Hacking Question What can we do with Nintendo Labo?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2010
Taipei, Taiwan
United States
Say, some time in the future, we have officially (non-officially) achieved homebrew. End of goal is reached, so stop moving the goal posts further.

Now..., what do we do with Nintendo Labo?

  • Homebrew would use the IR camera. And then we create our own Nintendo Labo apps/games?
  • Homebrew would require cardboard. Do we also need to provide CAD cut-out patterns for free, as well as instructional videos on how to build the contraptions?
  • Homebrew would make use of Joycon HD Rumble features. Would it make sense to use the Nintendo Switch tablet to provide controls to other gadgets, like your garage door, or your surveillance camera?
  • Homebrew meant the app/games are geared towards children. Are we going to target the mature audiences?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
It hasn't even come out

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

It was literally just announced

Deleted User

Nothing. The labo is nothing but over priced trash.

It's not fair to say there's nothing we could do with it, it would make for a nice trash can fire after all.

Oh I don't know. You could perhaps realize it's aimed at younger kids and not yourselves, since I bet when you were the age of the target audience you would have begged for it. But I'm betting proving your superior maturity is more important than looking at something from multiple perspectives.

Also, just a thought: instead of injecting your short, thoughtless, negative opinions wherever you possibly can you could instead choose to look at this from a positive angle. Maybe instead of just being all words and no substance, you could write some homebrew that capitalizes on these concepts when they're released. You'll learn something in the process with the practical upshot of capturing some kids attention in a positive way. Shitting on everything because you think it's childish (when it's pretty obvious the product is aimed at kids in the first place) is a pretty textbook trait of teenagers looking to differentiate themselves as adults and no longer children in their peers eyes fyi. I won't shit on you for it since everyone goes through that phasd at some point, but burning products children would enjoy simply because they're not tailored to your interests? I'm sure you're a well adjusted and reasonable person.


Go touch grace
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Oh I don't know. You could perhaps realize it's aimed at younger kids and not yourselves, since I bet when you were the age of the target audience you would have begged for it.
Nah, I played real video games as a kid, or we'd go outside and play with friends. By the time you're 9 or 10, nobody is dicking around with cardboard boxes. Labo seems like it's targeted at the kindergarten crowd, and I think the number of adults willing to let children that age play with their $300 Switch is probably going to be very limited.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2017
United States
Oh I don't know. You could perhaps realize it's aimed at younger kids and not yourselves, since I bet when you were the age of the target audience you would have begged for it. But I'm betting proving your superior maturity is more important than looking at something from multiple perspectives.

Also, just a thought: instead of injecting your short, thoughtless, negative opinions wherever you possibly can you could instead choose to look at this from a positive angle. Maybe instead of just being all words and no substance, you could write some homebrew that capitalizes on these concepts when they're released. You'll learn something in the process with the practical upshot of capturing some kids attention in a positive way. Shitting on everything because you think it's childish (when it's pretty obvious the product is aimed at kids in the first place) is a pretty textbook trait of teenagers looking to differentiate themselves as adults and no longer children in their peers eyes fyi. I won't shit on you for it since everyone goes through that phasd at some point, but burning products children would enjoy simply because they're not tailored to your interests? I'm sure you're a well adjusted and reasonable person.

Neither of the 2 posts you quoted said anything about it being for kids. You seem insecure at the thought that people find Labo to be overpriced.
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Deleted User

OP, we can't really tell until it is out.

As for the rest of you, I am pretty sure the majority of you are just salty you will actually have to buy it to play it. It isn't that trashy, in fact, I don't think it is a bad play on Nintendo. it is better than 1-2 Switch as a Joy-con demo
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Deleted User

Nah, I played real video games as a kid, or we'd go outside and play with friends. By the time you're 9 or 10, nobody is dicking around with cardboard boxes. Labo seems like it's targeted at the kindergarten crowd, and I think the number of adults willing to let children that age play with their $300 Switch is probably going to be very limited.
Just as I'm sure parents don't let their 3 year olds play with their even pricier iPads right?

And who are you to say what "real" video games were? I grew up with NES and by 9 or 10 had the SNES, and I'd play anything you gave me. I grew up shit poor and I'd play the sesame street NES game because it was either that or blaster master for the 40th time in a row.

Oh and what 9 year old (3rd grade mind you) still wouldn't love a cardboard box spaceship? Seriously man, your posts reek of "look at how mature I am, I was even mature when I was 10, look at me and my maturity!"

Neither of the 2 posts you quoted said anything about it being for kids. You seem insecure at the thought that people find Labo to be overpriced.

...that's the point.

Learn reading context please. It helps you be relevant in a conversation, otherwise you're just Donny from the Big Lebowski. My point is that they're viewing this product only from the perspective of what they're interested in, not the potential the target audience (i.e. children) would see it for. I'm aware they didn't mention children's interest, that's the whole point. Because that's who it's aimed at. Please read next time.

EDIT: for reference
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2017
United States
Learn reading context please. It helps you be relevant in a conversation, otherwise you're just Donny from the Big Lebowski. My point is that they're viewing this product only from the perspective of what they're interested in, not the potential the target audience (i.e. children) would see it for. I'm aware they didn't mention children's interest, that's the whole point. Because that's who it's aimed at. Please read next time.

It's $70 for some low budget games and cardboard. How does the target audience change that it's overpriced for what you get? I would be interested in seeing your defense regarding the value of Labo's price point

No need to be an ahole either, not a good look for you.
Last edited by PonyStation4,

Deleted User

It's $70 for some low budget games and cardboard. How does the target audience change that it's overpriced for what you get? I would be interestedin seeing your defense regarding the value of Labo's price point
The topic of this thread isn't about the price (it's about functionality and potential for use), nor did my replies reference price. Shifting away the argument from the original context doesn't make your opinions relevant, so again, please view the video above to learn something about yourself.

Deleted User

low budget games
Budget has nothing to do with it, it is the quality that comes out of that budget.

Mighty Number 9's crowdfunded cost was 3,845,170 USD. Shovel Knight's crowdfunded cost was $328,682 and they went broke for a few months to finish the game.
One is objectively better.

This was also less of a game as it was a Joy-con tester. Hell, the piano uses reflective tape on each of the keys so that they Joycon's IR can read it and tell which key is being played. That is fairly impressive, and you are writing it off as a piece of junk because it doesn't appeal to you.

Of course that makes sense. By that logic, Call of Duty is an objective heap of junk, same as Overwatch and Fortnite.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2017
United States
The topic of this thread isn't about the price (it's about functionality and potential for use), nor did my replies reference price. Shifting away the argument from the original context doesn't make your opinions relevant, so again, please view the video above to learn something about yourself.

The first quote you replied to said it was overpriced

Deleted User

The first quote you replied to said it was overpriced
my replies


To answer the OP's question (again) we will most likely not be able to create our own Labo-esque games because they require special features that Nintendo is supplying, and it would be easier just to emulate the features and to, say, 3d print them.
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Deleted User


One more time in good faith you are capable of basic comprehension, a list:
-They did not mention children. Because they're only considering the product based on their own interests
-I brought up children, because that is who the target audience is for this product.
-The point I brought up (target audience) is to show the product isn't inherently bad just because it's not tailored to their interests.

So one more time. I'm well aware they didn't mention children, because that's what they don't understand and didn't consider; that the product is made for children and not themselves. And just because they don't like a product because it's mot made for them, doesn't mean it should be set on fire and that it's trash. Because children would enjoy it.

I'm not sure how I can make this clearer for you to understand.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2017
United States
Can't tell if trolling anymore or just horrifyingly bad reading skills.

One more time in good faith you are capable of basic comprehension, a list:
-They did not mention children. Because they're only considering the product based on their own interests
-I brought up children, because that is who the target audience is for this product.
-The point I brought up (target audience) is to show the product isn't inherently bad just because it's not tailored to their interests.

So one more time. I'm well aware they didn't mention children, because that's what they don't understand and didn't consider; that the product is made for children and not themselves. And just because they don't like a product because it's mot made for them, doesn't mean it should be set on fire and that it's trash. Because children would enjoy it.

I'm not sure how I can make this clearer for you to understand.

The thread is about it's use for Homebrew, not as a kids product. It's target audience is meaningless in this discussion yet you felt the need to bring it up. People can think it's trash because it's overpriced and doesn't offer much in terms of uses like OP mentioned over something like Raspberry Pi Zero

For reference, I think it's terrible for those 2 reasons.
Last edited by PonyStation4,

Deleted User

The thread is about it's use for Homebrew, not as a kids product. It's target audience is meaningless in this discussion yet you felt the need to bring it up.
Please scroll back up and read my first reply (that you failed to read) pertaining to homebrew and the potential application.

Again shifting the attention away from your argument in your previous post to a new one. Please look up "moving the goal posts". You're arguing for arguments sake at this point, and failing even to do that. Reread the whole thead (a whopping single page). Take the time to understand what is being said, and if you still misunderstand, try again. Skimming in hopes of arguing a single point out of a larger topic is knit-picking. And no one likes a knit-picker.

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