I wanna do a UBERcast. What is a UBERCast you say? It was a TempCast that was going to be done by GBAtemp members, people of Game-Hackers.com, and a BioShock developer. So I'm Resurrecting it, because I have no better way to name this Unofficial Tempcast. Signups are here.
No clue when I'm gonna host it.
I just bought a new mic that'll be here soon. People that wanna join will be screened via Skype. If you pass the requirements, you will gain admission. I'm looking for 3, maybe 4 people in it. We'll have a set of topics to discuss, along with other random stuff.
Post, or PM me if you wanna sign up. xD
I just bought a new mic that'll be here soon. People that wanna join will be screened via Skype. If you pass the requirements, you will gain admission. I'm looking for 3, maybe 4 people in it. We'll have a set of topics to discuss, along with other random stuff.
A Microphone
A PC, or Mac.
(I'm looking for people without background noise.)
Temper Signups
A Microphone
A PC, or Mac.
(I'm looking for people without background noise.)
Temper Signups
Post, or PM me if you wanna sign up. xD