EmuNANDPath.
- Prevent listing deleted channels on emuNAND if ticket still exists
- Nintendont : removed kenobiwii.bin check for nintendont >= 3.336
- Fixed loading gameconfig.txt without Ocarina option enabled. Just set a hooktype to enable gameconfig.txt
- Prevent decreasing play count if game is launched but returned a value before boot.

r1246 status : released
* Added /wbfs/ID6/ as working path for Wii games.
* Removed shutdown to standby choice on vWii's Home menu.
* Set default dump mode to "remove update partition" (keep Game and Other, for SSBB fix for users with default setting)
* Updated Banner URL (thanks AbdallahTerro)
* Set Nintendont MaxPad back to 4 by default.

Comment for 1246:
As much as I would love to add features and allow users to be happy, it's not always possible. For security and update difficulty reasons, I've decided to drop the WAD to NAND installation and Full channel support.
It has already not been updated since 3.0 r1180 release, but I thought I would release a new version for 3.1, and provide Wii and vWii version of it.
With the googlecode website closing soon, it's hasting my plan and I would need to work on a solution to do a proper transition to sourceforge and would need to release a new channel before 3.1 release, create two new channels and add a proper Wii/vWii detector for channel updater.

Updating the full channel is also taking the risk to replace user-converted full channel for vWii with an internally updated Wii version, rendering a lot of channels unlaunchable.
users will not understand why it doesn't work and will report in mass that updating broke their loader.

The automatic WAD installation to NAND is not verifying downloaded file and can result in semi-brick, or even a full brick for vWii!. So it's safer to not auto-update wad file to NAND.
I think it's best to drop that channel version fully now, no more updates for two years should be enough for users to think it's time to switch to HBC version.
Users with the full channel are encouraged to uninstall it and install the forwarder channel instead.

I will try to promote the Forwarder a little more and modify the installer to download it instead of the full channel.

r1245 status : no download.
* Updated Windows's installer sources to check the update file on the new server.
* Installer updated to 1.9

r1244 status: released
* Renamed "Gametdb Path" to "Titles Path" and set default path for titles files to /titles/ subfolder. (Still wondering if a good idea to change the name)
* Added a prompt to move existing files when editing Titles folder. (Greywolf)
* Fixed compilation warning (Thanks Greywolf)
* Added current Version and revision number to boot screen
* Added an option to disable/enable Multi-disc prompt for DM/DML/Nintendont. Disabled by default now that Autoswap is working.
* Fixed button lag in exiting credit page (press B to exit)
* Set Loader's IOS setting to 58 if only 58 is available. (speed up next loader's launch time)
* Nintendont: Fixed Booting nintendont from USB if not using the first partition.
* Nintendont: Added the new Nintendont version string detection.
* Nintendont: Removed warning when using HID without controller.ini on r3.304+ (Auto-copy ini or folder to second device is working only if HID setting is enabled to boost game launch if ini not used)
* Nintendont: Fixed loading settings/cheats/controller.ini when booting from Disc if MCEmu was disabled.
* Nintendont: Warn user if kenobiiwii.bin not present if debug option is enabled on Wii consoles.
* Removed some IOS58 patches to speed loader's launch time when using that IOS. (Tests needed before release)

r1242-1243 status: released
* Updated LibFAT to 1.0.13
* Fixed compilation with DevkitPPC r27 (1 warning left)
* Few throw exception prevention.

r1241 status: released
* Changed partition detection for DIOS MIOS to allow logical partition located before primary partition. (thanks RCJayce)
* Changed partition detection for Nintendont to allow logical and primary partitions before the first FAT32 partition. (ex. NTFS primary+FAT32 primary)
* Moved IsWiiU() function to sys.c instead of being part of the IOS class.

r1239-1240 status: released Previous internal revision
No full IOS package anymore. Use Meta.xml if you need to boot with a specific IOS.

* Removed PS3 controller support (maybe the cause of r1235 issue). Please report any issues with 1239 (font issue or weird behavior)
* Added a WiiU check in features menu
* Update spanish and french

full pack here - not needed by end user
* Nintendont detection fix
* Nintendont WiiU Widescreen setting (default setting set to WiiU ratio format)
* Auto Aspect-ratio fixer on WiiU if launched from a 4:3 HBC but WiiU is in 16:9 (no change if launched from a 4:3 WiiU setting)
* Added a WiiU Aspect-ratio switcher in the features menu to force other games to desired ratio.
* Nintendont Disc launching support
* Nintendont Disc launching with user prompt : SD or USB when using MCEmu (cheat and controller are also based on that choice)
* nintendont option to select what to do with nincfg.bin (delete/create/no change) (untested)
* PS3 controller support (same button mapping than Classic Controller).
* WiiU Pro Controller support. 90% done (Known issue : can't grab 3D cover in game info window)
r1233-1234 Status: released old
full pack here - not needed by end user

* Set default loader mode on fresh install to Wii+Gamecube.
* Set video width to 694px (instead of 640px) when Wii set to 4:3
694 should look better. If you have crop issue, please report.
* Updated French, German and Portuguese_br.

* Updated Nintendont detection function (thanks Airline38)
* Added Native controller setting.
* Added Video Deflicker setting.
* Removed forced MC Emu size when using a single card for multi games.
* Added a warning when selecting a 2043 blocs MC Emu.
* Removed forced Maxpad setting on WiiU
* Removed forced controller.ini check on WiiU
* Added controllers folder check (controller.ini has priority)
* Fixed Video mode auto.
r1231 status: released old
* Updated default Gamecube Banner URL.
* Added an URL auto-updater for users with the old GameCube banner URL.

Devolution :
* Added forced video mode to PAL60Hz 480i when playing NTSC games on a PAL console.
* Added new settings from Devolution r234 (Crop Overscan and Disc Delay)
- For PlayLog setting, use USBLoaderGX Playlog setting instead.
- "MemCard emulation on NAND" feature will not be supported.

Nintendont :
* Added support for Nintendont v1.135+
* Changed to only use Argsboot method if AutoBoot is set.
* Added MemCard Emu "Multi" support, called "Enabled" like with Devolution (OFF > Individual > Enabled) (v1.135+)
* Added MemCard Blocks size option (v1.135+)

r1230 status: released
* Added auto network initialization if needed when updating Nintendont.
* Added a backup of existing boot.dol when updating nintendont, restored if update failed.
* Added Nintendont missing settings (MaxPads, LED, Log and OSReport).
* Added a per game "Nintendont Loader Path" setting (Requested)
* Changed Nintendont MCEmu setting to ON by default on new USBLoaderGX installation.

r1229 status: released
* Added DM(L) 2.11 version detection
* Added new Autoboot method for Nintendont (using arguments instead of Nincfg.bin), allowing faster boot time and preventing keeping autoboot value stored for next nintendont launch from HBC.
* Added a Nintendont updater feature. It doesn't check the version, it always (re)download the latest loader.dol

r1228 status: released
* Removed kenobigc.bin check when using DM/L
* Added a "Private Server" game settings to patch games automatically (2 Supported mode: NoSSL only,
r1226 status: released old
* Fixed Ocarina download from (thanks Gave92)
* Removed Error #002 setting (Always set to Anti now)

r1224 status: released
* Merged Gamecube Video settings to a single option.
If you used the option "Use game settings" you will have to fix your settings manually.
Sorry, for the inconvenience.

r1223 Status: Released
* Fixed Nintendont r20+
* Fixed issue where setting files were created on SD if boot.dol was on USB (Thanks Badablek)
* Added Auto-edition of meta.xml arguments based on internal user settings.
* Added support for meta.xml arguments when rebooting USBLoaderGX.
* Fixed launching Gamecube FST format with nintendont (Thank VashTS)
r1221 Status: Released old
* Prevent downloading file if HTTP response code > 400

Nintendont :
* Removed 32k/cluster limitation.
* Fixed video mode setting "Auto".
* Fixed loading cheats from the second device.
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there are lot of links everywhere in that post, in the main thread, in the official homepage.
there's even a windows installer for users who don't know how to extract a zip and copy 3 files to SD cards.
By clicking on topmost "released" link on the "Releases" section of the blog post above?

By going to the first post of the official thread on this forum or the official homepage and clicking the download link, selecting the "3.0+" folder (unless you want an older revision) and counting number incrementally until you find the last one at the bottom of the list and click on it.

By clicking on the link in my signature (not displayed on the blog, look on one of my post on the forum)

or in the loader, there's an update button (setting>update>loader) to get a most recent enough revision, which is marked as "available on internal update" on the blog post above.
Cyan! I realize procrastination and laziness is taking over and it's easy to just be done, but I just wanna say I love you and like millions of others, I check this page every day religiously for the latest updates. Neek2o has been my dream, and I know it's been yours, since day 1 three or so years ago. You are almost there. The finish line is so close. We love you cyan!
Thank you :)

it will be done, I'm just slow.
I just don't like to work one hour per day on it, it's not productive enough, I need to focus more to not re-understand my old code every time. Holidays would be great.
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Are you working on 3rd party CCPro at all? Understand it's not a high priority but if it's not to much work I would be greatful if it could be implemented. My CCPro work in all games but in USB Loader GX I need to disconnect it or else the Wiimote doesn't work.
I'm not working on fixing it.
I think it needs to be patched in libogc, not in the loader's sources. So either you should submit a patch to libogc or I would need to use a modded libogc version and provide it pre-compiled for users who want to build the loader.
I would prefer not using modded libogc version.

submitting a patch to the library would fix all homebrew instead of asking each project to mod it themselves one by one.
No, sorry.
Last time (r1235) I added HID-USB support, two users lost their HDD partition :(
I don't know how it's related, but I currently don't plan to add it, sorry.

Maybe later, when I'll have more understanding on Memory management, because I think it was a memory corruption issue. Either the RAM is full, or something was overwritten.
I didn't have problem but other users noticed inconsistencies and lost data.
Whenever I launch a gamecube game with nintendont it plays, but whenever I press the home button I get a black screen and have to hard-reset the console. Is there a way to have that not happen?
How do you exit nintendont without pressing home though?

Also, would running the games through mios be better? Because I could just transfer the games and saves over to the sd as I don't have that many.
Install the Forwarder (UNEO), all homebrew launched from USBLoaderGX need that channel to exit back to USBLoaderGX instead of reloading HBC.
I can add a check if that channel is installed, and if not I can set return to HBC or system menu instead.
MIOS and Nintendont are two different playing method.
MIOS is the native gamecube mode of the wii, everything is done by the console.
Nintendont is an additional layer between the game and the Wii running in Wii mode, which has more memory and more features (USB controllers, WiiU, audio streaming, etc.)

nintendont should work with most games, but some users still prefer using the official MIOS from nintendo (with retail discs) or DIOS MIOS/DIOS MIOS Lite for backups. it's up to you based on the features and hardware you want to use.
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I fixed it by updating nintendont, it also might've been installing the wrong usbloadergx.dol with priiloader to autoboot.
Maybe its time to update the changelog!

USBLoaderGX r1272

Changelog :
* Added 480p fix option for wii games. Thanks to Extrems for the fix and Leseratte for the patch !
* Merged the libraries into the source instead of expecting them in libogc
* Changed default loader's IOS to 58 (test), and default game's IOS to 249.
* Changed displayed revision on startup screen to always show "mod" by default (unless being an official release) as nobody used that option for mods.
* SVN un-ignored svnrev.c file to allow users to compile without sh script
* Fixed a compile error: removed reference to unused LibWUPC library

* Updated Language files:
- French (Cyan)
- Korean (DDinghoya) . THERE WERE 5 ERRORS ! Please, translators, verify your files before submitting them. be sure all strings are inside double quotes! I fixed it for you.

Release note :
I added a 480p fixed boot.dol, and set it as default.
if the loader doesn't work, try renaming the other dol to "boot.dol" and see if it helps.

Thanks to @blackb0x for the hexedit patch
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yeahh, you are right. the blog is a little abandoned :P
I miss time to keep it up to date, and track fixed bug or new ones.

thanks for posting it :)
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  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    if you keep them well enough fed, it's the same thing
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    By the power of Florida Man, I have the power!!! *Lifts up meth pipe* Meth Man!!! lol
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    Guys, I just learned my little brother is in the hospital because he had a seizure last night.
  • cearp @ cearp:
    Sorry to hear that BakerMan
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    Just found out he's doing alright, doing a lot of complaining too, rightfully so. Who wouldn't complain after having a seizure and being hospitalized?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Glad he is OK and complaining is cool :)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah been there had that no fun
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    They'll give him sleep studies eegs and possibly one week hospital stay
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    I hope it's not a week.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's standard so doctors can get a idea about what's going on
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    well, i'm glad he seems to be doing fine, and ig i'm going to start spewing goofy shit again
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    Update: Turns out he's epileptic
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Get a 2nd opinion run mris etc they told me that also
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Also a food allergy study would be a good idea
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Turns out you can't sprinkle methamphetamine on McDonald's French fries
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    they wouldn't be called french fries at that point
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    Probably just meth fries
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    White fries hold up
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @K3Nv2 sure you can
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    why tf do people hate android users? is it the video quality? just because "AnDrOiD = pOoR" bc they don't cost an arm and a leg like iphones do?
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i won't be turned off by an iphone, but don't pick on me for having an android, that's just how this shit should work
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    Should say more what these kind of android users say bout nokia 3310 users
    ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21: Should say more what these kind of android users say bout nokia 3310 users