What drugs have you tried? How were they?


Jan 8, 2016
United States
This is a really interesting perspective. When I clicked on this thread, I didn’t expect replies revolving around drug needs for health—I only assumed it would be about drug use of varying legality and recreational uses. Thanks for sharing your take.
People often forget that every drug, at one point, had a recognized medical use, or was developed for treatment but never made it to the market. LSD, for example, has an enthralling history. The chemist behind it was attempting to create a treatment for labor pains from pregnancy, but when he accidentally dropped a minute amount on bare skin, he noticed the intoxicating effects, so he shelved it and deemed it useless. It wasn't until WWII that the curiosity got the better of him and he intentionally took a dose that caused the profound effects we now know that it causes. It being wartime, street vehicles were banned in Sweden, so his assistant took him home on the handlebars of his bicycle. Now, April 19th is known as "Bicycle Day", and is used to celebrate this discovery.

Drugs fascinate me because of the science and history behind them. Human psychology and biochemistry are also another major interest, and the three coincide very well. They're tools bestowed upon us, but just like with a power saw, we can hurt ourselves immensely with them. Responsible use and harm reduction through understanding and education is what I strive to spread.


May 26, 2008
Pathetic. I don't see it why would a drug make someone feel better.
That's just a temporary solution to a permament problem.
Now i know that not everyone who's depressed relies on drugs tl feel better and there are people who resort to them purely out of curiosity or peer pressure (among teens particularly) so that they can be accepted into their friend group and look like the "cool kid" or something.
That's even dumber imo
Be it drugs alcohol or smoking i can't stand them. Just the smell of booze and smoking are enough to trigger my anger.
drugs affect our body. there's a reason aspirin, morphine, psilocybin, caffeine do the things they do and people take these things among many others to feel better or get a result.

sure, drugs are temporary. imagine if it wasn't?
you drink a cup of coffee in the morning and never fall asleep for the rest of your life.
or a woman has an epidural to relieve the pain of childbirth, and the next week she burns herself cooking because she can't feel the pain/heat from the cooker.
or the person taking mushrooms to help his cluster migranes trips out for years instead of hours.
it would be crazy. so yes drugs are temporary.

and you talk about a 'permanent problem'? not all problems are permanent.
if i get seasick on boats, is it ok for me to take a travel sickness pill?
or should i avoid medication and vomit?
i guess if i traveled on boats every day my 'permanent problem' would go away and i would get used to traveling.
but for now, i take a drug to help me.

if you can agree medication/'normal' drugs help people, you have to agree unapproved drugs can help people too.
some 'illegal' drugs can be prescribed by a doctor, like opiates, meth, cannabis. some doctors give you lsd.

just because a doctor gives you something, doesn't mean it's safe and it doesn't mean it will help you.
and similarly just because you take a drug 'illegally', it doesn't mean it is dangerous or that it won't help you.

Just the smell of booze and smoking are enough to trigger my anger.
i don't like the smell of chicken, it doesn't mean it's bad for you or wrong or pathetic. and it definitely doesn't make me angry though lol.
i can just imagine you walking through a forest and smelling a rotten and fermented apple and getting triggered ;)

Vape is not safest, lol. Look at the bottle for Vape: "Warning: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical." :creep: Yeah, my brother use it and he believed it is safest but his bottle say otherwise, lol.
people don't have to vape nicotine, you can do it for the flavor or maybe they think blowing out those clouds is fun.
you can vape anything really, some people even vape vitamins (i had no idea until i saw that on amazon)


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Some very curious opinions on drugs here, ones that make me wonder as to their origin (some word choices are rather unique and only likely to come from specific origins but I will skip that one for now). Mind expansion and exploration is an interesting concept and don't find it a particularly objectionable pursuit. If it comes to dominate your life* then that is a bad thing, and one wants to be careful with the chemically addictive things, but it is far from assured that such things will. I have similarly met plenty of people that have been known to indulge and are counted among those I have met which lead some of the most interesting and fulfilling lives, and I see such things both enhanced and not hampered by them save for whatever hangovers there might be.
If we get some decent nootropics (smart drugs) one day you can bet I will be all over that. I am rather curious what effects ritalin et al would have on me but thus far have not tried them.

*I quite like the Doug Stanhope classification. Good drugs make good times better where bad drugs make bad times feel better -- being dumped and dropping acid is probably not going to do much other than increase chances of a bad trip, getting drunk on the other hand... It gets a bit hazy when you consider the effects of ecstasy/MDMA as it pertains to clinical uses (its potential as an anti grief/trauma drug is immense and its effects are very quick if administered well -- one trial I saw had people given months to live, them and their partner were given a dose and guided by a therapist... the outcomes were amazing) but as Mr Stanhope is a comedian we can probably leave the massive scientific rigour for another day.

Anyway have drank alcohol before. Does nothing for me these days, and has not pretty much since I was a teenager, so I don't. Quite amusing to watch others stumble around though.
Had codeine in recommended over the counter doses (it is pretty readily available in the UK). Didn't really do much for the back pain I had at the time but most painkillers have little effect on me, and frankly most pain (if I even register it) does not slow me down that much (I was more seeking anti inflammation effects here than pain relief and it was a combined pill).
On the flip side I am embarrassingly sensitive to caffeine. That stuff keeps me up long past the point of usefulness so I don't do it either. Which is fine as I can wake up on 4 hours sleep and walk out the door 15 seconds later ready to start the day, and can usually keep myself awake happily enough if needs be and I am not riding shotgun (apparently cars have sent me to sleep since I was a baby).


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2011
Gambia, The
Alcohol, I always get drunk pretty fast, found out a couple of weeks ago I have an Alcohol Intolerance (never knew there was such a thing), so that could be why I (nearly always) get a headache and throw up, but stupid as I am, I just can't say no to a good tequila or any other GOOD alcohol, as I like the taste.

MJ, I really enjoy it from time to time, it sparks my creativity when making my Chiptune/EDM/whatever stuff. Also when I try to make write songs for my Metal Band I just like to smoke a pure weed joint.

I don't know if this stuff is still around, but there was a time where "legal" drugs were a thing? Were I live some were called "Sweed"? Like Synthetic Weed shit, I tried it once, my heartrate was crazy and my vision had a "zooming" problem, I just couldn't focus on stuff. Really never will try this shit again.

If I ever happen to be really old or deathly sick, I will try "everything" else, but right now I'm too afraid that I might have too much fun with other drugs then the above mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
drugs affect our body. there's a reason aspirin, morphine, psilocybin, caffeine do the things they do and people take these things among many others to feel better or get a result.

sure, drugs are temporary. imagine if it wasn't?
you drink a cup of coffee in the morning and never fall asleep for the rest of your life.
or a woman has an epidural to relieve the pain of childbirth, and the next week she burns herself cooking because she can't feel the pain/heat from the cooker.
or the person taking mushrooms to help his cluster migranes trips out for years instead of hours.
it would be crazy. so yes drugs are temporary.

and you talk about a 'permanent problem'? not all problems are permanent.
if i get seasick on boats, is it ok for me to take a travel sickness pill?
or should i avoid medication and vomit?
i guess if i traveled on boats every day my 'permanent problem' would go away and i would get used to traveling.
but for now, i take a drug to help me.

if you can agree medication/'normal' drugs help people, you have to agree unapproved drugs can help people too.
some 'illegal' drugs can be prescribed by a doctor, like opiates, meth, cannabis. some doctors give you lsd.

just because a doctor gives you something, doesn't mean it's safe and it doesn't mean it will help you.
and similarly just because you take a drug 'illegally', it doesn't mean it is dangerous or that it won't help you.

i don't like the smell of chicken, it doesn't mean it's bad for you or wrong or pathetic. and it definitely doesn't make me angry though lol.
i can just imagine you walking through a forest and smelling a rotten and fermented apple and getting triggered ;)

people don't have to vape nicotine, you can do it for the flavor or maybe they think blowing out those clouds is fun.
you can vape anything really, some people even vape vitamins (i had no idea until i saw that on amazon)

I understand your point of view. You can drink Decaf coffee and fell asleep easily. I do. And I understand about medicine.. They can help people live longer but they are still part of drugs. However, this help you doesn't mean it is safe because you inhale the smoke in the body.. The same for vape.. you can do it for the flavor without nicotine but you still inhale that kind of smoke from electric and its not safe too. No matter what. The safest is: Eat fruits/Vegetable for vitamins. Did you know that there are many vitamins pills at GNC and anywhere and it is still not safe for you ? Yeah. I will skip it. I don't mind eating Marijuana in the brownie or on the food. Its part of healthy.. Not to inhale smoke anyway. :)
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I don't know if this stuff is still around, but there was a time where "legal" drugs were a thing? Were I live some were called "Sweed"? Like Synthetic Weed shit, I tried it once, my heartrate was crazy and my vision had a "zooming" problem, I just couldn't focus on stuff. Really never will try this shit again.

Legal highs basics then.

If you study chemistry for more than about 5 minutes you will probably be introduced to either the ideas of groups in the periodic table or functional groups in the case of organic chemistry (alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, carboxylic acids, arenes, esters, ... for the high school approach). This is to say while there are chemical differences between things then behaviours are often the result of one particular aspect with the rest of the chemical possibly only having very minor effects on things like melting point or solubility.

A government might say outlaw a particular chemical. Swap out a normally pointless hydrogen for a chlorine or methyl group, or chop out a link in a long chain, and you have an entirely different chemical. Said chemical (at least then) potentially without any laws against it, and if there were laws against that one then carry on changing again. Also without any study at all of its effects on the human body* (said basic chemistry will also probably include the ideas of isomerism and the different traits it might obtain by virtue of those, whole new aspects does not make things any more predictable) but with a fair likelihood its effects will be similar to the chemical you started from. We will skip the interaction and byproduct approaches as they were lesser used and complicate things needlessly here, not to mention there existed a legal basis against some of those (in the patents aspect if nothing else).
As laws takes months to come into effect and you can probably spin out a thousand different efforts within an evening with a modest lab (full bore research companies these days have robots that do this sort of thing with even greater capacities) and ship an oil tanker full of the stuff around the world before you are doing anything illegal you get a nice loophole as it were. Subsequently this led to governments around the world adopting some very suspect laws that often essentially outlawed getting high itself rather than harm reduction on the basis of expert consultation (or at least theoretically -- one wonders at weed still having the classification it did in the UK), which if you study the history of drug laws and laws themselves is an extremely dubious thing to do, but enough of that one.

*also ability for medics to detect -- you don't just shove a glob of blood or something on a slide and stick it in a machine to have it tell you what it is made of, as much as what in a list of specific things you are are looking for are most likely present or not. As most people traditionally took one of about 30 different drugs, or poisoned themselves with one of about 50 different metals or chemicals you could do battery tests against said common suspects and usually figure out what it is in combination with symptoms. Hence the "we can't detect it" thing that Spice (trade/street name for a variety of synthetic cannabinoids in the end) had going on and part of the push back against the concept.

As it is a drugs topic and it is a prime example of the thought process in action I will bring up the Shulgins and their books pihkal and tikhal. Each of those takes one particular class of drugs (phenethylamine, this would be including the likes of MDMA and 2CB, and tryptamines, which would include DMT and LSD), spins off dozens of versions of each with minor tweaks and then in what I consider one of the craziest moves but also moves that earned more respect from me than can really be stated the dude did the whole bioassay thing on them. Aka he tried them, increased the dose and tried again before noting it all down and releasing dose notes and synthesis methods for free, and for the unfamiliar chemists in the audience their primary chemical analysis method was IR spectroscopy (the books coming out in 1991 and 1997).
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Add me on osu~
Feb 29, 2012
United Kingdom
Cannabis - a great one for day to day use, best if you take breaks to fully appreciate the high without tolerance.

Magic Mushrooms - My personal favourite, most spiritual and teaching, I often find states of mind which help me to process things that happen in my life! A great teacher.

LSD - Unpredictable, powerful and amazing.
Never really know what to expect, am taking a break from LSD due to the intensity of my last trip, ended up seeing the world through a mathatical sort of mind filter, believing I was swapping bodies and thinking I was multiple people at once.
Also couldn't tell up from down and trashed my tent in my confusion, overall fun but scary when the trip ends up lasting 14 hours.

DMT - Underexplored by me, last trip was colourful, geometric visuals, followed by levitating off of my bed and being abducted by aliens, and then blacking out, woke up back in my bed sort of shaking and licking the roof of my mouth, felt great for weeks after that one!

MDMA - Always fun, maybe too fun.
Had a recent experience taking a pill containing 200mg MDMA HCL after the LSD trip described above, sun was coming up after an all nighter, silhouetting the mountain and steam was coming off the lake while I sat calmly watching the ripples, as the effects began to peak and the DnB tent started knocking out some crazy mad drivey beats I started dancing on the pier by myself making some awesome shapes!
Great for special times, prone to be abused though.

A few more:
Kratom - Nice mellow body high and clear thoughts
Kanna - A nice Serotonergic stimulant with negligible comedown.
Blue Lotus - Dopaminergic agonist, providing energy and calming dopaminergic dependence symptoms of Tobacco.
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Warehouse 13 Curator
Apr 11, 2011
Between a Rock and a Hard Place for now
United States
There are no 'healthy' drugs. period. Here's the thing about drugs of all kinds, no one gets up in the morning and says: "Hey I want to be an addict!", yet it happens. Ask anyone that has become one and they'll tell you they thought... "It won't happen to me..." Not everyone has an addictive personality, science is just now starting to understand addiction. One thing I do know is walking the tracks, one will eventually get hit by a train. It is only a matter of time.

No one got up this morning and said "hey I think I'll get hit by a car" , but it happens. That's random, addiction isn't. Trying a drug is like trying to get hit by that car.

Experience shows me, it happens more often to those who swear it won't happen to them.
Alcohol removes spots from your garments, friends, and family from your life, jobs, gifts from your children's holidays, money from the bank, and healthy years off your life.

I have lived with two alcoholics on and off (family members) for almost four decades. Neither of them is willing to admit to themselves their issue, but they are alone and miserable. Not all alcoholics or addicts are living on park benches or in the streets. Some have decent jobs. There's is a transition from a stable life to street life, you're just thinking about the street level if you think the street homeless drunk is the only type there is. I suggest attending one or two meetings of AA (open meeting) and hear the horror stories, they're real.

Not everyone becomes addicted but if you even have to ask the question, you already know the answer.If there are other family members who have shown addictive tendencies, do yourself a favor and stay away from everything. It is a genetic trait and you are much more likely to become addicted to something if another family member has already. This doesn't even address the psychological addiction.

Please, think twice before experimenting with drugs and if you use them regularly, get help, there is a better life after addiction, I am living proof.

Sorry for the wall-o-text have a fantastic day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2019
United States
I am 37.

I have had weed (not a real drug) Meth,Cocaine,LSD(acid) and Mushrooms.

With that I have never been a addict to illegal drugs. I have and still do have a drinking problem.

I started smoking weed at the age of 13. I did not like it at the time. Peer pressure got the best of me. By age 15 I loved it and smoked it threw my mid 20's near daily. After 25 I have smoked it only on Christmas with my Brother in Law. I love weed.. it feels awesome--- but I have kids/Family now. My Wife smokes CBD Hemp flower and that is legal in all 50 states(She has Seizures).. it is just weak weed. Same plant I take a toke here and there.

As for Meth/Speed. at age 15 I did it for a month or 2 almost every day. I was trying to hook up with some girl that did the stuff. One night I was up for days and looked in the mirror and my face was lop sided like I had a stroke. I think I was seeing things but I do not know for sure. I woke my Mom up at 2am to go buy me some Gatorade. She went to the store and never asked question. That was the worst I ever felt in my life. .... Don't do that stuff EVER !!!!!

About 16 I did acid a few times...... I can recall some things but I can't even figure out a way to type out what happened...... that shit was fun..but really don't do it LOL. want to know more about my experience with that I will gladly voice chat.

Then 17 came. My Dad died. I started drinking very heavy, this has not really stopped. Don't drink unless it is with friends and having fun..... Do not drink to drown self pity.

At 18 to the Day my Dad died I 1st tried Cocaine... I did this every fri and Sat for 2 years, a few more time up to 23 but not enough to count on one hand.
I loved Cocaine and I still miss it. It feels horrible if you are not drinking , but with drinking you can drink all night and not get tired.

Cocaine is a fucked drug, I was never very bad into it. I spent $20 on it one time .My friend had a lot of money.....

Cocaine will enhance your drinking problem if you have one like I did. Stay away it is a very easy drug to just love, you wont hate it --- that is what makes it hard to get away.

Ohh and as for Mushrooms , I did those with some stupid bitch and then took her to Vegas and Married her ....... so yeah stay away from that crap-- I was 24 now divorced her a year later and now I am 37 with a Women for 11 years and 4 kids and happy... I still drink -- but we are happy .

Just be careful with the choices you make... try drugs if you want... just be careful
Last edited by Undwiz,
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Longtime member
Sep 29, 2003
Stopped THC consumption when I was 16.
I rarely drink at home, but always (draft)beers before the soccer match (homegames FC Utrecht!!!)

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