TrolleyDaves Film 2009 #1


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
<b>TrolleyDaves Film 09 #1</b>

Welcome to the first post of what I hope to make a semi-regular thing, film news and reviews! I plan on reviewing new and classic films. I'll review Hollywoods output as well but I'll try and focus on stuff that not everyone might have seen/heard of.

For this post I've just reviewed 2 films, one full review and one quick review. In the future though I'll hopefully be reviewing 4 or 5 films in each one. If you've got a review you want to submit then send me a PM and I'll happily include it.

First up though is some movie news :

<i>Go to hell with your horror remakes!</i>
I honestly don't mind remakes of some horror films, while they're not always on par with the orginal sometimes they bring their own twist to the tale while still retaining what made the original scary. Usually though they're just complete and utter bollocks, missing the point of what made the original movie so scary/creepy. The Omen remake is a good example. Yes it had more gore, but where was the evil atmosphere. It's not just blood and guts that make a horror movie great, it's about the underlying evil and menace. It's one of the things that made Wes Cravens first outing The Last House On The Left one of my favourite films of all time.

It's just plain menacing, yes there's some violence in there (with a litle bit of gore) but that's not what makes it such a great horror. Kruge (David Hess) and Co. are evil, simple as. There's no relying on loud music during a quiet scene to offer you a scare, the characters themselves are the horror. That's why I died a little inside when I saw that they had remade it. The fact that they were doing escaped my radar, either that or my brain just wasn't capable of processing the fact that someone would be raping one of my favourite movies in the near future!

I've watched the trailer, and like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Omen the makers of this remake have completely missed the point of what made The Last House On The Left such a horrifying movie. Yes the plot is similar but from the looks of it they've missed the point. Why Hollywood why? Why must you take a film so full of chills and pure basic horror and turn it into a diluted mess that goes for style over substance? The original LHOTL had no real style, looking more like a home movie with a folk style soundtrack but damnit it was powerful.

<i>Friday The 13th</i>
Another one of my favourite films has been remade. While Friday The 13th was undoubtedly a slasher flick it also had a nice twist at the end which is what made it so original and
still stand up today. From what I've heard about the remake though that twist at the end has gone. Shame on you Hollywood remakers, shame on you!

<i>A Clockwork Orange not being remade - hooray!</i>
That's right folks, a remake of ACO was in the works but has now been cancelled. While the reasons for it not being remade are sad I'm happy as hell that it's not happening. It was being remade by Heath Ledger, who had planned to play Alex DeLarge. While there's no denying that Heath Ledger was a fantastic actor, he most definitely did not have the menace or the presence to carry off a character like Alex.

<i>Ip Man 2 going ahead!</i>
Ok, I know most of you probably haven't seen Ip Man yet but once you have you'll be happy the sequel is going ahead! It once again stars Donnie Yen in the main role and this time focuses on Ip Mans life in Hong Kong, including the portion of his life spent training Bruce Lee. The question I'm wondering though is will they show Bruce Lee in an idolized form or will it show him in a realistic light?

<b><i>Ip Man (2008)</i></b>

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Directed by : Wilson Yip
Stars : Donnie Yen (Drunken Tai Chi, SPL), Simon Yam (Election, SPL)
IMDB : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

This story was a long time coming! It's the first film based on the story of one of the greatest Wing Chun masters, Yip Man - the same master that taught Bruce Lee. While this story may upset a few because it makes no reference to Bruce Lee, it is one of the greatest martial arts movies of all time.

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I've always been a big fan of Donnie Yen, more so than Bruce Lee, Jet Li and Jackie Chan. His martial arts ability is outstanding and always an impressive watch. What makes him really stand out above the names more nomrally known to western audiences is the fact that his acting ability is just as strong as his martial arts ability. His ability to suck you into the characters he plays is astounding and can make you feel for the character he's playing even when he's beating someone to death with a bloodied pair of fists! In this one he really shines and shows you why he should be more famous than Jet Li! He plays the Ip Man character with such heart that he really draws you into the role, the range of emotion he shows is incredible and it's what sets this martial arts masterpiece miles above the usual.

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

The film is set during the Japanese occupation of China and tells the story of why Ip Man had to flee from his hometown in mainland China to Hong Kong. The film starts out by introducing us to Ip Man through his family life, his martial arts ability and his friends. He is a peaceful, non-violent man at heart who even when challenged to duels strives to take the least violent route to a win.

This all changes though when the Japanese invade and turn Ip Mans home town upside down. Still promoting peace even through the tyranny that was the Japanese occupation of China his mind is changed when he witnesses the brutal shooting of another Chinese martial arts master at the hands of a Japanese soldier. For most people this is where the film will start, as this is where the fighting really starts. Ip Man then challenges, and destroys, 10 Japanese soldiers.

The general is so impressed by Ip Mans ability he demands that he begins training the Japanese army. Ip Man declines and the general then challenges him to a duel, which Ip Man declines. He then goes into hiding and a hunt for him by the Japanese general begins which eventually ends in Ip Man and the general fighting a duel in the town center and Ip Man fleeing mainland China.

Yes, it all sounds standard martial arts movie fare but it really isn't. The film has alot of heart, and the Ip Man character is deep. The film doesn't focus solely on the martial arts element of Ip Mans life, it focuses on what made him so great. His wisdom, his knowledge, his personality and his kindness. Here was a man capable of overwhelming fighting ability yet even when faced with a duel with another martial arts master he chooses the peaceful path each time, even during duels!

Don't get me wrong though, there's plenty of violence in this flick. It's also some of the most brutal and honest martial arts violence I've seen in a film. When people get hit they don't just fly back, roll over and become unconcious. Limbs and bones break, blood and teeth fly and opponents are destroyed quickly and brutally. There are moments in the action where you'll be wondering if the stuntmen were paid extra by the production team to take real punches! I did at least!

The film is beautifully shot, and contains all the style of the usual Wilson Yip film. As I never lived in China during the Japanese occupation I can't say whether it captures it perfectly or not, but it definitely looks great! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> You'll find yourself drawn into the story visually with each shot looking like time was spent figuring out the perfect angle and lighting. It almost reminds of a Kubrick film with the amount of attention paid to them. The soundtrack is also perfect for the film, while it doesn't contain any music as memorable as the theme to Once Upon A Time In China it is fantastic and helps draw you further into the story.

All in all this is an incredible film, not just as a martial arts film but also as a story of struggle, survival and the wisdom of peace. Even if you're not a fan of the genre you will probably still be drawn in by the great performances, characters and story. If you're a fan of the genre then all I can say is you've never seen anything like this! The fighting is spectacular, and spectacularly brutal!

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Overall : 10/10 - This is a must see for fans of the genre, the balance of story, characters and action are perfect. The fight scenes are incredible.

<b><i>Quick review : Rocknrolla (2008)</i></b>

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Directed by : Guy Ritchie
Stars : Tom Wilkinson (The Full Monty, Batman Begins), Gerard Butler (300, Reign Of Fire)

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

TrolleyDave says :
'At last Guy Ritchie returns to making the type of film he makes best, the bumbling crime caper comedy. While I enjoyed Revolver to some extent Ritchie tried to be smarter than his actual brainpower. Full of pointless twists that weren't really as clever as he thought.

Not with Rocknrolla though! This a return to idiotic criminals and their bumbling antics. The main character is a "fixer", someone who uses their contacts to ensure that councils give planning permission and that kind of thing. The character has made a deal with Russian gangster to get him planning permission for a building. The Russian mobster then lends him a painting and the that's where the cockney fixers problems really begin.

Like Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels the plotline is intricate and each characters storyline interweaves with all the other characters. Like Snatch there is ALOT going on. This is why I don't want to tell you much about the story, each event that happens in the film has a kind of cause and effect so telling you something may actually ruin certain moments for you! If you've seen Snatch you'll know exactly what I mean.

What I'll do instead is tell that it's one of the funniest films I've seen recently and I would rate it as highly as I rate Snatch. It's fast paced, contains some stellar dialogue and the story never bores you. Put it this way, by the middle of the opening monologue I switched off the 360 and started paying attention. Then by the the time the opening titles had started I was gripped.

The dialogue is sharp, funny and classic Guy Ritchie. The film has a similar visual style to Snatch, where it's quick, bright and loud rather than the subtle, casual style of Lock Stock. The dialogue is heavy on the cockney and the accents are quite thick on some, Gerard Butlers Scottish accent is strong, so Americans may need the occasional subtitle use.'

p1ngy says :
'So I watched RockNRolla, it was good, a lot better then Revolver thats for sure, I didnt switch this one off like I did with Revolver at least. However Im not sure that its that great either, I liked where Guy Ritchie is going with this, but at times I found myself loosing interest in it. It definitely has its moments but at times I thought it dragged a bit. I liked how this film had less slapstick and stupidity then say Snatch did, the dialogue was a bit less forced then his other films too. Less over the top cockney stereotypical dialogue then usual, but I dont know, I found it lacked something, that little oomph you get from Guy Ritchie at his best. I wouldnt say its that hilarious either, like the way you made out in your review, yeah it had humorous moments, a few classic lines and some nice visual gags. But I wouldnt really class it as a comedy the way I would with Lock Stock or Snatch.
Im a bit on the fence with this one, I didnt hate it, but I dont think I would watch it again either. Basically if someone asked me about RockNRolla I think I would just say "Its ok"'

Rating : 8/10 - All in all a very enjoyable comedy in the usual Guy Ritchie style.

Next time I'll hopefully be reviewing some new films as well as Redneck Zombies, The Promise and The Orphanage.


Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
Very nice thread mate, I shall give it a proper read later when I have a bit more time. Ip Man looks interesting, I shall have to check that one out. Have you watched The Wrestler with Mickey Rourke? I watched it the other day, its a really great film. People are even saying Mickey might be in line for an Oscar. If you ever enjoyed watching wrestling, and know what its like behind the scenes I would recommend it.



Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
I keep meaning to grab it to watch but haven't got around to it yet. I've always been a fan of Mickey Rourke to be honest, the guy's got alot of heart and he's a damned good actor really. He's been in some crap films but he's always been good in them. I've just put The Wrestler in my queue now, will try and watch it tomorrow.

You've also gotta have respect for Mickey Rourke for dropping his acting career to become a boxer. He was a pretty shit boxer but he didn't give up after getting punched a few times like you'd expect from an actor.


Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
I always loved Mickey Rourke ever since his come back in Sin City, I havent seen much of his earlier stuff, Ive seen Angel Heart, thats was ok I guess. But yeah definitely watch The Wrestler, I might watch it again today in fact.

More info on Mickeys boxing carer lol

edit: Im getting a 720p rip of Rocknrolla now, should be in by tonight so I shall give you my opinion on that!

(I hated Revolver btw)


Gbatemp's Chocolate Bear
Jun 2, 2007
Sacred Heart
This is a really nice review and I in myu opinion it was probably anything but quick. You've just reminded me that I still haven't seen rocknrolla even though I was really excited about it. Its a pretty slow day at work so I might be able to watch it today
I'll be sure to check out IP man. The last martial arts flick I saw was.... I can't even remember.

I'll be looking forward to your reviews, keep em coming


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2007
Visit site
re: FRIDAY 13th films the first couple were ok (there's 10 in the series) but JASON X was just damn atrocious!

It's laughable and a total waste of time and efforts by the industry!

If they are going to remake it then they better use a different director and production company to JASON X!

thanks for the review of IP MAN ..... I've been debating about that one for a while now I'm going to watch it

I've still got to watch ROCK N ROLLA too sometime soon ....there's a few good action movies out lately like Transporter 3 I still need to get through lol


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
p1ngpong said:
I always loved Mickey Rourke ever since his come back in Sin City, I havent seen much of his earlier stuff, Ive seen Angel Heart, thats was ok I guess. But yeah definitely watch The Wrestler, I might watch it again today in fact.

More info on Mickeys boxing carer lol
edit: Im getting a 720p rip of Rocknrolla now, should be in by tonight so I shall give you my opinion on that!

(I hated Revolver btw)

I really enjoyed Angel Heart. It had a smart story, even if it was a little predictable by the end, good acting and great atmosphere. I'd give it about a 7. Most of his early career was basically based on the way he looked but he was a pretty good actor. That's why I had loads of respect for him when he turned to boxing. He was the pretty boy of that generation but didn't let it stop him from getting into a ring and having the shit pounded out of him, he definitely looks alot different now!
Have you seen the movie Spun? That was the first thing I saw him in when he came back to acting. Fantastic part and a great movie.

Let me know what you think of Rocknrolla, I know people that haven't enjoyed it at all. If you think totally the opposite of me do you fancy knocking together a review for me to post in the next one? Revolver had some good ideas, just really shittily done. If it was in the hands of a decent writer/director, someone who's used to doing that kind of film (can't think of one at the mo though!), it probably would have been passable but the end result from Ritchie was just poor.

Xcalibur said:
This is a really nice review and I in myu opinion it was probably anything but quick. You've just reminded me that I still haven't seen rocknrolla even though I was really excited about it. Its a pretty slow day at work so I might be able to watch it today
I'll be sure to check out IP man. The last martial arts flick I saw was.... I can't even remember.

I'll be looking forward to your reviews, keep em coming

Cheers Xcali mate!
The reviews took me a while to write, by quick review I just mean that there's no real details about the film itself just what I thought of it. I'll probably include 1 or 2 in each one along with a few proper reviews kind of thing. If you liked Snatch and Lock Stock you'll definitely enjoy Rocknrolla. I'd forgotten all about it until I saw it. I have to admit I was in two minds about it just because of how bad Revolver was but really enjoyed it after watching it. I'll probably pick it up when it's around a fiver.

kobykaan said:
re: FRIDAY 13th films the first couple were ok (there's 10 in the series) but JASON X was just damn atrocious!
It's laughable and a total waste of time and efforts by the industry!
If they are going to remake it then they better use a different director and production company to JASON X!
thanks for the review of IP MAN ..... I've been debating about that one for a while now I'm going to watch it

I've still got to watch ROCK N ROLLA too sometime soon ....there's a few good action movies out lately like Transporter 3 I still need to get through lol

I loved the first couple of Friday movies but once Sean S Cunningham (who also wrote the original Last House On The Left with Wes Craven!) handed over the franchise it went downhill fast. It went from being horror to straight up slasher flick. I liked the first because it was kind of a horror/mystery cross and I never saw the twist at the end coming. I read an interview with one of the writers not long ago that said something like "This one is for the fans, it's all about Jason". Obviously not one for the fans if they've changed it that much!

Ip Man is definitely worth the watch. I know not everyone is going to agree with my 10/10 but for me it's the perfect martial arts film. The closest you can compare it to really is Fearless because it's got a similar big budget feel to it and it's roughly a similar story line, but it has more of a Once Upon A Time In China feel to it when it comes to character depth and pacing.

Check out Rocknrolla for sure if you're into Snatch and Lock Stock, I don't think you'll be disappointed. One of my mates didn't like it but he's really only it action movies, if the story get's too intricate he get's lost so I think it's more he couldn't keep up with what was going on. I watched Transporter 3 recently, it was ok. I was never that big of a Transporter fan though. They were good, just not great. I'd say Transporter 3 was better then 2 but not quite as good as the first.

QUOTE(Orc @ Jan 18 2009, 03:34 PM)
Gonna check Ip Man.
Coincidentially, I just watched The Wrestler and RocknRolla (along with Slumdog Millionaire).

What did you think of them? I've got Slumdog Millionaire sat here but not had a chance to watch it yet. It sounded really interesting, and to be honest I really enjoy a good feelgood movie.


Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
Sure I will say what I think of it tomorrow, this 6 gig mkv is storming in at 1.0mb a second right now. If I really think the film is bad I dont mind doing you a review saying exactly why. As for Revolver, to be honest I reckon the director of Layer Cake Matthew Vaughn might have done a decent job with it, layer cake is basically a Guy Ritchie film done seriously. I liked Snatch and Lock Stock, but not enough to make me think that Guy Ritchie is anything more then a one trick pony fad director.


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
p1ngpong said:
Sure I will say what I think of it tomorrow, this 6 gig mkv is storming in at 1.0mb a second right now. If I really think the film is bad I dont mind doing you a review saying exactly why. As for Revolver, to be honest I reckon the director of Layer Cake Matthew Vaughn might have done a decent job with it, layer cake is basically a Guy Ritchie film done seriously. I liked Snatch and Lock Stock, but not enough to make me think that Guy Ritchie is anything more then a one trick pony fad director.

Yeah I agree about Ritchie, I don't think he'll ever do any decent films apart from the idiotic criminal type. They're kind of like amped up Only Fools and Horses. He does them well though. I give him about 3 more flicks like these before I start getting bored with them. He's a great dialogue writer though, and he can spin a pretty complicated yarn, but I reckon he'd make a much better co-writer then main writer. Oh yeah, when you watch it keep an eye out for character called Tank, it's the actor who played Cass Pennant looking alot different!

Good choice with the Layer Cake director, I think you might be right. Layer Cake was a great film. Really well paced, great characters and great story. I'm not overly keen on Daniel Craig but he's fantastic in it. Have you seen the movie Gangster No. 1?


Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
Yeah I saw Gangster Number 1, I love that film! Its one of those great films that never got the recognition it deserves. Its definitely the best performance Ive seen Paul Bettany give, and as always our mate Malcolm McDowell is a complete loon living in his own little world lol If you have it on legit DVD check out the Directors commentary on it, I found it really interesting!


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
p1ngpong said:
Yeah I saw Gangster Number 1, I love that film! Its one of those great films that never got the recognition it deserves. Its definitely the best performance Ive seen Paul Bettany give, and as always our mate Malcolm McDowell is a complete loon living in his own little world lol If you have it on legit DVD check out the Directors commentary on it, I found it really interesting!

Good man! I fucking love the film, although admittedly I still ain't picked it up on DVD. I've still got my trusty old VHS tape, I think I may have to order it on DVD now though if it's got a good commentary. Paul Bettany is fantastic in it. A couple of my ex-girlfriends said I resembled Paul Bettany's character when it first came out. Mostly it was the scene where they're at the bar and Bettany is staring at the other guys bodyguard, the "Go on, look into my eyes" bit. They said that's how I get when I'm really pissed off with someone. Not really something to be proud of, hence the changing of my ways.

Malcolm McDowell was outstanding as always, I loved the opening monologue whe he was taking a slash. Another one of those roles that nobody but him could have played. David Thewliss was great in it as well, so calm and businesslike but so ruthless. It's a shame McGuigan didn't really make any more like it. Lucky Number Slevin was good but it was more comedy like.


Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
Yeah definitely worth it on DVD must cost next to nothing now. Also have you seen a film called Brother? With Beat Takeshi from "Takeshi's castle" fame? He wrote and directed it, really great little film that, its another one barely anyone has heard of. To be honest if your doing more reviews and want me to do one, I would love to do this one!


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
p1ngpong said:
Yeah definitely worth it on DVD must cost next to nothing now. Also have you seen a film called Brother? With Beat Takeshi from "Takeshi's castle" fame? He wrote and directed it, really great little film that, its another one barely anyone has heard of. To be honest if your doing more reviews and want me to do one, I would love to do this one!

Heh, another fantastic choice! I have the R3 sat in my collection. I picked it up from YesAsia for next to nothing and was well impressed. I'm a big fan of Beat Takeshi and hadn't heard of it so bought. I thought at first it was going to be pretty average just cos it was so unknown and it turned out to be a hell of a watch. He can't half play a mean bastard well! Great story to it as well, plenty of twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat but all done through storytelling rather than imagery if you know what I mean, If you want to write a review of it that would be awesome mate, it's definitely a film that deserves to be more well known.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2007
Visit site
Yeah I like Lock Stock and ....Sure mate I like "DAGS"! .....

oh that reminds me Dave ....know anyone that wants to buy a 'TARTS' palace!?

(If anyone is reading this and haven't watched 'Snatch' then you will not have a clue what I'm talking about! .. suggest WATCH IT! )

watched both loads of times

Going to watch Rock n Rolla later no doubt and IP MAN tomorrow


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Thanks for the Ip Man suggestion, the last new martial arts film I watched and liked was some of the Tony Jaa stuff (and that is not even "pirates apathy"). Am I mistaken in thinking this was the films that was dubbed in Cantonese for parts where it was supposed to be Mandarin? while I am hard pressed to tell the difference at a glance during the best of times I may wait until a different version appears (I also hear the transfer was not so hot being one of the first internally distributed Chinese films and all).

Rock'n'rolla. Saw it the other day, perhaps not as good as Snatch and/or Lock stock in as much as we will probably not be talking about it in 10 years time but well worth the effort and better than most of the other stuff I have seen recently.

Horror remakes. I think the last remake I saw was Dawn of the Dead (which I really enjoyed) but I avoid all others without thinking about it.
This being said I am hard pressed to find decent horror films coming out of hollywood, remake or not, ever.


Literally as TIGHT as a gnats chuff.
Former Staff
Oct 12, 2004
United States
I saw the remake to My Bloody Valentine, very good mindless fun, what remakes should be but sadly most are bollocks.


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
FAST6191 said:
Thanks for the Ip Man suggestion, the last new martial arts film I watched and liked was some of the Tony Jaa stuff (and that is not even "pirates apathy"). Am I mistaken in thinking this was the films that was dubbed in Cantonese for parts where it was supposed to be Mandarin? while I am hard pressed to tell the difference at a glance during the best of times I may wait until a different version appears (I also hear the transfer was not so hot being one of the first internally distributed Chinese films and all).

Rock'n'rolla. Saw it the other day, perhaps not as good as Snatch and/or Lock stock in as much as we will probably not be talking about it in 10 years time but well worth the effort and better than most of the other stuff I have seen recently.

Horror remakes. I think the last remake I saw was Dawn of the Dead (which I really enjoyed) but I avoid all others without thinking about it.
This being said I am hard pressed to find decent horror films coming out of hollywood, remake or not, ever.

Part of the Ip Man dubbing problems were over some regional accents. One of the Chinese characters in it was from a particular region and with it being a state funded film they decided to redub it into a non-regional accent so that the people of that area didn't get offended. The state also made them change the end and a couple of other scenes slightly. Here's part of the statement the producers issued :

"In the original movie, the northern martial artist Jin Shanzhao had a very loud and thick Shandong accent that is consistent with the image of the tough northerners. But Jin Shanzhao ultimately ratted on master Ip Man to the Japanese military. As such, it may hurt the feelings of the compatriots in Shandong. After some serious deliberations, the released movie "Ip Man" was re-dubbed so that Jin Shanzhao was not clearly from Shandong."

There is a Mandarin only dub but there's a Canto/Mandarin dub as well. The one I saw was the Canto/Mandarin dub. There's complaints from people who watched it saying the dubbig is terrible but it's just that the dvdscr released by whoever it was was out of sync by about 100ms. With it being non-English people just thought it was poorly dubbed lol. I added a 100ms delay and it synced up perfectly. There's the odd bit of bad dubbing where the Jin Shanzhao character has been redubbed but the rest of it in the Canto/Mandarin dub is fine. The quality is ok, I didn't really notice any problems with it. The rip I saw was a little dark and maybe not as sharp as a retail DVD but I couldn't find it on YesAsia or PlayAsia so I'm not sure if it's been released retail yet and let's face it, the Chinese government isn't going to spend alot money on a screener. Usually the state funded films (The Promise, Mountains of Tai Hang) have great transfers when released retail. If you're looking for another good one to watch check out Chocolate. It's from the director of the Tony Jaa films. Make sure to get the Thai version though, the international film is 18 minutes shorter and like the Tony Jaa films has a different soundtrack.

I loved the Dawn of the Dead remake! I don't mind a horror remake when it's like that. The writers/directors kept the same kind of atmosphere, respected the originals story/idea and gave it their own twist. The clips I've seen of Last House made it look more a Death Wish style action movie, and they've changed the way the main characters are. Kruge is no longer just plain evil, he's just your typical bully. I don't know if you've seen the original?

QUOTE(Hadrian Uranium @ Jan 19 2009, 02:33 PM) I saw the remake to My Bloody Valentine, very good mindless fun, what remakes should be but sadly most are bollocks.

Nice, I'll probably check it out when it hit's DVD. Did you see it at the pics?


Literally as TIGHT as a gnats chuff.
Former Staff
Oct 12, 2004
United States
TrolleyDave said:
Nice, I'll probably check it out when it hit's DVD. Did you see it at the pics?
Yeah my mate gets me free tickets, and also in 3D which was really great, no cheap tricks like things jumping out to scare you. The effect was more like you're watching a play.


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
Hadrian Uranium said:
TrolleyDave said:
Nice, I'll probably check it out when it hit's DVD. Did you see it at the pics?
Yeah my mate gets me free tickets, and also in 3D which was really great, no cheap tricks like things jumping out to scare you. The effect was more like you're watching a play.

That sounds pretty cool, I'm gutted I'll only be able to catch it on DVD now. I haven't seen a decent 3D film in years, although they were more the gimmicky 3D type stuff.

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Im downloading fallout 3 goty edition
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm downloading more ram for my hamster pc
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    New hamster PC, with anal operation and BT connectivity!
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
    the player dies?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Squeeze your cheeks twice to answer calls!
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
  • Spider2190 @ Spider2190:
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @Spider2190, hi