Full softmod powered region free backup loading from the disc channel with preloader protection from bricks has been achieved... now modchips are only good for 6x read gc backups, and extreme bricks
A word of warning before every does this... this alters all of your ios's to customios. This has been being done for several weeks with no ill effects so far. However doing what is in the following thread may lead to a brick if something goes wrong. Reseach a little before you jump into this if your new. PLEASE. you'll do yourself and the rest of us a big favor if you just READ before doing this and make sure you KNOW THE RISKS! now go enjoy

A word of warning before every does this... this alters all of your ios's to customios. This has been being done for several weeks with no ill effects so far. However doing what is in the following thread may lead to a brick if something goes wrong. Reseach a little before you jump into this if your new. PLEASE. you'll do yourself and the rest of us a big favor if you just READ before doing this and make sure you KNOW THE RISKS! now go enjoy