Hacking Question URGH! I screwed up somewhere and hate myself for it.... SWITCH SOFT BRICK?


Active Member
Oct 11, 2019
United Kingdom
hello all,

UPDATE: following the thread on "boot_repair_package" and "unbrick_your_switch" from xbins I was able to flash 6.2 this in turn resulted in my fuse count going from 3 (from the 4.0.1 to 8 meaning the 6.2 update "worked".... i can still boot into RCM no problem but Atmosphere still doesnt work... also if i boot into OFW I now see the nintendo logo before a black screen (small step forward?)

I take that by the lack of replies im getting either im asking a question that has already been answered multiple times, and in this case i apologize for the repost (though I assure I have been googling this issue extensively), or there is nothing to say because there is no fix... though I still would appreciate if someone could confirm this....

so this is rather embarrassing but I must have screwed up somewhere, ill try to keep this short and to the point...

-original xaj40037 switch with 4.0.1 OFW pre-installed NO EXFAT SUPPORT (i think this is what ultimately screwed me over..).

-the initial jail-breaking process was smooth and easy and I was able to easy boot into atmosphers latest version.

-wanting to upgrade in order to use an exfat micro sd I used choix du jour to jump my system to 8.0.1 exfat...

-I then stupidly decided that I didnt want to stay on such a high firmware for the time being so i tried to downgrade back to 4.0.1 fat32

-once choix do jour had finished its downgrade i pressed "power off now" and when i tried to reboot into the system i would get an error screen from atmosphere (error code 4315 if i recall correctly)

I later learned that perhaps this error could have been simply fixed if i had booted my switch into safe mode...
after several hours of googling the error, it seemed my best solution was to flash my nand back up (yes I did do a raw dump thank god BUT i didnt dump my boot0/1 :cry:)
after having flashed my backup what i now see when I inject atmosphere is the atmosphere logo flash for like a second then black screen... when i press and hold the power button it flashes a couple times again and then eventually turns off.

I have tried following the guide from Rajkosto (kudos for the write up btw) to "recreate" the boot files from the downloaded firmware zipfile. but have had zero success. when i launch the FS_XXX option the switch gets stuck on the kosmos screen. I also tried to create an "noexfat" version of the file choix du jour outputs by adding --noexfat extension to --keyset=keys.txt fw. since i thought maybe the nand has in memory a fat32 system instead of the exfat present in the boot files?

I can boot into RCM with no problem but I can no longer boot into OFW (black screen)

I have been at it all day today trying to fix the issue and iv gone down so many rabbit holes my ears have started to grow....

in all my years of jailbreaking (psp (DIY pandora battery) ,wiiu,ds,ps4,xbox360(jtag)) I have never bricked a system this is rather frustrating for me....

EDIT: see update
Last edited by Calyptor,


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
hello all,

UPDATE: following the thread on "boot_repair_package" and "unbrick_your_switch" from xbins I was able to flash 6.2 this in turn resulted in my fuse count going from 3 (from the 4.0.1 to 8 meaning the 6.2 update "worked".... i can still boot into RCM no problem but Atmosphere still doesnt work... also if i boot into OFW I now see the nintendo logo before a black screen (small step forward?)

I take that by the lack of replies im getting either im asking a question that has already been answered multiple times, and in this case i apologize for the repost (though I assure I have been googling this issue extensively), or there is nothing to say because there is no fix... though I still would appreciate if someone could confirm this....

so this is rather embarrassing but I must have screwed up somewhere, ill try to keep this short and to the point...

-original xaj40037 switch with 4.0.1 OFW pre-installed NO EXFAT SUPPORT (i think this is what ultimately screwed me over..).

-the initial jail-breaking process was smooth and easy and I was able to easy boot into atmosphers latest version.

-wanting to upgrade in order to use an exfat micro sd I used choix du jour to jump my system to 8.0.1 exfat...

-I then stupidly decided that I didnt want to stay on such a high firmware for the time being so i tried to downgrade back to 4.0.1 fat32

-once choix do jour had finished its downgrade i pressed "power off now" and when i tried to reboot into the system i would get an error screen from atmosphere (error code 4315 if i recall correctly)

I later learned that perhaps this error could have been simply fixed if i had booted my switch into safe mode...
after several hours of googling the error, it seemed my best solution was to flash my nand back up (yes I did do a raw dump thank god BUT i didnt dump my boot0/1 :cry:)
after having flashed my backup what i now see when I inject atmosphere is the atmosphere logo flash for like a second then black screen... when i press and hold the power button it flashes a couple times again and then eventually turns off.

I have tried following the guide from Rajkosto (kudos for the write up btw) to "recreate" the boot files from the downloaded firmware zipfile. but have had zero success. when i launch the FS_XXX option the switch gets stuck on the kosmos screen. I also tried to create an "noexfat" version of the file choix du jour outputs by adding --noexfat extension to --keyset=keys.txt fw. since i thought maybe the nand has in memory a fat32 system instead of the exfat present in the boot files?

I can boot into RCM with no problem but I can no longer boot into OFW (black screen)

I have been at it all day today trying to fix the issue and iv gone down so many rabbit holes my ears have started to grow....

in all my years of jailbreaking (psp (DIY pandora battery) ,wiiu,ds,ps4,xbox360(jtag)) I have never bricked a system this is rather frustrating for me....

EDIT: see update
You have to initialize the console.


Active Member
Oct 11, 2019
United Kingdom
You have to initialize the console.
The for the reply drax although a little late. It was under warranty so I sent it back for repairs.... i have a second one I've already jailbroken and should Nintendo fix and patch the one I sent it's ok I'll gladly keep it on stock...

That being said you might want to look at jellygreenbean2 and his thread "Bricked switch" he was working on his friends console who had the exact same problem as me

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