Hacking Using Pimp My Wii


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Mar 15, 2009
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United States
OlivierTheBest said:
QUOTE said:
@OliverTheBest: Please do your research. I've seen a LOT of complaints about this tool (especially older versions). I've bricked 2 wiis with older 1.x versions, as have a few others on another site I belong to. I've also seen several reports about USB loaders and backup launchers breaking following its use.

Yes I will do but I will appreciate you give some links too.

For USB LOADER that's really simple : PMW installs last CIOS so I the loader (from example USB LOADER GX was not compatible with HERMES V5.1) where not compatible to last CIOS automatically the usb loader was not working - In this case it is not PWM bu the user that shall knows that he will get up to date CIOS !
Sorry if this ends up sounding like a rant, but...

The cIOS problem was that GX and the version of CFG in USB game channels made by CRAP didn't support Hermes v5 at that time. I would have liked to know this, since I use GX and CRAP game channels. To this day, I'm still running Wanin r17 and Hermes v4...I don't fix what isn't broken.

It corrupted the SM as well. I had 4.0 and allowed the 4.1 update, it failed while installing the SM. Had to install a good menu with DOP-Mii. While you might be able to argue the cIOS issue, this was inexcusable. I have bootmii, but not everybody does.

Also, I hated the fact it screwed with some IOS version #s. It offered to install IOS60 v6174 as v6400. While it might be useful to prevent a downgrade-related brick, I found it confusing, and it certainly could confuse those who read syscheck logs for others. If I have IOS60 v6174 installed, I want it to say I have v6174, not v6400. An option to turn this off would have been nice.

As for links regarding these issues, just google "pimp my wii loader not working" or "pimp my wii brick" and you'll find some of the reports.


Blinded by Science
Jun 6, 2009
I too gotta give thanks for Pimp-My-Wii. I used it to update my Wii after the September 7, 2010 update. I found it's interface to be clear, and it has the best in depth system file report for the Wii that I have ever came across so far.

I needed to update and patch the Sytem Menu's IOS80 with the Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, and NAND Access patches. I was initially waiting for Dop-Mii to be updated, but Pimp-My-Wii came out first and I was pleasantly surprised. If I had used it earlier I would of used it to update all the IOSes as well, but I had already done so using NUSD and MMM, d'oh.

For those who had issues, I ask if they used the "automatic features" or if they used the manual option? I have only used the manual option and I have to say it is thorough and I can't see any way it could corrupt a title accept for applying patches. Techboy specifically mentions that his SM was corrupted, was it the SM or perhaps or an issue with the supporting IOS not being installed, or wrong version?

Great utility. Going to add it to my Wii treasure trove for sure. That said, with any NAND modifying utility, risks are in abundance.



tool of peers
Apr 6, 2009
Los Angeles
United States
PPSainity said:
I too gotta give thanks for Pimp-My-Wii. I used it to update my Wii after the September 7, 2010 update. I found it's interface to be clear, and it has the best in depth system file report for the Wii that I have ever came across so far.
used it thrice now with zero problems.


iOS Guru
Aug 19, 2009
Inside you, all around you
United States
ok so pimp my wii says im still missing alot of ios's, and here is the complied list from syscheck of what my system is on

Region: NTSC-U
System Menu 4.3 (v513) is this the latest as of 9/07/2010?
Hollywood v0x21
boot2 v4

iso3v65280 stub
4v65280 stub
9v778 no patch
12v269 no patch
13v273 ""
15v257 turcha bug, es identify, flash access, nand access
17v775 no patch
21v782 no patch
22v1037 ""
28v1550 ""
31v3349 ""
33v3091 ""
34v3348 ""
35v3349 ''
36v3608 trucha bug, es identify, nand access
37v3869 no patch
38v3867 ""
41v3348 ""
53v5663 trucha bug
55v5663 trucha bug
56v5662 trucha bug
57v5661 no patch
58v6175 ""
60v6400 stub
61v5661 no patch
80v65535 trucha bug
201rev65535 trucha bug es identify nand access
202v65535 trucha bug, nand access, usb 2.0
222v65535 truch bug, es identiry, nand access, usb 2.0
223v65535 trucha bug, nanad access, usb 2.0
224v65535 ""
249v20 trucha bug, nanad acess, usb 2.0
250v65535 ""
254v 65281 bootmii
bc v6
mios v10

pimp my wii wants me to
37v3869 outdated
38v3867 outdated
41 has trucha bug fixed
50v5120 missing
57v5661 outdated
58v6175 oudated
60v6400 is a stub
70v6912 missing
10v768 missing
11v256 missing
16v512 missing
30v2816 missing
20v256 missing
51v4864 missing

so what should i add and what should i not add


Blinded by Science
Jun 6, 2009

First, are you using the latest version of Pimp-My-Wii, which is now at v2.11?

Looking at the report you posted you are at SM4.3 already and only need to update your IOSes if you want to be fully up to date. you need to post a System Report using the latest Pimp-My-Wii so that we can see what other titles/channels may need to be updated. Until then we can't suggest what to update on that end.

As for your IOSes, the current school of thought is to keep all the IOSes below 200 unpatched with the exception of the current SM IOS. In your case at SM 4.3 you should have an IOS80 with the Trucha Bug as a minimum and optionally the ES Identify and NAND Access patches as well. Ultimately personal choice is at question here, but personally I'd recommend using the manual option in Pimp-My-Wii so that only the IOSes you want to install with the patches you want applied to them are installed. In the end, if you follow the current trends you should have the following IOSes on your Wii as far as those under 200 are concerned:
IOS3 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches
IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
IOS11 (rev 256): Stub
IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches
IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS20 (rev 256): Stub
IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches
IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches
IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches
IOS30 (rev 2816): Stub
IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS40 (rev 3072): Stub
IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS50 (rev 5120): Stub
IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub
IOS52 (rev 5888): Stub
IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches
IOS58 (rev 6176): No Patches
IOS60 (rev 6400): Stub
IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS70 (rev 6912): Stub
IOS80 (rev 6944): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
BC v6
MIOS v10
That covers your IOSes under 200, but you have to post your System Report with the channels from the latest Pimp-My-Wii version to get an understanding of what other titles/channels may need upgrading to be current. As for the cIOSes above 200, well you seem good to go with what you have.

BTW: A full System Report from Pimp-My-Wii v2.11 looks likes this example (private info removed as were some title entries):
Pimp v2.11
Device ID;xxxxxxx
Boot1 hash;ef3ef7819608d56df5679a6f92e13f78bbddfdf
Common key;ebe42a225e8593e448d9c5457381aaf7
NG id;xxxxxxx
NG private key;xxx
NAND key;xxx
Title-id;Name;Description;Type;Revision;System version;Access rights;Num contents;Group ID;Original;Stub;Trucha Bug;Version check;ES Identify;Nand Access;
00010001-af1bf516;;Homebrew Channel;Downloaded channels;8;58;3;2;18498;0;;;;;;
00010008-48414c45;HALE;;Hidden channels;2;31;0;7;12337;1;;;;;;
00010008-48414b45;HAKE;EULA;Hidden channels;3;56;0;6;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48415941;HAYA;Photo Channel 1.1;System channels;3;61;0;8;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414745;HAGE;News Channel (2/2);System channels;7;31;0;12;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414741;HAGA;News Channel (1/2);System channels;3;13;0;3;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414241;HABA;Shoping Channel;System channels;20;56;0;18;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414645;HAFE;Weather Channel (2/2);System channels;7;31;0;12;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414641;HAFA;Weather Channel (1/2);System channels;3;13;0;3;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414141;HAAA;Photo Channel;System channels;2;13;0;4;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414341;HACA;Mii Channel;System channels;6;31;0;7;12337;1;;;;;;
00000001-00000000;;IOS 0;Essential system titles;0;0;0;1;0;0;1;;;;;
00000001-00000010;;IOS 16;Essential system titles;257;0;0;2;1;1;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-000000f9;;IOS 249;Essential system titles;20;0;0;22;1;0;0;1;1;1;1;
00000001-00000034;;IOS 52;Essential system titles;5888;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000030;;IOS 48;Essential system titles;4124;0;0;15;1;1;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-0000002e;;IOS 46;Essential system titles;3607;0;0;15;1;1;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-0000002d;;IOS 45;Essential system titles;3607;0;0;15;1;1;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-0000002b;;IOS 43;Essential system titles;3607;0;0;15;1;1;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000029;;IOS 41;Essential system titles;3607;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000028;;IOS 40;Essential system titles;3072;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000022;;IOS 34;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000003a;;IOS 58;Essential system titles;6176;0;0;19;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000050;;IOS 80;Essential system titles;6944;0;0;15;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-000000e0;;IOS 224;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;20;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-000000df;;IOS 223;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;16;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-000000ca;;IOS 202;Essential system titles;4;0;0;16;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-000000de;;IOS 222;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;16;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-000000fa;;IOS 250;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;22;1;0;0;1;1;1;1;
00000001-00000039;;IOS 57;Essential system titles;5919;0;0;19;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000038;;IOS 56;Essential system titles;5662;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000046;;IOS 70;Essential system titles;6912;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000037;;IOS 55;Essential system titles;5663;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000035;;IOS 53;Essential system titles;5663;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000026;;IOS 38;Essential system titles;4124;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000003c;;IOS 60;Essential system titles;6400;0;0;3;1;0;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-0000003d;;IOS 61;Essential system titles;5662;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000032;;IOS 50;Essential system titles;5120;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000033;;IOS 51;Essential system titles;4864;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000024;;IOS 36;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000001c;;IOS 28;Essential system titles;1807;0;0;14;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000016;;IOS 22;Essential system titles;1294;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000e;;IOS 14;Essential system titles;1032;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000a;;IOS 10;Essential system titles;768;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000025;;IOS 37;Essential system titles;5663;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000021;;IOS 33;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000023;;IOS 35;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000001f;;IOS 31;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000001e;;IOS 30;Essential system titles;2816;0;0;3;1;0;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000014;;IOS 20;Essential system titles;256;0;0;3;1;0;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000011;;IOS 17;Essential system titles;1032;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000f;;IOS 15;Essential system titles;1032;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000d;;IOS 13;Essential system titles;1032;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000c;;IOS 12;Essential system titles;526;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000b;;IOS 11;Essential system titles;256;0;0;3;1;0;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000015;;IOS 21;Essential system titles;1039;0;0;3;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000101;;MIOS;Essential system titles;10;0;0;2;1;0;;;;;;
00000001-00000100;;BC;Essential system titles;6;0;0;2;1;1;;;;;;
00000001-00000002;;System menu;Essential system titles;513;80;3;9;1;1;0;;;;;
00000001-00000009;;IOS 9;Essential system titles;1034;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000004;;IOS 4;Essential system titles;65280;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2009
QUOTE said:
pimp my wii wants me to
37v3869 outdated
38v3867 outdated
41 has trucha bug fixed
50v5120 missing
57v5661 outdated
58v6175 oudated
60v6400 is a stub
70v6912 missing
10v768 missing
11v256 missing
16v512 missing
30v2816 missing
20v256 missing
51v4864 missing

so what should i add and what should i not add

I don't think it should harm to update all given in the list

QUOTE said:
Also, I hated the fact it screwed with some IOS version #s. It offered to install IOS60 v6174 as v6400. While it might be useful to prevent a downgrade-related brick, I found it confusing, and it certainly could confuse those who read syscheck logs for others. If I have IOS60 v6174 installed, I want it to say I have v6174, not v6400. An option to turn this off would have been nice.

Yes I partially agree that too, I thought the idea was more to pretend that and old IOS (probably patched by PMW to include Truchka bug) so for example V6400 was up to date so marked as V6174, as in this case there where no risk to get this IOS updated by a DVD games. May be I'm wrong.

QUOTE said:
As for links regarding these issues, just google "pimp my wii loader not working" or "pimp my wii brick" and you'll find some of the reports.

I checked and I got the type of reports :
- Those that suggest to use PIMP MY WII to run game with an USB LOADER
- Those who complains that their USB LOADER is not compatible to last CIOS installed by PMW : In this case I think they should have read PMW change-logs and also knew better their USB LOADER compatibility, anyway it was easy to revert to previous CIOS version.
- I also found a few report of HBC upside down (this is know solved) which was due to the patch of IOS used by HBC and was easy to solve (re-installation of HBC)

As for links regarding these issues, just google "pimp my wii loader not working" or "pimp my wii brick" and you'll find some of the reports.

I'm not able to find something interesting with with search
Please give 3 links of true brick problems (not a USB LOADER incompatibility or an HBC upside down) that really mess the WII




Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
United States
Been using Pimp My Wii since v1.40 and no problems at all. I always chose the Auto feature and did what it suggested. You don't HAVE to install everything in Auto mode. I used it to upgrade several Wii's to SM4.1 with no issues. Some of the changes I made during "Auto" mode were not to install Hermes 5.1 (4 is better) and I didn't install 249 rev 19 or 20 (17 works best for me). You can choose which IOS's to "patch" and which ones you don't.

Overall, I really like the program. If you do not want to update your Wii but still want to play all the new games, this program will do that. Just like any other Wii app you need to read the instructions and do some research as well BEFORE doing anything to your Wii. Hacking Wii's couldn't be more simple. Install HBC, Bootmii/Priiloader then run PMW.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Visit site
United States
OlivierTheBest said:
QUOTE said:
Also, I hated the fact it screwed with some IOS version #s. It offered to install IOS60 v6174 as v6400. While it might be useful to prevent a downgrade-related brick, I found it confusing, and it certainly could confuse those who read syscheck logs for others. If I have IOS60 v6174 installed, I want it to say I have v6174, not v6400. An option to turn this off would have been nice.

Yes I partially agree that too, I thought the idea was more to pretend that and old IOS (probably patched by PMW to include Truchka bug) so for example V6400 was up to date so marked as V6174, as in this case there where no risk to get this IOS updated by a DVD games. May be I'm wrong.

That's exactly why it was done. Remember "Punch Out syndrome"? Someone updated to 4.0 via official, then downgraded to 3.2, and updated from the Punch Out (or other 3.4 game) disc to 3.4. The working IOS had lower version, so it left the stub and bricked. I just find it frustrating because it's confusing, and most people today block disc updates anyway. When they do change menus, people typically install the SM IOS alongside the menu anyway even if it's already installed.

QUOTE said:
As for links regarding these issues, just google "pimp my wii loader not working" or "pimp my wii brick" and you'll find some of the reports.

I checked and I got the type of reports :
- Those that suggest to use PIMP MY WII to run game with an USB LOADER
- Those who complains that their USB LOADER is not compatible to last CIOS installed by PMW : In this case I think they should have read PMW change-logs and also knew better their USB LOADER compatibility, anyway it was easy to revert to previous CIOS version.
- I also found a few report of HBC upside down (this is know solved) which was due to the patch of IOS used by HBC and was easy to solve (re-installation of HBC)

I'm not able to find something interesting with with search
Please give 3 links of true brick problems (not a USB LOADER incompatibility or an HBC upside down) that really mess the WII
The USB loader and HBC reports were the "bricks" I was referring to. I think that was a terminology issue on my part (I was in a really bad mood yesterday...). I've only seen 1 other actual brick online, and it was in a wiki's comments (no link, site offers warez). The guy ran it and couldn't go beyond the health screen (banner brick). ATD fixed it quickly.

A search for "pimp my wii bricked my wii" found a few people recommending you avoid it or use with caution. Aside from the 2 bricks I had, it was research like this that had put me off from this app. With big name sites like Wii Hacks not recommending it...

Anyway, in other news, I'm glad to hear the success stories here. Also, I tried 2.11 last night on my test wii and it worked fine. Skipped the cIOS updates, but the IOSes, shop, BC, MIOS, and EULA appear to have updated fine. Maybe I'm just used to the old stuff...

My only suggestions for next version:
* Option to turn off that IOS version # changing.
* A clear warning about USB loader compatibility, or an option to update loaders for me.
* Open source.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2009
QUOTE said:
Anyway, in other news, I'm glad to hear the success stories here. Also, I tried 2.11 last night on my test wii and it worked fine. Skipped the cIOS updates, but the IOSes, shop, BC, MIOS, and EULA appear to have updated fine. Maybe I'm just used to the old stuff...

My only suggestions for next version:
* Option to turn off that IOS version # changing.
* A clear warning about USB loader compatibility, or an option to update loaders for me.
* Open source.

I'm glad yo see that you didn't brick your wii,

As I'm a user like you I don't think I will be able to make your suggestions succeed in.

The only one I was able to obtain (and probably not because of me) was that PIMP MY WII stop to patch IOS used by HBC (which caused HBC to be upside down).




Sep 13, 2009
Lastest versions of Pimp My Wii didn't patch HBC's ios anymore (i.e ios58 for PMW2.11)

IOS version changing was implemented to avoid downgrade brick, but it's true that it could be bad... :/


Active Member
Sep 1, 2007
I used this app today on 4.2E on auto mode. It updated a lot of stuff and I can also use Shop Channel no probs


iOS Guru
Aug 19, 2009
Inside you, all around you
United States
ok here is my latest report on pimp my wii i also updated and added all isos it told me to do

Title-id;Name;Description;Type;Revision;System version;Access rights;Num contents;Group ID;Original;Stub;Trucha Bug;Version check;ES Identify;Nand Access;
00010004-524d4345;RMCE;;Games channels;0;36;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010004-52464e45;RFNE;;Games channels;0;33;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-52555945;RUYE;;Disc-based games;0;53;0;1;13361;1;;;;;;
00010000-52385045;R8PE;;Disc-based games;0;17;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-53544b45;STKE;;Disc-based games;0;55;0;1;12344;1;;;;;;
00010000-52454c45;RELE;;Disc-based games;0;12;0;1;16692;1;;;;;;
00010000-52424b45;RBKE;;Disc-based games;0;35;0;1;13881;1;;;;;;
00010000-52484145;RHAE;;Disc-based games;0;9;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-52334d45;R3ME;;Disc-based games;0;35;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-524e4845;RNHE;;Disc-based games;0;21;0;1;13361;1;;;;;;
00010000-52334f45;R3OE;;Disc-based games;0;56;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-52423445;RB4E;;Disc-based games;0;21;0;1;12344;1;;;;;;
00010000-52535445;RSTE;;Disc-based games;0;21;0;1;13876;1;;;;;;
00010000-524d4745;RMGE;;Disc-based games;0;33;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-525a4445;RZDE;;Disc-based games;0;9;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-48415a41;HAZA;;Disc-based games;1;31;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-52585a45;RXZE;;Disc-based games;0;33;0;1;13618;1;;;;;;
00010000-52534245;RSBE;;Disc-based games;0;36;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-534d4e45;SMNE;;Disc-based games;0;53;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-52535045;RSPE;;Disc-based games;0;21;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010000-00555045;.UPE;;Disc-based games;2;4;0;1;3;1;;;;;;
00010001-46434555;FCEU;;Downloaded channels;512;58;3;3;0;0;;;;;;
00010001-56424758;VBGX;;Downloaded channels;512;58;3;3;0;0;;;;;;
00010001-534e4553;SNES;;Downloaded channels;512;35;0;3;0;0;;;;;;
00010001-57494d43;WIMC;;Downloaded channels;512;58;3;3;0;0;;;;;;
00010001-4944434c;IDCL;;Downloaded channels;512;35;0;3;0;0;;;;;;
00010001-af1bf516;;Homebrew Channel;Downloaded channels;8;58;3;2;18498;0;;;;;;
00010001-48415045;HAPE;;Downloaded channels;512;35;0;8;12337;1;;;;;;
00010001-48414a45;HAJE;;Downloaded channels;512;31;0;14;12337;1;;;;;;
00010001-48414445;HADE;;Downloaded channels;1024;55;0;13;12337;1;;;;;;
00010001-48415445;HATE;;Downloaded channels;1280;55;0;12;12337;1;;;;;;
00010008-48414c45;HALE;;Hidden channels;2;31;0;7;12337;1;;;;;;
00010008-48414b45;HAKE;EULA;Hidden channels;3;56;0;6;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414745;HAGE;News Channel (2/2);System channels;7;31;0;12;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414741;HAGA;News Channel (1/2);System channels;3;13;0;3;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414241;HABA;Shoping Channel;System channels;20;56;0;18;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414645;HAFE;Weather Channel (2/2);System channels;7;31;0;12;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414641;HAFA;Weather Channel (1/2);System channels;3;13;0;3;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48415941;HAYA;Photo Channel 1.1;System channels;3;61;0;8;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414141;HAAA;Photo Channel;System channels;65280;13;0;1;12337;1;;;;;;
00010002-48414341;HACA;Mii Channel;System channels;6;31;0;7;12337;1;;;;;;
00000001-00000046;;IOS 70;Essential system titles;6912;0;0;15;1;0;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000033;;IOS 51;Essential system titles;4864;0;0;15;1;0;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000032;;IOS 50;Essential system titles;5120;0;0;15;1;0;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000001e;;IOS 30;Essential system titles;2816;0;0;15;1;0;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000014;;IOS 20;Essential system titles;256;0;0;2;1;0;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000010;;IOS 16;Essential system titles;512;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-0000000b;;IOS 11;Essential system titles;256;0;0;2;1;0;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-0000000a;;IOS 10;Essential system titles;768;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-000000e0;;IOS 224;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;20;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-000000ca;;IOS 202;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;16;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-00000000;;IOS 0;Essential system titles;0;0;0;1;0;0;1;;;;;
00000001-00000029;;IOS 41;Essential system titles;3348;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000004;;IOS 4;Essential system titles;65280;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-0000003a;;IOS 58;Essential system titles;6176;0;0;19;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000050;;IOS 80;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;15;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-000000c9;;IOS 201;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;15;1;0;0;?;?;?;?;
00000001-000000f9;;IOS 249;Essential system titles;20;0;0;22;1;0;0;1;1;1;1;
00000001-000000fe;;IOS 254;Essential system titles;65281;0;0;1;1;0;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-000000fa;;IOS 250;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;22;1;0;0;1;1;1;1;
00000001-000000df;;IOS 223;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;16;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-000000de;;IOS 222;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;16;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
00000001-00000039;;IOS 57;Essential system titles;5919;0;0;19;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000003d;;IOS 61;Essential system titles;5661;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000003c;;IOS 60;Essential system titles;6400;0;0;15;1;0;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000038;;IOS 56;Essential system titles;5662;0;0;15;1;0;0;1;0;0;0;
00000001-00000037;;IOS 55;Essential system titles;5663;0;0;15;1;0;0;1;0;0;0;
00000001-00000035;;IOS 53;Essential system titles;5663;0;0;15;1;0;0;1;0;0;0;
00000001-00000026;;IOS 38;Essential system titles;4124;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000025;;IOS 37;Essential system titles;5663;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000023;;IOS 35;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000022;;IOS 34;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000021;;IOS 33;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000001f;;IOS 31;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000001c;;IOS 28;Essential system titles;1807;0;0;14;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000016;;IOS 22;Essential system titles;1294;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000015;;IOS 21;Essential system titles;1039;0;0;3;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000011;;IOS 17;Essential system titles;1032;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000f;;IOS 15;Essential system titles;1032;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000e;;IOS 14;Essential system titles;1032;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000d;;IOS 13;Essential system titles;1032;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-0000000c;;IOS 12;Essential system titles;526;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000009;;IOS 9;Essential system titles;1034;0;0;2;1;1;0;0 (-2011);0;0;0;
00000001-00000024;;IOS 36;Essential system titles;3608;0;0;15;1;0;0;1;1;1;1;
00000001-00000003;;IOS 3;Essential system titles;65280;0;0;3;1;1;1;?;?;?;?;
00000001-00000101;;MIOS;Essential system titles;10;0;0;2;1;1;;;;;;
00000001-00000100;;BC;Essential system titles;6;0;0;2;1;1;;;;;;
00000001-00000002;;System menu;Essential system titles;513;80;0;9;1;1;0;;;;;


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2009
I still think this is a good APP despite all the negative feedback...

I have never had a problem using this and it has definately solved more problems than I can remember and caused zero


Blinded by Science
Jun 6, 2009
squirrelman10 said:
ok here is my latest report on pimp my wii i also updated and added all isos it told me to do

00000001-00000050;;IOS 80;Essential system titles;65535;0;0;15;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;
All looks good and up to snuff. The only issue that caught my eye is that from the report it is not clear what version of IOS80 you have installed as the version number was maxed out. When you installed it, Pimp-My-Wii will of stated what version it used. Most likely it used the latest version, 6944, but it should be something you are aware of for future reference. The report does show that IOS80 is patched fine, so you should have no troubles anyways.

Good job



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2009
United States
I've been way behind on the Wii scene for a long while now. My Wii has been resting on 3.3 since the 3.4 update came out. I've updated a few things here-and-there, like installing USB Loader GX and Riivolution, along with a few cIOS updates occasionally. I got back online and started reading about Wii homebrew to update everything, and the amount of changes are incredible. There used to just be the one cIOS from waninkoko, now there are 3 more by Hermes too? Using different bases? And geez, there have been A LOT of official updates to IOS since I last updated too!

Pimp My Wii has been awesome. After doing a bit of reading to understand what I was being prompted with, PMW made getting everything up to date extremely easy. The only problems I had with it was it failed to download many of the IOS while updating, and I had to restart it several times, each time downloading/installing more of what I needed until it finished. Toward the end it got much better about installing, so maybe I was missing some critical IOS it needed or something. Or maybe issues with my wifi, idk.

If you have a pretty good idea of what the program is doing, I'd highly recommend it for other people trying to bring their Wii's up-to-date. Keeping up with all of these IOS versions is just too much.


New Member
Oct 1, 2010
United States
Whenever I use it I perform the test, not to install anything, but sometimes when it is looking it fails like 9 or 10 IOSs in a row stating it failed after 10 retries. Why is this? It does it most of the time, not all the time. I don't know what causes it at all.


Embrace the darkness within
Jan 14, 2009
Visit site
United States
PimpMyWii installs a modified system menu instead of a clean system menu. Because of this you cannot use Priiloader on it. Using it will lead to bricking.

To give you an idea, just few weeks ago someone use PimpMyWii to install FM 4.0. What PimpMyWii have done is that it install stub IOS60, IOS80, and modified system menu 4.0 running on IOS80. 4.0 is not designed to run on IOS80.


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
United States
trumpet-205 said:
PimpMyWii installs a modified system menu instead of a clean system menu. Because of this you cannot use Priiloader on it. Using it will lead to bricking.

To give you an idea, just few weeks ago someone use PimpMyWii to install FM 4.0. What PimpMyWii have done is that it install stub IOS60, IOS80, and modified system menu 4.0 running on IOS80. 4.0 is not designed to run on IOS80.

Pimp my Wii only upgrades to 4.1 but if you have System Menu 4.2 or 4.3 it will not down grade your Sys menu and I dont know where you got the idea about Pimp my Wii providing a Modifed System menu ,it does patch IOS and change the revision number to the current max value Which will show up as a Stub in DOP_Mii for example .

Maybe you need to read the Pimp my Wii Readme instead of making things up .

QUOTEHere is "Pimp My Wii", an homebrew that will install missing and outdated titles from your Wii console.
The program will detect missing or outdated IOS and check that you have the latest version of the Wii System Menu. It also checks if you have the latest versions of BC, MIOS and those channels : Wii Shop, News, Weather, Mii, Photo and Photo 1.1
If you don't have the latest versions of those titles, the program will download them, or read them from USB or SD to install them. When using this program, you will have all advantages from 4.1 cumulated from those of 3.2, and this without drawbacks !
Since 1.40, it also install cIOS 38 (249, 250) rev 19 and cIOS 202/222/223/224 rev5.

The homebrew is displayed automatically in english or french depending of your Wii's language. It is also compatible with NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL Wii consoles. (Korean Wii theoricaly compatibles but IOSes specific to this version will not be installed).
Warning: I do not take any responsibility for any damage in your wii because of a improper usage of this software.

- Pass the test and fix problems
Check if everything is alright on the Wii, and install what need to be installed, after asking user.
- Pass the test
Only check if everything is alright on the Wii, without installing anything.
- Manual installation
Will propose to install every IOS and titles possible.. By default, the installation will be on "no".
- Hack te Wii/Minimal installation
Pass the test and only install the minimal requirement to hack your Wii. It patch IOS 15 and 36.
Also install the cIOSes 249(base 38) rev19, 202, 222, 223, 224 v5 from Waninkoko and Hermes.

Button "minus", "safe mode". In this mode, the IOS test is disabled, you will be asked instead to choose an IOS to use for the installation. You must know that in this mode, you will not know if your installed IOS have the differents bugs, and then the program will not know if they need to be patched.

--------Correction of encountered problems----------
Here is a lit of common problems that you could have on your Wii (even on latest version) and the solutions that "Pimp My Wii" will do.

- Black screen at loading of dvd games :
Missing IOS -> Install those IOS (patching them)

- The Wii asks for an upgrade when inserting games :
Old IOS -> Update those IOS (patching them).

- A modified game (trucha signed) can't load on the disc channel with my modchip :
The IOS used by game has the trucha bug corrected -> Install a new IOS and patch the bug inside.
The IOS used by system menu has the trucha bug corrected -> Install a new IOS and patch the bug inside.

- The preloader and other homebrew does not work :
The IOS36 has the ES_Identify patched -> Install a new IOS 36 and patch the bug.

- I got reading problems with my backup launcher :
Old cIOS installed (older than rev20) -> Ask user to update this.

- No SD menu, no latest functionnality :
Old version of Wii (system menu, by example 3.2) -> Upgrade to 4.1 (but patching everything) for more compatibility, functionnality.

- The Wii Shop ask me to update :
Old version of Wii Shop (older than v20) -> Upgrade to this version (and install IOS 56 associated).

- I don't have any IOS that has the trucha bug (if you have a virgin Wii) :
The homebrew put the trucha bug back in IOS15.

- I can't install the Hackmii Install, because I have some kind of cIOSCorp :
You need a unmodified IOS 58 -> Install this IOS.

!!!!!!!!!Leave the parameters by default if you don't know what you do ! A bad choice of "hacks" could leave your system unstable!!!!!!!!!!!!

-----------------Questions / answers----------------

- Does it works without internet ? / I got errors during download, what can i do ?
It works without internet, you just need to put necessary wad files to the root of the SD card, or of a USB device in FAT32.
Follow this (french) tutoriel to get those files : http://www.wii-info.fr/article-53-comment-...mios-chaine.htm
The necessary IOS are those, in their specific versions :
9 v1034, 12 v526, 13 v1032, 14 v1032, 15 v1032, 17 v1032, 21 v1039, 22 v1294, 28 v1807, 30 v2576, 31 v3608, 33 v3608, 34 v3608, 35 v3608, 36 v3608, 37 v5663, 38 v4124, 41 v3348, 50 v4889, 53 v5663, 55 v5663, 56 v5662, 57 v5919, 58 v6175, 60 v6174, 61 v5661, 70 v6687 and 80 v6944.
And thoses "stub" IOSes, within their specific versions : IOS4v65280, IOS10v768, IOS11v10, IOS16v512, IOS20v12, IOS51v4633 and IOS254v260.
If your Wii does not have any IOS with trucha bug (if your Wii is 3.4 from origin or more), you will need IOS15 v1031 and v257.
IOs must be named this way : IOSX-64-vY.wad, where X and Y are respectively the version and revision number.

To update the System Menu, you need the file RVL-WiiSystemmenu-vX.wad, where X is 448 for 4.1J, 449 for 4.1U, 450 for 4.1E and 454 for 4.1K.
For Wii Shop, you need RVL-Shopping-v20.wad
For bc, RVL-bc-v6.wad
For MIOS, RVL-mios-v10.wad
For other channels, XY-NUS-vZ.wad, where X is the "type", Y the number and Z the version. By example for Mii Channel it's 1000248414341-NUS-v6.wad

For the cIOS installation:
- cIOS 249 : IOS 38 rev 4123
- cIOS 250 : IOS 57 rev 5918
- cIOS 202 : IOS 60 rev 6174
- cIOS 222 : IOS 38 rev 3867
- cIOS 223 : IOS 37 rev 3869
- cIOS 224 : IOS 57 rev 5661

- I got the preloader, will it work ?
If you are not in 4.1 and if you accept the installation of this system menu, you will need to reinstall the preloader and the specifics hacks to this version. Follow this (french) tutoriel to install and configure preloader : http://www.wii-info.fr/article-52-installe...e-preloader.htm

- I have the preloader and i got "system files are corrupted", what can I do ?
If you have the preloader, you must patch "ES_Identify" on the IOS used by this. For Wii 4.x, it's IOS60, else it's IOS 30. Leave the parameters by default if you don't know what you do.

- I have a custom theme, will it stay ?
If you change your Wii version, you will lose all themes and you will need to reinstall a compatible theme with the version of System Menu you have.

- I have cIOSCorp or equivalent installed (to read backup games from disc channel), what will happened ?
If you install IOSes, it will replace those installed by cIOSCorp and you will loose the ability to launch games via disc channel without modchip. But cIOSCorp isn't recommanded, you just need a loader like Neogamma to read backups. If you reinstall cIOSCorp, you will get your old IOS back then Pimp My Wii will tell you that they are outdated

- Should I upgrade my console to 4.1 ? I thougt I must stay to 3.2 ?
If you use this program to put your console to 4.1, you will have exactly the same advantages as a 3.2 Wii, but you will have the improvements of 4.1. You won't have any disadvantages to put your Wii to 4.1.

- Should I install all IOS asked ?
It is recommanded to install IOS indicated as "not present" and IOS 30, 34, 36 and 60. You should also leave parameters by default. If you install at least those, you will avoid most of problems.

- The other IOS, are they useless ?
For other IOS, patching them help launching Trucha Signed gamed on Wii with a modchip.

- I got a message saying that my Custom IOS is outdated, what can I do ?
Follow this (french) tutoriel to upgrade your cIOS : http://www.wii-info.fr/article-40-installe...-custom-ios.htm

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