Hello GBATemp community! This is my first tutorial on how to make one of your Mii’s “special”! This means it will have gold pants and all of the heros you hire on Find Mii 1 & 2 will be level 5!
DISCLAIMER: I do not take credit for any programs used in this guide! I only take credit for MAKING the guide!
What you'll need:
• Cubic Ninja
• 3DS/XL/2DS with 9.2.0 or below WITH Ninjhax already installed
• Internet connection
• SD Card
• MrCheeze ‘s extData Dumper
All the files you will need have been compiled into this zip file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/863idp5wmh50c1v/Gold_Mii_Tools.zip?dl=0 And now, the good part:
STEP 1: Extract the msvcr120.dll file in the zip file I supplied to your desktop, along with fixcrc.exe Open the setup.exe file in the HxD folder to install HxD Extract the extdata_dump folder to sd:/3ds/ so Ninjhax can find it.
STEP 2: Make sure you only haveat least 2 Mii's in your plaza: your personal mii and the mii you want to use for streetpass to make "special" MAKE SURE THE MII YOU WANT TO EDIT HAS SHARING AND COPYING TURNED OFF Launch Ninjhax and open the extdata_dump application. Select the “Dump all extData to SD Card”, and wait for the process to finish. Now, plug your SD Card into your computer and navigate to sd:/3ds/extdata_dump/dumps/f000000b/. Find the CFL_DB.dat file and extract it to your desktop.
STEP 3: Open HxD, and you'll see your cleartext Mii's. Every 6 lines are one of your Mii's.
Look at the second 6 lines (lines 7-12) and find a byte "94". Change it to "14". Now save it to your Desktop. It will ask you to overwrite "CFL_DB.dat". Click yes. KEEP HXD OPEN! Now open a command prompt and type in this command:
STEP 4: In your command prompt type:
It will show you a message CRC = XXXX. It won't show XXXX but it will show a combination of letters and numbers. Write this down and close commad prompt.
STEP 5: Switch back to HxD and press CRTL and G at the same time. In this window type in C81E. PAY ATTENTION TO THIS IMAGE!:
Now save CFL_DB.dat to sd:/3ds/extdata_dump/.
STEP 6: Open up the extdata_dump via Ninjhax and select "Restore extData based on cinfig.txt" Wait for a "Success" message and then reboot your 3DS. Now open Mii Maker! Your Mii should have gold pants now! You can edit and export your gold Mii unlike any other gold Mii
Finally, open Streetpass Mii Plaza and change your Mii to the one you just edited!
DISCLAIMER: I do not take credit for any programs used in this guide! I only take credit for MAKING the guide!
What you'll need:
• Cubic Ninja
• 3DS/XL/2DS with 9.2.0 or below WITH Ninjhax already installed
• Internet connection
• SD Card
• MrCheeze ‘s extData Dumper
All the files you will need have been compiled into this zip file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/863idp5wmh50c1v/Gold_Mii_Tools.zip?dl=0 And now, the good part:
STEP 1: Extract the msvcr120.dll file in the zip file I supplied to your desktop, along with fixcrc.exe Open the setup.exe file in the HxD folder to install HxD Extract the extdata_dump folder to sd:/3ds/ so Ninjhax can find it.
STEP 2: Make sure you only haveat least 2 Mii's in your plaza: your personal mii and the mii you want to use for streetpass to make "special" MAKE SURE THE MII YOU WANT TO EDIT HAS SHARING AND COPYING TURNED OFF Launch Ninjhax and open the extdata_dump application. Select the “Dump all extData to SD Card”, and wait for the process to finish. Now, plug your SD Card into your computer and navigate to sd:/3ds/extdata_dump/dumps/f000000b/. Find the CFL_DB.dat file and extract it to your desktop.
STEP 3: Open HxD, and you'll see your cleartext Mii's. Every 6 lines are one of your Mii's.

Look at the second 6 lines (lines 7-12) and find a byte "94". Change it to "14". Now save it to your Desktop. It will ask you to overwrite "CFL_DB.dat". Click yes. KEEP HXD OPEN! Now open a command prompt and type in this command:
cd C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\Desktop
STEP 4: In your command prompt type:
fixcrc.exe CFL_DB.dat
STEP 5: Switch back to HxD and press CRTL and G at the same time. In this window type in C81E. PAY ATTENTION TO THIS IMAGE!:

STEP 6: Open up the extdata_dump via Ninjhax and select "Restore extData based on cinfig.txt" Wait for a "Success" message and then reboot your 3DS. Now open Mii Maker! Your Mii should have gold pants now! You can edit and export your gold Mii unlike any other gold Mii