the smash-hack-U doesn't use the browser so it will run on anything5.2.0 is the cutoff for the exploit.
the smash-hack-U doesn't use the browser so it will run on anything5.2.0 is the cutoff for the exploit.
the smash-hack-U doesn't use the browser so it will run on anything
the smash-hack-U doesn't use the browser so it will run on anything
Is there actually a Smash hack actively being worked on? I haven't heard anything about it. And regardless, a purely ROP-based exploit will probably be very difficult to turn into a kernel or IOSU exploit.
Is there actually a Smash hack actively being worked on? I haven't heard anything about it. And regardless, a purely ROP-based exploit will probably be very difficult to turn into a kernel or IOSU exploit.
Pretty much, it's their own euphemism of saying "we patched your haxxors trololololol" XD
I'm honestly confused at how often this is thrown around here. Even if there was an exploit being used that only allowed you to move the disc dirve, fixing and patching it would literally be patching the firmware and improving stability since it's fixing what was once broken.
there's always the wiikey-u......o waitHell if I know, I don't know what's going on anymore.
there's always the wiikey-u......o wait
I recently bought a wii u and i have it updated to 5.3.1E is it possible to install homebrew channel on vwii with bathaxx?
Correctme if im wrong but thats only about the wii u exploit?
I want to install homebrew channel in vwii mode, but i dont have any of the games needed, therefore i wonder if bathaxx is still working because thats the cheapest game in my region. Or if its possible to install homebrew channel at all on 5.3.1E.
vWii has not been updated since September 30th.
5.3.x doesn't change or fix compatibility with Wii homebrew or hacking possibilities.
TSK WAS planning something, but it may be a different attack vector. In any case, remember that MN1 is not the only person who can work on an exploit nor should he have to be in the loop about everyone else. No offense.
None taken (I assume that you were replying to my post). I wrote it with the assumption that he wasn't in the know about TSKs attempts, and was relaying information I had read elsewhere as for multiple people working on an exploit, I'm glad multiple people are taking a stab at it. Multiple perspectives was never and will never be a bad thing
Hi I just recently got a WiiU and got tricked by nintendo to update my system, like youtube, nintendo sport, miiverse and all that stuff. Feeling dumb after I found out exploits only go to 5.3.1 when mine is at 5.3.2. now . Also theres so much talk of scene release now, but I was used to downloading wbfs and have no idea what scene release is. Can anyone point me towards the right direction? gotta get them games