Gaming Xbox 360 Wave 7 has appeared (9199 dash)


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I have not posted the release yet but relevant snippet from the NFO ( Hasbro_Family_Game_Night_3_READNFO_WAVE_7_USA_RF-XBOX360-RRoD ).
Note it is not a Kinect dash but a copy of the 9199 update (JTAG users as long as you are rocking one of the 0.3X line of freeboot you should not have a problem).
No idea if/when ABGX360 will be updated (we still have SSv3 to come with the new LT+ firmware and the waves 5 and 6 checkers are actually third party source modifications).

If you have no trouble playing wave 5 and 6 games then unless it has the protections in you should be OK (not sure how many people are still rocking 1.61). If not 1.6NS and LT exist if you want to upgrade.

NFO excerpt


Playable Regions: ALL (REGION-FREE)

SplitVid, SSv2, and verified with abgx360!

As confirmed by the abgx360 Stealth Team, this is the first Wave 7
game (contains SystemUpdate version 9199 on-disc). Much like Left 4
Dead 2 was the one and only Wave 5 game, this too might be a one-off
with the Fall Kinect dash update coming tomorrow and bringing with
it Wave 8.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Wave checks were made in the old ixtreme firmwares as a check to make sure the disc was a good format for stealth. When they were upgraded it messed up the layout of the disc (appearing as a broken disc to firmwares that did not know better).

New versions was made with updated firmware to handle wave 4 and supposedly the newer waves that might follow it. When it came to it only the hitachi worked here out of the box but if you disabled protection or more accurately made the firmware ignore any perceived failures (with a disc made with activate.iso) then all waves would work.
1.61 was coming out at the time but then the banwave hit and LT became the focus.
All was not lost though as 1.6NS was made (a hack third party hack of 1.6 which always assumed activate.iso) which came without the penalty of needing splitvid that LT has (LT also works with all waves).

As it stands LT and 1.6NS should work on all games as will Hitachi drives with their latest firmware (without checking I think it is 1.51 but those with it would not have been able to play the newer games if they had an earlier one).
I am not sure about 1.61 (which was 1.6 with waves 5 and 6 support) but most people ignored that release in favour of 1.6NS and later LT- the only people to have it would be those that got it before 1.6NS was released (benq and samsung drives) and those that opted out of 1.6NS (1.61 did come for liteon around the same time).
This might change in the next few weeks as AP25 becomes more prevalent and wave 8 (presumably carrying the kinect dash) comes out on games and updates them 360s to have AP25 support.

In case you go reading NFOs of hacked firmware releases- strict wave compliance was a method to detect when games had been wave changed (screams ban me on live)- there was a cutoff date after which all discs had the new wave bar a few stragglers that were mastered* after but had old waves none the less.

*stuff like the second disc of Halo ODST was just a copy of the old Halo so it was an old wave.

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