Samsung 32GB class 10 (note: not compatible with Panasonic's SD Formatter)
Sandisk 8GB class 4
A-Data 2GB (no class, performs about as well as the Sandisk in benchmarks)
I tried different ones out after some problems in games, but ended up able to replicate them with my retail carts, in the end. The GBA and DS Castlevanias are the worst, if for no other reason than needing to play straight through for hours to replicate a given problem (infiite slashing animation, lockups in certain rooms, corrupted saves).
Low class rated Sandisk, Kingston, Transcend, A-Data, and Patriot, are, IMO, hard to fault, when random performance is needed. I haven't tried any others than above list in my flashcart, but phone applications can be sensitive to random reads, too, making so many class 10 cards worthless. Samsung and Toshiba are great, with good sequential and random performance, but they are proud of it. If the price difference weren't less than 20% at the time, I would have bought a Patriot or Transcend 32GB, arther than Samsung.
I've never, ever, ever had a good experience, long-term, with any flash product branded PNY or Lexar, nor has anyone I've known who's bought their USB, CF, or SD cards, and I have had multiple bad RMA experiences with PC AIBs from PNY. Everyone I know, it seems, that uses flash often, has independently been burned by PNY, Lexar, or both, and so learned to avoid them.