Yes but you can read-write so many times on SSD as i know (and windows do a lot of that even without user afaik) while HDD is virtually limitless, and AFAIK it's not bound to that limitation...until it dies...i mean everything dies even HDD's as you said, and idk how many HDD's you used and waht you do as a hoby or a profession, but in regular use a person (like me for example) uses only one eventually 2 HDD's for files that are stored there and sitting, and one HDD (or if its one a partition) for Windows. So its less likely a new HDD in regular use would die that easy. They are to m experience and understanding more robust and tough, read/write resistant than HDD exactly because of the way they are. I think they are generally on average more reliable and more developed over years.
Only time my HDD's really died was:
A) I unplugged it and messed with it when the machine was ON (it wasn't mine it was my brother's but it die on me so... don't judge, i didn't know)
B) My own HDD died because i bought it on a flee market for a cheap and it was on sun all worked though but for a year and half and than just died suddenly...god knows what they did to it.
C) Again my own HDD malfunctioned, that's 2nd that's mine (i think the board on it died from power surge from a power supply or something, cant really remember on it where safe though!).
The guy that repairs PC's said he can replace the board and recover my data.
It was 250GB Maxtor HDD with ATA connector (my first one), but i had nothing important there and since it was old tech (i mean the ATA not SATA), small for modern times (it was more than good back than) and i wanted a 1TB one i just took it apart, took the shiny mirror-like disk (it wasn't rusted lol) and made a wall clock LoL. (i really love those shiny disks, they are so well made and smoothed out to perfection. Even better than my mirror!)
So what i wanted to say is that data was recoverable, the data it self wasn't affected by power surge, only the sensitive board on a HDD.
Any SDD would die instantly imo and with unrecoverable data. IDK but i guess that's the case with SDD's.
Yes they are fast but there is also a compromise, imo, for that speed and taht's the way i see it. So having said that, i would never trust a SDD to keep my data because of that and trust HDD's more. But to be hones they are not THAT slow as people make it out to be, i mean i have this new 7200 RPM and its big usage improvement from my older (not ATA one, that's my first HDD, i had another one after that, but this 7200 RPM is my present one) in games and in usage.
But that being said, i never notice anything better in games while having SSD other than faster loading times (that are even shorter now that i have new graphics card) Before it took me 30 sec. to load any level in crash bandicoot trilogy, but now it takes me 8 sec. !!! not because of HDD but because of a GPU!
I mean i was surprised cause i thought SDD's make better loading time (i mean they do but i thought ONLY them) but as i was saying, yes SDD's do load faster but this HDD i have now is also FAST and i dont mind loadings anyway...and thats only improvement i saw with SDD's except obvious ones like size, quietness etc... but i meant more in usage. Oh and windows starter up like it was just sleeping and not turned off completly... Now i wait 15 sec. with HDD compared with 8... but i don't even notice it tbh.
I mean since i had SDD for those 3 month, i can certanly say that they are LIGHTNING fast and my system behaved like a videogame console or an android phone just SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! i even got spoiled how fast it was, i never thought that a big old PC can BE that fast lol!
But than it just stopped and that was it. I was just deeply dissapointed. And not i am thinking again but about getting some reliable brand and model over speed, cause they are all fast...if nothing they are faster than HDD's by default anyway, but im gonna use it ONLY for system, but even than it would be a drag if something similar happens.
As i said, HDD never disapointed me and i trust them more because of that. Perhaps i have certain prejudice and am biased but those situations and the things i saw made me see it that way..but i AM willing to give it another shot! i just don't trust them for data!
Im not trying to be a advocate for HDD's here, just sharing my experience in hope of conversation cause i really DO want to know all the benefits and opinions about SDD's cause i DO consider of getting one, but this time it DOES matter which one i get and should i wait more since they are still young compared to HDD's!
P.S. By the way you call HDD's a "spinning rusty drive" you must really hate them?
Speaking of wich...what SSD brand would you recomend me and a particular model of it as being most reliable and best among its kind?
I didn't understood this part, what you wanted to say?
Sorry but i must point out that while you
are a very helpful and informative whenever i have some issue and turn to GBAtemp,
and i love that when speaking to someone, and also you write what i never asked but was thinking! so VERY helpful and thank you for that!
But sometimes.. i am struggling to understand what you meant to say 'cause you write in such a poethic and correct way that i need to stop
and read twice and sometimes i dont understand what you actually meant.
Sorry, it's not you its just that im not a native English speaker so simpler English works best for me in therms of better understanding.
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